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1/2 of us are here to test the other 1/2.

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Over the years, I have heard this statement made with a variety of levels of humor. i was wondering if this is actually something we even should jest about. Certainly, it’s not backed by scripture. I cannot find an article that mentions it at all. Can anyone locate anything or share your thoughts.



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I have heard this or very similar statement in one of the talks that was circulated years ago. I am thinking that it was along the lines of we don't always know if the brotherhood is a blessing from Jehovah or a test from Satan. Might have been uttered (at least) by one of the Aljian brothers (two fantastic talks that probably do not mention this line are available on jw.org: https://www.jw.org/en/search/?q=aljian).


While this may not be a thought directly sourced in the Scriptures, I can see where the line of reasoning comes from. Managing with people in the congregation is sometimes one of my biggest challenges as I am very err...special individual. Many of Jehovah's servants of old have been tested from within and yet, have stayed loyal to Jehovah. Job had false comforters, Mephibosheth didn't get back what belonged to him after Ziba's (?) trickery. In today's setting, some may have been felt unfairly treated by imperfect individuals in the congregations, and seemingly nothing has happened. Yet such loyal ones have not fallen by the wayside or drifted away, they have kept on going along Jehovah's chariot.

To this David said: “What have I done now? I was only asking a question!”

– 1 Samuel 17:29

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Even if the Bible doesn't state that directly, it certainly agrees with that comment. Our imperfections constantly test our brothers and sisters, and theirs are a test for us. Then there are some who are specially testy. But we have to bear with them anyway.


On the other hand, we obtain a lot of encouragement and support from those same brothers and sisters. So the benefits by far outweigh the inconveniences.

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7 hours ago, Mike said:


Over the years, I have heard this statement made with a variety of levels of humor. i was wondering if this is actually something we even should jest about. Certainly, it’s not backed by scripture. I cannot find an article that mentions it at all. Can anyone locate anything or share your thoughts.



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In a general sense it is backed by scripture in the fact that so many scriptures talk about our relationship with our brothers and problems will definitely exist, try as we may to get along.


Not judging our brother, but remove the rafter from our own eye before we point out the straw in our brothers eye.

Forgive one another, put up with one another, love covers a multitude of sins. 
Don’t do things that stumble you brother.

If your brother has offended you go to him and gain your brother back. 
Peter and Paul had a little conflict.

Avoid taking your brother to court.

Paul and Mark, Barnabas and Paul. 
Apostle argued who was the greatest.

The  Hebrew Scriptures are full of examples of conflicts that Gods imperfect people had with one another.


So, while the statement is put that way to be a little humorous, it also is the typical hyperbole to make a point.....There will be conflict in the brotherhood. That’s why it’s important to have a common authority that we can all love and respect....like Jehovah,Jesus and the FS. 

At times We might not agree with one another...but if we accept the authority of our father in common and his appointed king and his organization,  we will put our differences aside.:coffee:


I know I’ve been tested in a sense by some brothers....and I have no doubt been a source of irritation and in a sense been a test for some brothers. :(  
With all our various life experiences, backgrounds, and culture, we’ve grown up with various viewpoints. Add to that, our imperfections like impatience, no tact, being overly sensitive, etc.....

No matter.....We keep trying because we love Jehovah. :D


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13 hours ago, Mike said:


Over the years, I have heard this statement made with a variety of levels of humor. i was wondering if this is actually something we even should jest about. Certainly, it’s not backed by scripture. I cannot find an article that mentions it at all. Can anyone locate anything or share your thoughts.



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I've had the same question. I think due to the fact that the first time I heard it, was a remark in reference to someone who had done some truly horrible things including bordering on grave sin that hurt others, and this was their reply. I was shocked as it seemed that it was minimizing what that person had done, or at least implying this was normal/expected behavior from imperfect people. It just smacked of 'God testing us with evil things' is ok.

Edited by M.J.
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I have wondered if idea may first have been uttered by Jesus when the apostles kept arguing amongst themselves   :lol1:


Actually, I have heard this comment many times - in talks, in conversation, in jest and in seriousness. My thinking is, rather than try to determine if there is valid direct scriptural reference for the comment/thought - I should try not to be one who is here to test others :blush: 



I have heard many thoughts/comments/illustrations/similes/hyperbole and such that are not mentioned in the Bible - Should we not use any expression we cannot quote?

Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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4 hours ago, M.J. said:

I was shocked as it seemed that it was minimizing what that person had done, or at least implying this was normal/expected behavior from imperfect people.

Agreed. I take that expression to refer to our small imperfections, bad traits of character and the like. Serious wrongdoing is a whole different level.

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Well,  we can look at that statement in a positive and negative light.  In a negative way Satan tested Jesus to make him stumble. I don't think we want to test our brothers and sisters in any negative way so as to tear them down. 


Now in a positive way, we can  allow others to test us so that we see our flaws and we make it a goal to improve ourselves.  For example, by my interactions with others I learn more about myself. 


Proverbs 27:17 By iron, iron itself is sharpened. So one man sharpens the face of another





The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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2 hours ago, Vinnie said:

I don't think we want to test our brothers and sisters in any negative way so as to tear them down. 

I don’t think we want to either.....I don’t think anyone wakes up saying, “I think I’ll test my brother today.” 
I never think that way....it just happens naturally. :lol1::lol2: :poke:

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Well some “tests” we fail at and others we have success ...  May all our tests produce some fruitage of the spirit... even to a small degree.😇

Zeph 3:17 Jehovah your God is in the midst of you. As a mighty One, he will save. He will exult over you with rejoicing. He will become silent in his love. He will be joyful over you with happy cries....... Love it....a beautiful word picture.

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