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Does anyone have a copy of the revelation book in PDF they could share with me please?

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Morning all

I can't find a copy of the revelation book on jw.org so I'm hoping one of you lovely brothers and sisters has a copy you can share with me or can point me in the right direction to find one please

It's the art work I'm after as we use pictures to make jigsaws ( usually about 100 sheets of a4 size paper size lol) for family worship and if I scan the pictures from my paper copy the resolution isn't good enough to enlarge as much as we need to

Thanks in advance

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19 minutes ago, Colleen Mansfield-Joiner said:

I wonder why the organization chose to delete it from the website, especially after we studied it multiple times!

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   It was outdated since it was from 30 years ago [as of 2018]. A new one is likely in the works since publications are often deleted before a new version is made. Shows how close to the Great Tribulation we are. When the "Finished Mystery" came out {Primarily a judgement message against Babylon the Great in 1917} then two years later was the spiritual fall of Babylon the Great in 1919. So perhaps a new Revelation book will come out again just before the Great Tribulation and the final fall of Babylon the Great.

Edited by Bruceq
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On 11/3/2017 at 7:41 AM, Colleen Mansfield-Joiner said:

I wonder why the organization chose to delete it from the website, especially after we studied it multiple times!

There have been many changes since its printing.  Below are some listed.

*** dx86-16 Beliefs Clarified ***


1987, Christian Jubilee:

1988, 144,000 sing new song before 24 elders (

            approved associates:   

            figurative heart 

            no resurrection for dead in Sodom and Gomorrah          

            parents may study with disfellowshipped minor child:    


            unbaptized publishers

1991, meaning of Proverbs 27:23:

1992, Nethinim and sons of the servants of Solomon

1993, kings of north and south during time of the end

            start and end of 1,260 days (Re 11:3)

            time, times, and a half

1994, tribulation and celestial phenomena 16-21

1995, “sheep” and “goats”

            “this generation” 12/8 23

            civilian service in lieu of military service

            “flesh” saved through “great tribulation”

            great tribulation “cut short”

1997, transfiguration vision

1998, duration of new covenant

            Ezekiel’s vision of restored temple and land

            nations blessed through Abraham’s seed (offspring

1999, ‘disgusting thing standing in a holy

2000, blood fractions:

            use of one’s own blood:

2001, “divorce certificate” for Judah

            ‘doves to birdhouse holes’

            worshipping Jehovah “with spirit”

2002, courtyard in which “great crowd” serve

2003, meaning of baptism of Jewish believers at Pentecost 33 C.E.:

            why some early Christians observed features of the Law

2007, start of heavenly resurrection:

            when calling to heavenly hope ceases

2008, illustration of dragnet

            illustration of leaven hidden in flour

            illustration of man casting seed

            illustration of mustard grain

            Mary’s pain during Jesus’ birth

             “this generation”

2009, “all creation that is under heaven”

            head covering for female interpreters for the deaf at meetings

            resurrection hope for baby dying in womb

2010, illustration of wheat and weeds (sowing of seed)

            illustration of wheat and weeds (wheat brought into storehouse)

2011, entering Jehovah’s rest

            feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image

            Jesus “a corresponding ransom”

            olive tree

            Peter in Rome:

2012, “all these kingdoms”

            Mordecai and Esther “divide spoil” in fulfillment of Genesis 49:27:

            ruin caused by “king fierce in countenance”

            toes of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream image

            when seventh world power emerged:

2013, anointed not to survive Armageddon on earth

            ‘Assyrian invades our land’

            chosen ones gathered

            “evil slave”

            “faithful and discreet slave”

            great tribulation:

            illustration of wheat and weeds

            Jesus comes, arrives

            Jesus inspects spiritual temple 1914-1919 (

            meaning of name Jehovah:

2014, appointment of elders and ministerial servants:

            basis first-century Jews had for being “in expectation” of Messiah

            drinking an alcoholic beverage before engaging in sacred service

            duration of cleansing of spiritual temple

            marriage in resurrection

            “solid foundation of God”

            two witnesses

2015, Gog of Magog

            head covering for sister conducting Bible study:

            illustration of talents (illustration of ten virgins

            paradise Paul saw in vision

            types and antitypes:

2016, captivity of anointed to Babylon the Great

            congregational expression of joy over reinstatement of someone

            Jesus taken by Satan to battlement of temple

            man with secretary’s inkhorn

            meaning of two sticks


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