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Songbook: "Sing Out Joyfully" to Jehovah

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Not sure, if this is not your source: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0775272.html

It's Bad English. Sounds like a joke, but many who come as, for example, refugees get their first encounter with the truth in English. And they speak Bad English. We still need to make the songs that they too can take to heart. Here the English congregation uses the simplified Watchtower at the meetings, but the songs are the same. So if the governing body wants to make them a little bit easier, that is welcomed.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Here in our congregation we used the regular edition of Watchtower since ever, from recent days till now we are using the simplified edition (portuguese).


When I found out this I really didn't like, for many years we used the regular edition, why this change?


Today I know those changes are for the best, studying the simplified edition is like talking in simple words with a friend, the entire congregation is commenting in the meetings. The information is more clear.


The New songbook is one of those changes we don't like at first, maybe some lyrics are ugly because isn't that kind of bible language or poetry, but still using the bible as a reference. We just need to get used to it, this is a gift from Jehovah, he is our best friend, Let's appreciate this gift not looking for things we don't like on it..


I'm crazy about the new songbook in portuguese.

Edited by dvds
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Song 60 (144) has not changed.
Song 61 (17) has had slightly adjusted lyrics.
Song 62 (28) has had some adjusted lyrics.
Song 63 (31) has a new title and some new lyrics. Example:

We help others come to see
How the truth can set them free.
As they grow strong, their voices they’ll raise,
Singing to God this song of praise.
We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses.
We speak out in fearlessness.

Song 64 (44) has some new lyrics.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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16 hours ago, dvds said:

Here in our congregation we used the regular edition of Watchtower since ever, from recent days till now we are using the simplified edition (portuguese).


When I found out this I really didn't like, for many years we used the regular edition, why this change?


Today I know those changes are for the best, studying the simplified edition is like talking in simple words with a friend, the entire congregation is commenting in the meetings. The information is more clear.


The New songbook is one of those changes we don't like at first, maybe some lyrics are ugly because isn't that kind of bible language or poetry, but still using the bible as a reference. We just need to get used to it, this is a gift from Jehovah, he is our best friend, Let's appreciate this gift not looking for things we don't like on it..


I'm crazy about the new songbook in portuguese.


Our elders also considered using the simplified WT too but finally decided not to.


Some brothers were in favor of using the simplified WT too.


But others thought that we have to progress from milk to solid food. (Equating using the simplified WT as having milk). Isn't something lost in using the simplified WT?


Thanks for expressing your opinion. Its an interesting angle to consider.

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Our elders also considered using the simplified WT too but finally decided not to.
Some brothers were in favor of using the simplified WT too.
But others thought that we have to progress from milk to solid food. (Equating using the simplified WT as having milk). Isn't something lost in using the simplified WT?
Thanks for expressing your opinion. Its an interesting angle to consider.

No, them idea is that the same thoughts should be conveyed in a simpler language. The other option would be to have friends who cannot fully grasp the material. Which is better?

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I would be unhappy with using a simplified English WT in a congregation of English speakers.
Maybe if the majority didn't know it as their first language... but otherwise, no.

It is up to the BoE to decide what would be best for the congregation. Of course, if most are native English-speakers with a decent education, then the regular edition works fine. But if English is the second language of a majority in the congregation, the simplified edition is a great tool. This way everyone can get the same education in a language they can digest. It is a loving provision from the Slave and covers a great need. More people can become spiritually mature Christians quicker.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Song 65 (45) has some adjusted lyrics. Example

Move ahead, move ahead to maturity!
Shine the light of the truth so that all may plainly see.
Try your best to improve in your ministry;
Trust in God for true success.

Song 66 (47) has had some very small adjustments to the lyrics.
Song 67 (92) has had some small adjustments to the lyrics too.
Song 68 (98) is quite severely changed. One removed verse and the other two almost completely rewritten.
Song 69 (97) has a new title and slightly rewritten lyrics. Three verses have become two.
Song 70 (96) has a slightly changed title and somewhat adjusted lyrics.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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yes... that is what i said.
pretty much... B)

I know. You know, the congregations who chose to make use of the simplified edition don't miss out on anything at all. I know many families with small children who have found it useful when they prepare the Watchtower together. And a sister I know with learning disabilities finally 'gets' the truth and can answer at the meetings in her own words. She said, "I realise now that the truth is for me too. All these prophecies I could not understand before, I get them now".

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

No, them idea is that the same thoughts should be conveyed in a simpler language. The other option would be to have friends who cannot fully grasp the material. Which is better?__
"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

Members of our congregation are mostly native English speakers with English as their first language.  We have a few who speak Spanish as well but do fairly well in English.  We also have a few with very poor educational backgrounds.  They use the Simplified edition just to get a grasp of what everyone else is talking about.  They answer from the Simplified edition and their comments are often enlightening (simpler phrasing that is straight to the point at hand).


The newspapers in the USA are written in 6th grade English.  One newspaper person explained to me that if they wrote at a higher level their sales would drop drastically.  It seems to be a fact that Americans (at least) are not progressing to a better grasp of English even if they go to college.  Many do not like to read at all.  Then we invite them to join us for a meeting and often we talk over their heads (even when we don't use "theocratic speak").  The GB told us that the Simplified edition would be an experiment and it would continue if the need was there.  It continued, so I guess it fills a need.

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Members of our congregation are mostly native English speakers with English as their first language.  We have a few who speak Spanish as well but do fairly well in English.  We also have a few with very poor educational backgrounds.  They use the Simplified edition just to get a grasp of what everyone else is talking about.  They answer from the Simplified edition and their comments are often enlightening (simpler phrasing that is straight to the point at hand).
The newspapers in the USA are written in 6th grade English.  One newspaper person explained to me that if they wrote at a higher level their sales would drop drastically.  It seems to be a fact that Americans (at least) are not progressing to a better grasp of English even if they go to college.  Many do not like to read at all.  Then we invite them to join us for a meeting and often we talk over their heads (even when we don't use "theocratic speak").  The GB told us that the Simplified edition would be an experiment and it would continue if the need was there.  It continued, so I guess it fills a need.

I find it quite useful to compare the simplified edition of the Watchtower material to the regular edition. You do get a better grasp of the material, especially if it is a particularly difficult subject.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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4 hours ago, WilliamChew said:

Our elders also considered using the simplified WT too but finally decided not to.


Some brothers were in favor of using the simplified WT too.


But others thought that we have to progress from milk to solid food. (Equating using the simplified WT as having milk). Isn't something lost in using the simplified WT?


Thanks for expressing your opinion. Its an interesting angle to consider.

You're getting the same information in a easier language, the food continues the same, but maybe someone helped you to eat it better.


Simplified edition is not always for second language speakers, is also for those who have difficulties to read.


The difference between the two WT is that the simplified doesn't get all the non-study articles from the regular WT, but these articles come in the future editions.

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We started using the Simplified Wt in Jan 2015. My thoughts on this (and I am a native English speaker): the Simplified Wt gets straight to point! No flowery language, no unnecessary use of 'politically correctness.' Just what the FDS needs to get through to us. Main points are in bold, and main study take home is in a blurb. 


And not all the extra articles, as someone pointed out.

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3 hours ago, Skye said:

We started using the Simplified Wt in Jan 2015. My thoughts on this (and I am a native English speaker): the Simplified Wt gets straight to point! No flowery language, no unnecessary use of 'politically correctness.' Just what the FDS needs to get through to us. Main points are in bold, and main study take home is in a blurb. 


And not all the extra articles, as someone pointed out.

We're using the Simplified Watchtower since Aug 2015. Well, I didn't get this change at first. With the entire congregation using it for the weekend meetings, I was there using the regular WT 'till they do not order them anymore. I personally prefers the regular instead the simplified WT. Yes, the simplified is easier to read and understand, but in some articles for studying there's a lack of deeper informations. For example, in the last WT study about the marriage in the regular edition talked about four types of love. We hadn't this information in the simplified edition. This is only one example for many. Anyway, for using the simplified version of WT in meetings I know the most of our brothers and sisters are being more fed with this new tool from the Slave. Meanwhile, I follow preparing the studies with a support of regular WT...

Edited by Ivine

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life nor angels nor governments nor things now here nor things to come now powers nor height nor depth nor any other creation will be able to separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 8:38,39

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Song 73 (137) has not changed but has a nice piano arrangement.
Song 74 (102) has not changed.
Song 75 (10) has had some minor adjustments to the lyrics.
Song 76 (154) has not changed.
Song 77 (153) has not changed.
Song 78 (94) has a new title, new lyrics and a new theme.
Song 79 (139) has some changes to the chord harmonies.
Song 80 (95) has not changed.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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While several basic comparison lists have been made between our current songbook and the new one, I have compiled a comprehensive list of lyrical and melodic changes made to our Kingdom songs over the past couple of weeks. You can view the file I made here: http://jwtalk.net/forums/files/file/568-sing-to-jehovahsing-out-joyfully-to-jehovah-songbook-comparisons/


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Song 81 (140) has a minor change to the melody.
Song 82 (93) has some lyrical changes. Example:

Let God’s Kingdom message
Speak to ev’ry heart;
Let it shine before us
As we play our part.
Light from Scripture guides us
As we bring good news.
Sharing truth with ev’ryone;
Truth is theirs to choose.

Song 83 (103) has some minor changes to the lyrics.

Song 84 (150) has some changes to the chords.
Song 85 (118) has not changed.
86 (117) has not changed.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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What was the melody change to 81?

The ending is slightly adjusted. I believe they must have had some plans with holding the A out for almost four bars with A-D-A-E chord progression that was eventually scrapped.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Song 87 (119) has not changed.
Song 88 (69) has not changed.
Song 89 (120) has not changed.
Song 90 (121) has not changed.

"Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."—Matthew 6:21.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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