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JW.org - NEWS RELEASES | Jehovah’s Witnesses in Venezuela Continue Bible Education in the Midst of Economic Crisis

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The Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is deeply concerned for our brothers and sisters in Venezuela who are experiencing deteriorating economic and social conditions.












Edited by Shawnster
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We pray for our dear brothers and sisters in Venezuela and know that Jehovah will give them just what they need to endure. We can also hope that they have strengthen their faith to the extent possible prior to this particular tribulation occurring to them. Therefore let them stand strong in Jehovah!

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15 minutes ago, vern said:

that links just comes back to here.?

It's a glitch. Mods have to manually fix it each time.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Though it is so very sad, the fact that the governing body have explained to all the brotherhood worldwide what is happening to our brothers there in Venezuela is going to amplify the cry to Jehovah.  So many different friends that need our prayers and support.  Now as a united voice we will all deeply supplicate our Father to keep our brothers going through all this horror.  


And your endurance is now being shared with all of us worldwide, and it is so encouraging to know how you continue to serve Jehovah.  It spurs us on! May Jehovah bless you with comfort and soon, relief and the reward for your pain and endurance dear brothers in Venezuela!

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My heart aches for our precious Venezuelan brothers and sisters. :no::cry:At the same time, how encouraging to read of their wonderful spirit!


“Spiritually, we have never been so prosperous. Our congregation meeting attendance has increased. More publishers are regular pioneering while at the same time exercising greater caution in the ministry. Since our neighbors know that we are strictly neutral and that we do not share in any of the criminal activity plaguing the country, they welcome the Bible-based message of hope and comfort we share.”


Does anyone know what has happened to the 680 brothers and sisters who've been kidnapped?

Use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. -w13 5/15 p. 22

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It is so sad. My heart goes out to my brothers and sisters there. I wish they could just leave the country and go somewhere else as refugees.  My heart bleeds for my sisters who have been raped. It is such a horrible thing to do to someone.

It is not important where we serve nor in what capacity but, rather, whom we serve. MARKUS HARTLIEF

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