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I thought this was very interesting. An unprejudiced report on a convention by what seems to be a non witness.


She mentions on her Twitter page that this was her favourite story she had ever worked on.



Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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1 hour ago, blue-jay said:

Wow. A guy named David Pacock wrote in the comment section and mentioned JWtalk in a very negative light and mentioned all the non public sections of this website lol. How pathetic. Apostates are just desperately looking for ways to hate on us...

I remember an old world story about the wagons coming to town.  The child in the wagon worried about the barking dogs.  The mother reminded her son that even though the dogs came out and barked and followed the wagons for a while, the folks in the wagons ignored the dogs and the wagons kept moving along and the dogs were left behind, eventually.

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A good article but don't look at the comments,  apostates all over it and it'll just make your day bad. They have their self righteous attitude and their 'answers' but we already know the Truth and we wont be returning to the vomit that is their world. 


They can have it....I hope they enjoy what life they have left, they delude themselves into thinking that they are superior and smarter but we have seen examples in history that show us exactly where such heart and mental conditions take people...


Let them have their day---Do not engage. ...there is no point in debates with them.


Stay strong Friends,  this is a good article but the comments section is just a cesspool,  a representation of the original slanderers evilness. Don't go there.

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I absolutely love that article! And the comments afterwards? I'll admit I read a few but stopped because they were just plain ridiculous to say the least! They were personal comments anyway (except of course the first one from a sister). And the rest I did read were of no consequence because truth always reigns!

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On 20 July 2016 at 7:12 AM, tekmantwo said:

A good article but don't look at the comments,  apostates all over it and it'll just make your day bad. They have their self righteous attitude and their 'answers' but we already know the Truth and we wont be returning to the vomit that is their world. 

I use an iPad with 1Blocker installed and configured to completely block comments - so I never see them. I'd recommend the app. I don't know if there is an Android version.


As far as the article goes, it is quite good. I'm a bit confused about her quoting Brother Nathan as he read from the Bible;


“When the Lord saw how great the wickedness of human beings was on earth, and how every desire that their heart conceived was always nothing but evil,” Nathan read. “The Lord regretted making human beings on the earth, and his heart was grieved.”

It seems that she is directly quoting what he read, but the NWT uses "Jehovah" not "Lord!" Many other translations use "Lord" but I can't find any that also say "and his heart was grieved." Maybe I'm being picky but I don't think she should put what he says in quotes unless that's exactly what he said. Then again, perhaps he was reading from a translation that does render that passage that way.

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What a sweet article!. Love this bit: " “This isn’t a part of our life. This is our life,” Kristina said. “Everything else is just a part of it.”


From personal experience I can tell you that many media employees, (at least here in Venezuela), appreciate the work that we do. Going door to door, even in extreme heat and inclement sun, that we share a message of hope and comfort for the common people. They usually thank us for our work when we go to the media asking for promotion of our conventions.

They have spiritual needs like everybody else and since they work informing the realities of this wicked world, we as a people make a huge contrast - Malach 3:18. They welcome our magazines, books and brochures when we offer them in our visits.


Lets hope that Miss Tellford recognize the truth and act on it. Zechariah 8:23.



Edited by Daniel244

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On 7/20/2016 at 4:33 AM, jwhess said:

I remember an old world story about the wagons coming to town.  The child in the wagon worried about the barking dogs.  The mother reminded her son that even though the dogs came out and barked and followed the wagons for a while, the folks in the wagons ignored the dogs and the wagons kept moving along and the dogs were left behind, eventually.

very good illustrations. i can use it on future talks! thanks. :)

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