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Our gift from Jehovah

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You knew there had to be huge effort behind this. Would not have happened without Jehovah's blessing. And, dear friends, we were treated like cherished ones. The annual meeting could have taken place, our new Bible announced, and made available at a reasonable time.

No, all of us there felt the love those dear brothers and Jehovah had for us all. We were included. No little effort involved. This from a God who owes us nothing. We owe our all to him, and we were treated like honored guests. It all still almost brings me to tears. It was so awesome.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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You knew there had to be huge effort behind this. Would not have happened without Jehovah's blessing. And, dear friends, we were treated like cherished ones. The annual meeting could have taken place, our new Bible announced, and made available at a reasonable time.

No, all of us there felt the love those dear brothers and Jehovah had for us all. We were included. No little effort involved. This from a God who owes us nothing. We owe our all to him, and we were treated like honored guests. It all still almost brings me to tears. It was so awesome.

 That's what I really appreciated too. Not only were they available to us right then, we didn't even have to get out of our seats! I know that the elderly and disabled were really heartened by that.

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Yes, the new cover feels exactly like my iPad, and the pages don't turn, they slide so smoothly.  Wonder if I can get it embossed with my name?


Sorry, it isn't the same somehow.

You are just funny! I will not hit that quote thing twice this time!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Yes, the new cover feels exactly like my iPad, and the pages don't turn, they slide so smoothly.  Wonder if I can get it embossed with my name?


Sorry, it isn't the same somehow.


It will be harder for you to twist the scriptures.  :whistling:  (Not my joke, would have to be at AM to appreciate.)

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Thinking on our gift from Jehovah.....


What would be the one thing that Jehovah could wish for his servants at this critical point in the last days when the pressures are on?

Apart from a wonderful witnessing tool to help others in the field, I am quite sure that Jehovah wishes us to draw closer to him all the time as our very lives depend on it.

It occurred to me that no study article or no convention talk about doing our Bible reading could be any where near as effective as simply giving us a brand new beautiful lovely dignified perfect Bible with so many new features and so easy to read!

It seems that we are all of us fired up and reading and enjoying it so much, even if its only online for the time being.

Jehovah is so wise, he knows just what we need and he presents it to us in a wonderful way, as usual.

Nothing bad can last forever!

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Yes, the new cover feels exactly like my iPad, and the pages don't turn, they slide so smoothly.  Wonder if I can get it embossed with my name?


Sorry, it isn't the same somehow.

One interesting thing I discovered about our God given gift. If you exhale on your fingertip, (not lick your fingertip) you can turn your pages really quite easily. I was amazed. Always disliked the moistening, as germs are truly abundant nowadays. But that wee bit of moisture from your breath is all it takes.

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It will be harder for you to twist the scriptures.  :whistling:  (Not my joke, would have to be at AM to appreciate.)

I got that!  LOL  Remember the brother, saying his hair loss wasn't because he married a foreign woma, either? 

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Hello to all Brothers and Sisters:

Most of you should have received your revised English Bibles by now. What a remarkable, historic, joyous meeting that was! Here are a few details about the production of the Bibles:

-The Bibles were printed in Wallkill and at the Japan branch. The project was highly confidential, with curtains up around the bindery production area. 1.3 million English Bibles needed to be printed at Wallkill from August 13, the project start date, to the annual meeting. This included printing them, binding them, gilding them, making the covers, putting the cover on, and shipping them out.

this, gilding would have to run nearly 24/7, with three shifts rotating in an out. Other parts of the bindery ran on double shift (6 am-11 PM). The night crew made a big sacrifice, working from 11 pm-7 am for the entire project. Many new workers were brought in to all parts of the printery to help out. Bindery oversight scheduled it so that the project would be completed if everything went well, but still it was a huge goal with a solid deadline. Would it get done? Not without Jehovah's help.

-Consider the weather, which was mentioned in the annual meeting. Take a look at this link.

First look how hot it was during the first half of July. With temperatures like that, it was very difficult to bind books and have the glue set properly. It brings production to a snail's pace. But now look at the temperatures from August 13-October 5. With the exception of one 94 degree day, the temperature never rose above 86, with many moderate days. As a result, enough books were bound.

-Brother Pierce showed us how to loosen up the gilding so that the pages will not stick together. This is called "breaking". It is necessary because when it comes out of the gilding machine it is hard as a rock. Each book was hand broken, 3 books at a time. This was done 3 times for all the books, once for each gilded side. Also each time it was broken it was checked for any errors, such as white spots or scratches.

-After gilding the sides, it was sent to have the corners rounded and gilded and then to have the ribbons inserted. Two more checks of each book were done, and then it would be sent to have the cover put on and then to be shrink wrapped, boxed, and shipped. It was checked at least twice more during that process.

-The purpose of all those checks, and also for the beautiful appearance of the book, is that the Governing Body wanted the Bibles to have a dignified, beautiful appearance that would stand out, considering it is our most important book. Hopefully your copy looks very good.

-The books produced at Wallkill were for the Eastern and Central United States, and the Japan branch produced 500,000-600,000 for the Western United States. The Shipping Department had to coordinate it so that all the books would get out to the thousands of locations on time, all while keeping the project confidential.

The revised New World Translation, which has been modernized and simplified, will be a great tool both to improve our own spirituality and to help others come to understand it. There will be many scriptures that have a whole new meaning, and we will be discovering these for a long time to come. Scriptures like John 17:3 may open some people's eyes about the action they need to take. Jehovah's blessing was certainly on the production of these books, and it will also be on your use of them.


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Edited by Dismal_Bliss

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