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Who wants to speculate about when the end will come?

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I’m one of those who just knew the end would be here before my kids went to elementary school. They are now 58, 60, and 62. 
My middle son just turned 60 on Dec. 25th. That’s been fun for him. He knows the truth, loves the truth, but never let it settle fully in his heart. My daughter, pretty much the same. My eldest son, baptized, but apparently the truth didn’t settle deep enough in his heart. I’m hoping and praying he will come to his senses before it is way too late. 
Me? I remember when we got our green Bible. We weren’t officially using the NWT when I came into the truth. 
One of my more or less contemporary’s just died. A dear sister. As I read her obituary, well, she was full of life, and just sparkled. 
It is so hard to even think about the changes we have seen, let alone, describe them. 
The end of this system? Jehovah has done so very much to prepare us for it. 
I’ve went from, to be honest, fearing it, to knowing it’s as real as the preparation Jehovah has given us. 
And realizing, in the Bible, when stressful, or even perhaps scary things take place, Jehovahʼs people were not screaming, yelling, or doing antyhing that exhibits fear. Worldly fear. Fear? Yes, godly fear, and great trust. In Jehovah. 
Yes, the end is coming, but like so many times Jehovah rescued his people, it’s been, “Take your position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf.” A portent of our future. 
And, yes, that will be just the beginning of Jehovah making things right. Again.

So much is going on. And we just know about a minuscule of it. Jehovah sees it all. And the love and patience he has shown in putting up with this…hard to think about. 
But, as our existence goes on, we will learn more and more about our Father, and why he timed things so perfectly. 
Yes, perfect timing. 
So, dear friends, make each day a day Jehovah gave you, and live it to the best you can. Until we are enjoying The Real Life.

The end of this system is neigh.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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30 minutes ago, Miss Bea said:

I’m one of those who just knew the end would be here before my kids went to elementary school. They are now 58, 60, and 62. 
My middle son just turned 60 on Dec. 25th.

The same with the brother I studied with. I used to argue with him about 1975, taking the pragmatic approach that the magazines were not that clear-cut. 1975 came and went. As time went on he dropped the Truth and only one of his children stuck with it, actually becoming a missionary in Kosovo.

The invitation to 'speculate' carries danger as we really don't know. We feel it for sure but the call of Peace and Security and the end of BtG is yet ahead. How that will pan out remains to be seen.

I always think of that video at our Convention of the brothers in Jerusalem with the wine store, "Walk By Faith and Not By Sight". The time between their leaving and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 was short and they were the generation that Jesus talked about. But the lesson is not in the timing, but in our Faith that it will happen.  Keep on the watch but don't speculate.

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On 12/23/2024 at 5:52 PM, Ahuvah said:

I'd not be surprised if it happened tomorrow,  but prepared to dig in for the long haul if it doesn't. 

I am ready! digging in for decades now ... LOL 🤣

"Hope for the best, plan for the worst, and secretly expect something in between."

Dig Digging GIF

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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We need to keep balanced. Jehovah wants us to stay close to him, to trust in him, and by keeping a sense of urgency that the end is just around the corner, we won‘t slow down in our service and worship and trust in him, and begin to doubt if doing so in the past or even the present is worth it. Being zealous for Jehovah doesn‘t need to be defined by a set date of when the end will come, and if it comes in our lifetime or not.


Of course we need to calculate the cost of living presently in this system. We are living in very different times as past generations, however it would be a mistake to focus all of our energy in trying to get rich in this system. Also it would be folly to think we can use whatever monies we earn in an irresponsible way, should we need some for an emergency or if this system goes on a bit longer. It is not showing a lack of faith when we prepare for emergencies such as having some savings, and also an emergency contingency in place for disasters or for the future. It is just surviving in this system.


Many old-timers have looked backed with gratefulness that they have stayed loyal during some very turbulent times (thinking of wwII). Yet some are good examples of not slowing down for their zeal and love for Jehovah through their comments, regular meeting attendance and faithful experiences in the ministry. Faith in Jehovah is not measured in time, but in how close we stay to him through thick and thin.

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I enjoy my life. The cycles. From putting away my summer clothes, and bringing out last years warmer clothes.

I enjoy working outside. I plant for spring, (bulbs) trim roses, get rid of the plants that are truly dead, (taking note of some of the dead ones, because, I want to replace them, come spring). Fuss over what can be fussed over. See last years bulbs start to show growth. 
And I think, will this all be something I will enjoy as the season changes? Then I tell myself that if Jehovah has intervened, so be it. As much as he allowed me to enjoy life, this side of Armagedon, the best is yet to come. 
So, i keep one foot, solid, on the earth, and, another, lifted, ready to enter the new system. 
Yes, the time this system ends, will be perfect. 
And, Jehovah has instructed us what to do in the meantime. 

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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  • 1 month later...

No one knows or would like to know the date of their death, and that is good. Would it be good to know the date of Armageddon? If it were to take many years, we would lose hope of surviving. But since we do not know, we can all count on the possibility of being alive to survive. But if we do not survive, we will only miss a part of the show and the possibility of having eternal life without dying. But since we do not feel anything when we die, we will feel as if life continues the next day. And we will be amazed at all the news that will be told to us. I believe that our loving God Jehovah will bring back all the dead who died last in descending order as soon as possible after Armageddon, perhaps even to participate in the first convention of the millennial reign.

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On 1/1/2025 at 7:21 PM, Percy said:

The same with the brother I studied with. I used to argue with him about 1975, taking the pragmatic approach that the magazines were not that clear-cut. 1975 came and went. As time went on he dropped the Truth and only one of his children stuck with it, actually becoming a missionary in Kosovo.

The invitation to 'speculate' carries danger as we really don't know. We feel it for sure but the call of Peace and Security and the end of BtG is yet ahead. How that will pan out remains to be seen.

I always think of that video at our Convention of the brothers in Jerusalem with the wine store, "Walk By Faith and Not By Sight". The time between their leaving and the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 was short and they were the generation that Jesus talked about. But the lesson is not in the timing, but in our Faith that it will happen.  Keep on the watch but don't speculate.

What’s BtG? 

Edited by Nicol

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On 1/2/2025 at 1:27 AM, Miss Bea said:

I’m one of those who just knew the end would be here before my kids went to elementary school. They are now 58, 60, and 62. 
My middle son just turned 60 on Dec. 25th. That’s been fun for him. He knows the truth, loves the truth, but never let it settle fully in his heart. My daughter, pretty much the same. My eldest son, baptized, but apparently the truth didn’t settle deep enough in his heart. I’m hoping and praying he will come to his senses before it is way too late. 
Me? I remember when we got our green Bible. We weren’t officially using the NWT when I came into the truth. 
One of my more or less contemporary’s just died. A dear sister. As I read her obituary, well, she was full of life, and just sparkled. 
It is so hard to even think about the changes we have seen, let alone, describe them. 
The end of this system? Jehovah has done so very much to prepare us for it. 
I’ve went from, to be honest, fearing it, to knowing it’s as real as the preparation Jehovah has given us. 
And realizing, in the Bible, when stressful, or even perhaps scary things take place, Jehovahʼs people were not screaming, yelling, or doing antyhing that exhibits fear. Worldly fear. Fear? Yes, godly fear, and great trust. In Jehovah. 
Yes, the end is coming, but like so many times Jehovah rescued his people, it’s been, “Take your position, stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah in your behalf.” A portent of our future. 
And, yes, that will be just the beginning of Jehovah making things right. Again.

So much is going on. And we just know about a minuscule of it. Jehovah sees it all. And the love and patience he has shown in putting up with this…hard to think about. 
But, as our existence goes on, we will learn more and more about our Father, and why he timed things so perfectly. 
Yes, perfect timing. 
So, dear friends, make each day a day Jehovah gave you, and live it to the best you can. Until we are enjoying The Real Life.

The end of this system is neigh.

"And realizing, in the Bible, when stressful, or even perhaps scary things take place, Jehovahʼs people were not screaming, yelling, or doing antyhing that exhibits fear. Worldly fear. Fear? Yes, godly fear, and great trust. In Jehovah."


So,so true ! Beautiful @Miss Bea❤️

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I think chaos will break loose around 2028.


There has to be someone out there thats going to claim they can make things better. Trump seems to be causinf a good bit of chaos with other countriee, someone is going to ha e to 'fix it' and we all know what the Bible says about someone promising to fix things and bring peace....

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7 minutes ago, Ostria said:

I think chaos will break loose around 2028.


There has to be someone out there thats going to claim they can make things better. Trump seems to be causinf a good bit of chaos with other countriee, someone is going to ha e to 'fix it' and we all know what the Bible says about someone promising to fix things and bring peace....


IMO, the chaos has already been unleashed. Up until the election of the leader of the most prominent member of the Anglo-American alliance, the world was drifting and settled in its ways, apart from the Covid scare, and it seemed more of the same for the immediate future.

But since Jan 20th, the status quo of world order has been upended, to such a degree that it takes no stetch of the imagination to see the conditions being set for a 'cry of peace & security' in the not so distant future. And all this in less than 30 days, so far.

  • A Gaza 'solution' appears possible, at least in the minds of the majority of the western world
  • Ukraine/Russian war is ended. 
  • Possible halving of defence spending for both KOTS & KOTN
  • The threat of nuclear war being 'walked back'
  • Chinese /American relations improving to such an extent that the threat of conflicts is removed. KOTS may sacrifice Taiwan for this to happen.
  • Rifts appearing in U.S. churches over the sacrosanctity of places of worship re: immigration 

Imagine if the Doomsday clock was set back a minute or more, then the perception could well be that at last 'Peace & Security" is with us, or at least within our grasp.


All an illusion of course. As they say, we do live in very interesting times 😕 

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5 hours ago, Michał said:

Im awaiting Mat WT. Maybe it will be clarified if P&S comes before putting one though or just after it. Shouldn’t it come this Thursday?

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It seems more likely that the cry would come after the UN gets power since the destruction closely follows the cry, not the UN receiving power.


But, if the cry did happen before the UN got power, the UN would have to get power so quickly in order for the destruction to "instantly" follow the cry that the two events would probably happen just about simultaneously. 


Personally, I'm looking for the UN sign instead of the cry. We won't even know which cry is the real one until the destruction happens, but it seems likely we'll be able to discern that the UN has received power, even before we get confirmation from the GB.

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10 hours ago, Ostria said:

I think chaos will break loose around 2028.


There has to be someone out there thats going to claim they can make things better. Trump seems to be causinf a good bit of chaos with other countriee, someone is going to ha e to 'fix it' and we all know what the Bible says about someone promising to fix things and bring peace....

Hahaha yeah you may be right. I was hoping it will come during Trump though. He seems crazy enough to promise peace and security. Whenever it comes we know God lead them because the Bible says they would be going in a different direction. 

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12 hours ago, Nicol said:

Hahaha yeah you may be right. I was hoping it will come during Trump though. He seems crazy enough to promise peace and security. Whenever it comes we know God lead them because the Bible says they would be going in a different direction



My uncle is saying that Trump is going to be the one that will impose int he whole "You cant buy/sell anything without the mark" apparently Trump is talking about giving everyone crypto wallets and filling it with like $2000/month so people can live off of. I mean there is one thing wrong with this flaw, (Looks at everyone in the site) Who else besides me knows anything about crypto? Do any of yall know how to buy,sell,trade it? What about your parents and or grandparents, the older generation would be screwed if that was the only way they could survive.

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16 minutes ago, Ostria said:

Trump is talking about giving everyone crypto wallets and filling it with like $2000/month so people can live off of.

You can't live on $2000 in Australia, That's a poverty state.  

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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14 hours ago, LeolaRootStew said:




It seems more likely that the cry would come after the UN gets power since the destruction closely follows the cry, not the UN receiving power.


But, if the cry did happen before the UN got power, the UN would have to get power so quickly in order for the destruction to "instantly" follow the cry that the two events would probably happen just about simultaneously. 


Personally, I'm looking for the UN sign instead of the cry. We won't even know which cry is the real one until the destruction happens, but it seems likely we'll be able to discern that the UN has received power, even before we get confirmation from the GB.

I thought they say peace and security 1st then the governments hand their power to the UN. 

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4 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

You can't live on $2000 in Australia, That's a poverty state.  

that brings up another flaw, how would trump implement that world wide lol.  $2000 in the USA depends on where you live will either be comfortable or literal poverty. Where my husband and I are at, he is the only one with a full time job and he brings home around $2k after taxes every other week. I have a tiny part time job that i use for groceries and miscellaneous stuff, if i got that extra $2k/month we would be SET. Actually if we didnt have our house payment we would be practically living in luxury even with $2k/month

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