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Study EPUBs have been updated

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Here is the songbook in PDF with the Table of contents linked by song number or song title:




Thanks I can use that as the PDF I made was not correct after all. The page # of the same file is different on the desk top than on the Tab.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Here is the songbook in PDF with the Table of contents linked by song number or song title:


What I really wanted was an app that makes the songbook in a karaoke style wth the words highlighting when it's time to sing them :D
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What I really wanted was an app that makes the songbook in a karaoke style wth the words highlighting when it's time to sing them :D


Sounds great, but way out of my league! :)


There is an Android app, called "JW Songbook" (I think it's called) that will play the music as it displays the song lyrics. 


EDIT: Yes, it's JW Songbook and it has been updated with new features and languages. It has a game included to help you learn the songs. Really very nice!



Edited by Musky
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So, my brother asked me today about getting our KM s as ePubs. I told him starting in '14 he can have them emailed , is there a source for this months?....



KM's are only available as PDF's. Your field ministry group overseer or another elder should be able to email them to you.


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KM's are only available as PDF's. Your field ministry group overseer or another elder should be able to email them to you.


Actually, starting with the January 2014 issue, the KM's are also available in epub format from the branch. You still need to request a copy from your local elders.

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I also prefer PDF (I use ezpdf which has a huge amount of editing possibilities) and the magazine is perfectly formated. Someoone looking at me will be sure I'm with the mag/book, not so clear when using the epub version.



I use IAnnotate for the same purpose on my IPAD. Love it. Might try some of the others though.

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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I have tried again with Adobe and ezpdf but still cannot start the highlight at a particular word.  It either chooses the line, or the nest previous punctuation mark. i.e. If I wanted to highlight the word "love" in the phrase "Jehovah's love is his cardinal quality", it world highlight "'s love".


Not a major catastrostroke, but an annoyance.  I'll keep trying to solve it.



A brother sitting near me in KH today has a 7in Android (tablet) and is using pdf files.  He wanted to know how to get the scriptures to pop up in a box.  As androids are an alien invention, I couldn't help him.  Can you suggest the best option for him?

Bro. Christopher....regarding your highlighting, try starting the highlight backwards. Instead of starting with Jehovah's love, just start hi lighting love from right to left! Might work.

The difference between try and triumph is that little "umph"

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The KM epubs are really good.  Everything you need for the midweek meeting is contained in the epub file - the bible reading, the book study material, the songs, reasoning and insight book for the school talks.  Even the references to watchtowers etc for the school review are there. 

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Sorry if this has already been asked, but how can you get an electronic version of the KM (preferably an epub)? I am planning on getting a tablet soon, but for now I use my Samsung Galaxy phone.

Request it from your COBE.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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The KM epubs are really good.  Everything you need for the midweek meeting is contained in the epub file - the bible reading, the book study material, the songs, reasoning and insight book for the school talks.  Even the references to watchtowers etc for the school review are there.

Have you got one Jonathan? The elders told me last night that they are not available in UK, only in USA!

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Hello, you all, I do not have a tablet, android or a notebook. I have a Dell laptop Inspiron 15r. What can I use to be able to do some of the things that you all are able to do to make my studying easier using my laptop?

Thanks for any help I can get.

Any publications that are in pdf format will work on any operating system ( including Apple :poke:  ) with a pdf reader -many like Adobe reader ( bloatware ) for desktop/laptop. Sumatrapdf ( freeware ) is smaller and works well too. With Sumatrapdf you can copy most pictures - Without the Text - into a graphics program such as Irfanview ( freeware ).

For epub on a desktop/laptop, I use what ever works - some don't support new "Epub 3" standard yet. Epub 3 has links to articles/scriptures built in.


You can get most of these programs from http://www.majorgeeks.com  under office tools on the left side. I only get freeware programs ( no ads, etc. )

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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