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Keto, IF and OMAD...

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Hi all,

Am just interested in those who have participated in the above and the results you've had on a personal level.

(Those who have will know what the acronyms stand for haha).

I've noticed that Leslie had a thread going for Keto recipes, I'll be looking at that in more detail later. But this is really about adjusting to the foods and the times you chose to eat. 


I was actually really skeptical about this, but being in a situation with my health that was going only one way - I've made the plunge and today was really excited when I got my blood results. Initially it started with the nurse being really concerned about my colestoral reading ... then I said, I expected that result and asked about my blood sugars, they have halved in a month! - and she said that would be the new medication we put you on, and when I told her I hadn't taken it at all - she was very impressed but still a little hmm whats the word? A little flumoxed about my lack of concern about the colestoral levels.


What foods are getting best results for you if this is what you choose?

I'm doing Keto (50-60% fat, 25% protein, 10-15% carbs with copious amounts of leafy and fibrous veges).

Because I don't have  a gallbladder I'm drinking a mix of Apple cider vinegar, ginger, lemon juice, tumeric and stevia to aid my digestion before i eat.

Four days out of the seven I'm doing 23/1 IF - OMAD in other words - eating between 800-1100 cals a day

Three days IF - six hour window of eating. 

Loving the swap from marg to butter ... i hated marg enjoying avos, coconut oil, olive oil and grapeseed oil. Quite close to the meditarranean diet isn't it?


Looking forward to hearing others who are trying this.


NOTE: This thread in no way elevates one lifestyle choice over another, nor is it to convey that this way is good for everyone, its not. It's down to personal choice as with everything ...and I do not want to present it as a must do for anyone.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I did low carb for losing weight few years ago, sometimes with IF if I could make it that day. I was not strictly counting net carbs and hour of fasting. I lost 15 kgs and gained back 10s after returned to old way of eating (high carb, high fat)...


I tried keto but gave up because of adaptation phase that, kind of keto flu... I tried OMAD, but I can't stand it... So, I was just low carb and tried not to eat when I was not in hunger...


Just restarted the diet last week and I feel less bloated and sleep more soundly... 


Would like to learn more about this kind of lifestyle... Esp, recipes :wub: :chef: :eat:

Edited by ivy

Grammatical Error


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LeslieDean has a great thread in this section on recipes Yanty if you want to pop along there.


Yeah I'm not being strict about calorie counting either ...I eat until I'm not hungry in my one hour window ... and I eat 'real' food not stuff masquerading as food.  I have those power coffees - with butter and vanilla essence - it's great. I'm never hungry while fasting but that's because I've done IF quite regularly prior. Then i pop into Fat Secret app and count my calories just every so often to give me a guide of where I'm at and if I need tweaks.


An example of my one meal a day is A BIG plate of kale, spinach,capsicum, celery cucumber, avocado, camemberet cheese, butter coffee, my health drink with liquid chlorophyll in it - meat - either steak, chicken or fish, maybe an egg - and some raspberries and cream afterwards with stevia and vanilla or a keto biscuit, or cracker. I enjoy the food, so its not hard, but I cant eat 7-10 cups of veges that some do it just doesn't fit in! But then they usually don't do 23/1 but have more like a four hour window to eat in.

I'm moving it up to seven days next week = 23/1 - so that's why I started the thread - hoping someone like you and others can give me ideas, experience so thanks! Hoping to reverse my diabetes in the next three - six months.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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17 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

LeslieDean has a great thread in this section on recipes Yanty if you want to pop along there.


Oh, yeah! I remember seeing it few years ago? Or maybe only months... :S Will check for it...


20 minutes ago, Stormswift said:

I'm moving it up to seven days next week = 23/1 - so that's why I started the thread - hoping someone like you and others can give me ideas, experience so thanks! Hoping to reverse my diabetes in the next three - six months.

That's a wow to do OMAD every day! :eek:

May I know how do you manage your hunger? I might do it only once in a while, when I was truly busy and forgot about eating...


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I've been IF on and off for a few years now ... my Doc suggested it to me, just to do a few days a week, like really low 500 calories or less then eat normally the following day ... but then I went off it - even though I lost a lot of weight, and while I never gain it back I didn't lose anymore either.  So came across this guy - his name was (and still is) Butter Bob - he lost loads of weight by swapping out artificial fats for more natural fats, butter etc ... his blood count is amazing, and so looked more into the semantics of this type of food, from  a biological perspective and scientific. The stats made sense ... so thought well I'm already okay with fasting ... so let's try the OMAD ...and it's fine, more energy no hunger at all (and that's not with everyone I think I was used to IF so found it easier) and I looked forward to my meal at night. Some people eat 1500 - 2000 or even more calories in their hour window -their whole day worth ... and sometimes not very healthy food, but I eat all my food, but at a reduced amount of calories, in the one hour window. Going to do this for a year balance out my bloods and blood pressure, then tweak my diet and go back to IF for maintenance. 


The high fat keeps the hunger at bay. It doesn't spike blood sugars and gets you through the day.


The interesting thing is giving my body a 23 hour rest every day ... when I do eat the flavours are amazing ... I get more done during the day because I don't have to stop for meals, and I have energy for my pioneering.  But sure enough the one thing in my blood test that was higher than normal, was my colesterol and the doctor wanted to put me on tablets immediately - statins - I just said i expected the high reading and asked for another three months. Hopefully my tests then will convince him I'm on the right track.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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@Stormswift You mentioned your cholesterol is high, but what about the details, like LDL, HDL and triglyceride?


I guess your experience with IF in the past help you through OMAD... Besides, you're doing it with keto, and that's why as you explained with high fat... I would like to try it one day, but I will just do it step by step now... Jumping into OMAD directly is kind of stressing, esp thinking I was failed before... 


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From what I've researched, and I'm still researching it - LDL HDL does not contribute to heart disease, the only cholesterol that is bad is 'remnant cholesterol' which is when the LDL is subtracted from the HDL and there's still a high reading of remnant cholesterol - I think around the 300 is the danger limit - and oxidized cholesterol which are trans fats found in margarines and vegetables oils (other than grapeseed and olive and coconut). While cholestoral is in your body and not oxidized it doesn't cling to the walls of your artery except in cases where there are arterial tears that result in inflammation. Now those tears are caused by too much sugar/carbs in your system rather than fat. 


But this is something you have to research for youself, like when we teach people the truth you can't just dish it up and say believe it because I believe it they have to do their own research and reach their own conclusions, so something that goes against the tide like this does, also requires your own research.But it IS fascinating.


The other thing I've stumbled across - is the obesity epidemic took a sharp rise in the late 1970's - and has been rising every since, now, coincidentally, or not, that was when they introduced and established the 'new' food pyramid that forms the basis of dietry advice now.

That was: Carbs/cereals at the bottom, with fruit/veges, then meat i think .. and fat and sugars up the top.


Whereas the Keto thought (and I'm not going to be absolute keto just keto inspired I guess) is that the bottom of the pyramid should be leafy vegetables and fibrous veges, like celery etc ... then fat, then protein, then fruits, then carbs and sugars at the top. Remembering that there are simple carbs like white breads and rice - which are fine in moderation, and complex carbs that are found in fruit and veges and other natural foods.


My ultimate diet is eating food that Jehovah has provided to be honest, but realistically we aren't getting the nutrition from the ground we are meant to be - either due to man fiddling around with the actual dna of the plant, or lack of nutrients in the ground - so that's why I've chosen meat based supplements to my vege diet, as I'm not that fond of many red meats, so once I've reached my goal - they will be minimized in my maintenance diet.


I find the body fascinating ... there's so much that man is just learning about, we only know the tip of the iceberg. 

One person I enjoy listening to is Eric Berg on youtube ... He's a chiropractor who has learnt the nutritional side of things and explains it very well. I think though his regime is too extreme, and I'm looking for something more balanced.


Don't do OMAD unless you are well researched and convinced it willl work for you -  good to check with Doc first too.

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I am currently doing omad. It was total accident. I was in a program called naturally slim which forces you to eat when you are truly hungry and I ended up only being truly hungry omad. I was nervous and thought something was wrong with me so I researched eating omad and found about intermittent fasting with omad. So far since February 2018, I have lost a total of 40 pounds and I feel great! It is so weird to see me have omad when prior I use to eat three times as we were taught. I really enjoy it. I am glad I have seen some friends talk about this because when I tell others I get a side eye lol! I love it because food taste so much better than before and I actually enjoy it. But with my omad, I do not eat processed food and I try to stay away from sugar as much as I can.

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My wife and I have been low carb for several years. I've lost about 100 pounds and reversed pre-diabetes. A doctor actually recommended Atkins but warned me, "when you do low carb, do NOT try to also do low fat." My wife has lost about 60 pounds. She now has blood sugar in the normal range after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and being told it's an progressive disease and that she eventually would have to take insulin. I do IF - generally 18:6 and have done a few longer term fasts, but nothing regular. Our 30-year-old daughter also has done keto and IF for the past 3 or 4 years. She is a runner and gets stricter with it as she prepares for half-marathons.


One thing you learn early on -- since folks in this WOE tend to do a lot of reading and research -- is how fundamentally corrupt Satan's system is. We are lied to at almost every turn about what's healthy and what's not. Even science can't be trusted without checking methods and funding sources.


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Yes I'm stilll coming to terms about the lies, I should have expected it, but still it's a bitter pill to take, or not take in this instance. thank you - i wanted to hear from Witnsses who have done it ... I'm mindful not to let it take over my life, to keep the kingdom first, and ironically this is freeiing me  up in ways I never expected. Thank you Brother Jim.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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oDear Mandi, in June my husband and I took the decision to switch over to healthy nutrition and low carb, in combination with more sports. Since then, he has lost 50 pounds. For me, the main goal was more the heath factor then loosing weight, but I also lost about 12 pounds.


The interesting fact is that our new nutrition not only had an effect on our weight, but on many other health topics - only good results so far :thumbsup: 🥕🥒🥦🍉🍅🥑

Edited by coonie77

Chrissy :wave:

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1 hour ago, coonie77 said:

oDear Mandi, in June my husband and I took the decision to switch over to healthy nutrition and low carb, in combination with more sports. Since then, he has lost 50 pounds. For me, the main goal was more the heath factor then loosing weight, but I also lost about 12 pounds.


The interesting fact is that our new nutrition not only had an effect on our weight, but on many other health topics - only good results so far :thumbsup: 🥕🥒🥦🍉🍅🥑


My Doctor on Friday was off to Pakistan for five weeks, so I'm guessing he either doesn't know I've refused the statins, or he hasn't had time to react. So I've drafted a really respectful letter for him when he gets back telling him how good I feel, how much energy and my continued weightloss is worth the high coloestoral readings. I have another blood test in three months so I've got that time to prove to him, that the worst health conditions will be down to levels that warrant me staying on the program.


What a lot of people don't realize is there is TWO insulin readings, the at rest or background insulin and the readings after you eat.

The eating readings spike 6-7 times HIGHER than your resting insulin. So if your resting insulin is high, and it is with those who carry weight around their middle - then your eating insulin will be spiking that much more. So the secret is getting  your resting insulin down. (This of course only applies to Diabetes type II).


The other important factor is Omega 3 for thinking and clarity ...most of us are taking in enough Omega threes, especially if you are a female ovarian body shape which I am -as it is stored in your hips. But what is happening is people are flooding their system with Omega 6's with vegetable oils and margarines, so in effect overpowering the important function of the Omega threes.


Oh and don't drink TOO much water - if your urine looks like a straw colour to a slightly darker yellow you are doing ok but pale to clear you could be washing out important nutrients from your kidneys and adding stress on your kidneys, so watch that.


My skin is clearer, my hair is thicker and I can concentrate more.





Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I have to add that I have cerebro vascular disease, I am wondering if it has been worse because previously I was on a low fat diet - since I've been on Keto my concentration, my mind takes in new information better and I am retaining more from what I read. Which can only help my research. 


There are some studies that link low fat to alzheimers and other disease. But not conclusive.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Excellent link Brother Tracey,


I stole the image from that, which makes Keto different from Paleo is that its based on proven science, which we as Witnesses are all goods with.


It's just so simple ...makes sense. What did they do with someone who became diabetic a few hundred years ago? They removed sweets and carbs. No pills. 


<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I'm keto with IF, but am not super strict. I usually end up eating within a 4 to 6 hour window. It makes life easier without having to stop to eat multiple times and having less mess to clean up. 


Lately I've been making smoothies after my meal with a few frozen strawberries, almond milk, flaxseeds, maybe a little MCT oil or whatever else I want to throw in there. They are really good. 


I've been doing this so long that it's like habit, but there are times I do go off plan. Last night, for instance, I hosted a gathering where there were all kinds of goodies around. I indulged a bit with that and sampled some nice aged whiskey, so today I feel it. I'm swollen and feel my joints starting to ache. Should be gone in a couple of days or so. 


This diet helps with my mental health and helps to control my autoimmune disorders, so I will carry on. No other option because I just feel to bad eating carbs.


I'm a scratch cook with many years of experience, so if anyone needs help with recipes or ideas, I'm here. 😊

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There's a recipe thread in this section Saffron ... and too on youtube many yummy ideas that I usuallly tweak to our own tastes. 


I think even if you replace your margarines with a more natural spread, be it butter or coconut spread (be careful which one of those you buy)  and your vege oils to olive or grapeseed, you will be doing your body a lot of favours. 

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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@Stormswift *ears twitch* Did someone say Keto...? I have been summoned! 🐈 Manic Writing State Induced

You've probably read some of my posts in https://jwtalk.net/forums/topic/34790-any-good-keto-recipes/ regarding Keto and Intermittent Fasting. If not, please review them when you have the time, I also dropped a ton of video links and podcasts there in some different posts and spoiler tags which are important to understanding the fundamentals. I'll link more of them directly related to the fasting side of things here. I'm coming from the attitude of taking the more cautious diet template to recover from chronic illness rather than fasting. Side note, studies indicate that Stevia (as well as anything that triggers sweetness to your taste buds) "may" trigger the process to raise your insulin, which is not what you want if your goal is insulin sensitivity or weight loss.

My experience is that long term fasting / intermittent fasting, and even Keto if you have certain diseases or a restricted/unvaried diet, will inevitably lead to some form of malnutrition. That said, I am all for Keto as I find the benefits of it certainly outweigh any risks for me personally, especially in terms of cognition and metabolism. I mitigate the risks by adjusting my diet slightly time to time, by supplementing extra micronutrients, minerals and electrolytes, and I will cycle a few carbs back in like a small-medium sweet potato every/every other week. I can eat up to 4 full meals per day and no longer struggle with the daily blood sugar spikes or chronic adrenal fatigue as I used to. I have managed to safely gain weight on Keto by eating to satiation up to a modest 5' 4' 130lbs from a malnourished 110lbs, and that's where my body decided its content to stay until I can firm up some sagging muscles. I've reached the point that I could intermittent fast a couple times a week if I wanted to, but I try not to do it on purpose as it carries very little practical benefit for me at the cost of the risks with my disorders. I find it best for me to keep my reserves topped off at capacity for unexpectedly bad days or stressors. I usually only do it unintentionally on a rare day when a combination of sleep deprivation and external deadlines or pressure drive me into a manic phase along with video game addiction which prevents me from paying attention to my physical needs.

I recommend against long term fasting in general unless you're suffering from chronic insulin resistance or obesity and need to reset your hormone threshold or your taste buds, again provided you're also supplementing with green vegetable juice (nothing starchy or fruits, focused on nutrients only) or bone broth, as well as electrolytes and minerals. Chronic fasting is a physiological stressor on the body, if you continue it long enough to burn through your nutrient reserves then your body will start cannibalizing itself which can go quite badly with certain disorders or if you're going low calorie versus no calorie. There is evidence that eating one meal per day can lengthen your lifespan, however, I feel that is also highly dependent upon the quality of your food and your health, and that it's not a good idea if you're suffering from chronic illness or malabsorption. Your body needs a lot of energy and nutrition to run digestion and detox and exercise compared to what low calorie is offering a sick body, which will end up crashing in adrenal burnout. If you are trying to lose weight in excess fat stores, then you need to eat even more fat to break the bonds of the fat you already have stored, sans carbohydrates and excess protein. Aside from obesity, the only thing I would consider fasting for is recovering from certain types of infections, cancer, or bowel / autoimmune inflammation followed by switching to an autoimmune paleo / keto diet.

Make sure that you know the differences between nutritional Ketosis, starvation Ketosis, and Ketoacidosis. Chronic intermittent or long term fasting is like starvation Ketosis, whereas eating a Ketogenic diet along with occasional Intermittent Fasting is nutritional Ketosis. One is your body cannibalizing itself, the other is your body making its preferred fuel source from food. In order to see modest benefits of cellular autophage and hormones from the 'good stress' of Intermittent Fasting and without risk, it's generally only recommended one or two days per week for a person who is already at a healthy weight, eating well, satiated, having already dealt with their metabolic and digestion diseases. Otherwise, you're training your brain to expect starvation and turning systems on and off constantly, which makes it say 'Hey, I need to binge and store all of this food that I'm eating, I can't afford to let any of it be excreted as waste because there's no consistent access to food!!' The key to overall beneficial Intermittent Fasting is in the name - if it isn't intermittent, it's chronic. (Luke 18:12) I fast twice a week;




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