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Why Do you Find Jehovah So Amazing?

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You know we've been studying the Draw to Jehovah book and specifically forgiveness and all.  Today we discussed how Satan has the audacity to challenge Jehovah's Sovereignty!


What has amazed me and I've wanted to comment at our meeting is this:  When we think of Jehovah and his treatment of Adam and Eve, when we think of some of the things he did to the Israelites, some of them seemingly over petty things. It seems sometimes that Jehovah is harsh, he expects perfection (even now somethings) yet when you study these lessons you see just how reasonable Jehovah is!


These lessons should make us focus on Jehovah's tolerance. We sometimes, i think, view Jehovah as not very tolerant because of his view of sin. However, really, Jehovah is very humble and tolerate especially in that he tolerates us and wants us to succeed. Look at how often Jehovah has to forgive even willing sin on our part!  Murders, thieves, liars, rapists, etc can be forgiven.  How could we ever view Jehovah as injustice in regards to his past dealings?


Look at how wonderful Jehovah's love is in making sure EVERYONE! EVERYONE has an opportunity to hear the Good News!  All language groups and tribes no matter how seemingly insignificant.  This should tell us about his Justice and Love!  We are witnessing this unbelievable preaching work right now and no one else is doing it!!!  He does not have to do any of this.


Satan was a perfect person, yet Jehovah has tolerated him. if anything Jehovah is not intolerant or impatient!


Oh lastly, although it is hard and appears to be extremely hard at times, Jehovah has blessed up with a wonderful adventure we will never forget as long as well live!  This is the biggest EPIC of all times!  In the END there will be BILLIONS of HEROES not just one or two. Jesus of course will be the ultimate Hero but we all will be ones who answered the Devil with a reply!  In the end, this will turn out to be the MOST MEANINGFUL LIFE EVER!  How mankind MET Satan's Challenge and WON!  It is painful now, but it will be tremendously beautiful later! Awe inspiring!  I always remind myself we are living an Epic story and these are still bible times. The bible just isn't be written right now.


Best wishes brothers and sisters. I hope this gives you something to think about and encourages you.





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When I think of Jehovah which is 24/7, I'm totally amazed at his patience, endurance, understanding, and reasonableness! Of course all of that is because of his love.

Yes, and speaking of challenge, that word means "a call or summons to engage in any contest, a call to fight, as a battle, a duel, etc."

So that means then, to me, that Satan summoned Jehovah to a fight over sovereignty! What nerve! Well, we all know what happened and what will happen. Yet Jehovah camly held his own in the form of Genesis 3:15. He didn't "lose it" by destroying all three of the rebels though he certainly had the right to do so, and let's not talk about the ability to do so.

Yes, Jehovah is the true God!!

Edited by Luezette
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Where  to start ?

EVERYTHING about Jehovah amazes me ... especially his forgiveness

Also I like "Terra-forming stuff " that he does ! :)  He gave us perfect home - His Creativity has no limits ! Looking forward to the endless future to see what else Jehovah will bring about !

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Jehovah has dealt with me very tenderly, mercifully and lovingly since my dedication to him! Having been raised in the truth, it is so easy to take it for granted. And take it for granted I did. My course led me to be DF'd, not once, but twice! Jehovah ever lovingly took me back in when I came back to my senses. And he loved me as if I never left! And he proved to me through my spiritual family that he will always be there for me, as constant as the sun! And he literally snatched me from the jaws of death. And he rejuvenates me daily from the fatigue of opposition.

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As I was meditating about this question, here was my thought:

What amazes me about Jehovah is how every single one of His many, many outstanding qualities from

his awesome power to the riches of his Wisdom all have 1 incredible "engine" behind them!


His pure love is the motivation or "engine" behind every single quality, every single thought and every single time He has acted in history and will act in billions of years ahead!

That thought is just mind blowing to me!  :o 


Especially when I compare how few times a day my thoughts and actions are motivated by pure love?   :nope:

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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All of the above and,

His generosity in the creation and our ability to appreciate it. From the smallest to the largest scale everything is just eye-watering in its complexity and beauty.

The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. Ec 12:13

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As an "Engineering" type, I would normally go to the creative wonders.  BUT, as a parent (and grand-parent), I am amazed, heartened and refreshed that He makes (and takes) the time to listen to each one of us, His children.


As a human parent, it can be difficult to give the needed attention to every family member when they are all talking at once.  But Jehovah stops and gives us personal attention to the smallest thought we have.  Walking to the road to get my mail, I notice new wildflowers and silently thank our God.  He listens.  I am sure there must be much more important matters in the Universe (and outside the Universe) that need His attention, but He listens to me.  When we beg His help, He listens and responds.  That is comforting beyond all measure.  Whether we need a pat on the back, a steady hand on the shoulder, a grasp of His right hand or a loving, warm embrace, He is there.  May we never forget to ask.

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The reason Jehovah is amazing to me is because in our world, he's a paradox.Someone with such absolute, endless power should not have the qualities he possesses! When's the last time you heard of anyone with tremendous power and resources using it to save dying human beings all over the world, even sacrificing the one he loves the most to do it! And he does all this without anything to gain for himself. Or having that much power and his foremost quality being humility, followed by love for everyone, regardless of race,nationality, class distinctions or appearance?!!! He's a paradox and I'm not sure I will ever be able to wrap my mind around it.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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I am amazed at Jehovah God's holiness.

Next Jesus says that no one is good except Jehovah.

I have always felt that this words of Jesus ain't no ordinary words. He would have seen Jehovah God in live action. Always.

So he felt that Jehovah God is good. He alone is good.

Only Jesus Christ can give the proper reason for that.

He would have known his father's heart.

Sent from my C6802 using Tapatalk

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I agree. I find Jehovah's holiness unbelievable.


Today during a bible study we discussed the fact that Jehovah can not lie.


This is mind-boggling. A supreme being that created the universe.... and there is something he can NOT do?


If you consider Jehovah is holy, Jehovah is righteous, Jehovah is love and Jehovah is the God of truth (Psalm 31:5) who can not lie, this makes sense.


He is pure and good in any way imaginable and unimaginable.

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Jehovah really is so very amazing! He is so incredibly loving to us. It always breaks my heart when I read or think about what Jehovah God did for Adam and Eve after they sinned. His heart was probably breaking and there Jehovah was kindly assisting them. He always gives us everything we need he gives me everything I need but as a human, or just Venus I'm selfish and greedy I'm always looking to fulfill my wants and that's not always within Jehovah's plans. I'm fed I have shelter and sustenance I have access to my meetings and and enjoy more than anything being with the Friends.


Jehovah and Jesus loves it when we enjoy being with the Friends. Especially the conventions the feeling is so amazing to be around the friends Psalms tells us that. It seems like all of us have it all in terms of spirituality and being fed spiritually but I continue to want more and Jehovah continues to put up with me and my selfish wants and whims he puts up with me probably even more than I would put up with myself. So I love Jehovah beacuse he is extremely gracious and patient beyond anything I could imgaine he is highly dignified and extremely lovable to us and he really wants us to be happy and he hurts when we hurt  and he loves us so much and really missses us and our prayers if we die.


And more than anything I want to see the sanctification of God's name and the vindication of his sovereignty and to hear his voice.  I don't know if I will because my selfishness keeps getting the better of me. Sometimes I allow my greed to be greater than Jehovah God and I don't know how to stop. 

"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be pleasing to you, O Jehovah, my Rock and my Redeemer."

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    probably the foremost amazing thing to me is that Jehovah created the heavens and the earth without using any preexisting materials.

    and within those creations are countless marvels that baffle man ... 

  His creations hold diverse beauty yet uniformity amid complexity & order,

    a seemingly unending array of unique designs and attention to detail... 

   Countless celestial bodies, billions of stars being but ‘the work of his fingers’ Ps 8:3 

     "... just the fringes of his ways,

       who can understand his mighty thunder?" ~ Job 26:14




 a close 2nd: His Forgiveness and Humility toward humans

   Giving his first of all creation for doomed mankind in a pitiable state- 

    He then extends opportunity for eternal life to All,

     and for some, life within themselves-

      mere imperfect, sinful humans raised to incorruptible immortality, 

       having the the power of an indestructible life...


  Unbelievable compassion and humility.

  "Who is like Jehovah our God...?" ~ Ps 113:5


                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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Jehovah reserved this for himself. So I, a little clump if dirt, can go to him anytime.

He didn't have to give us the ability to speak to him privately. He could of said: I know what your going to say there's no need, but he gives us dignity by allowing us to pour out our heart in gratitude, begging for mercy or guidance. He humbles himself to hear our heartfelt thoughts.

That's amazing too me.

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The fact that he would actually say please to us lowly ones :flowers: .... I find that amazing...and considering the fact that he created all things he doesn't demand that we do anything :worship: .. he wants us to  do things out of love... :wub:  that's is one of the newer things that I appreciate about him 

I may be tired and in pain :wheelchair: but I'll never   :surrender: to it just send some encouraging words or hugs  :kisscheek:  :encourage:  and I'll return the same   :kisscheek:  :encourage:

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Jehovah has dealt with me very tenderly, mercifully and lovingly since my dedication to him! Having been raised in the truth, it is so easy to take it for granted. And take it for granted I did. My course led me to be DF'd, not once, but twice! Jehovah ever lovingly took me back in when I came back to my senses. And he loved me as if I never left! And he proved to me through my spiritual family that he will always be there for me, as constant as the sun! And he literally snatched me from the jaws of death. And he rejuvenates me daily from the fatigue of opposition.

I'm impressed by your perseverance. You must have had a lot of heart brake.

Jehovah bless you!

Trimis de pe al meu GT-I9195 folosind Tapatalk

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You know we've been studying the Draw to Jehovah book and specifically forgiveness and all. Today we discussed how Satan has the audacity to challenge Jehovah's Sovereignty!

What has amazed me and I've wanted to comment at our meeting is this: When we think of Jehovah and his treatment of Adam and Eve, when we think of some of the things he did to the Israelites, some of them seemingly over petty things. It seems sometimes that Jehovah is harsh, he expects perfection (even now somethings) yet when you study these lessons you see just how reasonable Jehovah is!

These lessons should make us focus on Jehovah's tolerance. We sometimes, i think, view Jehovah as not very tolerant because of his view of sin. However, really, Jehovah is very humble and tolerate especially in that he tolerates us and wants us to succeed. Look at how often Jehovah has to forgive even willing sin on our part! Murders, thieves, liars, rapists, etc can be forgiven. How could we ever view Jehovah as injustice in regards to his past dealings?

Look at how wonderful Jehovah's love is in making sure EVERYONE! EVERYONE has an opportunity to hear the Good News! All language groups and tribes no matter how seemingly insignificant. This should tell us about his Justice and Love! We are witnessing this unbelievable preaching work right now and no one else is doing it!!! He does not have to do any of this.

Satan was a perfect person, yet Jehovah has tolerated him. if anything Jehovah is not intolerant or impatient!

Oh lastly, although it is hard and appears to be extremely hard at times, Jehovah has blessed up with a wonderful adventure we will never forget as long as well live! This is the biggest EPIC of all times! In the END there will be BILLIONS of HEROES not just one or two. Jesus of course will be the ultimate Hero but we all will be ones who answered the Devil with a reply! In the end, this will turn out to be the MOST MEANINGFUL LIFE EVER! How mankind MET Satan's Challenge and WON! It is painful now, but it will be tremendously beautiful later! Awe inspiring! I always remind myself we are living an Epic story and these are still bible times. The bible just isn't be written right now.

Best wishes brothers and sisters. I hope this gives you something to think about and encourages you.

I find Jehovah amazing for the way animals express to obvious the need for tenderness and the way they form bonds and need each other not just to survive but for keeping each other company and tenderness.

I'm impressed by the beauty of everything that he created my eyes never get tired...I'm always in a awe....Every year spring is more beautiful. ...it's a declaration of peace and affection from Him every day.

Horrible things happen among humans but the creation is like a paralel heaven unaffected by the evil that humans do...exept the destruction ....but it remains an expression of Jehovahs kindness and power.

Trimis de pe al meu GT-I9195 folosind Tapatalk

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The Brotherhood (the Governing Body, Bethalites, Elders, PIONEERS, (new) Publishers - the entire association of brothers). For someone who sticks and depends ONLY on himself the greatest gift that our God Jehovah has given (other than his first born) is what his son Christ Jesus gave, THE CHRISTIAN CONGREGATION - JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES. Mr 10:29, 30  I may not speak much but I continually thank Jehovah for y'alls  expressions of LOVE. :D  :encourage: This Organization is in CONTRAST to EVERY aspect of Satan's world AND that is AMAZING to me. ...AND WHY DID JEHOVAH DRAW ME TO HIS SON??? :S  :no: AMAZING - If only I could see what Jehovah SEES!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Reliance on Jehovah is SO important.  When I "let go" of an issue, put it in Jehovah's hands and walk away, amazing things happen.  I have an unusually difficult situation and I require help with these very unusual things, most everyday.  I used to struggle with this - I would pray and yet, continue to try to work it out myself...this never worked well.  


Yet, when I truly rely on Jehovah, give him the problem, and have the confidence that he will take care of it, it happens!  It reminds me of the test where a person stands in front of another and let's go, falling backward, trusting that the other person will catch them.  When we trust Jehovah, really, truly and unequivocally trust him and know that our reliance is on him and him alone, he is absolutely there for us.  Who can comprehend this - truly AMAZING beyond words. 

(Deuteronomy 28:3)  “Blessed you will be in the city, and blessed you will be in the field.

Being blessed by Jehovah is not contingent on location, assignment or circumstances. 

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It reminds me of the test where a person stands in front of another and let's go, falling backward, trusting that the other person will catch them. When we trust Jehovah, really, truly and unequivocally trust him and know that our reliance is on him and him alone, he is absolutely there for us. Who can comprehend this - truly AMAZING beyond words.

My hubby knows that despite my undying and unfailing love for him, I can never pass this test!

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Another reason I find Jehovah so amazing is not only that he puts up with me each and every time, but that he does so at all. I ain't right and I know it. Call it imperfection if you want but I call it pure lunacy.

Simply amazing!

Edited by Luezette
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I am always amazed at our bodies and how perfectly Jehovah made us- it blows my mind that people still believe in evolution.

Also amazed at just how much Jehovah helps us and makes things work themselves out; so many personal experiences, as well as other brothers and sisters' experiences, that clearly show his part in things. I love that he cares so much about us individually and as a group/brotherhood.

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