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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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26 minutes ago, jps said:


how is badness measured 🙄

If we measured based on ww1 and ww2 and the great depression, is it going to get worse or less worse than those historical events?


Millions were killed mercilessly. Humans acted like beasts. 


Jesus says the GT will be worse more than any human history because its gonna be worldwide... The GT in Jerusalem ate their children to survive. 

Imagine humans worldwide will eat their children due to starvation and difficulties. 

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6 minutes ago, JennyM said:

If we measured based on ww1 and ww2 and the great depression, is it going to get worse or less worse than those historical events?


Millions were killed mercilessly. Humans acted like beasts. 


Jesus says the GT will be worse more than any human history because its gonna be worldwide... The GT in Jerusalem ate their children to survive. 

Imagine humans worldwide will eat their children due to starvation and difficulties. 

Jenny, please examine the images of GT and all those coming out of it. They all show faith and even smile on their faces (see w19 October) 

Yes, there will be hardships, but focus on what Jehovah and his organisation tells us about GT
Jehovah will help us and guide us every step of GT, unlike those who have never developed relationship, we can enter GT with our heads lifted up. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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6 hours ago, JennyM said:

How bad will the GT be? 


worse than ww1 and ww2 and the great depression? 

Pro. 3:5,6... "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding......"


Jehovah  knows you Jenny.  Everything about you.  Your fears and worries.  Please, come what may, trust  in Jehovah.  He will see all of us through these last days as he has been doing up until now.

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6 hours ago, JennyM said:

If we measured based on ww1 and ww2 and the great depression, is it going to get worse or less worse than those historical events?


Millions were killed mercilessly. Humans acted like beasts. 


Jesus says the GT will be worse more than any human history because its gonna be worldwide... The GT in Jerusalem ate their children to survive. 

Imagine humans worldwide will eat their children due to starvation and difficulties. 

Can you image digging up grave yards to eat dead bodies? It might happen.

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7 hours ago, JennyM said:

...Humans acted like beasts...

Is that something new, or only down to the ww1 and ww2? Look what they do in Ukraine versus Russia. If you look around you and see how human behave you see already with your own eyes that human behave "out of context", that "they lost contact with the reality". We all, including you @JennyM, know already anyways that human behavior will go from bad to worse.


The more you see this, the more you should focus on your relationship with Jehovah. This relationship should not be something like 75%, not 99,9%, but "Unconditional".


How contrasting that there is a experience from a Russian couple who escaped from the war and they decided to help other victims from the war. Guess what? They gave hospitallity to a Ukraine couple. Recent this has been mentioned in one of the meetings here.

...It is how it is... 😊  I love long walks, special when you do the walking. A long answer is not short. If you, Sister, are "a nice one", feel welcome to hit the PM button and drop me a line. (See topic; Single again)

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7 hours ago, vern said:

Revelation   "the things that shortly will take place"


Often wonder if its  somewhat of a shorter fullfillment right at the end... Cause pre and post 1914 there has been bad things.

Watch Russell bertrandt videos who lived before 1914. He said , 1914 is a turning point of history. But there were behaviour that leads to the animalistic attitude pre 1914 and WW2. Slavery, nationalism and racism.

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@cme @New World Explorer I was just curious how hard the GT will be,because in this system , I had a hard time already. 


We live in a weak economy and the temptation to work overseas was strong and with Jah's help, wt research and bro and sis, I was able to overcome that . But most of other jw family didnt. 


That was like an extreme training for my faith. It is choosing Jehovah's will between my will. But the temptation was so strong. I could have provide more materially to my family (my child, my parents) If I did that. 


However, I didnt leave them so my mom and bro got baptized and my bond with my child is unbreakable and she has a strong moral standards at least. Awake said that if we fill the emotional need of a child, she/he will become smart. My daughter is smart. An honor student all through her study. But all of these achievements' behind the scene was a struggle. Keeping myself optimistic and putting faith. It wasnt that easy. 


But this experience is nothing to what's coming, the GT.  


@IceBreeze I worked with non jw people before. I was stressed emotionally and spiritually. There no regards to moral standard. I was spiritually in distressed. so I prayed and asked Jehovah to help me find a job. and now Im working at home. 







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4 hours ago, JennyM said:

@cme @New World Explorer I was just curious how hard the GT will be,because in this system , I had a hard time already. 


We live in a weak economy and the temptation to work overseas was strong and with Jah's help, wt research and bro and sis, I was able to overcome that . But most of other jw family didnt. 


That was like an extreme training for my faith. It is choosing Jehovah's will between my will. But the temptation was so strong. I could have provide more materially to my family (my child, my parents) If I did that. 


However, I didnt leave them so my mom and bro got baptized and my bond with my child is unbreakable and she has a strong moral standards at least. Awake said that if we fill the emotional need of a child, she/he will become smart. My daughter is smart. An honor student all through her study. But all of these achievements' behind the scene was a struggle. Keeping myself optimistic and putting faith. It wasnt that easy. 


But this experience is nothing to what's coming, the GT.  


@IceBreeze I worked with non jw people before. I was stressed emotionally and spiritually. There no regards to moral standard. I was spiritually in distressed. so I prayed and asked Jehovah to help me find a job. and now Im working at home. 







So far you doing a very good job as being a christian  and a mother sis. Keep up the good work

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29 minutes ago, JennyM said:

image.png.72c378a72a01312ebee3a410200fc483.pngDoes it look like peace talk in our magazine? 

So true :) In fact this sumit has shown that countries around the World are tired of this ukrainian war and everyone wishes peace. It has created havoc on World economy. China government sees that too. Their God is the money it self. China most of all wishes to become the best economy power in the World. So in spite of being Russia´s ally, China wants peace and properity. 

UN has been unable to process the peace talks, this was mentioned on this sumit. 

UN is a human failure.

Edited by Sofia

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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18 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

Can you image digging up grave yards to eat dead bodies? It might happen.

Sorry. Nope. Sounds repugnant. Why imagine the worst? Just know Jehovah will get us through the GT
I see a lot of fearful imagination here. That’s not what I dwell on. I dwell on, “No matter what, Jehovah will get me through this.” As I try to follow Jehovah’s organization along…

Edited by Miss Bea

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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10 hours ago, JennyM said:

@cme @New World Explorer I was just curious how hard the GT will be,because in this system , I had a hard time already. 


We live in a weak economy and the temptation to work overseas was strong and with Jah's help, wt research and bro and sis, I was able to overcome that . But most of other jw family didnt. 


That was like an extreme training for my faith. It is choosing Jehovah's will between my will. But the temptation was so strong. I could have provide more materially to my family (my child, my parents) If I did that. 


However, I didnt leave them so my mom and bro got baptized and my bond with my child is unbreakable and she has a strong moral standards at least. Awake said that if we fill the emotional need of a child, she/he will become smart. My daughter is smart. An honor student all through her study. But all of these achievements' behind the scene was a struggle. Keeping myself optimistic and putting faith. It wasnt that easy. 


But this experience is nothing to what's coming, the GT.  


@IceBreeze I worked with non jw people before. I was stressed emotionally and spiritually. There no regards to moral standard. I was spiritually in distressed. so I prayed and asked Jehovah to help me find a job. and now Im working at home. 







Jenny do not over-whelm yourself with what and how the GT will unfold or bring. 


Jehovah will take care of us.  Trust in Him.  We do not know how this will all pan out and worrying about it will not change matters.


Concentrate on the preaching and teaching.  Prayers, reading your bible especially the Psalms.  I woke up myself this morning in a panic.  Took a drink of water and read Psalms 80.  My anxieties disappeared and was able to pray fervently to my God.


We are ALL going through difficult and trying times.  We here in Warwick are no different then the Philippines, or anywhere else for that matter.


The stress is real.  Food prices are soaring and you cannot find a closet to live in for less then $2,000.


Remember, the stone has hit the statute.  The governments are falling and disintergrating.  We are waiting for the cry of peace and then the GT is on.


Once the GT starts we are on our way home.  Stay the course, stay faithful no matter what comes your way.  We are all being refined one way or another.

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6 hours ago, JennyM said:

image.png.72c378a72a01312ebee3a410200fc483.pngDoes it look like peace talk in our magazine? 



The brothers have recently warned not to speculate on exactly how and when the peace call will take place. Also, the Bible says it will overtake them like a thief in the night.


Are you going to prepare coffee in the evening for the thief who might come to your house the next night? Maybe the thief won't come at all? Maybe it comes at a time when you don't expect the thief? Will you be ready to welcome the thief along with the police officer? Is that realistic?


Or are you going to make sure that your door is properly locked and that all your windows and doors are closed and locked and your car keys are safely stored? Or who knows, the thief will come if you are not prepared for it at all and the thief will steal, yes, your coffee machine? Oh dear....


For all of us situations can be difficult, but remember one important word about how much you should rely on Jehovah; Unconditional.

...It is how it is... 😊  I love long walks, special when you do the walking. A long answer is not short. If you, Sister, are "a nice one", feel welcome to hit the PM button and drop me a line. (See topic; Single again)

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Revelation—Its Grand Climax At Hand! (re) has always been my daughter's favorite book since she was a little child, even over My Book of Bible Stories. It's mainly because of its pictures, particularly those of God's throne. But these days it, I tend to it a lot, along with dp, kr and rr books.


Note these gems from re chapter 35:


10 Notice that the scarlet-colored wild beast “is also itself an eighth king.” Thus, the United Nations today is designed to look like a world government. At times it has even acted like one, sending armies into the field to resolve international disputes, as in Korea, the Sinai Peninsula, some African countries, and Lebanon. But it is only the image of a king. Like a religious image, it has no real influence or power apart from what is invested in it by those who brought it into existence and worship it. On occasion, this symbolic wild beast looks weak; but it has never experienced the kind of wholesale abandonment by dictator-oriented members that sent the League of Nations reeling into the abyss. (Revelation 17:8) Though holding radically different opinions in other areas, a prominent leader of the former Soviet Union in 1987 joined the popes of Rome in expressing support for the UN. He even called for “a comprehensive system of international security” based on the UN. As John soon learns, the time will come when the UN will act with considerable authority. Then it, in its turn, “goes off into destruction.”



21 Yes, the nations will use the scarlet-colored wild beast, the United Nations, in destroying Babylon the Great. They do not act on their own initiative, for Jehovah puts it into their hearts “even to carry out their one thought by giving their kingdom to the wild beast.” When the time comes, the nations will evidently see the need to strengthen the United Nations. They will give it teeth, as it were, lending it whatever authority and power they possess so that it can turn upon false religion and fight successfully against her “until the words of God will have been accomplished.” Thus, the ancient harlot will come to her complete end. And good riddance to her!

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12 hours ago, JennyM said:

 I worked with non jw people before. I was stressed emotionally and spiritually. There no regards to moral standard. I was spiritually in distressed. so I prayed and asked Jehovah to help me find a job. and now Im working at home. 

I'm really sorry to hear you experienced this @JennyM. That is something awful. Like you pointed out regarding their moral standard. The reality sad enough is indeed that they have only 1 standard, which is no standard.


If this has caused you spiritual distress it is already easy to come to the conclusion that things went too far in your case. I'm glad to see that you recognized Jehovah in this, and all others who read this will agree to this. Now you work from home this might be at least some of Jehovah's help. It won't surprise me that you ended up with less salary at the end of the month. (In my case the difference was about minus 30%, per month, each single month again) I agree that can make things difficult and it looks like that is what you are trying to make clear.


The positive side is that I have peace of mind being at home. No negative or bad influence from non JW people.

...It is how it is... 😊  I love long walks, special when you do the walking. A long answer is not short. If you, Sister, are "a nice one", feel welcome to hit the PM button and drop me a line. (See topic; Single again)

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13 hours ago, JennyM said:

I prayed and asked Jehovah to help me find a job. and now Im working at home. 

It's encouraging to hear how you've put trust and faith in Jehovah's ability and desire to care for you. Even though it was difficult.  The experience will help you when things get really bad.  I pray about that for myself and hope I can do the same when things get really tough.

Dance. Even if there's no music. 

Dance Dancing GIF by binibambini

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14 hours ago, JennyM said:

@cme @New World Explorer I was just curious how hard the GT will be,because in this system , I had a hard time already. 

You and other brothers and sisters may not notice much of a change in your environment during the GT.  I have a friend from Nigeria, and we would trade "war stories" of our experiences, his in the outskirts of Edo, and mine in Compton, CA.  We can't fathom how things can get worse than what we experienced.  People wanting to shoot you because they think you slighted them.  We noticed two things:


1. We had Jehovah's protection.  Both of us were in situations where we should have been killed.  The gun was raised at us, the finger was on the trigger, and the intent was murder.  But we had Jehovah's training, his organization, the fruitages of the spirit, and POSSIBLY angelic help.  We humbly apologized for the imagined slight (even though we were saying something very different in our head), and the gunman's own friends intervened on our behalf.  Maybe they were moved by our apology, basically dragging the guy away telling him to leave us alone.  We'll have so much more protection during the GT.  At some point during the GT, Jehovah will begin protecting US.  Not just his organization, but us as individuals, as long as we remain courageous and faithful.


2. Things will get worse because of scale.  We couldn't imagine things being worse than what we went through.  Many things we just won't speak about.  But we had an escape.   We could go somewhere where people acted civilized.  During the GT, there will be no escape.  That rich neighborhood with the $10 million homes.  That country town that has a population of 800 people.   They'll all have horrible conditions.  That is something the world has never seen before.  But we'll be safe within our group or congregation.  


3.  The GT will be a relief for some people.  Maybe for you.  Thing may get worse, things may stay the same.  It'll be a relief for you because, you no longer need to ask "how much longer?"  Certain worries will no longer plague you.  You won't need to worry about a job to provide for you and your family, being a financial burden to the congregation, or worry about chronic illnesses you might have.  In that way, many of us will breathe a sigh of relief when the GT strikes.

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8 hours ago, Miss Bea said:

Sorry. Nope. Sounds repugnant. Why imagine the worst? Just know Jehovah will get us through the GT
I see a lot of fearful imagination here. That’s not what I dwell on. I dwell on, “No matter what, Jehovah will get me through this.” As I try to follow Jehovah’s organization along…

I made a mistake quoting this and I mentioned this too. I was referring people in the world will do this NOT Jehovah's people.

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4 hours ago, cme said:

Remember, the stone has hit the statute

Thank you for that way of putting it sister Carmen. I've heard it said: "Friends ... how close do think the stone is to the dream image's feet?" But as you put it (with such phrasing as is likely being used at Warwick as world events are being assesed there) that it's already been "hit" and is now in the process of disintegrating before our eyes seems more like the matching reality.

“He who knows patience knows peace.” — Chinese Proverb
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6 hours ago, cme said:





Remember, the stone has hit the statute The governments are falling and disintergrating.  We are waiting for the cry of peace and then the GT is on.




Sister Carmen.....my husband think he read it reasonly, but can't remember where.

Please would you kindly direct us to where it is written?

Maybe we heard it in a talk or so......

Edited by Bluebell
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2 hours ago, just1-4all said:

Thank you for that way of putting it sister Carmen. I've heard it said: "Friends ... how close do think the stone is to the dream image's feet?" But as you put it (with such phrasing as is likely being used at Warwick as world events are being assesed there) that it's already been "hit" and is now in the process of disintegrating before our eyes seems more like the matching reality.

Yes already hit. The statue is falling… soon it will be turn into pieces and dust


Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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