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What is the earliest real memory you have?

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I have a few memories that i try and keep clear. I remember playing with little cars in the dirt under a big tree and my bedroom window was above me. I remember the dirt and it being a warm day. I must have been about 2. Same time period I remember that sweet spring smell in the breeze that was coming in my bedroom window. I was in bed for a nap and i was watching the curtain blow gently back and forth from the breeze. I remember feeling at peace and slowly dozing off. 


One memory even earlier was when I was maybe a year and a half. I liked to bite my cousin Shelly. She didn't seam to see the humour in it.  My aunt bite me back for it one time. I was shocked and remember going to my Mom crying and her telling me not to do it if I didn't like it.


That one is my very earliest memories. 

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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When I was 2, my parents left me with my aunt and uncle for a week while they went to a convention in Germany (my aunt and uncle where not in the truth at that time). I remember the feeling of abandonment vaguely, but what I clearly remember is my uncle planting a tiny evergreen tree in the backyard. It was so small, I could look over its top. Uncle said not to touch the tree, but my 5-year older cousin talked me into it anyways. I remember how sharp the needles where when my hand closed around them.


Somewhere there is a picture of me standing over this tree. And somewhere is a picture of that tree towering over me, many years later.


I also remember my parents coming back, and me not "talking" to my mom for several days. She later told me she regretting having left me behind, but at the time it seemed convenient.

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I have been avoiding mentioning this.  My oldest memory was when I was potty training.  I was sitting and my father was in the next room.  I could see him through the open door.  He was talking to me, instructing me.  The conversation does not need to be revealed.:blushing:


Edit:  It involved cleanliness!

Edited by Witness1970
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7 minutes ago, Witness1970 said:

I have been avoiding mentioning this.  My oldest memory was when I was potty training.  I was sitting and my father was in the next room.  I could see him through the open door.  He was talking to me, instructing me.  The conversation does not need to be revealed.:blushing:


Edit:  It involved cleanliness!


You must feel better now, to get that load off your mind.  :lol1:

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My Father had given my older sister and me double-runner ice skates for X-mas.  He took us out to a little rink he had made in the back yard and let go of my hand. Woosh!  I was down on the ice and my left leg was broken.  


The only doctor in the entire area was out of town for X-mas.  


I remember that I had to lie on our couch until the doctor returned, to set my leg.  


The pain was so intense.  Every time I opened my eyes, I could see the deep purple velvet upholstery of that sofa...and one, or both, of my parents hovering over me.  I think I was around three or four.    


When the cast finally came off, I had to learn to walk all over again, because I kept dragging my left leg.  


The only reason I can recall any of this is because the pain was unimaginable and unforgettable...at least until selective amnesia sets in, in the New System. ^_^


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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5 hours ago, Sylv said:

When I was 2, my parents left me with my aunt and uncle for a week while they went to a convention in Germany (my aunt and uncle where not in the truth at that time). I remember the feeling of abandonment vaguely, but what I clearly remember is my uncle planting a tiny evergreen tree in the backyard. It was so small, I could look over its top. Uncle said not to touch the tree, but my 5-year older cousin talked me into it anyways. I remember how sharp the needles where when my hand closed around them.


Somewhere there is a picture of me standing over this tree. And somewhere is a picture of that tree towering over me, many years later.


I also remember my parents coming back, and me not "talking" to my mom for several days. She later told me she regretting having left me behind, but at the time it seemed convenient.

I had a simular experience. I know the feeling. 

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My oldest memory is of my mom getting ready to go out one night and I told her that I didn't want her to leave and she told her friend she wasn't going. 


The next one is of on a school morning my siblings and I were outside  waiting for the school bus.  Mom was standing in the door leaning on the screen door  watching us and all of a sudden someone said she was falling out of the door and my two brothers ran over to catch her from hitting the ground.  Mom later died from a stroke in her head. I was about 2 or 3 years old.


I asked the witnesses when I was a grown up about where my mom was, I didn't know if she had gone to heaven or hell as I thought people would go before I learned the Truth. I'd always thought that I wasn't going to see her again because I didn't know where I was going when I died nor did I know where she was. They helped me to see Bible truths and I became a believer. Now I have the opportunity to welcome my mom back to life when she is resurrected and tell her how sad I was as a little girl because she had died. But, because of the Witnesses I learned the Truth  as to what the  Bible taught about the dead  and now she has been resurrected by Christ Jesus to have the opportunity to learn of Jehovah, obey him and live forever!!!!


This serves as motivation for me,  seeing my dear mom again.

Edited by loving life

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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My earliest memory is shutting off the alarm this morning, everything else is just a blur.....:)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I don't know how old I was but I remember that before my parents started studying that my dad's friends would come over and drink beer, one day as they were leaving I went around and started drinking the left over beer until I drank one beer can that had been used as an ash tray...:?

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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No suggestions that I don't actually recall these things, nobody else saw them so they are my own memories...


I was being given a bath by my mother and as she washed me I was looking out the window and down at my father working on his Essex. The plan, I later learned, was to convert the Essex into a panel van so he could go door to door selling Rawleighs products.


But the Essex had a problem. They had a fragile differential and dad was offered a Chev 4 which had already been partially converted in exchange for the Essex by a wrecking yard which had a buyer for the differential. All of this took place before I was 15 months old, and to confirm that I'll offer the information that the bath I was having took place in the kitchen sink!


When the day arrived for the Essex to be taken away, we all anxiously awaited the arrival of the tow truck. A tow truck is a big deal in your own driveway when you're just a year old. And where was I when it arrived?


In the toilet!


Dad had no other car in that period and other than bringing it home he never drove the Essex at all, he used to ride a bicycle to work. But once he had the Chev he was well mobile. Early in his childhood, my brother (born 16 months after me) occasionally took convulsions and I well remember taking him to the doctor in that Chev. Dad was happy with the Chev as it was easier on fuel than the Essex would have been.

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Maybe because I'm still "young" (I'm 19) I remember quite a few things from when I was under 4 and even after 4 years old. One being from when I was no more than 2 was the time I nearly choked on hard candy at the kingdom hall during the meeting, and the sisters coming to help and carry me and my mom patting my back in the bathroom. Fortunately they didn't need to call 911 but I do remember choking and it hurting/scratching my throat :(



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On 2/2/2016 at 10:21 AM, Tortuga said:

I don't know how old I was but I remember that before my parents started studying that my dad's friends would come over and drink beer, one day as they were leaving I went around and started drinking the left over beer until I drank one beer can that had been used as an ash tray...:?

I just attempted a post but it disappeared so I will try again.


I tried the same think you did.  My dad's brother came over one night and they drank some beer together.  While my dad and uncle were in the living room I noticed some beer cans in another room.  I was curious and took a sip from one can.  My sister saw me and ran and told my dad.  He came into the room and explained to me that I should not drink from those cans because I did not know who I was drinking after or what might be in the can.  He then asked me how it tasted.  I said it tasted bad.  I guess I got off easy.  I have never really liked beer.

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7 hours ago, JayMusicGirl said:


7 hours ago, JayMusicGirl said:

Maybe because I'm still "young" (I'm 19) I remember quite a few things from when I was under 4.....



You will retain such memories all your life... just as I do and I have half a century on you.


Ridiculous new software, it needs a bomb put under it!

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11 hours ago, RaymondG said:


Ridiculous new software, it needs a bomb put under it!

I think there is an organic factor adjustment that you have to implement from your end for the software to work properly. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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My earliest memory was of me running outside in the rain and playing ring around the Rosie by myself. My mom was watching from the window trying to get me inside and I was deliberately ignoring her. I must have been around 3. I think I got a spanking--don't remember that part. But I may have :)


Edited by alba aurora
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I can remember when they took my baby bottle away.I was around two years old and I was looking for it and my mom said "A mouse took it inside the mouse hole." I can remember looking for that mouse hole all around our house for a long time afterward.

I can also remember when my mom was pregnant with my brother,her belly was so big and then he was born on my third birthday.

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