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US files war crime charges against Russians accused of torturing an American in the Ukraine invasion


 The Justice Department on Wednesday said it has filed war crime charges against four members of the Russian military accused of abducting and torturing an American during the invasion of Ukraine in a case that's the first of its kind.

 The case marks the first time the U.S. has filed war crime charges in the victimization of an American, he said.

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8 hours ago, GeordieGirl said:


Please would you put links in your comments when quoting from any source.  I, too, am unable to find the reference you refer to in your comment.


I'm the only one here that doesn't know how to include links.  :facepalmpo2: Seriously, that's how un-tech savvy I am.  I wish some one would post a tutorial.


But, the article I quoted from is the August 2023 Study Article 34.   I think you also quoted from it?    And your reference from May 2023 is brilliant.  It's doesn't leave any room for speculation, does it?

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5 minutes ago, Doug said:


I'm the only one here that doesn't know how to include links.  :facepalmpo2: Seriously, that's how un-tech savvy I am.  I wish some one would post a tutorial.


But, the article I quoted from is the August 2023 Study Article 34.   I think you also quoted from it?    And your reference from May 2023 is brilliant.  It's doesn't leave any room for speculation, does it?



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1 hour ago, Richie said:

Mesaage for Muslims in Europe.... 

You see, this is the difference between religious opposition from "the political left" vs that of "the political right". The left does that by infiltration. They try to find the weakness of the religion they want to oppression (whether it's their tolerance or their innocence) and try to use it against them. An example is how they were able to change some denominations in the Christendom and Islamic religion to accept the LGBT and evolution stuff and how some European countries are trying to lure us from stopping the disfellowshipping of unrepentant members.


The political right on the other hand oppresses the religions they don't like with force and violence ( physical and/or verbal like the one this president is doing) The reason is that the political right is the part with the most fanatics for religion. That's when you'll hear bombings of religious buildings and hanging or jailing of religious members. Example is between Russia and Jehovah's Witnesses. 


Even though the physical persecution seems dramatic, it's not as effective as the ideological persecution.


Both the left and the right are from Satan the devilSo one of his best tactics is that he'll give Jehovah's people oppression from one side (most atimes from the right) for us to hate that side and some times wish in their hearts  for the reign of other side of the political spectrum only to find out that that side will also oppose them in a slightly different manner.


They're just two sides of the same coin.



Edited by Kwabena
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14 minutes ago, Doug said:

I'm the only one here that doesn't know how to include links.  :facepalmpo2: Seriously, that's how un-tech savvy I am.  I wish some one would post a tutorial.


Between the "S" strikethrough thingy and the """ quote  thingy

there is a "chain" link thingyScreenShot2023-12-06at10_50_29AM.png.914c9cefe9fe6f1dea931835cd40b5cf.png


You just clink on the "chain" link thingy

and this appears:



You just paste the link you wish you share in the URL spot and then click the 

Insert into post thingy.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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42 minutes ago, Doug said:


But, the article I quoted from is the August 2023 Study Article 34.   I think you also quoted from it?    And your reference from May 2023 is brilliant.  It's doesn't leave any room for speculation, does it?


Duh  .   .    I got that all wrong.    The May 2020 article "Rival Kings"  is the source.

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57 minutes ago, MChill14 said:

Someone smarter than me, what does this mean? 😆🙏


Article 99

“The Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security.”



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I know Guterres for many years. He´s portuguese like me.

Before he was UN Secretary General he used to be the high comisssioner of UNHCR (UN refugy agency).

He´s quite sensitive to humanitary causes. 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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2 hours ago, MChill14 said:

Someone smarter than me, what does this mean? 😆🙏


P&S cry feels so close.


I've read that this Article hasn't been used for decades. And this is basically a P&S article.

Edited by Dages
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May I share my thoughts here?

Why do I believe that GT will be short period and we will be ok.

Why I dont fear GT and trust Jehovah.

When I read all horrendous experiences our dear brothers and sisters lived during WW-2 specially I think: Boy! I m glad I wasnt there! It was too horrible! Will we ever experience this again?

I dont think so. 

Reason: Daniel Prophecy.

The angel came to tell what would happen to Daniel´s people in the last days (DAN. 10:14)

Chapter 11 is full of details about JW persecution during the XX century and specially during WW-2.

It was detailed and also said that a refinement was to be set in place.

When we move to Dan. 12:1 there it is the Great Tribulation. Details? none. No details at all!

Only that Michael will protect his people, that every one with the name written in the book will survive. A line or two only.

This passes me this idea: GT will be fast, like Jesus said: Mat. 24:22.

During GT God´s loyal people will have some troubles... yes. But I dont think as much as during WW-2. Otherwise more details would be written (??). GT will hurt non belivers more. We will be spared. Michael leads the congregations. Elders are being prepared now to guide us during GT. All we have to do is to have faith, trust in Jehovah and be obedient.

We will be fine.

Noah and his family were ok.

Lot and his daughters were ok

Israelites suffered a bit during first 4 plagues, but then they were all ok.

Christians who fleed Jerusalem in 66 EC suffered some material loss... but then they were ok.


If this is off topic... then sorry :oops:

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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8 hours ago, Doug said:


I'm the only one here that doesn't know how to include links.  :facepalmpo2: Seriously, that's how un-tech savvy I am.  I wish some one would post a tutorial.


Your wish is my command. 🤣 Hope this helps. 😊

Edited by GeordieGirl

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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8 minutes ago, LindaViktoria said:

*Lot and his daughters?

Thanks! it was autocorrector mistake :) now corrected. 

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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6 minutes ago, ChrisW said:

I agree. Render Butterfly Effect GIF by xponentialdesign

I feel like once the dominoe pieces start falling it will be in quick succession. 


Maybe that´s the reason for us to stay alert and keep on the watch. All may happen so fast.

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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and we have reached the 6th december: https://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2023/12/bill-to-disestablish-the-church-of-england-introduced-in-parliament

Waiting for the votes.


I think it makes a lot of sense for the UK government to be separated from the anglican church before it decides to ban it once and for all in the near future. Otherwise it would be difficult for them to ban it. Like shotting its own foot.

So, church must be disestablised from the state.

IF BTG is to be destroyed soon, this law will pass for sure (I think).


Detail: In november UK citizens were invited to write a letter to UKP´s M affirming it´s support.

source: https://www.secularism.org.uk/disestablishment/letter-2022-disestablish-the-chu


(Letter contents:

Dear {{name}},

I'm writing to ask you to please support Lord Scriven's Private Member's Bill to disestablish the Church of England.

The 2021 census confirmed that less than half the population in England and Wales is Christian, while the numbers of people who have no religion or follow other religions are steadily increasing. As we are officially no longer a Christian country, the presence of an established church is undemocratic, unfair and absurd. I therefore hope you will call for the disestablishment of the Church of England to be given serious consideration.

The Church has enjoyed significant privileges relating its established status for many centuries: reserved seats in the House of Lords, Anglican prayers in parliament and all schools, control over thousands of our state-funded schools, and unique access to resources and political power, to name but a few. 

These privileges have remained largely unchanged despite the massive and continuing reduction in support for the Church in the UK. Fewer that 1% of the English population attend Anglican services on the average Sunday. Realistically, this trend is irreversible for the foreseeable future, making the case for the Church of England's establishment unsustainable.

The church’s values are increasingly at odds with those of the British people. At its latest international conference, it re-affirmed gay sex and marriage as sin. Our monarch, as head of the church, is oath-bound to uphold this dehumanising doctrine. It also upholds sexist policies within its own ranks. State-sanctioned homophobia and misogyny can have no place in the tolerant, pluralist society that Britain is today. 

Indeed, far from acting as the moral compass of this country, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse found the church prioritised its own reputation over the “physical, emotional and spiritual well-being” of children sexually abused at the hands of its members. 

The case for disestablishment has never been stronger. In a country which claims to uphold the equal treatment of all its citizens, whatever their religion or belief, the existence of an established church is a deep anomaly. It is high time its established status was consigned to history. 

I therefore urge you to support Lord Scriven's bill and the separation of church and state.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely, )

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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1 hour ago, Dages said:

P&S cry feels so close.


I've read that this Article hasn't been used for decades. And this is basically a P&S article.

Yes, 1989 if what I’m reading is correct. How will the nations respond? Will they empower the beast? Time will tell 🙏🙏

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31 minutes ago, Sofia said:

and we have reached the 6th december: https://www.secularism.org.uk/news/2023/12/bill-to-disestablish-the-church-of-england-introduced-in-parliament

Waiting for the votes.


I think it makes a lot of sense for the UK government to be separated from the anglican church before it decides to ban it once and for all in the near future. Otherwise it would be difficult for them to ban it. Like shotting its own foot.

So, church must be disestablised from the state.

IF BTG is to be destroyed soon, this law will pass for sure (I think).


Detail: In november UK citizens were invited to write a letter to UKP´s M affirming it´s support.

source: https://www.secularism.org.uk/disestablishment/letter-2022-disestablish-the-chu


(Letter contents:

Dear {{name}},

I'm writing to ask you to please support Lord Scriven's Private Member's Bill to disestablish the Church of England.

The 2021 census confirmed that less than half the population in England and Wales is Christian, while the numbers of people who have no religion or follow other religions are steadily increasing. As we are officially no longer a Christian country, the presence of an established church is undemocratic, unfair and absurd. I therefore hope you will call for the disestablishment of the Church of England to be given serious consideration.

The Church has enjoyed significant privileges relating its established status for many centuries: reserved seats in the House of Lords, Anglican prayers in parliament and all schools, control over thousands of our state-funded schools, and unique access to resources and political power, to name but a few. 

These privileges have remained largely unchanged despite the massive and continuing reduction in support for the Church in the UK. Fewer that 1% of the English population attend Anglican services on the average Sunday. Realistically, this trend is irreversible for the foreseeable future, making the case for the Church of England's establishment unsustainable.

The church’s values are increasingly at odds with those of the British people. At its latest international conference, it re-affirmed gay sex and marriage as sin. Our monarch, as head of the church, is oath-bound to uphold this dehumanising doctrine. It also upholds sexist policies within its own ranks. State-sanctioned homophobia and misogyny can have no place in the tolerant, pluralist society that Britain is today. 

Indeed, far from acting as the moral compass of this country, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse found the church prioritised its own reputation over the “physical, emotional and spiritual well-being” of children sexually abused at the hands of its members. 

The case for disestablishment has never been stronger. In a country which claims to uphold the equal treatment of all its citizens, whatever their religion or belief, the existence of an established church is a deep anomaly. It is high time its established status was consigned to history. 

I therefore urge you to support Lord Scriven's bill and the separation of church and state.

I look forward to your response.

Yours sincerely, )

It makes sense since UK is one of Two-horned wild beast giving life to Ten Horns Wild Beast which is UN. 

Ten Horns surely hate the Harlot!!! 

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