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Governing Body names

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5 hours ago, NathanW said:

I, too believe they are humans and have a sense of humor like each of us. They take the responsibility that has been given them very seriously, but at the same note, they are human with human-like emotions and feelings. We know our dear brothers have a humorous side in order to maintain balance work for Jehovah’s service and to enjoy their lives in that service. So being comical is no doubt evident in each one. But to retain information simply by a riddle of sorts, a clever one at that, truly shouldn’t bring out undue anxiety over the use of names in it whether they are anointed or not. But like I had mentioned, I’d one finds the post offensive, I am extremely sorry.

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That’s unfortunate, I wonder how some of them that are annointed feel about the songs and rhymes on JW Media to help us remember the books of the Bible?  Well, when I meet one of them I’ll ask them 🤔 how they feel about a rhyme to help remember their names and I’ll let you know😉

Let my words, like vegetables, be tender and sweet, for tomorrow these words, I may have to eat~


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1 hour ago, Gi-Gi said:

That’s unfortunate, I wonder how some of them that are annointed feel about the songs and rhymes on JW Media to help us remember the books of the Bible?  Well, when I meet one of them I’ll ask them 🤔 how they feel about a rhyme to help remember their names and I’ll let you know😉

I remember an old Japanese sister who was unsure about how we have to sing Rap music for this one :D

Hilarious !

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9 hours ago, Gi-Gi said:

I can say for certain and positively that the angels and the anointed already in heaven are thinking that the friends on earth should loosen up!  There’s a time for everything.  I knew a very humorous sister who is anointed now in heaven.   I personally know a helper to the GB and they are not uptight about joking around with the GB they are very humorous brothers.   Brother Lösch  actually punched one of our elders in the stomach jokingly when he nervously reached out to shake his hand while crossing over on one of the skywalks while under construction.  I haven’t had the opportunity to meet any of them yet but if I ever do I will have no problem joking around with them:D

Notice the difference on "with" them and "about" them :wink:


3 hours ago, Gi-Gi said:

That’s unfortunate, I wonder how some of them that are annointed feel about the songs and rhymes on JW Media to help us remember the books of the Bible?  Well, when I meet one of them I’ll ask them 🤔 how they feel about a rhyme to help remember their names and I’ll let you know😉

Well, we need to know the names of the bible books, but do we need to know the names of the GB members? 

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On 7/27/2020 at 4:54 PM, Old said:

I think it is sad tht we would play with the names of our GB as if they were celebs in the world. IMHO I find it to be demeaning both for them and the one playing with the names. 

  1. a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
    "the usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me"
aiding or designed to aid the memory.
It looks like, in this case, it is all in how you choose to look at it.  If you choose to look at it as disrespectful, then that is your choice.  On the other hand, if you choose to look at it as a memory aid to help remember the names of the Governing Body, then it's not sad but, rather, encouraging.  Some people choose to see the glass as half full and the others as half empty.

[This next comment is not directed at Old or anyone in particular]

We can also go too far and start treating the Governing Body as extra special or holy.  In the end they are humans like you and I.  They put their pants on one leg at a time.  They make mistakes.  They joke around.  


Sometimes it's easy to fall into patterns we see in Christendom and view such ones with undue amounts of reverence.  As if it's OK to make a play on words about our local elders but these Governing Body members are extra holy or extra righteous.   We might feel it's OK treat the elders in our congregation more casually than we would the Governing Body.  


They aren't Muhammad.

Edited by Shawnster

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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On 8/4/2020 at 7:52 PM, Old said:

Imagine if you will a Monopoly* board with all the properties having names from all the modern GB members. The corners are  DFd and Re-instated, a corner marked 'YOU just Completed 100 Hours, go to Baptism and collect your badge!' Properties are named Splane Gardens, Knorr Avenue, Rutherford Court, and perhaps Russell Estate, etc. The rules are exactly the same as standard Monopoly*. Would you play such a game? I wouldn't, not because monopoly is wrong, but to participate would be demonstrating a lack of respect to our history and to those we hold in the highest esteem, ie glorius ones. (2 Pe 2:10**)



11 hours ago, Lieblingskind said:

I was searching for some material on Google. What popped up were memes of GB members and disparaging remarks about them that were obviously from disgruntled apostates. Sickening.


There is balance in life and it's possible to treat our brothers too casually.  These are good examples of going too far.  Again, though, touching back to my comment about our local elders vs. the Governing Body members, it would be just as rude or disrespectful to create a mocking meme about our local elders.  I'm sure Jerry would feel the same about using any elder's name on that Monopoly game board.  


Respect is respect.  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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5 hours ago, jayrtom said:

do we need to know the names of the GB members? 


According to an Elder I knew several years ago - the answer would be "Yes" ... he was of the opinion that any "true" JW would know the GB names - but, that was his opinion and not one shared by all.


During a couple of our meetings we have had some of our Elders "prank" each other with their displayed names. One brother had his name changed to "hop-along" another had his changed to his wife's name and "that guy in the picture" ... all in good fun. The one called hop-along only has one leg - and he is the first to make jokes about it ... doesn't bother him a bit when others do.


In another thread there was a mention of Charles Sinutko Jr (g04 8/22 p. 19 Something Better Than Fame)- back when I was in my early 20's he was our District Overseer. In the early 1980's we had Sam Wiger as our Circuit Overseer ( yb97 p. 213 Micronesia). I have worked with many CO's and DO's over the years. the reason I mention these people is that, at the time I worked with them, they were much older than I was. Some old enough to be my parents age or even my grandparents age. Some, like Sinutko and Wiger well well known by many, many JW's, and for several years I was in the same Congregation with Jim Crosley (g84 9/22 p. 12 A Taste of Paradise Building) However, one thing these brothers and a quite a number of others over the years had in common ... they all had me call them by their first name instead of "Brother (insert name)"- even though they were that much older than I


I guess the point I am making is that, none of God's servants wants to be "put on a pedestal" - they are just people like the rest of us.


My name is "John". My brother is "Bill". He tells people that the way to remember us is "you sit on me and you pay him" - after all, I am a 🚽 and he is a 💲


I'm sure that those on the GB may have experienced jokes with their names like I have with mine for much longer in their lives than they have been a member of the GB.


Since I can't speak for them - I don't know if it would bother them when someone points out how the names assemble into such a "meme" - so, I would not tell someone it is "OK" to do that but, I also would not condemn someone who did - any more than I would when someone makes a play on my name

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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According to an Elder I knew several years ago - the answer would be "Yes" ... he was of the opinion that any "true" JW would know the GB names - but, that was his opinion and not one shared by all.
During a couple of our meetings we have had some of our Elders "prank" each other with their displayed names. One brother had his name changed to "hop-along" another had his changed to his wife's name and "that guy in the picture" ... all in good fun. The one called hop-along only has one leg - and he is the first to make jokes about it ... doesn't bother him a bit when others do.
In another thread there was a mention of Charles Sinutko Jr (g04 8/22 p. 19 Something Better Than Fame)- back when I was in my early 20's he was our District Overseer. In the early 1980's we had Sam Wiger as our Circuit Overseer ( yb97 p. 213 Micronesia). I have worked with many CO's and DO's over the years. the reason I mention these people is that, at the time I worked with them, they were much older than I was. Some old enough to be my parents age or even my grandparents age. Some, like Sinutko and Wiger well well known by many, many JW's, and for several years I was in the same Congregation with Jim Crosley (g84 9/22 p. 12 A Taste of Paradise Building) However, one thing these brothers and a quite a number of others over the years had in common ... they all had me call them by their first name instead of "Brother (insert name)"- even though they were that much older than I
I guess the point I am making is that, none of God's servants wants to be "put on a pedestal" - they are just people like the rest of us.
My name is "John". My brother is "Bill". He tells people that the way to remember us is "you sit on me and you pay him" - after all, I am a  and he is a
I'm sure that those on the GB may have experienced jokes with their names like I have with mine for much longer in their lives than they have been a member of the GB.
Since I can't speak for them - I don't know if it would bother them when someone points out how the names assemble into such a "meme" - so, I would not tell someone it is "OK" to do that but, I also would not condemn someone who did - any more than I would when someone makes a play on my name

Great reasoning my dear brother!

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1 hour ago, Qapla said:

don't know if it would bother them when someone points out how the names assemble into such a "meme" - so, I would not tell someone it is "OK" to do that but, I also would not condemn someone who did -

A sister that was in the traveling work with her husband for many years recently sent us a similar meme. They are retired now but his last assignment was an SKE instructor. She thought the meme was funny..👍🏼

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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15 hours ago, Qapla said:


According to an Elder I knew several years ago - the answer would be "Yes" ... he was of the opinion that any "true" JW would know the GB names - but, that was his opinion and not one shared by all.


During a couple of our meetings we have had some of our Elders "prank" each other with their displayed names. One brother had his name changed to "hop-along" another had his changed to his wife's name and "that guy in the picture" ... all in good fun. The one called hop-along only has one leg - and he is the first to make jokes about it ... doesn't bother him a bit when others do.


In another thread there was a mention of Charles Sinutko Jr (g04 8/22 p. 19 Something Better Than Fame)- back when I was in my early 20's he was our District Overseer. In the early 1980's we had Sam Wiger as our Circuit Overseer ( yb97 p. 213 Micronesia). I have worked with many CO's and DO's over the years. the reason I mention these people is that, at the time I worked with them, they were much older than I was. Some old enough to be my parents age or even my grandparents age. Some, like Sinutko and Wiger well well known by many, many JW's, and for several years I was in the same Congregation with Jim Crosley (g84 9/22 p. 12 A Taste of Paradise Building) However, one thing these brothers and a quite a number of others over the years had in common ... they all had me call them by their first name instead of "Brother (insert name)"- even though they were that much older than I


I guess the point I am making is that, none of God's servants wants to be "put on a pedestal" - they are just people like the rest of us.


My name is "John". My brother is "Bill". He tells people that the way to remember us is "you sit on me and you pay him" - after all, I am a 🚽 and he is a 💲


I'm sure that those on the GB may have experienced jokes with their names like I have with mine for much longer in their lives than they have been a member of the GB.


Since I can't speak for them - I don't know if it would bother them when someone points out how the names assemble into such a "meme" - so, I would not tell someone it is "OK" to do that but, I also would not condemn someone who did - any more than I would when someone makes a play on my name

I liked very much your story about your experience with this brothers you mention. :thumbsup:


Regarding the other question, I see you and many others don't have any problems with jokes about your names, that's great. On the other hand, as we don't know who might have problems with jokes of that sort it's my opinion that we shouldn't do it unless we know for a fact this or that brother don't mind it or even joke themselves also. you pointed some brothers that you know are in that position. And, again, you and others joked with them and not about them which is a very different thing

My experience is that I suffered a lot about jokes with my names in school (I have 6 names) and I personnaly don't like it. Also I've heard some jokes around here about the name "the 3rd" of Br. Morris, which I didn't like and thought were out of proportions


One illustration about this is that I'm bit overheight and there are a couple of thinner brothers in my congregation who are always joking with me about it. I don't mind about it because I know the brothers love me anyway, but my wife doesn't like to ear it at all! One time she talked with one of the brothers, which is an elder and he never joked about it anymore

Also, I know there are other brothers who don't like jokes about their wheight, so I never joke about it with anyone. Ah, I may ignore jokes done in my front in conversations with me but I would never liked it if I knew br were talking and jocking about it on my back or if it was a person I didn't knew or with whom I never have laughed about it.


So, I don't like this kind of jokes but on the other hand I don't have the right to condemn anyone with other opinion

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19 hours ago, Shawnster said:
  1. a device such as a pattern of letters, ideas, or associations that assists in remembering something.
    "the usual mnemonic for star types is O Be A Fine Girl Kiss Me"
aiding or designed to aid the memory.
It looks like, in this case, it is all in how you choose to look at it.  If you choose to look at it as disrespectful, then that is your choice.  On the other hand, if you choose to look at it as a memory aid to help remember the names of the Governing Body, then it's not sad but, rather, encouraging.  Some people choose to see the glass as half full and the others as half empty.

[This next comment is not directed at Old or anyone in particular]

We can also go too far and start treating the Governing Body as extra special or holy.  In the end they are humans like you and I.  They put their pants on one leg at a time.  They make mistakes.  They joke around.  


Sometimes it's easy to fall into patterns we see in Christendom and view such ones with undue amounts of reverence.  As if it's OK to make a play on words about our local elders but these Governing Body members are extra holy or extra righteous.   We might feel it's OK treat the elders in our congregation more casually than we would the Governing Body.  


They aren't Muhammad.

Just to clarify that my opinion on this kind of jokes is not particular to the GB members but to anyone as my example on jokes about my names 

Also, I know the elders in my congregation but don't know the GB members. That should make a difference also

Edited by jayrtom
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I see nothing highly offensive about a simple play on names as a way to remember them. If someone did that as a way to remember my name....I would actually be flattered, not offended. Personally I think the GB would find it amusing. I think if they did object, it would be because of the sensitivity of others.....who “feel” it’s disrespectful.

I don't think this can be compared to poking fun at someone’s personal looks like weight or some other unflattering physical quality. If the meme was poking fun at some of the GB weight or lack of hair...that’s a whole other story,  because these kinds of comments are often used to belittle a person, since it’s common knowledge that most overweight persons are insecure about their weight. 

I think there is a line to be drawn, but this imho, is not the one.
However, regardless of what I think, if someone indicates they are offended by certain playful banter or memes etc... then the line has to be drawn there.

We have different  views sometimes on what is respectful or disrespectful and I would attribute much of that each ones personality and background.

Edited by Pjdriver
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This just reminds me of the time a sister was telling me about her roommate. Her roommate had a habit of associating the friends names to objects or things she could remember. She knew a sister Pissoni. Well, one day the sister telling the story said she, her roommate and sister Pissoni were travelling in the same car for service. As her roommate was trying to explain something to sister Pissoni, she accidentally called her by her memory-recall name, and said with a sweet voice: "and sister Piss on me..." and continued talking.... 🤭The sister telling us the story was absolutely floored her roommate called her that.:oops: But it was too late. So moral of the story, do not use memory aids for the friends names that could be truly offensive. :hammer:

Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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  • 1 year later...
On 8/4/2020 at 5:20 PM, Tortuga said:

I think it's a good way to remember their names. However, this is the Picture forum so please open another topic if you want to discuss it.

i will be sharing this after my part tonight in a breakout room for those that want to Remember by name those taking the lead.



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12 minutes ago, Tbs77 said:

i will be sharing this after my part tonight in a breakout room for those that want to Remember by name those taking the lead.



I had that part last night. Fortunately the meeting was ahead of schedule and I had a few extra minutes. After asking the question I asked if we could sum up each account with one word, what is the first word they thought of. Most of the comments were Courageous, Loyal, Endurance, Faithful, Loving. It generated a lot of participation. Then I suggested that we look up more accounts of the GB for family worship or personal study. I found 21 life stories of the GB.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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