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JW Broadcasting - November

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It is rather interesting that there are two stories of two different items(The panel in one and the desk in the other) with such great similarity. I am going to have to see some more definite clarification of this before I spread it around.

Edited by Pallen

 Personal Greetings from Paul and Kathy Forgive me if I got long winded, there is just so much to share.

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The TV desk has a similar story, according to a recent Bethelite talk. The talk is recorded, so here's a transcript (and recording) of the story as it was told during the talk.


attachicon.gifTV Desk.mp3


In two months they would do it but how would they get the equipment, because, like that modern TV desk. If you haven't seen it you got to get on TV.JW.org, but that's like, you know, it's made for ESPN and CNN, that's the maker of those TV desks, you know, those broadcasting desks.


And we went to the company, not we like me, but we like the organization, went to the company and talked to the people there and took the tour and stuff of everything, but the people said "you know what, we're backed up nine months, there's no way that we're gonna be able to help you." "Well let's take a tour anyway."


So they took a tour of the facility, they went to the parking lot, the brothers were leaving, when this man came running out and stopped them in the parking lot. "Waitaminute waitaminute, please come back for a minute. There's something you won't believe." What happened was that a company, a corporation, who ordered this in South Africa went bankrupt. They had already paid a forty percent deposit and they were no longer there to buy it.


So they came in, the brothers looked at it, they stayed calm, they didn't say too much, and the man said "I apologize about the color, this color blue." Watchtower's the color blue, can you believe it. "I'm sorry about the color and stuff, but you know you what, I'll tell you what, we'll give you the forty percent off that they already paid if you'll take this one."


Who made that happen? It wasn't some crafty brothers who were in the parking lot pretending their car wouldn't start. No, it was Jehovah our God who made it happen. Did we meet the timeframe? Yes. They hadn't even written the program yet, what they were gonna say or what they were gonna do, they were out filming, they had crews filming for what was gonna be on in a week and we didn't even have a program set up. But yet, Jehovah made it happen. He is a God that can make anything happen.


True story!  * Same Story - Same Console!  *  ....   we had it also related to us at a Bethelite talk this past weekend - we heard it was the President of the Co. himself who came running across the parking lot who tapped on the car glass just after the Brothers prayed and were about to start the car.


He also related another "Jehovah backed" story about Three specific Sony Cameras and Three 1500/1501 controllers.  


make ya wonder if Stavro was at the same KH as me?

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Ok, so the panel being referred to in one post about  "the elaborate panel system" is actually the desk then. When the post above was relating about an "elaborate panel system" and "panels for television broadcasting" my mind went to the panel screen in back not a desk.  Forgive me for the confusion.  :perplexed: 

 Personal Greetings from Paul and Kathy Forgive me if I got long winded, there is just so much to share.

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Just finished watching the November program, well worth the wait - seeing our little philipino sister that lost her whole family in the storm really tugs at the heart stings.... that our organization is a mordern day miracle came over loud and clear!


I also liked the behind the scenes of "The Prodigal Returns" because it's my favorite jw. movie!

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Wow, November program is great, so emotional right through. But have you guys watched the video of song 24, 'Keep Your Eyes On the Prize!' sung by the children's chorus? It's so moving! I managed to watch it through with dry eyes until right near the end, when it zooms out and you realize that the little girl who was imagining herself in Paradise was actually in a wheelchair. Oh I was bawling! Jehovah sure knows how to touch our hearts!

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   brother William,

  some of the sisters do not have internet at home and would like to

   download at public wifi to view later in their home ~ would you be so kind

    as to instruct how to download these programs? it would help them so much


     thanks so much :)

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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Here you go







This is extremely helpful to me as when I just watch it, I use up a whole month of band-with. Is there a place on JW.org where I can do this every month?

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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some of the sisters do not have internet at home and would like to

   download at public wifi to view later in their home ~ would you be so kind

    as to instruct how to download these programs? it would help them so much

For a windows PC:

Right click on a link and select save target as.

Select a folder to place your files into.

For an android tablet/phone:

Hold down on the link and select Open in new tab.

The download will take place in the background.

You can view the download progress in the notifications tab.

The file is saved in the download folder.

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Does anyone know how to download the videos using an android tablet? I'm refering to a way to get the links and not need to wait for others to post them ;)

Use the Android downloader app:

IDM Plus Download Manager by AndroidDev2014.

It just downloads the link, but it doesn't show you the link url.

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I can't believe that Jehovah caused the South African company to go bankrupt.


I highly doubt Jehovah had any role whatsoever in the South African company going bankrupt, on the basis of James 1:13.


While Jehovah didn't have anything to do with the purchasing company going out of business, he most certainly could direct other events that led to the brothers getting the desk so quickly. If the brothers had went there a few weeks earlier, they would have left with no purchase, since the desk was unfinished. If they went there a few weeks later, the desk would likely have been sold to another buyer, or dismantled.


Jehovah didn't have to orchestrate events to put the desk there, all he had to do was get the brothers there at the right time to buy it.

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Ok, so the panel being referred to in one post about  "the elaborate panel system" is actually the desk then.


Yes. The brother in my recorded talk refers to the "desk", but it's really the entire set. The desk, the raised platform under the desk, the hanging lights, the backdrop panels, the glass JW Broadcasting panes, the large screen directly behind the desk, etc.

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Jehovah didn't have to orchestrate events to put the desk there, all he had to do was get the brothers there at the right time to buy it.

And possibly for the company sales people to speak up and offer the desk set to the Brothers at the last moment.

 Personal Greetings from Paul and Kathy Forgive me if I got long winded, there is just so much to share.

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Use the Android downloader app:

IDM Plus Download Manager by AndroidDev2014.

It just downloads the link, but it doesn't show you the link url.

Thanks, but I have that app and can't download :(

If I past the link of the page containing the video it just says that it's a Web page and I have to open it on the browser.... If I use the embedded browser it just plays the video as a regular browser... How do you do?

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I highly doubt Jehovah had any role whatsoever in the South African company going bankrupt, on the basis of James 1:13.

While Jehovah didn't have anything to do with the purchasing company going out of business, he most certainly could direct other events that led to the brothers getting the desk so quickly. If the brothers had went there a few weeks earlier, they would have left with no purchase, since the desk was unfinished. If they went there a few weeks later, the desk would likely have been sold to another buyer, or dismantled.

Jehovah didn't have to orchestrate events to put the desk there, all he had to do was get the brothers there at the right time to buy it.

I'm really sorry for saying this again but I'm having a hard time making sense out of this story... May be I'm confusing something :)

I just watched again the background scenes of how the studio was built and it doesn't seem to fit in any way with the story!

The entire studio was projected and drawings where made before passing to the buying phase... This phase was done by using catalogs and phone calls. The mentioning of a scout team was related to finding a suitable place not to buying materials.

I couldn't discern anything so strange that could only be built by two companies in the world!

Everything seemed to be built from scratch except the panels with JW.ORG in it and the glass on top of the main table... But those things where surely made according to initial drawings of the project and specifically for this purpose, they don't seem to be something that was intended for other company in the first place... Furthermore we can see brothers working from zero an almost every other aspect, and everything according to a pre conceived project.

If this was true wasn't such a good thing to talk about on a video about how the studio was made and how Jehovah blessed their efforts? They did said that someone working on the area mentioned that a project like that should take 1 year and an half but our brothers took only 2 months... But that was due to brothers from allover the world and Jehovah blessing their hard work and using his spirit to make sure it was done in due time. The focus to me was in a massive man power that worked full throttle by the help of Jehovah's spirit... Wasn't this a good time to mention that episode so incredible?

Well, sorry... I just can't understand and wanted to express my view ;)

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Here's my thought about skepticism /doubts.

My personal daily Bible reading from yesterday. John 20.

John 20:26-Well, eight days later his disciples were again indoors, and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, although the doors were locked, and he stood in their midst and said: "May you have peace."   27   Next he said to Thomas: "Put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop doubting but believe."   28   In answer Thomas said to him: "My Lord and my God!"   29 Jesus said to him: "Because you have seen me, have you believed? Happy are those who have not seen and yet believe."

"there was Jehovah’s word for him, and it went on to say to him: “What is your business here, E·lijah?" To this (Elijah) he said: “I have been absolutely jealous for Jehovah the God of armies"- 1 Kings 19:9, 10 Reference Bible

Ecclesiastes 7:21 "..., do not give your heart to all the words that people may speak," - Reference Bible

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Thanks, but I have that app and can't download :(

If I past the link of the page containing the video it just says that it's a Web page and I have to open it on the browser.... If I use the embedded browser it just plays the video as a regular browser... How do you do?

You have to treat it like a normal browser. Input TV.JW.ORG and navigate to video on demand, etc.

Whenever it detects a new streaming file, a popup will appear asking whether to download or watch the video.

BTW I would like to post a screenshot of the popup but I can't find a way to do it.

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You have to treat it like a normal browser. Input TV.JW.ORG and navigate to video on demand, etc.

Whenever it detects a new streaming file, a popup will appear asking whether to download or watch the video.

BTW I would like to post a screenshot of the popup but I can't find a way to do it.

Yes I know about the pop-up, it appears but then nothing is downloaded... But ok don't worry about it. Thank you very much ;)

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I just watched the latest monthly video for November http://tv.jw.org/#vi...thlyProgramming


It is just beautiful! I get a very much LARGER view of what Jehovah's Kingdom is on this earth.

It truly is watching over again. I'll do that when I can, especially there is nothing to watch on worldly TV!


I did notice something hat took me many weeks to notice.


It is the moving background showing what I thought was a moving star field, like looking at the Milky Way.

Soon I began to see the outline of the worlds continents. Next I figured out that the bright spots that looked like stars were lights from cities on the earth.


Now here is the thing I noticed, the direction of the earth is backwards!


The sun rises in the east, as everyone knows. For this to happen the earth has to rotate from west to east, or left to right on the screen. (We are looking at the northern latitudes.)

The way it moves now is right to left.


If anyone knows how to address this problem please do so, I didn't see an email link to use. Thanks, Lee

Edited by crazylee
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