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Self employment ideas?

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Point me in the direction if this topic has already started, I wasn't able to find it. But if not, would like to hear your ideas for simple business ideas that would allow brothers and sisters (myself included) to work part time, choose your own hours, reap the rewards of hard work, and perhaps pioneer. 


Let me get it started:


grass cutting

snow removal

window washing

childcare ...

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Point me in the direction if this topic has already started, I wasn't able to find it. But if not, would like to hear your ideas for simple business ideas that would allow brothers and sisters (myself included) to work part time, choose your own hours, reap the rewards of hard work, and perhaps pioneer. 


Let me get it started:


grass cutting

snow removal

window washing

childcare ...


I've tried:


Using temp agencies to obtain work

Working for the family business during busy times

Offering administrative services virtually (I set up my own website, twitter account, Google+ sites through a free program offered by Weebly)

Offering child care part-time/on call basis

Part-time jobs (from fast food to walmart) - Home Depot won't hire me because I'm not what they're looking for.  (seriously this is the reply I got back from them)  Applied at Michael's (craft store) no reply from them either....


I have two legs and a heart beat, plus a brain what more do they need.  LOL


And you know what..... all of these things I tried, many of them don't work, only prayer and reliance on Jehovah have.  I have nothing set in stone, no way to make ends meet consistently.


Prior to catching what feels like the bubonic plague, I just worked at my ministry and Jehovah supplied the rest.  This month was pretty much the same, but sadly my ministry hours were very much diminished on account of not feeling well.  

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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on another note I should of put this in the "Our Meetings, Ministry, and Life as a Christian " forum


We moved it to General Discussion, since the topic is not specifically about Our Meetings, Our Ministry, nor Life as a Christian.



I am a ceramic tile setter, and own my own business. My wife runs and in home child care. Probably the hardest thing to do is keep it all in balance. Self-employment quickly becomes your life, and there are times when I would love to just punch a clock, go home, and not have to think about it again till the next day when I punch in.


Since we're raising a family, trying to squeeze pioneering in the mix is difficult. 


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I have been self employed most of my life,as a carpenter but have done many other things too.


Sharon mentioned the most important thing our reliance on Jehovah to bless our loyal efforts. At the same time, it is good to have a long term plan. Jehovahs organization has encouraged young people to get training in solid, marketable skills. It is true.

Sharon's tougue-in-cheek comment about having two legs a heart beat and a brain brings up an interesting point to discuss, though.


I can't speak for other countries, but here in the states many of the good paying jobs that required limited skill have moved out of the country. As a result, you more or less have people standing in line for minimum or low paying jobs, as clerks, cashiers, burger flippers, etc just to have a job.

Many of these places, such as home centers or specialist retailers will show a preference for someone who has experience in their particular field.


If you get or can find the opportunity to learn a trade or a skill, do it ! , especially if you are still in school. Service oriented businesses with low overhead are great. Some have already been mentioned, but don't forget the seasonal aspect of others. That said, there is a reason that 3/4 of the pioneers in the country are in the cleaning or painting business. They are jobs most people hate, require minimal traing skill and investment, and are flexible in schedule. Yard work, gutter cleaning, junk removal, garbage routehandyman service, post on local boards and in local classifieds internet and paper.


I live in a very poor area, and many brothers make it quite well in these areas. Many times a lot depends upon the area you live in. More urban areas are stricter on permits, licensing, and qualifications, others not so much so. you have to get a feel for what works where you are. As a rule if you are willing to sweat and get dirty you can find work. Along with Jehovah's blessing you will get known, get connected, have a good reputation for work ethic and honesty, and things will get easier, though you may have to be careful not to take on too much.


Here's a suggestion that worked for me, and I think it can work for a lot of different jobs. I went to local contractors and introduced myself, and asked them if they would like to have someone for people to call for the jobs that they (the contractor ) would have to turn down because they were too small for them to fool with. They were happy, the people were happy, and I was happy. Having some verifiable experience and references helps.


Once you get started and get known with a solid reputation, you will take off. A word of advice : Stay as small and simple as possible. don't get sucked into the trap of going into debt for the latest greatest vehicles, tools and equipment, your over head will kill you. K.I.S.S. keep it simple, servant ! Be resourceful work hard and Jehovah will bless you. One lesson I learned is when you pray for work, and some falls in your lap, don't say "well, thanks, but that isn't really what I wanted Jehovah". Take it gratefully and just do it with a thankful heart. The recent magazine about the proper view of work is  excellent.


Best wishes and prayers for your success.

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Point me in the direction if this topic has already started, I wasn't able to find it. But if not, would like to hear your ideas for simple business ideas that would allow brothers and sisters (myself included) to work part time, choose your own hours, reap the rewards of hard work, and perhaps pioneer. 


Let me get it started:


grass cutting

snow removal

window washing

childcare ...

Dear brother Jeff, go pioneering if you can and regarding job ... Job 42:2 will prove true !

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Dear brother Jeff, go pioneering if you can and regarding job ... Job 42:2 will prove true !


As long as you apply Luke 14:28-30 at the same time... there is sometimes the tendency to 'just go pioneering' and not think of the wider or medium-term consequences.  Job 42:2 applies to Jehovah - not us.  And Jehovah doesn't micromanage affairs so we can pioneer if we haven't put the effort in to calculate the expense. 


For what it is worth, cleaning is often the simplest work to find if you don't have a trade or semi-professional skill you can utilise in a part time fashion.  I've done shop and house window, office, general, builders final and carpet cleaning at different times.

Edited by Jexter

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof
is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

- from 'Mostly Harmless' by Douglas Adams  :loopy:

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Here are some things that fellow brothers/sisters I know do to help with their expenses and pioneering :


* Selling things from home such as jewelry, woodworking items such as furniture, handmade goods ,etc.


* Lawnscaping and garden work

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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As long as you apply Luke 14:28-30 at the same time... there is sometimes the tendency to 'just go pioneering' and not think of the wider or medium-term consequences. Job 42:2 applies to Jehovah - not us. And Jehovah doesn't micromanage affairs so we can pioneer if we haven't put the effort in to calculate the expense.

For what it is worth, cleaning is often the simplest work to find if you don't have a trade or semi-professional skill you can utilise in a part time fashion. I've done shop and house window, office, general, builders final and carpet cleaning at different times.

I agree with you!

My wife tried pioneering for a year while working in a full time job and while the spiritual blessings where great for both of us, we couldn't keep up with that past that year because the physical wear was too much... Although she was the one pioneering it was our efforts as a couple that made it possible but she we can't just decide to go pioneering because definitely it's not possible in all life contexts...

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I used to work in retail, doing 10 hour shifts. I would rush home to get to the meeting, always feeling tired from being on my feet all day. I was looking for something I could do where I could work for myself, so I got into house cleaning.

I have all my clients on a repeat basis, so I am able to have the same, regular schedule every week. It's worked out really well for me as it's so flexible - I have been able to set time aside specifically for the ministry. Some of our pioneers also do a few cleaning jobs to support themselves.

Personally it couldn't have been a better decision for me, I've been able to expand my ministry having set aside time for it and am finding it a real joy. Also spending time with the brothers and sisters who make it out in field during the week, which I could never do in my old job, I really treasure getting to know them on a more personal level.

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I agree with you!

My wife tried pioneering for a year while working in a full time job and while the spiritual blessings where great for both of us, we couldn't keep up with that past that year because the physical wear was too much... Although she was the one pioneering it was our efforts as a couple that made it possible but she we can't just decide to go pioneering because definitely it's not possible in all life contexts...

Pioneering while working full time !!! ??? That's way too hard ! I only know personally one brother who works full time and is in full time ministry .. He is in 2014 yearbook .. I had to quit full time job in order to pioneer .. Jehovah really proved true in my case that if we seek his Kingdom he will provide " other" necessary things ..

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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I am in a slightly unique situation but am happy with it.

I learned the truth while at university. I studied IT business and now am a freelance QA. Living in San Francisco makes it ideal. People send me code they are working on, and i check it for quality along with functionality of the application in question as it gets closer to being ready to be released. Sometimes I work for a company in an office, other times I work from home - it depends but it generally allows me to stay flexible. At the moment I work 2.5 days a week (2 mornings and 2 afternoons) meaning I can get out on field service a lot, especially with the campaign going on. 

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In Florida, snow removal is not a viable option .... but, irrigation repair is.


There are many options if you really think about it as long as you are physically able to do it. Some require training while others, like cleaning, can be learned on the job.


One that may seem odd is a "potato chip" route. They take a small investment, but can have large returns with controlled hours if you do it right.


There are also paper routes that can pay good - but, daily's are a real pain.


Keep in mind that "owning your own business" (working for yourself) has some unique situations. Make sure you know your local license and permitting laws as well as income tax and insurance.


I have been self-employed most of my working life - but, have also worked as an employee from time to time - I have even done something "in between"

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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If you have a green thumb, there are many house plants that are hardy and you can rent your plants to offices. Included in the monthly rent is the upkeep and watering of the plants. Usually you just need a plastic garbage can on wheels which also can hold a water tank with a spray nozzle, a rag, green spray that also adds a shine to the leaves . 

Most plants only need watering and taking care of the leafs about twice a week, some just once a week. 

If you have a mall that has places for plants and small trees you could really have a good business going with the upkeep of the plants throughout the mall. 

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