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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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8 minutes ago, JennyM said:

Thats scary. Guns are everywhere in US. 

Okay, bullet proof sandwich boards....

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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As the way we preach will undergo a change, from good news to a message of judgment, I believe we will use all forms of notices, letters, telephones, door to door, social networks, at the time we worked with that leaflet that the end of false religion is near, many were afraid, but with courage the majority went and distributed it, courage comes from Jehovah we will succeed, I am sure it was very difficult for Noah and Jonah among others, but they managed and entered history.  They did it, so will we, because those who march with us are stronger, but they are on our side, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the angels, the brothers of Christ, and the entire international fraternity of brothers.

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3 hours ago, Loyal said:

As the way we preach will undergo a change, from good news to a message of judgment, I believe we will use all forms of notices, letters, telephones, door to door, social networks, at the time we worked with that leaflet that the end of false religion is near, many were afraid, but with courage the majority went and distributed it, courage comes from Jehovah we will succeed, I am sure it was very difficult for Noah and Jonah among others, but they managed and entered history.  They did it, so will we, because those who march with us are stronger, but they are on our side, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, the angels, the brothers of Christ, and the entire international fraternity of brothers.

I never forget putting some tracks End of False Religion is Near at some churches too.

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4 hours ago, Loyal said:

As the way we preach will undergo a change, from good news to a message of judgment

Will it? Just remember folks that FDS is presenting judgement message as “probably” “most likely” to happen, thus nothing is set solidly in stone.


Although personally I tend to think 🤔 that judgement message is a logical development during GT as it has potential to infuriate nations to attack us and this is where Jehovah comes to our defence at Armageddon. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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41 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Will it? Just remember folks that FDS is presenting judgement message as “probably” “most likely” to happen, thus nothing is set solidly in stone.


Although personally I tend to think 🤔 that judgement message is a logical development during GT as it has potential to infuriate nations to attack us and this is where Jehovah comes to our defence at Armageddon. 

I think the message will happen within the 1st year after BG is destroyed. My 5 cents on this with some chocolate too.

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2 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Será? Apenas lembre-se de que o FDS está apresentando a mensagem de julgamento como “provavelmente” “mais provável” de acontecer, portanto, nada está solidamente definido.


Embora pessoalmente eu tenha a tendência de pensar 🤔 que a mensagem de julgamento é um desenvolvimento lógico durante o GT , pois tem potencial para enfurecer as nações para nos atacar e é aí que Jeová vem em nossa defesa no Armagedom. 

You don't need to leave it as a doubt, a question mark! Did I say something wrong?

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2 hours ago, Loyal said:

You don't need to leave it as a doubt, a question mark! Did I say something wrong?

I am simply contributing to the discussion. You have presented statement as definitive development, I simply added the point how FDS views the matter.☺️

Later on,  I presented how I feel about it. (which I also feel that the judgment message could potentially develop as a real event during GT


But at this stage 23 July 2023 what we know about judgment message is that will "most likely" happen.

So it is presented as strong possibility, but with measure of caution.   


Nowhere in our publications you will find the statement as a definite, closed statement. (as will happen

Please note how FDS presents the subject:

What will provoke the attack? Speaking of this time, the apostle John saw a storm of unusually large hailstones raining down on God’s enemies. That symbolic hailstorm may take the form of a hard-hitting judgment message delivered by Jehovah’s people w20


During the great tribulation, the message that we proclaim will likely change. Currently, we are preaching the good news of the Kingdom and we are endeavoring to make disciples. But at that time, we may well deliver a message as hard-hitting as hailstones. w19


Hope my explanation helps, my dear brother :)






Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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5 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Estou apenas contribuindo para a discussão. Você apresentou declaração como desenvolvimento definitivo , eu simplesmente acrescentei o ponto como o FDS vê o assunto. ☺️

Mais tarde, apresentei como me sinto sobre isso. (o que também sinto que a mensagem de julgamento poderia se desenvolver como um evento real durante o GT


Mas nesta fase, 23 de julho de 2023, o que sabemos sobre a mensagem de julgamento é que "provavelmente" acontecerá.

Portanto, é apresentado como forte possibilidade, mas com cautela.   


Em nenhum lugar de nossas publicações você encontrará a declaração como uma declaração definitiva e fechada. (como vai acontecer

Observe como FDS apresenta o assunto:

O que vai provocar o ataque? Falando dessa época, o apóstolo João viu uma tempestade de granizo incomumente grande caindo sobre os inimigos de Deus. Essa chuva de granizo simbólica pode assumir a forma de uma mensagem de julgamento contundente transmitida pelo povo de Jeová w20


Durante a grande tribulação, a mensagem que proclamamos provavelmente mudará. Atualmente, estamos pregando as boas novas do Reino e nos esforçando para fazer discípulos. Mas, nesse momento, podemos transmitir uma mensagem tão contundente quanto o granizo. w19


Espero que minha explicação ajude, meu querido irmão :)






I was reading this article, which in our understanding or in the translation into Portuguese, is like something right,We just don't know what kind of message, that's why I wrote the previous comments.


In the great tribulation, God's people will not preach the "good news of the kingdom".  The time for this message will be over.  It will be the time for “the end” to come!  (Matthew 24:14) God's people will boldly declare a strong message of judgment that will affect all people.  Perhaps the message is that the time has come for Satan's world to be utterly destroyed.  The Bible compares this message to hailstones, or hailstones, when it says: “A great hailstone, each stone about the weight of a talent, fell from heaven on men, and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, because the plague of it was exceedingly great.”  —Revelation 16:21.


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36 minutes ago, Loyal said:

......It will be the time for “the end” to come!  (Matthew 24:14) God's people will boldly declare a strong message of judgment that will affect all people.  Perhaps the message is that the time has come ......


Which publication/article is that from? It sounds familiar, I think I read that not too long ago, but now I can't find it.

Here it certainly sounds like the FDS is saying that there WILL be a judgment message. We just don't know the exact contents of it....

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1 hour ago, blue-jay said:

Which publication/article is that from? It sounds familiar, I think I read that not too long ago, but now I can't find it.

Here it certainly sounds like the FDS is saying that there WILL be a judgment message. We just don't know the exact contents of it....


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3 hours ago, Loyal said:

God's people will boldly declare a strong message of judgment that will affect all people.

I wonder how Noah's message changed. If he was actively preaching to everyone and trying to get them to join him on the Ark, then I wonder if his message changed or if he simply stopped preaching.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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12 minutes ago, Tortuga said:

I wonder how Noah's message changed. If he was actively preaching to everyone and trying to get them to join him on the Ark, then I wonder if his message changed or if he simply stopped preaching.


He only had a one week notice. I doubt ours notice will be that short.  :popcorn:



Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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3 hours ago, Tortuga said:

I wonder how Noah's message changed. If he was actively preaching to everyone and trying to get them to join him on the Ark, then I wonder if his message changed or if he simply stopped preaching.

Well, once the door was shut that was the end of that.  While the door was still open to the Ark they or, whomever would have been interested would have gone in with them.  But, that did not happen.  Jehovah shut the door!


Today, that symbolic door is about to be closed.  So, until then people still have a chance.

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15 hours ago, New World Explorer said:


What will provoke the attack? Speaking of this time, the apostle John saw a storm of unusually large hailstones raining down on God’s enemies. That symbolic hailstorm may take the form of a hard-hitting judgment message delivered by Jehovah’s people w20


During the great tribulation, the message that we proclaim will likely change. Currently, we are preaching the good news of the Kingdom and we are endeavoring to make disciples. But at that time, we may well deliver a message as hard-hitting as hailstones. w19



A more recent reference is Br. van Selm's talk 'Obedience is a Protection" from 2021.


He says "may" twice.   Jehovah may use us to deliver a hard-hitting judgement message.  And if he does, it may include the message that human governments are doomed.


He did say that a judgement message would follow the destruction of BtG,  and precede the attack of Gog.  It could be the trigger that leads the nations to collaborate against us.  And the anointed will be here for the judgement message.


The unknows are Who will deliver it and How, by what means.  In person?

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4 hours ago, Doug said:


He did say that a judgement message would follow the destruction of BtG,  and precede the attack of Gog.  It could be the trigger that leads the nations to collaborate against us.  


The unknows are Who will deliver it and How, by what means.  In person?

I feel the same way, there is perhaps a catalyst, something that causes attention to us. Just being unaffected by the fall of BTG may not be enough. 

Can't wait until we know for sure 🧡

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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1 hour ago, bagwell1987 said:

I feel the same way, there is perhaps a catalyst, something that causes attention to us. Just being unaffected by the fall of BTG may not be enough. 

Can't wait until we know for sure 🧡

Especially since they can come and take our Kingdom Halls. 


You take Christendom's churches and cathedrals and they'll collapse. That's all the government needs to do.  Us, on the other hand? Covid proved we can continue to worship just fine without stepping foot into a Kingdom Hall. 


So, yeah, it will take more. More effort, more work, more reason to turn on us. Some other reason to turn on us. Perhaps that reason will be simply that we didn't roll over and die with the rest of Babylon the Great. 


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12 hours ago, Shawnster said:

Especially since they can come and take our Kingdom Halls. 


You take Christendom's churches and cathedrals and they'll collapse. That's all the government needs to do.  Us, on the other hand? Covid proved we can continue to worship just fine without stepping foot into a Kingdom Hall. 

That's one of the things I think that will help us survive the destruction of BTG.  The members of BTG will more than likely fight for their holy buildings, at first anyway.  Then they'll melt away as they realize that the governments aren't playing.  But the witnesses would effectively tell them, "Here's the keys.  Enjoy the building(while you can)".  Jehovah could simply put the thought into their head that we're so compliant and weak that they don't need to check up on us.  We're dead as an organization.  They could even dismiss reports of our zoom meetings as conspiracy theories. 😁

Then the message of judgement comes, and they realize that they made a mistake ignoring us, one they need to correct.  Then, as someone said, they'll meet their maker, in a way they didn't think would happen.

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26 minutes ago, coolbrz731 said:

That's one of the things I think that will help us survive the destruction of BTG.  The members of BTG will more than likely fight for their holy buildings, at first anyway.  Then they'll melt away as they realize that the governments aren't playing.  But the witnesses would effectively tell them, "Here's the keys.  Enjoy the building(while you can)".  Jehovah could simply put the thought into their head that we're so compliant and weak that they don't need to check up on us.  We're dead as an organization.  They could even dismiss reports of our zoom meetings as conspiracy theories. 😁

Then the message of judgement comes, and they realize that they made a mistake ignoring us, one they need to correct.  Then, as someone said, they'll meet their maker, in a way they didn't think would happen.


I wonder if it will be 

A : okay we KNOW that God exists and we think we can stop him somehow! And here you are Jehovah!




B : What? God? Seriously? Does anyone really believe such a THING? But then boom! They see God and they get shocked and faint etc.

can’t figure out if they’re dreaming or sth like that.

Edited by Hotteok
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6 minutes ago, Hotteok said:


I wonder if it will be 

A : okay we KNOW that God exists and we think we can stop him somehow! And here you are Jehovah!




B : What? God? Seriously? Does anyone really believe such a THING? But then boom! They see God and they get shocked and faint etc.

can’t figure out if they’re dreaming or sth like that.

Have you notice this? In Luke 21:26 People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.27 And then they will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.


 Some will pass out, even to death when they see the sing of man.

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