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New Collaborative Bible reading - ideas and suggestions

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Friends, I’ve started this thread to get the ball rolling, since many are saying they're interested in doing another collaborative Bible reading. The last one was Job chapter 38, and we all had fun doing it, didn’t we?


I’m  not in a position to co-ordinate it this time, so we need a volunteer.


Please add suggestions and creative ideas here.


(this was the last time we did it)



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How about 1 Kings 18 ... in English  -  I would be glad to read verse 27


I had thought of saying Matthew 1 for the same reason - of course those would be best if each reader did their verse in their own language so we could hear how those names sound in different languages I do like 1 Chronicles for this a little better than Matt.






Now ... we could always do two readings ... one in English and the other in languages

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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What about Psalm 104?


(Psalm 104:1-35)

Let me praise Jehovah. O Jehovah my God, you are very great. With majesty and splendor you are clothed.  


2 You are wrapped in light as with a garment; You stretch out the heavens like a tent cloth.  


3 He lays beams of his upper rooms in the waters above, Making the clouds his chariot, Moving on the wings of the wind.  


4 He makes his angels spirits, His ministers a consuming fire.  


5 He has established the earth on its foundations; It will not be moved from its place forever and ever.  


6 You covered it with deep waters as with a garment. The waters stood above the mountains.  


7 At your rebuke they fled; At the sound of your thunder they ran away in panic  


8 —Mountains ascended and valleys descended— To the place you established for them.  


9 You set a boundary that they should not pass, That they should never again cover the earth.


10 He sends springs into the valleys; Between the mountains they flow.


11 They provide water for all the wild beasts of the field; The wild donkeys quench their thirst.


12 Above them roost the birds of the sky; They sing among the thick foliage.


13 He is watering the mountains from his upper rooms. With the fruitage of your works the earth is satisfied.


14 He is making grass grow for the cattle And vegetation for mankind’s use, To grow food from the land


15 And wine that makes man’s heart rejoice, Oil that makes the face shine, And bread that sustains the heart of mortal man. 16 The trees of Jehovah are satisfied, The cedars of Lebanon that he planted,


17 Where the birds make nests. The home of the stork is in the juniper trees.


18 The high mountains are for the mountain goats; The crags are a refuge for the rock badgers.


19 He has made the moon to mark the appointed times; The sun well knows when to set.


20 You bring darkness, and night falls, When all the wild animals of the forest roam about.


21 The young lions roar for their prey And seek their food from God.


22 When the sun rises, They withdraw and lie down in their dens.


23 Man goes to his work, And he labors until evening.


24 How many your works are, O Jehovah! You have made all of them in wisdom. The earth is full of what you have made.


25 There is the sea, so great and wide, Teeming with countless living things, both small and great.


26 There the ships travel, And Le·viʹa·than, which you formed to play in it.


27 All of them wait for you To give them their food in its season.


28 What you give them, they gather. When you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.


29 When you hide your face, they are disturbed. If you take away their spirit, they die and return to the dust.


30 If you send out your spirit, they are created, And you renew the surface of the ground.


31 The glory of Jehovah will last forever. Jehovah will rejoice in his works.


32 He looks at the earth, and it trembles; He touches the mountains, and they smoke.


33 I will sing to Jehovah throughout my life; I will sing praises to my God as long as I live.


34 Let my thoughts be pleasing to him. I will rejoice in Jehovah.


35 The sinners will vanish from the earth, And the wicked will no longer exist. Let me praise Jehovah. Praise Jah!

I have always loved this Psalm. ❤️

 Even if it isn't used (it's very similar to Psalm 139), it's worth reading. :D 


Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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Psalm 104 is nice ... but, if we have 35 people read it, will each person will have such a short reading we may miss the flavor of their voice?


If we each read two verses, that would only allow for 17 people to have a part


Although, if each reader does not rush their verse and puts feeling in it, having 35 people read this Psalm could work - and sound very nice!

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  • 6 months later...

Hi all,


was thinking about this thread.  It sorta died, but there were some good ideas.  Would any be interested to do this project together?  If enough of us are interested, then add your names here, and then we'll do a quick poll to pick out what we'll do.  If you want to add to the suggestions already mentioned above, please feel free.  At this stage, just want to see if we have enough interest.


There is also a good thread here on Collaborative Singing!  


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5 hours ago, Vinnie said:

What all do you do for this or how is it done?


We are just finding out who wants to be in. Then we’ll all decide on what reading to do. Then we’ll divide up the verses. 

I'm happy to assemble it all, and thanks Hannah for your help. Just record your bit and send it to me via PM. 

10 people so far. We’ll wait a bit more before deciding on what reading. 

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I just listened to the collaborative reading of  Job 38 and I am rather disappointed. I'm disappointed that I didn't join in for it because that was excellently put together. So, well done to all the readers and the production coordinator who put it together.  


Please count me in for the next one.

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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11 hours ago, Dages said:

In several languages again ?


We have done a reading in English with all the accents of those from various language backgrounds - we have done a reading in several languages with each doing so in a language they are fluent in ... how about a "combined reading"?


We could all read our assigned verse(s) in our native language and, since this is an English language forum, we could read the same assigned verse(s) in English. These could both be arranged. One in the multiple languages and one in English and post both recordings.

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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