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Breaching the terms of use agreement

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Some brothers have been violating the DON'Ts in the terms of use and licence to use the Jw.org website. Especially this one

' You may not:

Post artwork, electronic publications, trademarks, music, photos, videos, or articles from this website on the Internet (any website, file-sharing site, video-sharing site, or social network).'


I see some of our videos and other publications been posted on the Facebook and other social network by our brothers. now, my questions are :


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Edited by Musky
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3 minutes ago, Jahleadsme said:

Some brothers have been violating the DON'Ts in the terms of use and licence to use the Jw.org website. Especially this one

' You may not:

Post artwork, electronic publications, trademarks, music, photos, videos, or articles from this website on the Internet (any website, file-sharing site, video-sharing site, or social network).'


I see some of our videos and other publications been posted on the Facebook and other social network by our brothers. now, my questions are :


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If they do so, they will edit the video and cut JW.org at the end of each videos :)

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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Just now, Jahleadsme said:

Isn't that the worst?

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Dear brother, I remember the "What is True Friend" video is become a trending video here in the Philippines, it was downloaded by someone in our website and posted it in Facebook. Many commented and many liked the video, the poster didn't post with a caption jw.org but many commented non-witness that they liked it. The videos and likes amounted to thousands and a little comments came from our dear brothers and sisters that they feel pride about where it came from "jw.org". The need to comment in the video saying to the poster that he didn't include the "jw.org" in caption is no need. The jw.org is in the end of the video. The poster of the said video is obviously not a witness and doesn't count it as a time in his part. :yes:

All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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Thank you for bringing this to my attention... My apologies to Jehovah, I like to post articles on Facebook that I think would encourage the friends or draw my relatives. Would posting a link to an article be the same thing as posting an actual article or publication? I don't want to breach any policy, but I don't know if link sharing is the same as article sharing :confused:

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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Posting a link is NOT a violation of policy and/or copyright. 


Even posting "excerpts" from articles and/or videos/audios can be done without violation if it is kept within the "legal" description of length and/or time.


In most of the cases I have heard about where the "Organization" has felt the need to intervene, due to something posted that was a violation, was for them to contact the host site and have the post removed. I have not heard of any judicial action for posting.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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2 hours ago, Jahleadsme said:


' You may not:

Post artwork, electronic publications, trademarks, music, photos, videos, or articles from this website on the Internet (any website, file-sharing site, video-sharing site, or social network).'


So, how does this affect what we do here?..

If we can't post photos or articles that means no more daily texts, no more Watchtower study articles,  with pictures,  no more of a lot of stuff...

I'm a little torn here....I like seeing things referenced here but I don't want to be  unfaithful in the least. ...:confused:

What happens when someone states something and then gets called out for a source? ...

" Oh, just trust me Bro, I read/heard/saw it myself "


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If you read the international copyright law ... it makes allowances for exerpts to be used for criticism and teaching purposes.  Schools can for instance publish a portion of copyrighted material to teach their students. 


If you posted it and then said you wrote it - then it becomes unlawful, so never cut off the jw.org after it ... if you are going to post it make sure the credit is given to the right people.


Even those who don't like and post portions of our material to criticise us are not breaching any copyright ... but when they change what is written or twist it to seem what they are claiming is being said when it's not then that enters another realm.


So its down to each ones conscience as to how they use it and how much they use it.


Edit here: The core purpose of this material is to teach and to encourage. Therefore anyone using with these thoughts in mind are using it as it's intended purpose.


I would however be careful of circulating the publications on a 'share' basis on social network because we don't know often the source or whether it's been tweaked.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Thank you for bringing this to my attention... My apologies to Jehovah, I like to post articles on Facebook that I think would encourage the friends or draw my relatives. Would posting a link to an article be the same thing as posting an actual article or publication? I don't want to breach any policy, but I don't know if link sharing is the same as article sharing :confused:

According to one of rights given 'you may... Share links to or electronic copies of downloadable publications, videos, or audio programs on this site.

Therefore sharing of links is allowed.

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I like the idea of sending links, as it is really the same as giving someone a copy of the publication.  Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing?  It can then be put as an electronic placement.  Judicious use of links with perhaps an email explaining the article is what was intended, I think.  So it isn't any issue with copyright at all.

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I don't post anything on public media, myself. If I find something I feel I want to share with the friends, I private message it to them. I will, "like", things, but I try not to share publicly. On FB, to me, it is almost throwing pearls before swine. I, of course, do not consider the friends I have on my site, in that category, but, I think it just has an opportunity to open up an ugly door. After posts, you see, " related articles". Apostates manage to get their .00005 cents in there. Plus, the snide comments from unhappy people. 

The friends do some beautiful work on a lot of, what? Pretty pictures, with wonderful messages. But, I move on, after acknowledging the message. 

The copyright   thing. I don't fully understand it, but he who is faithful in least, is faithful in much! 


I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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6 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I like the idea of sending links, as it is really the same as giving someone a copy of the publication.  Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing?  It can then be put as an electronic placement.  Judicious use of links with perhaps an email explaining the article is what was intended, I think.  So it isn't any issue with copyright at all.

I think if you get the sense of copyright most feel uncomfortable sharing publications and artwork on places like FB and Youtube (youtube annoys me the most but yeah Ill keep that to myself). But most certainly links are very useful because you are directing people back to the source which is jw.org and once we have done that then they could be attracted by more topics than originally discussed. 


Good though to look at what is copyrighted ... often it's the font, format and artistic compilations like art or music. Sharing a paragraph or a portion to back up what you are saying is just fine, but a link along with it would validate it that much more. 


If you scroll down the page on jw.org it is dealing with US law .. New York to be specific, now some countries didn't enter the international copyright law ... one of them being China. So there is no agreement with them. However a witness of Jehovah would honour the spirit of the law and the wishes of jw.org.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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On 9/12/2016 at 10:33 PM, tekmantwo said:

So, how does this affect what we do here?..

If we can't post photos or articles that means no more daily texts, no more Watchtower study articles,  with pictures,  no more of a lot of stuff...

I'm a little torn here....I like seeing things referenced here but I don't want to be  unfaithful in the least. ...:confused:

What happens when someone states something and then gets called out for a source? ...

" Oh, just trust me Bro, I read/heard/saw it myself "



For the record, we have received takedown notices in the past and have complied.


Our policy is that a brief excerpt can be quoted, with a link or reference to the source. This falls under "Fair Use" laws. Our Forum Membership Policy forbids copying and pasting entire articles or even large excerpts of such articles.


17 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

I like the idea of sending links, as it is really the same as giving someone a copy of the publication.  Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing?  It can then be put as an electronic placement.  Judicious use of links with perhaps an email explaining the article is what was intended, I think.  So it isn't any issue with copyright at all.


Sending links cannot be counted as a placement. An electronic placement is when you have downloaded the file from JW.org and attached it to an email message and sent it to a single recipient (generally speaking).



CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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1 hour ago, Dismal_Bliss said:


Sending links cannot be counted as a placement. An electronic placement is when you have downloaded the file from JW.org and attached it to an email message and sent it to a single recipient (generally speaking).


Exactly what I was about to say ;) 

posting links on Facebook and counting it as a placement is the same as throwing a bunch of tracts through the window and count that as a placement 



Send an Article or a Publication to Someone You Know: Attach a downloaded PDF or an EPUB to an e-mail. Or download an audio version of a publication onto a CD. Each time you give someone who is not baptized a complete electronic book, brochure, or magazine, you may count it as a placement. Material should not be sent anonymously or in bulk. Neither should it be uploaded to any other Internet Web site

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Thank you for clearing that up brothers.  I haven't used links as placements, personally anyway.  But when witnessing to friends and family online, I've just used the links from an article that may interest them/campaign tract/etc.  I've just not put that on the report as a placement, and now I never will :), unless it's the whole file.


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This past Saturday I went straight from service for a pedicure. I got to talking with the esthetician (I've been going to her since May this year), and offered her the magazine. However, she preferred reading it in Russian. I was going to give her the direct link to the magazine, but she also has two daughters and I figured the whole website would be of interest to her (I mentioned the Caleb & Sophia videos) so I sent her the link to the Russian-language website. I guess that is not a placement :D 

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6 hours ago, tekmantwo said:

Just a funny sidebar here, our COBE was talking about the Bible study demo, said you could give away a Bible,  'and that would be 66 books, right? ':bible2:

It took a couple minutes to quiet down---:lol1:


All glory and praises goes to Jehovah :) 

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8 hours ago, Alexa said:


Alexa Sis, the Bible is made up of 66 little books - comprised within one big book.  So, when you place a Bible out in the ministry to an interested person you are, in reality, giving that person 66 books to read.


(I hope this helps you understand the pun that was mentioned by Brother Tim!)  :)

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