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What is your favorite Kingdom Melody/Original Song?

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I really enjoy music and love singing and playing the Kingdom Melodies and original songs. I was just wondering Brothers and Sisters, what is your favorite? Feel free to share as many as you'd like, and why. They can be old, new or original songs.


For me it would be 3. Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence, I love the melody and the words. I also love 30. My Father, My God and Friend, such encouraging lyrics and just a beautiful song.


For original songs, my favorite is Inspired by Your Wonders. I'm sure we've all felt that awe when we view Jehovah's creation.


What are you favorites?

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My favorites are original songs: Forgive Freely, To Whom Could I Go Away, Peace at Last, Your Word Endures Forever, You Will See. 

Absolute number 1 : Forgive Freely! ❤️ ("Angelic Voice") 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Meeting song :

Song 20, I love the chorus wording.

Song 26, it's like Jesus is speaking to us.

Song 32, it's an old song for our organization, I feel the unity with the friends from the early 20th century era.

Song 44, very intense

Song 46, old time favorite

Song 52, baptism song, the previous version had an instrumental version where the last chorus had different notes. I loved it and still sing it this way today.

Song 144, our hope is marvelous.

Song 149, should I say 171? My absolute favorite I want to sing during A-day.



Original song :

All the Paradise related songs it's always better and better.

But last month video with the animation of a brother in a restricted country is lovely.

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My favorites:


54- “This is the Way” - I love the chorus

56- “Make the Truth Your Own”- Reminds me of when I was a teenager and decided to make the truth my own

57- “Preaching to All Sorts of People” & 76 “How Does it Make You Feel?”- I dare you to not dance with these 2 songs :)

58- “Searching for Friends of Peace”- Get’s me ready for the ministry even if I’m Sleepy Eyed 😴 

91- “Our Labor of Love”- Beautiful song for dedicating KH or Assembly Hall

127- “The Sort of Person I Should Be” - Appreciating what Jehovah has done for us

135- Jehovah’s Warm Appeal: “Be Wise, My Son” - when the new song book came out, brother Splain gave the talk at our Regional introducing the new songs and he broke down this song. When he was done each one of us truly felt like sons and daughters of Jehovah, no matter our age.

2 favorite old school songs- 144 and 34 (but I prefer the original lyrics).


Favorite Original songs-

“Your Word Endures Forever”

‘Truly in Love”

‘Take Your Time, Choose Wisely”

Previous Daughter- I have a daughter 😊 


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On 11/22/2022 at 10:05 PM, Dages said:

Meeting song :

Song 20, I love the chorus wording.

Song 26, it's like Jesus is speaking to us.

Song 32, it's an old song for our organization, I feel the unity with the friends from the early 20th century era.

Song 44, very intense

Song 46, old time favorite

Song 52, baptism song, the previous version had an instrumental version where the last chorus had different notes. I loved it and still sing it this way today.

Song 144, our hope is marvelous.

Song 149, should I say 171? My absolute favorite I want to sing during A-day.



Original song :

All the Paradise related songs it's always better and better.

But last month video with the animation of a brother in a restricted country is lovely.

Um, I second this. Okay?🥹

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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On 11/22/2022 at 6:02 PM, ntester said:

For me it would be 3. Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence, I love the melody and the words. I also love 30. My Father, My God and Friend, such encouraging lyrics and just a beautiful song.

I love both of these! #30 always makes me cry, and so does #38, He Will Make You Strong. I’m also seconding @JJWest on How Does it Make You Feel? and Preaching to All Sorts of People. And #84, Reaching Out. I can’t sing or listen to any of those without moving. 

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On 11/23/2022 at 1:55 PM, New World Explorer said:

Absolute number 1 : Forgive Freely


Edited by Imagine

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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'Your word endures forever' was a favourite when I first heard it.


'I know Jehovah's with me' is my most recent favourite :heart:  It has the drama in the melody that I really like.


I am also very fond of 'Our joy eternally', only the opening lyrics in Norwegian doesn't really work :D  Since we don't see stars in the summer sky, ha ha, it is too bright. I just exchanged the word with cold and winter night instead. But then it doesn't quite rhyme. I like the song anyway.


And from the songbook, no 5: God's wondrous works. I like the previous lyrics, and was shocked when I realized it had been changed. Just the line I loved had changed! To sing the word fantastisk in Norwegian sounds ... not good. The previous wording was softer (underfulle = wondrous) Why it was changed??? Dunno. Try to sing out to FRYD instead of SKAPT, well, I prefer the previous. FRYYYYYYD!!!


Oh, there are so many good ones. Remember 134 anyone? Which is now 139: See yourself when all is new. Lyrics in Norwegian are the best! Starting with: Lift eyes of faith – let your thoughts fly!  :heart:  Wonderful! 


Almost forgot: I can get back up :star:


When 'Sing to Jehovah' first came out, one of my immediate favourites was 'A prayer of the lowly one'. Particularly the melody line of the chorus. Like wings of the eagle :heart:

Edited by Tronora

Matthew 6:22 - The lamp of the body is the eye. If, then, your eye is clear*, your whole body will be full of light*. 


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I always cry whenever I sing Song #60 - Message of life. Funny... the translation to Portuguese doesnt touch my heart like the english version. 

Song #27 is one of my favorites; and #26 "you did it for me". Absolutely emotional!

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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