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Originally posted by Brother Arellano

I am not sure where your photo is taken exactly. There are a lot of mountains here, as you can no doubt imagine. Where I live is in the lower right hand corner of this photo..

My photo is from Pikes Peak looking in the general direction of your place...

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Pauline, as the file name for the picture posted is 'RAY' I consider it to be a direct insult to me...

That Bob has drawn attention to it and then made a joke of it compounds the insult.

This is the second time in just a week that I have come under a concerted attack from more than just a couple of posters, I don't like it.

As I said on the other thread, "Who else tried to help them?"

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Originally posted by Brother Arellano

Ah, my place would not be visible from Pikes Peak. It's in a high valley someone in that far off mountain range.

And I'm guessing it would be towards the left hand side of the photo...

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Pauline, as the file name for the picture posted is 'RAY' I consider it to be a direct insult to me...

That Bob has drawn attention to it and then made a joke of it compounds the insult.

This is the second time in just a week that I have come under a concerted attack from more than just a couple of posters, I don't like it.

As I said on the other thread, "Who else tried to help them?"

I just realized something about myself. A couple of weeks age the Service Overseer had a Q and A part. I put up my hand and he said, "Sister W, again" Since that was my first comment of the night, I was a little taken aback, especially since his wife and daughter had been called on more than once, already. I was looking for some territory that night and asked him and some others, since I had finished my time and was taking out some disabled Sisters that Saturday. I did not want to take out a new territory, yet, because I have a number of medical appts this month, May. I wanted a street near one of the sister's home, because she is recovering from surgery, chemo, and cancer. So if need be, she would have to make it home quickly. Well, come Sat morning, I had one of the sisters (using a cane) with me, at the meeting, and mentioned whom I was picking up. I also mentioned I was still looking for a piece of territory. The Service Overseer told me, "That is exactly what you are NOT supposed to do. That is what the article told us about delaying getting our time started!" Well, I was a little taken aback again, but the morning worked well for my sisters and they were able to stay "regular" and serve Jehovah, which is what it is really about. So, keep trying to help whomever you can. Jehovah sees it and that is what's important. For me, I have to remember that this elder is very busy, and I should not take it personally. Anybody is welcome to correct my spelling anytime. I have a broken keyboard with missing letters. So maybe I am keeping that lady in the cartoon awake. If the picture was in any way a reference to you, I guess you would be the man who is sleeping  peacefully. IMHO

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Pauline, I have no idea what that means...

But I do know that I am being insulted quite deliberately and that others are backing up the one doing the insulting. They are being offensive to me and I don't think I should take that lying down.

Like I said, it's the second time in a week.

And Chuck's comment doesn't wash either. Apologies are in order and I expect to see them.

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Pauline, I have no idea what that means...

But I do know that I am being insulted quite deliberately and that others are backing up the one doing the insulting. They are being offensive to me and I don't think I should take that lying down.

Like I said, it's the second time in a week.

And Chuck's comment doesn't wash either. Apologies are in order and I expect to see them.

Sorry, I was just trying to laugh at myself, a little. I hope I haven't insulted you in any way. If so, I am truly sorry and hope you will accept my apology.  

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Pauline, I have no idea what that means...

But I do know that I am being insulted quite deliberately and that others are backing up the one doing the insulting. They are being offensive to me and I don't think I should take that lying down.

Like I said, it's the second time in a week.

And Chuck's comment doesn't wash either. Apologies are in order and I expect to see them.

Did I miss something here? :perplexed:


I never noticed anyone poking fun at Bro. Ray - or maybe it's just I didn't notice. :sleeping:


I assume that the original cartoon was from a cartoon strip named "Ray" and the comment by the character was by the wife, who I doubt is Ray. :coffee:


This thread started out as a bit of fun :loopy:  But has gotten off track. :offtopic::boxing:


Everybody needs to take stock and step back.


Was Ray insulted- he certainly feels so. Was it intended to insult Ray. Probably not, but could be a tease.

In light of what has happened, everybody involved should apologize - in public- since this is where it has ended up. :peace:

Matt 6:14 :bible2:

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Wow, I NEVER saw it as anyone making fun of Ray. I realize that we all have different personalities and at times we can joke around with each other in fun, but when you are among brothers and sisters who have no evil intentions toward you (and I feel there is not one person in here who has bad or evil motives to intentionally hurt another) then perhaps it was all just a HUGE misunderstanding and it would be better to forgive and hopefully forget. There have been times when I have felt "ganged up on" but when I truly examined the situation I realized that for one reason or another I wasn't letting things roll off my back as they should - the problem was mine and I needed to step back, disengage for a bit and then re-engage when my mental facilities where up to par and ready to handle anything that came my way again. We have to be able to do that if we are to be "Jehovah's Witnesses" - we can't go out in service and "light" into strangers at their own doors and be demanding about how we think they should treat us. We have to treat each other the same way.

Ray, so many in here have such great respect for you and for all the wonderful posts you've put into this forum, I'm dead sure no one ever meant to cause you deliberate hurt or to bully you in anyway. I don't know if it means anything to you but I want to say "I'm sorry" for anything that may of caused you hurt or distress, I truly mean that.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Thank you Brigette... but I don't think you've ever upset me in any way, nor has Pauline nor Peter...

But we have in this thread a number of posts directed quite plainly at me and, in particular, my attempts to help people better understand how to use the English language. Pauline has contributed to the thread I started for that reason too and added quite a bit to it.

Worse than the posts that denigrate me, there are those who have 'liked' those posts. How anyone can not see that I have come under attack here is beyond me.

There is no comic strip named 'RAY', is there? And the title of the thread shows that it was all intentional. I had a similar problem, as I said, last week...

http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/20464-blame-game/page-2...from post 22.

I don't see any 'great respect' in any of that.

As Steven said, "There is no place in Jehovah's organization for treating our Brothers in an unkind way."

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Ray, I would like to apologize if I "liked" any post that you do not.

My desire is to be at peace with everybody on this forum. I have full hands fighting  :deadhorse: with Satan already ... so my intention is to be peaceful in relations with my dear brothers and sisters :)

I think its time to make this thread RIGHT. We all have different personalities and clearly what is funny for one person is not funny for another.

Humility will move us to apologize to Ray and make him feel welcome on this forum

Edited by Gregexplore

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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It's really amazing that you chose to highlight this extremely offensive file name...

Do you not understand that I've been trying to help people? And that it's something I consider to be important?



I didn't upload the pic or name the file, but the fact that someone did should open your eyes to the reputation you've developed here. Since you like to harp on everyone's grammar and spelling on public postings, instead of privately, you are now known as the resident grammer Nazi and spelling cop. There is nothing I can do about it: You reap what you sow. We tried to contain your rants by encouraging you to start a topic all your own where these things can be discussed in a topical manner like forum discussions ought to be, instead of letting you continue to troll other discussions into an off-topic discussion of grammar and spelling.


I appreciate that you want to help people with their English grammar and spelling. But, it is to be done through private messages or a dedicated topic like the one you started. Allow me to remind you of some of the Forum Membership Policy:


Section D, 4) Acceptable Language: Forum members come from diverse social, cultural, and geographic backgrounds, which means that they will have different standards of acceptable language. Please endeavor be sensitive to these differences, both in your own word choice and in how you react to others'. If you are seriously concerned about language that you feel is inappropriate, please contact a moderator or administrator privately. Do not engage the other user publicly within the topic.



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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*** Bible Citations ***
(Romans 12:3) For through the undeserved kindness given to me, I tell everyone there among you not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think, but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has given to him a measure of faith.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Thank you Brigette... but I don't think you've ever upset me in any way, nor has Pauline nor Peter...

But we have in this thread a number of posts directed quite plainly at me and, in particular, my attempts to help people better understand how to use the English language. Pauline has contributed to the thread I started for that reason too and added quite a bit to it.

Worse than the posts that denigrate me, there are those who have 'liked' those posts. How anyone can not see that I have come under attack here is beyond me.

There is no comic strip named 'RAY', is there? And the title of the thread shows that it was all intentional. I had a similar problem, as I said, last week...

http://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/20464-blame-game/page-2...from post 22.

I don't see any 'great respect' in any of that.

As Steven said, "There is no place in Jehovah's organization for treating our Brothers in an unkind way."


I just UNLIKED the posts that I had LIKED.  


I just thought it was a funny cartoon.  I did not know there was something going on between brothers from other threads.  


I hate conflicts.  I'm OUT.  But please work it out...Jehovah hates to see this.

"Be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

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To me it started out like a funny cartoon too. It reminded me of my 2nd oldest sister, who isn't on this forum.


I still say that the brother May have felt it was a criticism of him, however I don't see it that way. Maybe the comment about name of cartoon strip was a tease,


however again the cartoon comment was by the Wife, who would be a sister not a brother, could be the brother's wife ( I pity the brother )


Sounds just like my 2nd oldest sister - who got hauled on the carpet over insisting Hosea not be pronounced Ho za ya, the Spanish way. It was originally Ho she a , spelled that way too, in English.


The point being made was, Don't Be Dogmatic over trivial matters, Love, Empathy and Simplicity ( as per our WT study this week ) are what are needed

Edited by pnutts

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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I have difficulty understanding who is the Nazi here.

I liked Ray's postings.

I understood Seinfeld's soup Nazi.

I do not see a 'Nazi' here.

Where in the Rules does this come up?

Do we have someone that makes unilateral judgements?

Just asking?

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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This topic basically ended with Bob's post five days ago, no need to keep it going.

Amen. Have you considered locking this topic for good ? :lock:  Just abyss it (new expression :) )

Edited by Gregexplore

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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