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Watchtower Online Library (WOL)

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When the CD-ROM first was announced in the early 1990s, it was released in one language only, English.


It contained the text, in electronic form, of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures​—With References, the annual bound volumes of The Watchtower from 1950 to 1993 and Awake! from 1980 to 1993, the two-​volume Bible encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures, and numerous other books, booklets, brochures, and tracts published by the Watchtower Society since 1970. In addition, it contained an index to all Watchtower publications from 1930 to 1993.


In 2012, it was available in 39 languages.


Now since some years ago our library has moved online, to wol.jw.org, and is published in 742 languages, including several sign languages.


The English Library contains 7 editions of the Bible, a constantly updated Glossary of biblical expression, Insight, Index from 1930 to 2021, a Research Guide, The Watchtower from 1950 to 2021, Awake! from 1970 to 2020, plus several books, brochures, programmes, tracts, workbooks, audio recordings, as well as special article series.


How do you make use of our Online Library?


🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I've used it as my browser home & start page for the longest time, always nice to have the daily text right there. Otherwise, mostly as a research tool for articles and topics, audio playback, bookmarks. I still prefer Watchtower (Offline) Library for looking up and copy/pasting scriptures.

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I've used it as my browser home & start page for the longest time, always nice to have the daily text right there. Otherwise, mostly as a research tool for articles and topics, audio playback, bookmarks. I still prefer Watchtower (Offline) Library for looking up and copy/pasting scriptures.

The WOL now has an excellent copy function that produces a link that will open up in your JW Library app or WOL depending in device.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I make very extensive use of the Online Library. It’s in my Chrome browser’s favourite bar so it’s always there for me to easily access whenever I have my browser open. It allows me to very easily gain access to the Daily Scriptures and this week’s meeting schedules.


I also like being able to look up scripture/publication quotations by typing in their abbreviation. (For example, search for “Ge 1:1” to get results for Genesis 1:1. Search for “rr chapter 1 p. 6 paragraph 1” to get that exact paragraph quotation.)


I use the copy/share feature (both in jw.org and WOL) a lot to share stuff with interested ones too.


And aesthetically, WOL has much more modern design than Watchtower Library. So that’s a big plus.


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I use it often. 

Before our Library got refined to the point it is now I found the Online Library easier to us and I was faster using it than the JWL. I love our Library getting updated and combined and whatever else the Brothers decide to do. I do kinda wish they would leave WOL up, its handy to have...

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I use the WTL CD-ROM for research. The JWL app isn't as good at it yet.

That’s true. The JW Library is for meeting and ministry at the moment. The WOL is excellent for personal study. And I like the integration with the JW.org search feature. However, both JW.org and WOL now produce links that can open in JW Library, which is awesome.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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And aesthetically, WOL has much more modern design than Watchtower Library. So that’s a big plus.

That’s true. The modern design and ease of use is indeed a big plus. It looks more presentable these days.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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18 hours ago, Thesauron said:


18 hours ago, Thesauron said:

How do you make use of our Online Library?

I do not use the CD-ROM anymore. Our Online Library is a true blessing that helps me with my researches for the meetings but for the service too. As I am trying to improve my English, the feature that allows to synchronize two languages is so useful to me. I also find it more handy than the CD-ROM.

Edited by Romain
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2 minutes ago, Romain said:

As I am trying to improve my English the feature that allows to synchronize two languages is so useful to me.

A thousand times yes! Being in a foreign-language cong, I find the synchronise feature invaluable. Very useful for finding out how theocratic terminology is translated. 

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A thousand times yes! Being in a foreign-language cong, I find the synchronise feature invaluable. Very useful for finding out how theocratic terminology is translated. 

That, and sometimes, especially with older magazines, the articles were not published simultaneously. It doesn’t matter. The sync function still does it’s job.


And the “Similar Material” tab is excellent when studying a subject.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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2 hours ago, jwhess said:

I have 25 years of practice with WTL.  I am sorry but it is more comfortable to me than WOL.  It is hard to trade my experienced interface with modern beauty when I am in a hurry...😉

The same here, I find the searches in WOL tedious. The only problem I have with WTL is the requirement for exact spelling, Google has me spoiled on the spelling issue.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

I have 25 years of practice with WTL.  I am sorry but it is more comfortable to me than WOL.  It is hard to trade my experienced interface with modern beauty when I am in a hurry...😉

We had limited internet access for many years so WTL was better for us. 

And I also find it more comfortable to use WTL over WOL. 

But WTL could do with an 2020 upgrade design then it 2000 look.  

1 hour ago, Old said:

The same here, I find the searches in WOL tedious. The only problem I have with WTL is the requirement for exact spelling, Google has me spoiled on the spelling issue.

I hate that. 

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1 hour ago, Old said:

The only problem I have with WTL is the requirement for exact spelling, Google has me spoiled on the spelling issue.


You can use the Google's search engine to search in WOL.


e.g. In order to get all results related to Kingdom in WOL, search for: site:wol.jw.org kingdom


But I much prefer native searching in WOL because of its index feature. I use both Google search and WOL search and I haven't felt anything uncomfortable.


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3 hours ago, Hinata said:


You can use the Google's search engine to search in WOL.


e.g. In order to get all results related to Kingdom in WOL, search for: site:wol.jw.org kingdom


But I much prefer native searching in WOL because of its index feature. I use both Google search and WOL search and I haven't felt anything uncomfortable.


A side point in all you say:  it requires a constant internet connection (for the Google and the WOL).  I bought my Windows tablet, Windows laptop and Windows PC partly for the very reason that I can use the WTL offline.  I have used it in the mountains on vacation or during power outages and so on.

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A side point in all you say:  it requires a constant internet connection (for the Google and the WOL).  I bought my Windows tablet, Windows laptop and Windows PC partly for the very reason that I can use the WTL offline.  I have used it in the mountains on vacation or during power outages and so on.

Most people in the western world these days have devices that are constantly connected to the Internet, so that’s no problem.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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The same here, I find the searches in WOL tedious. The only problem I have with WTL is the requirement for exact spelling, Google has me spoiled on the spelling issue.

Tedious? How? I find it quite alright actually. I never open WTL these days, except to update it sometimes. I figure that I’ll have it as a backup should my Internet connection fail me some day. I like how you can use WOL on any device, and I don’t have to sit by a computer.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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3 hours ago, jwhess said:

A side point in all you say:  it requires a constant internet connection (for the Google and the WOL).  I bought my Windows tablet, Windows laptop and Windows PC partly for the very reason that I can use the WTL offline.  I have used it in the mountains on vacation or during power outages and so on.


Yes, that is very correct. One thing WOL differs from Watchtower Library is that it needs a constant and stable internet connection.


But please understand that my reply was made to Brother Jerry as he found search feature not as good as Google's, so obviously that was with in mind that the user already had stable internet connection to access Google.


I also have WTL installed on my PC and also have some paper book library on my home that I regularly maintain, so I am definitely not against the idea of havong an offline library. I simply find WOL better to use because 99% of the time I am online.


Also like Brother Johan noted, WOL runs on any device, like on a smart phone. That makes it like a portable version of WTL which you can practically being able to bring anywhere. (Well, anywhere you have the internet.)


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I was not referencing a connection to Google for WTL. I was referring to the fact that you have to spell every request with proper spelling. Google figures out what you were really looking for with spelling correct or incorrect. It is the search feature.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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I too feel more comfortable with WTL. It may not be as beautiful but its search capabilities are very powerful and it helps me find very quickly what I need.


WOL often shows in the first place links that are irrelevant for me. For example, when you want to locate a scripture and you only remember some words. You enter those words and it will show you magazines, books, brochures, daily scriptures... You may have to advance several pages until you get to the actual verse in the Bible (or you can uncheck all the publication categories on the left except the Bible, but it's quicker to click next page). In WTL that's immediate.

Edited by carlos
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I too feel more comfortable with WTL. It may not be as beautiful but its search capabilities are very powerful and it helps me find very quickly what I need.
WOL often shows in the first place links that are irrelevant for me. For example, when you want to locate a scripture and you only remember some words. You enter those words and it will show you magazines, books, brochures, daily scriptures... You may have to advance several pages until you get to the actual verse in the Bible (or you can uncheck all the publication categories on the left except the Bible, but it's quicker to click next page). In WTL that's immediate.

When that happens to me, I turn to JW Library. It has a funny way of finding the right scripture in order of how commonly they are used.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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9 hours ago, carlos said:

WOL often shows in the first place links that are irrelevant for me. For example, when you want to locate a scripture and you only remember some words. You enter those words and it will show you magazines, books, brochures, daily scriptures... You may have to advance several pages until you get to the actual verse in the Bible (or you can uncheck all the publication categories on the left except the Bible, but it's quicker to click next page). In WTL that's immediate.

You can choose where you want the research to show you the results. In the Bible or in the Watchtower only... There is no need to scroll for hours haha

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