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Personalized license plates

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Here in the US, most states will allow us to pick our license plate numbers/letters for a fee. Recently a sister in our congregation needed new plates and got "jw org". Am I wrong in thinking this might not be a very good idea?


She is very proud that she was able to get them and feels like she is giving a huge witness but I'm afraid it may actually backfire on her (no pun intended).


Thoughts - pro/con?


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1 hour ago, a2zkiddos said:


Here in the US, most states will allow us to pick our license plate numbers/letters for a fee. Recently a sister in our congregation needed new plates and got "jw org". Am I wrong in thinking this might not be a very good idea?


She is very proud that she was able to get them and feels like she is giving a huge witness but I'm afraid it may actually backfire on her (no pun intended).


Thoughts - pro/con?


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I wonder that logo has a copyright? She need to ask the brothers.

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Oh my goodness. That’s the same place different ones put all sorts of nonsense. 
And, remember when we went to convention, we would put a magazine in our window. For whatever reason, that became a no-no. 
Never mind there are ones who have a very strong dislike for us. I can see an invitation of malicious damage. 
Worship is worship. Car plates are car plates. 
That’s that!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Never mind there are ones who have a very strong dislike for us. I can see an invitation of malicious damage. 

That was my thought too. I feel like she put a big ole target on her car.

Any traffic transgressions will automatically reflect negatively on Jehovah's name. I've ridden with her so this is well within the realm of possibility.

Thirdly, a CO that we had 5 or 6 years ago discouraged the use of vanity plates because they were easier for householders to remember and identify. Possibly for reporting to authorities, malicious mischief or even just making it easier to know that we were in the neighborhood turning them into "hbh".

I just can't help but feel that it was just not a good idea

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We are not "fanatical" preachers, and do not want attract unnecessary attention or even mocking "O here it is that jw.org lady again" :facepalmpo2:

We preach in a respectful and orderly manner. You can look long and hard, but you will not find any encouragement to get involved in this type of "witnessing" 

For me this jw.org plate is bit too much. 

Once we go back on carts, jw.org will be visible to public again. 


I hope she keeps her car clean, as it is "dedicated" now LOL 🤣

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Here in the US, most states will allow us to pick our license plate numbers/letters for a fee. Recently a sister in our congregation needed new plates and got "jw org". Am I wrong in thinking this might not be a very good idea?
She is very proud that she was able to get them and feels like she is giving a huge witness but I'm afraid it may actually backfire on her (no pun intended).
Thoughts - pro/con?
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For free?!?! Wow!!! Here in Ontario, Canada personalized plates (or vanity plates as they are called here lol) are brutally expensive:

For passenger or commercial vehicles:
•2 to 8 characters (letters and/or numbers) without a graphic - $310
•2 to 6 characters (letters and/or numbers) with a graphic - $336.40

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For free?!?! Wow!!! Here in Ontario, Canada personalized plates (or vanity plates as they are called here lol) are brutally expensive:

For passenger or commercial vehicles:
•2 to 8 characters (letters and/or numbers) without a graphic - $310
•2 to 6 characters (letters and/or numbers) with a graphic - $336.40

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No for a fee. I guess the cost depends on the state. Here is $25 - $50/year.

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On 4/11/2022 at 4:11 AM, a2zkiddos said:

Any traffic transgressions will automatically reflect negatively on Jehovah's name. I've ridden with her so this is well within the realm of possibility.

True, but the organization do own trucks or vans with our logo. Accidents could happen anytime and anyone could point their finger, although I am sure the brothers who are assigned to drive the trucks are extra careful and experienced. But we are on display 24/7.  Our neighbors are also aware of our every move. If something were to happen, and it required police, etc., our good and perhaps even apologetic attitude would make-up for a negative situation. Maybe if we were under ban, it might not be such a good idea, but plenty of businesses display stickers on their cars. Don’t see the fanaticism in advertising the website, and don’t equate it to the Jesus stickers either.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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On 4/11/2022 at 8:23 AM, a2zkiddos said:

Here in the US, most states will allow us to pick our license plate numbers/letters for a fee. Recently a sister in our congregation needed new plates and got "jw org". Am I wrong in thinking this might not be a very good idea?


No offense intended to the sister in question, but that does seem awfully presumptuous.


Would the Governing Body drive around with JW.ORG plates? Do they draw attention to themselves in such ways?


In what manner did Jesus ride into Jerusalem to announce his arrival as King? (We covered this a couple of days ago in our Memorial Bible reading).


Drawing attention to oneself like this unfortunately may be indicative of a rather shallow way of thinking.


Without being too harsh, it is more a thing that we would expect from a representative of false religion. Consider Jesus' words at Matt 23:5.



- If in your travels you chance upon an angry little garden, Run!!!

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It might be a good idea to check with the Branch to make sure having such a plate is not some sort of Copyright infringement ... asking the Branch would definitely shed the proper light on this :yes: 

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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The contrasting opinions about this are very interesting.


On one hand we have been encouraged to wear our convention badges in the community during conventions, we participate in cart work, we freely share tracts, invitations, magazines with JW.org on them. We see brothers told by the Branch to hold JW.org signs at national borders and we see placards on vehicles during disasters. Kingdom Halls, Assembly Halls and trucks have JW.org on them. We see friends making personal decisions to use JW.org buttons, pens, notebooks and tie bars. We even saw a sister wear a JW.org pin on national TV. It's nice to see JW.org getting shared as much as possible.


On the other hand . we are reminded that we need to conduct ourselves in a dignified manner and to always represent Jehovah respectfully no matter where we are or what we are doing. So some feel a license plate displaying JW.ORG is presumptuous, fanatical, shallow and draws unnecessary attention to the person.


All valid points. It will be interesting to see more opinions on this.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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50 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

On one hand we have been encouraged to wear our convention badges in the community during conventions, we participate in cart work, we freely share tracts, invitations, magazines with JW.org on them

Ahem, also car bumber stickers 😮


A nice 4 1/2" x 20" sticky back eye-catching fluorescent coloured bumper sticker for your car 🙂


Our Kingdom Ministry, June 1969, page 7, paragraph 14:



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6 hours ago, Parale said:

Ahem, also car bumber stickers 😮


A nice 4 1/2" x 20" sticky back eye-catching fluorescent coloured bumper sticker for your car 🙂


Our Kingdom Ministry, June 1969, page 7, paragraph 14:



Yeah, I see lots of JW.ORG bumper stickers and it's a good idea. Not quite so big now.


Totally different thing to personalized plates which may be seen to denote an official representative of an organization.



- If in your travels you chance upon an angry little garden, Run!!!

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When crossing the country for the big NY conventions everybody had a bumper sticker for the convention. 

A few ignored the direction and put many bumper stickers all over their cars. Instruction was one per car and it was for the chome bumper, not the painted surface. Many found out the hard way that it is best to follow instruction. After 2 weeks in the sun the paint came off with the bumper stickers. :cry:

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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On 4/11/2022 at 9:27 AM, Dustparticle said:

I wonder that logo has a copyright? She need to ask the brothers.

I think you meant Trademark, but that is a very good point. This is definitely an issue when it comes to personalized plates.


Here in Australia they do not allow "Plate Content that infringes, or potentially infringes, any third party’s rights including intellectual property rights and/or implies or falsely represents a connection with any third party business." 


I'm assuming this also includes plates that might make it appear that someone is an "official representative" when this is not actually the case.


JW.ORG is currently a registered trademark, it would absolutely be the correct thing to do to ask the branch first before proceeding (and I think we all know what their answer would be!)




The fact that it is a Trademark is also pointed out here in this Questions From Readers:





Edited by Suspended in Time

- If in your travels you chance upon an angry little garden, Run!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I knew of a brother who had as his number plate JW-144 (these are initialised B&W plates for NSW Australia). Also it was on a white Holden Statesman (for other folk - at that time the Holden Statesman was the top line vehicle for Holden). He was questioned about this by many, but it happens to be that his initials was JW, and the date of birth was 14th April.


However, there was also going a round in NSW a vehicle that had the old yellow and black plates - JAH-144. This however was not a witness owned car.


When I owned my Mazda 323 (or GLC), it had very faded yellow and black plates on it, and being a "P" plater at the time, I used to get pulled up by the police who used to check over the vehicle. They couldn't fault me for anything on the car, but the plates. However, there was a period of time where there was a bad batch of plates where produced where the yellow reflective paint faded (between the L??-??? and O??-???) and my car had one of these. As the plates where to property of the State Govt department that issued them, you were not allowed to paint them or alter them at all, as it was a criminal offense. But you could get them replaced for a fee, which I refused to pay ($52 at that time) which under Australia Consumer Law, if the product is not fit for purpose, you show get a replacement for free (or a refund - but you couldn't for this case). This was my argument with this department.


So everytime a police officer pulled me up and spoke about the plates, I told them to write the ticket out to the RTA (that was the department name known back them that issued them) and hopefully they will replace to plates for free. Also, under the NSW traffic laws at the time, they were not obstructed, and were visible, so I couldn't be fined for that. But because they were faded, there was not rules against it. And as the vehicle here in NSW had to go through a yearly inspection check, the number plates pass this inspection, as they are not obstructed. So the police couldn't fine me for it, and most sided with my explaination as well. If the RTA would replace them for free, I would have done so, even at the time I purchased the vehicle.


About a year later, I had resprayed the vehicle and I purchased a set of premium plates for a one off fee (basically paying for the plate production itself), which were white with black writing, narrower than the standard plates and you can pick the lettering and numbers as long as you did it in the following sequence LLL-NNL, but you couldn't have an I or and O as the last letter. So I had chosen PAB-09S which is then translated as Pabo's. It had suited the car, as they did stand out in the gun metal grey background on the tail end. I had them for a time when I was able to transfer them to a VW Polo I owned later, which that car was written off some time later (someone rear ended me) and I wasn't able to retain those plates. However, I can still re-apply for them as they are still available, but now it will cost me about $474 extra per year to have a vehicle.


The ironic happened a couple of years later after i got my premium plates, the RTA had a replacement number place amnesty where you could replace your faded plates for free! My old man had a set on his van and got them replaced, and my step-son had plates from an old car that he had which were showing the signs of age and got his set replaced for free.

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I think the problem some brothers are having is either a lack of confidence to identify with their faith "everywhere" they go or  it could be a tendency towards compromising bible standards in daily activities,Just like some JW youths who hide their identity when they come to university campus.


This situation with the plate number can be likened to an informal witnessing,
but not every brother have the confidence to do informal witnessing like we all know,which may be the reason why some are not comfortable with the plate number thing.

trust me,informal witnessing can take many unusual and very challenging forms.


Two very  important qualities to have as a JW are "Courage" to always speak for the truth and "Commitment"to always live by bible standards.

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On 4/11/2022 at 3:22 AM, Miss Bea said:

 there are ones who have a very strong dislike for us. I can see an invitation of malicious damage. 
Worship is worship. Car plates are car plates. 
That’s that!

are you suggesting that  those opposers dont see us in their neighborhoods almost every week during house to house and RVs? I think they do,maybe even alot more often than seeing a personalized plate number with a JW.org on it.

so a plate number with Jw.org may not really make any difference.


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If someone were to get a personalized tag that says "Microsoft" or "Google" it is quite possible that the corporation that owns that name may have something to say about it. If someone wanted such a tag it would most likely involve getting permission from that company before getting such a plate.


The same should hold true of getting a plate with Jehovah's name or jw.org on it - permission from the organization should be requested before such a plate is gotten.


The question could be asked, had this person asked the Branch - would they have been told it was OK to get such a plate? The possibility of being told "no" may keep people from asking the Branch for direction/permission beforehand.



"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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5 hours ago, Ishaya said:

are you suggesting that  those opposers dont see us in their neighborhoods almost every week during house to house and RVs? I think they do,maybe even alot more often than seeing a personalized plate number with a JW.org on it.

so a plate number with Jw.org may not really make any difference.


That vehicle with a personalized plate gets left in a big ol parking lot, how many times? All kinds of thought out there, and, sometimes, it’s easier when you can sneak and show what you think. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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4 hours ago, Qapla said:

If someone were to get a personalized tag that says "Microsoft" or "Google" it is quite possible that the corporation that owns that name may have something to say about it. If someone wanted such a tag it would most likely involve getting permission from that company before getting such a plate.


The same should hold true of getting a plate with Jehovah's name or jw.org on it - permission from the organization should be requested before such a plate is gotten.


The question could be asked, had this person asked the Branch - would they have been told it was OK to get such a plate? The possibility of being told "no" may keep people from asking the Branch for direction/permission beforehand.



This is true. Besides, what if someone had a plate, “Hate JW’s”. I just think we are stepping over in territory unknown, and perhaps it should stay unknown. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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