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Paris Riot...

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I'm not too sure how to officially send the source, but this is what I read online. The source on top of the page said "WORLD NEWS Associated Press"

"Worse riot in a decade engulfs Paris; Macron vows action"


So evidently the people are angry about rising taxes and the high cost of living..." 

So the whole world is in an uproar over this system. 


Anyday now...

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I'm not too sure how to officially send the source, but this is what I read online. The source on top of the page said "WORLD NEWS Associated Press"
"Worse riot in a decade engulfs Paris; Macron vows action"
So evidently the people are angry about rising taxes and the high cost of living..." 
So the whole world is in an uproar over this system. 
Anyday now...

France fuel protests: Tear gas fired in clashes in Paris

 01 December 2018

 Protesters have scaled the Arc de Triomphe in central Paris, as clashes with riot police continued during a third weekend of "yellow vest" rallies.

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37 minutes ago, Luezette said:

I'm not too sure how to officially send the source, but this is what I read online.

Here's one source: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/paris-burns-as-macron-vows-never-to-accept-violence

It's pretty serious when they close down the Champs Elysees.


Image result for paris-burns-as-macron-vows-never-to-accept-violence

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......and this was the third weekend in a row according to this news report!!



France considers state of emergency after riots tear parts of Paris apart

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I think in the merge, Ross's comment was lost regarding "iron and clay, all the way to Jehovah's Day" - had a chuckle at her masterful poetry!


But seriously, they started off with perhaps "legitimate" concerns regarding hikes in diesel prices and how they impact on lower and middle income householders, and then the ultra-right and ultra-left  anarchist protesters joined in with their calls for a new election.  They are happy to destroy monuments and cause death and chaos.  Whose personality do they display?


Around famous areas including the Champs-Elysees, the Louvre museum, the Opera and Place Vendome, smashed shop windows, broken glass and the occasional burned-out car were testament to the violence.  

Nearly 190 fires were put out and six buildings were set alight, the interior ministry said.

At the Arc de Triomphe graffiti had been daubed, with one slogan saying: "The yellow vests will win."


Over the last few weeks, the "yellow vest" movement has morphed into a broad opposition front to Macron, 40, a pro-business centrist elected in May 2017.


Violent anarchist and far-right groups have infiltrated it and are thought to be behind Saturday's clashes.  Macron faces a dilemma in how to respond, not least because the "yellow vests" are a grassroots movement with no formal leaders and a wide range of demands.


Macron has so far refused to roll back taxes on fuel, which he says are needed to fund the country's transition to a low-emission economy.  And he remains a fervent defender of the tax cuts he has delivered for businesses and the wealthy, which he believes were necessary to lower chronic high unemployment.





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They're destroying their own property, yet protesting about the country that built it. How much sense does that make? 


It reminds me of the race riots when some African American people broke into businesses, and other atrocities. And what was their "reason?" The "white man" in that they wanted equal treatment, etc.


It was their way, (translate "reason" by their definition) of protesting. Yet all their protesting did was cost them and everyone higher taxes to pay, etc to make up for the damage. 


The same thing happened during a blackout. The result? Again higher taxes, etc. 


The same will happen to Paris. When the smoke clears if Armageddon doesn't hit them first, higher taxes, etc will be the result. 


How much better is it, and will it be for them to listen to Jehovah! Not only will it give them peace of mind, it will also save them money, lol. (Sorry but I just had to add "lol" in there because it's not even funny the seriousness of it all). 

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2 hours ago, Luezette said:

all their protesting did was cost them and everyone higher taxes to pay, etc to make up for the damage. 

Yup. You are correct. This happened at a location pretty close to me. Nothing good came from it. In fact, one pharmacy that they destroyed declined to rebuild. Now people can't get their medication easily. It is really sad. 


2 hours ago, Luezette said:

How much better is it, and will it be for them to listen to Jehovah! Not only will it give them peace of mind, it will also save them money, lol.

You are correct again. Listen to Jehovah, get peace of mind, and save lots of money. 😁

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And talk about saving money, have we ever thought how much money Jehovah is and has saved us by teaching us that the holidays are false, based upon false religion's satanic teachings? 


I mean all of them really, but especially the big ones like Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, New Year's Eve (New Year's Eve is classified as a holiday right?I always wondered), and let's not forget the lesser ones (by comparison) like Valentine's Day. 


Maybe, hee hee, they should employ only Jehovah's witnesses as bankers, accountants, etc. For then we'll be able to show them how to really budget. 😀

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This weekend, there are measures in place to deal with the expected rioting.  Eiffel Tower, many of the restaurants, shops, museums, Opera houses are closing on Saturday.  Huge disruptions have been caused by school children also demonstrating (with molotov cocktails!)  The demonstrators are using the terms "brink of insurrection and civil war".  Which is what it certainly looks like.  All parts of the country are now affected by the spreading rioting and demonstrating.  It's more than just about the fuel tax.  It's something tearing the fibre of their society from within - something not even the terrorists were able to do.

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This is no longer just about high taxes and gas prices. A great deal of these protestors are now anarchists, communists, neonazis, bored youths and random aggressive migrants all exploiting the situation to vent a little by destroying a bunch of stuff.


You can't resolve this situation by simply declaring a state of emergency and trying to enforce a few curfews and road blocks. The more the government fights back, the more angry these people will become.


The French can get really nasty when they get behind a revolutionary ideal. Just think of the "Lamb War" of the 90ies. Or the French Revolution.


I think this may turn into something bigger. France has a lot of problems it is facing, especially in terms of economy.

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18 hours ago, ChocoBro said:

This is no longer just about high taxes and gas prices. A great deal of these protestors are now anarchists, communists, neonazis, bored youths and random aggressive migrants all exploiting the situation to vent a little by destroying a bunch of stuff.


You can't resolve this situation by simply declaring a state of emergency and trying to enforce a few curfews and road blocks. The more the government fights back, the more angry these people will become.



This situation reminds me of the lost son illustration:

 " .  .  he fell into need. He even went to one of the citizens of that country, who sent him into his fields to herd swine. And he longed to be filled with the carob pods that the swine were eating, but no one would give him anything. "


One of the news reports said Macron have tax breaks to the wealthy business owners to 'reduce unemployment ' at the same time raising the tax on fuel which impacts the low to middle income segment.


Mankind in general is trading God's government for self-rule. 

Be careful what you ask for  .  .  you might get it.

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