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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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1 minute ago, Sofia said:

We must remember that back in 66EC cestius withdraw his troops …unexpectedly 😉


that was the sign: RUN!

And the troops came back just as unexpectedly, and suddenly.  From a worldly standpoint, neither of those events made sense.  But Jehovah made it happen anyway.

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6 minutes ago, Dhanyel said:

 Why the @Shawnster Are you so quiet lately? Everything is fine ? 

Shawn has decided to step away from the forum for awhile so he can focus on other things.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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7 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

I have same feeling. 
This is what Biden said at UN recently;

US President Joe Biden told delegates from countries across the world that the globe was “darkened by the shadow of war”, which he described as an “illegal war of conquest without provocation by Russia” against Ukraine. 

“We strongly support Ukraine in its efforts to bring about diplomatic resolution that delivers just and lasting peace. Russia alone, Russia alone, bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone has the power to end this war immediately,” Mr Biden said.



he also said


"During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."



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43 minutes ago, jps said:



he also said


"During a July 2021 CNN town hall, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."



Jens, I understand, but his views reflect how most world leaders feel about the war in Ukraine and that is completely different bucket. 

It's a problem for the world. 

Edited by New World Explorer

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Antonio Guterres (UN Secretary General) today delivered a dire warning to world leaders, reeling off a list of existential threats and bemoaning global failures to cooperate on solutions.

"Our world is becoming unhinged...Geopolitical tensions are rising. Global challenges are mounting. And we seem incapable of coming together to respond.
But the UN was created precisely for moments like this – moments of maximum danger & minimum agreement.
What we need is determination to heal divisions & forge peace

Edited by SteveAus
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1 hour ago, New World Explorer said:

that is completely different bucket.


Is it though?


Joe Biden's comments on the vaccine were propaganda designed to encourage compliance to the policies of his government (and of the UN / WHO)


His comments on the Ukraine are propaganda too NATO are at war with Russia. It's a proxy war being fought in the Ukraine. NATO are also UN compliant ( https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_50321.htm )


It's all propaganda people...frogs out of the mouth of the wild beast, the false prophet and the dragon:


Revelation 16: 13-15 -  And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet.  14 They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty. 15 “Look! I am coming as a thief. Happy is the one who stays awake and keeps his outer garments, so that he may not walk naked and people look upon his shamefulness


Interesting to notice how after speaking in prophetic language to John by means of signs Jesus suddenly stops in verse 15 and speaks to John straight, in the language he was used to, reiterating an illustration he used when on Earth speaking to John previously.


keep on the watch. Don't loses your outer garment.


The propaganda frogs pose a very real threat to Jesus followers...to US...we mustn't swallow down those frogs.


so anything that comes out of the mouths of the false prophet or the wild beast...test test test...and not from other false prophet / wild beast sources...from sources independent to them.


1 hour ago, jps said:

Just shows we have to take any political statement with a bucket of salt

Edited by Frances Bennett
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22 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:

Joe Biden's comments on the vaccine were propaganda designed to encourage compliance to the policies of his government (and of the UN / WHO)

I do not get into such discussions. Sorry. :nope:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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6 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

I do not get into such discussions. Sorry. :nope:


OK I respect your boundary.


It is just a fact. Not designed to be incendiary and certainly not questioning whether that particular policy of the US government/UN was right or wrong.


I'm not questioning the vaccines, just merely commenting on Joe Bidens motivation behind the comments

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6 hours ago, Frances Bennett said:

I'm not questioning the vaccines, just merely commenting on Joe Bidens motivation behind the comments

I am fine to quote news, but if I try to work out motivation behind this and that I see it as loosing (in certain terms) my neutrality. That is the sole reason where I do not want to analyze political statements in detail, or motivation behind it. 


Jesus did not get involved in politics, and he always remained neutral. When Jesus was in front of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, he said: “My Kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) His disciples were also neutral. The book On the Road to Civilization said that the early Christians “would not hold political office.” Today, true Christians feel the same. We loyally support God’s Kingdom and are neutral in the political affairs of the world.—Matthew 24:14.

We need to be careful when to draw a line. (I draw after item 1) 

1. Quote news (OK, but not always necessary) 

2. Advocate political opinion (sometimes strong one) about it (hm.. dangerous) 

3. Get upset if others don't see what I see...(person needs spiritual help)


Hope my explanation helps to see where I stand. ☺️


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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The article is in Portuguese because that's what's happening here, this is an operation  called False Prophets . In summary the article says: 

According to investigations, the group was made up of pastors who induced believers, who attended their churches, to think that they were "blessed to receive large sums."  The suspects used a conspiracy theory known as “Nesara Gesara”, saying that it would be possible to invest little and earn a lot.

Babylon's rot exposed 


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4 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

I am fine to quote news, but if I try to work out motivation behind this and that I see it as loosing (in certain terms) my neutrality. That is the sole reason where I do not want to analyze political statements in detail, or motivation behind it. 


Jesus did not get involved in politics, and he always remained neutral. When Jesus was in front of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, he said: “My Kingdom is no part of this world.” (John 18:36) His disciples were also neutral. The book On the Road to Civilization said that the early Christians “would not hold political office.” Today, true Christians feel the same. We loyally support God’s Kingdom and are neutral in the political affairs of the world.—Matthew 24:14.

We need to be careful when to draw a line. (I draw after item 1) 

1. Quote news (OK, but not always necessary) 

2. Advocate political opinion (sometimes strong one) about it (hm.. dangerous) 

3. Get upset if others don't see what I see...(person needs spiritual help)


Hope my explanation helps to see where I stand. ☺️



Thanks for explaining your perspective. I can see it is a very sensitive area for you. I always value people sharing their opinions even if I don't agree :)


I didnt really have to work out Joe Biden's motivation behind the statement - he told us...get the Jab...that's what he wanted us to do, that's what he was persuading us to act on. I was merely observing that.


Jesus warned us about the political powers. There's a very clear reason why they are pictured as wild beasts!


He warned us about their propaganda (Rev 16)


My personal opinion is that if we aren't proactive in spotting the propaganda, if we are not cautious as serpents yet innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16) we are basically being disobedient to Jesus.


How can we keep on the watch as he commanded and make sure not to lose out outer garments if we don't peer carefully at what is happening, really peer like a watchman, if we don't "use discernment" as the "reader" of his words.


Peering carefully isn't taking sides at all! Neutrality is about not taking sides in politics, not about remaining ignorant to what is going on.


I am firmly on the side of God's kingdom. My only interest in peering at it at all is to try to discern if it has any relevance to prophecy and to be better prepared for what lies ahead.


Hope my explanation helps you to see where I stand. ☺️

Edited by Frances Bennett
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The more they abuse their authority allowed by Jehovah. The sooner they will end.


If they figure out how to hurt poeple that obey the authority in Gods name they also will eventually make Jehovah yell in rage.


Prophecy is for the last attack to be motivated by getting spoil.  Killing off poeple is one way to do that.


Either way we have a big yell coming and an anazing protectionary force coming.



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Here are the deats: peace plan between Israel and Palestine 2 states brokered by KSA 

Zelensky says he’s ready to stop and talk peace only kicker is he doesn’t want to give away land to Russia…

peace package 📦 if not now is in the works over the months to come their words not mine.  Nice times to watch and wait.


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6 minutes ago, comtemplate said:

Here are the deats: peace plan between Israel and Palestine 2 states brokered by KSA 

Zelensky says he’s ready to stop and talk peace only kicker is he doesn’t want to give away land to Russia…

peace package 📦 if not now is in the works over the months to come their words not mine.  Nice times to watch and wait.


Do not forget Isaiah 48:22

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9 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

I am fine to quote news, but if I try to work out motivation behind this and that I see it as loosing (in certain terms) my neutrality. That is the sole reason where I do not want to analyze political statements in detail, or motivation behind it. 




My thoughts too...

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13 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

I am fine to quote news, but if I try to work out motivation behind this and that I see it as loosing (in certain terms) my neutrality. That is the sole reason where I do not want to analyze political statements in detail, or motivation behind it.



I agree. It is not necessary to deeply assess what is said by worldly governments or to watch everything that is going on, fascinating though it all is.


Yes, we should keep on the watch, but to be fair Christ's slave gives us all the information we actually need and  they keep on the watch on our behalf.  Some brothers and sisters don't even have TV's or read newspapers and many live in countries where there is limited information available outside our organisation.  95% of everything that is broadcast via the media, in whichever format, is superfluous to our actual needs to keep on the watch.


I read/watch the news, acknowledge what is going on, even occasionally share something, but allow the information to wash over me, not responding emotionally or mentally to what is said. 

Edited by GeordieGirl

Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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Example how fluid and unpredictable the situation in the world is: (I have no opinion on that, simply quoting news.)


Poland said Wednesday it will stop providing weapons to Ukraine amid a growing dispute between the two allies over a temporary ban on Ukrainian grain imports.


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Interesting development. If this proposal was ever passed, it could give rise to the view that finally, worldwide peace & security can be achieved by the UN


"Volodymyr Zelenskiy has told the UN security council that the way to bring peace in Ukraine and to prevent further wars of aggression is through fundamental UN reform.


The Ukrainian president argued that the war had demonstrated the need to limit veto power, give the UN general assembly the power to override vetoes, and expand the council’s permanent members beyond the current five powers, who acquired their privileged position in the wake of the second world war.


“We should recognise that the UN finds itself in a deadlock on the matters of aggression. Humankind no longer pins its hopes on the UN when it comes to the defence of the sovereign borders of nations,” he added.


In the current system, Zelenskiy said, the search for real solutions has been displaced by “aspirations to compromise with killers”.


He laid out proposals for UN reform as part of his 10-point peace plan. He supported a suggestion, which has been championed by France in the past, that in case of “mass atrocities against human rights” the veto powers of the permanent members – Russia, the US, UK, China and France – should be voluntarily suspended.


Anticipating that Russia would not relinquish its privilege, Zelenskiy argued the UN general assembly should have the power to override a security council veto, with a two-thirds majority.




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I understand the mindset about wanting to stay somewhat informed or the opposite which is media avoidance. I've done both and have been criticized for both. We have to strike a balance. Being informed but not offering an opinion, to me, is healthy. Seeing what the government is up to, what the powers-that-be are planning or doing is just (so called)  information. Allbeit propaganda is rife in society today. So the truth we get from the media is subjective to the media showing it and is really personal opinion of the outlet giving it. This is Satan's system, he has an agenda. To mislead and misdirect.

Like my dad said "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear" is useful for me. Meh, it all really doesn't matter. This world is what it is, it will do what it wants, say what it wants ....all to manipulate the population. 

I'll still look at my news feed when it comes in knowing it's a current topic but I'll put it in its place until the Branch says it's significant. Done. 

I'm informed but not duped. 🙂

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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2 hours ago, bagwell1987 said:

I understand the mindset about wanting to stay somewhat informed or the opposite which is media avoidance. I've done both and have been criticized for both. We have to strike a balance. Being informed but not offering an opinion, to me, is healthy. Seeing what the government is up to, what the powers-that-be are planning or doing is just (so called)  information. Allbeit propaganda is rife in society today. So the truth we get from the media is subjective to the media showing it and is really personal opinion of the outlet giving it. This is Satan's system, he has an agenda. To mislead and misdirect.

Like my dad said "believe half of what you see and none of what you hear" is useful for me. Meh, it all really doesn't matter. This world is what it is, it will do what it wants, say what it wants ....all to manipulate the population. 

I'll still look at my news feed when it comes in knowing it's a current topic but I'll put it in its place until the Branch says it's significant. Done. 

I'm informed but not duped. 🙂


Yes this sounds very balanced!


"Informed but not duped"...exactly.


Especially when Jesus warned us that the propaganda frogs posed us as his followers a threat of humiliation (being stripped of our outer garments)


It's not a case of being on one side or the other, it's not a case of pushing a political narrative, it's merely a case of not being duped! Love it :)


(Highlighted your comments above...so true!)

Edited by Frances Bennett
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14 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:

Especially when Jesus warned us that the propaganda frogs posed us as his followers a threat of humiliation

I have noticed sis Frances you quote "propaganda frogs" often. 

In your understanding is this in relation to now or future event☺️

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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44 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

I have noticed sis Frances you quote "propaganda frogs" often. 

In your understanding is this in relation to now or future event☺️


I wouldn't like to dogmatically say brother! I just know we are to be on the lookout for them, because Jesus warned us to be - and that this propaganda is what, as verse 14 says, leads the Kings of the entire inhabited earth to Armageddon.


"They are, in fact, expressions inspired by demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty"


Chapter 32 of the Revelation book in Paragraph 25 says:


"During the Lord’s day, there has also been a disgusting froglike visitation, though from a different source. It consists of Satan’s “unclean inspired expressions,” clearly symbolizing propaganda designed to maneuver all human rulers, “kings,” into opposition to Jehovah God."


Paragraphs 26-31 then discuss why Jesus gives a warning to keep on the watch and not lose our outer garments, who the propaganda comes from (which entities) and what the result of it will be.




Revelation book was written a long while ago now, to be sure, but I haven't seen any new information on this portion printed. We aren't at Armageddon yet, these froglike expressions of propaganda are what occur right before it, they are what lead the nations into direct opposition to Jehovah, so I'm watching, eyes peeled, trying to see what's occurring - not to take political sides but to be obedient to Jesus and to be ready and "not duped" as @bagwell1987 said.


You'll find nothing new with me :) Just I guess sharing of the bits that jump out at me and motivate me.

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