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New sign at Warwick

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Looks strong enough to make it through ... imagine Moses asking, "What's JW.org?"

He'll have to check it out with his tablet.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Very nice sign.  A couple of us in the congregation were recently discussing how beneficial it could be to have jw.org on our sign.  I like how it looks.  Most Kingdom Halls in our area can be seen from main highways.  It would be a great way to give exposure to the website.  We'll see.....

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     That's interesting the Society has put the website on their sign at Warwick. Since they lead by example

I wonder if this is a kind of silent suggestion for Kingdom Hall's everywhere to begin following their lead.

Think of how many more people would be informed of the Societies website and maybe be encouraged to

turn to it for answers. With all of the marvelous information they keep adding,  I don't see how anyone viewing

it and any number of the videos they now have on it could come away without a completely changed opinion

about Jehovah's witnesses. The website is helping restore much of the dignity and respect that opposers and

apostates have robbed us of.



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We might think it is a good idea to incorporate this logo at out KHs, butI believe our current instructions are that we are not to use any of the Watchtower Tract and Bible Society logos on out web pages, stationary, or Kingdom Hall signage including architectural features. We had outline of a watch tower on our sign and we were asked to remove it.

I think these instructions would also apply to the JW.ORG logo. Please correct me if I am wrong.



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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As it stands right now, we would need permission to include the jw.org logo on any signage. The congregation would need to contact the RBC or the Branch to request such use - but, as far as I understand they are currently not giving such permission.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Some have suggested that it would be nice to meet with each other after Armageddon sometime...Most likely this sign will still be around! (Notice Musky..no cats! how did that happen?!)post-2322-0-68087700-1399684551_thumb.jp

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Judging by the comments of some on here, this is not worldwide information, but in Australia (at least our congregation) we have been instructed to put signs very similar to this out the front of our Kingdom Halls. Those congregations which utilise the Watch Tower symbol on their sign have been asked to replace it with the jw.org sign. Have no other congregations done this? Our congregation has already done so. I'll put a photo up soon :)

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Don't you think it could be possible that our "watchtower" sign would be, in a certain way, "abandoned"... for the JW.org sign ?

I agree...The direction now is not so much to watch but to FIND!.Our logo is the destination to go to!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Judging by the comments of some on here, this is not worldwide information, but in Australia (at least our congregation) we have been instructed to put signs very similar to this out the front of our Kingdom Halls. Those congregations which utilise the Watch Tower symbol on their sign have been asked to replace it with the jw.org sign. Have no other congregations done this? Our congregation has already done so. I'll put a photo up soon :)

I'm looking forward to that photo that you're going to send us I would like to talk to my elders about that too This way I can send them the photo

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Last Thursday I was visiting our branch. The Assembly Hall is just across the road.


I was talking with a brother when others came in and said: "Look at the assembly hall!" They were quite excited, so I thought maybe the assembly hall was in flames, or something. When we looked through the window, we saw they had put a huge JW.org sign that covered most of the front wall. No one driving that road will be able to ignore the sign. :)

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   Thanks for your own personal experience. It is clear the Society is using the website more and more to advance

the worldwide preaching work. And there is just so much that as been done and can yet be done to make that a

vehicle we all can use to accomplish the fulfillment of Matt. 24:14 as never before. And as the Society keeps adding

new languages people we only dreamed of now get a thorough witness. I wonder if men like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

ever imagined that their brain child would one day help us to carry out Jehovah's will. As has been said many times,

Jehovah uses the wrath of the devil to praise him.



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Last Thursday I was visiting our branch. The Assembly Hall is just across the road.


I was talking with a brother when others came in and said: "Look at the assembly hall!" They were quite excited, so I thought maybe the assembly hall was in flames, or something. When we looked through the window, we saw they had put a huge JW.org sign that covered most of the front wall. No one driving that road will be able to ignore the sign. :)


Great! We visited your branch and that assembly hall a few years ago. We should visit it again to see the sign... :D maybe this summer...

Edited by Daniela

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet.” 

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   Thanks for your own personal experience. It is clear the Society is using the website more and more to advance

the worldwide preaching work. And there is just so much that as been done and can yet be done to make that a

vehicle we all can use to accomplish the fulfillment of Matt. 24:14 as never before. And as the Society keeps adding

new languages people we only dreamed of now get a thorough witness. I wonder if men like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

ever imagined that their brain child would one day help us to carry out Jehovah's will. As has been said many times,

Jehovah uses the wrath of the devil to praise him.



Sorry for being a pedant but I think we have Tim Berners-Lee to thank for the WWW. ;-)

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