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Want to start a new topic BUT feeling anxious

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Many a time, I kept on thinking about putting up a topic for discussion, so I would dumped all my thoughts onto a Word document. I left it on the backburner for a while and unfortunately the idea never saw the light of day. I'm too lazy to mind map. Some of us have language barriers. A problem with me and also I'm a bit cerebrally challenged. Old age is another factor. 

So I had hoped that we, that is those with anxieties issues could somehow put their topics on this thread and then let the friends provide moral support.


After all this forum is for the JW community and it would be good if we can give a helping hand to those who have difficulties  to start a new topic, especially those who are new to the forum. 

Somehow I'm not able to locate the post by a brother who is new to this forum and he mentioned about his hesitancy to post a new topic. I would like to thank him for sharing his feelings.

Ok let's collectively put on our thinking caps and start brainstorming.



Reverse Brainstorming


What do you think about this subject? : Tips on thriving in a foreign language congregation

                                                                   Tags : research material in that language, language immersion (a visit to that particular country)                                                                                                      correspondence with a native speaker, videos, facebook, experiences, short term visits


Edited by Mclove


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Tentative topic  : Tips on how to go about preparing for a talk


  • How famous speakers prepare for their speeches eg. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King
  • Procrastination is good when preparing for talks?
  • Utilizing your subconscious mind to get inspiration
  • Ted talks
  • Examples of exceptional speeches
  • How to excel in public speaking
  • books on public speaking
  • examples of  talks by our brothers
  • How the bible can help sharpen our skills
  • mind mapping

Edited by Mclove

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Hi, my sister,
Being relatively new to the forum, I have had those feelings myself. Currently, I have been saving a topic I would like to discuss. But when I think about it, I reasoned that I might get a lot of WT references back. 
So, instead of posting the topic, I made it a personal research project. At the moment, I have a whole lot of info on the subject. So, I guess the way I reasoned motivated me to do more research on the topic. That is also what can happen when you are hesitant to start a topic. And that is fine too.

But the way I generally try to approach the subject of starting a topic goes like this: If I have a topic I want to discuss, I start it, it might get some responses, but it might also just get views (that is also nice because at least some shared your though or found it interesting enough to take a look ). So, it's a win any way you put it.


I like to compare it with raising your hand to comment at the meetings.

Starting a topic = Is like raising your hand to comment.

Interaction on the topic = Is like getting a chance to comment/brothers and sisters thanking you for the comment or telling you how it encouraged them.

Starting a topic (which is only viewed) = Is like raising your hand to comment but not getting a chance to comment. Did your hand go to waste? NO. It still encouraged the friends, and Jehovah saw your effort.


The topic you mentioned: "Tips on thriving in a foreign language congregation" is a good one!

Edited by Br. Ice
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Just think about things you like and see if other people feel the same way from:
Topics you've found in the publications you appreciated,

Your favourite scripture
Any hobby you have
Foods you like to prepare a particular way
Any arts you enjoy, like books or TV shows
News stories you found interesting

Something based on one your favorite school subjects.

Try not to worry if other people don't agree with your thoughts or don't like the subjects you like. Part of the struggle is getting rid of the inhibition of caring too much about what people, on the internet, that you never met in person, think of you.

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48 minutes ago, Mclove said:

How famous speakers prepare for their speeches eg. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King


48 minutes ago, Mclove said:

Examples of exceptional speeches


48 minutes ago, Mclove said:

How to excel in public speaking


48 minutes ago, Mclove said:

examples of  talks by our brothers

I personally like all of these. I would add 2 ideas to expand on the four topics I quoted:
What makes a good talk/speech GOOD?
What elements/patterns can we detect in good talks by brothers and sisters?
(give examples or a link to a specific talks if available to link)


Edited by Br. Ice
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Thanks Br. Isaac for your great input. First let me see where you hail from. So which part of the Caribbean are you from. Like is it the Western side?





Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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7 hours ago, Mclove said:

Tentative topic  : Tips on how to go about preparing for a talk


  • How famous speakers prepare for their speeches eg. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King
  • Procrastination is good when preparing for talks?
  • Utilizing your subconscious mind to get inspiration
  • Ted talks
  • Examples of exceptional speeches
  • How to excel in public speaking
  • books on public speaking
  • examples of  talks by our brothers
  • How the bible can help sharpen our skills
  • mind mapping

Number 2 is a tricky one....procrastination in a sense can be good, IF is coupled with meditation. What do I mean? 
Well, in June I have a public talk .... it’s April but I do not actively put anything in writing, but I have read the outline and meditate on it and visually trying to imagine how the talk will benefit my audience .... technically this is not a process of procrastination but you know what I mean...I do not rush and put the talk together just for the sake of doing it. 
It’s beneficial to me personally to introduce certain type of “procrastination” because I often come up with better outlines .. more loving ... more focused and targeted. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Trust in Jehovah when he says at 1 Peter 5:9 But take your stand against him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by the entire association of your brothers in the world. With this principle in mind...


Just open your heart and your mind and put it out there.  If you are thinking it, then someone else will benefit from your good words. Even if f you can help and encourage just one person, you have 100%  success.  This will strengthen your courage and help you to see that what you have to share is very valuable. Watch and see how Jehovah blesses your efforts.


Nothing ventured, nothing gained and when it comes to good things from the heart and mind with Jehovah's things as a foundation, you will always gain.






















1 Peter 5:9 But take your stand against him, firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by the entire association of your brothers in the world.

The one showing favor to the lowly is lending to Jehovah

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Thanks for all your encouragement, brothers and sisters. Loved you all to bits. 

Actually I thought this incubation idea was my excuse for not posting any new topic but rather to allow myself the space to randomly spew out some absurb thoughts that happen to cross my mind. Hard work is hardly my forte.


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Stewing in the background. Making stone soup.


Post a photo of yourself in your younger days ( it might be helpful in recognizing someone in the NS). Or of someone in your family (with their permission). Someone from past generations would be a treat.

I would have to convert some of my old photos of my father into digital format. About time I get started before the photos start to degenerate. Any ideas to do this on the cheap. Ok, I'll ask Uncle google.

Long time ago, I had this photo shop that managed to capture pics of my younger self  in a flattering light. I had to face the ignominy of the immigration officer telling me it looked nothing like my plain ugly self. 🤣

The photographer must have employed some awesome studio magic. Maybe I should try some myself.

Like the Japanese man who used faceapp to appear as a gorgeous young lady to garner more followers. That is so shallow.


  • What you look like and what you REALLY want to look like. Outlandish and far out ones are quite welcome.

(if anyone want to borrow some of the ideas, feel free to take it away. It will save me some calories while I nap with my cats) zzzzz

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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yo, I haven't started the ball rolling yet. It is still in the incubator stage. But would appreciate baby turtles. So hold your horses. I'll have to hurry up a bit before I get deluged with baby photos. 

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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On 4/16/2021 at 6:42 AM, Mclove said:

Tentative topic  : Tips on how to go about preparing for a talk


  • How famous speakers prepare for their speeches eg. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King

Politicians , if not others on the public stage , employ speechwriters.


It's like asking a trusted aide to organize my thoughts for me, make it coherent.


I have read stories about a politician (Ronald Reagan for example) who might make a last-minute edit to a speech, adding or deleting something.


On the other hand , some politicians read from the teleprompter and I get the impression this is a cold read. Like they just say whatever is put in front of them.


Our speakers always consider the audience. When I gave the Memorial talk for my mother, I had a lot of basic Bible truth in there. Because I knew there would be non-believing relatives listening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NEW TOPIC THAT IS STILL IN INCUBATOR STAGE (probably going to hatch after P & S cry)


Title : How do you think Jesus would behaved  if he had joined JWtalk.


  • use illustrations, pictorial aids,
  • would he gravitate to those old in age/depressed ones, sick, down trodden,
  •  not dwell on his superior attributes : looks, IT knowledge, dexterity in using scriptures, brain power, oratory skills
  • not overlook those who are economically not well off, of low intelligence, have poor command of language?
  • not look with disdain at those who may be slightly different in the way they speak?
  • use simple understandable language
  • make the friends feel loved and cherished
  • provide personal attention to those are so not cerebrally endowed or lack communication skills


  • leave a LOL emoji  at all the silly pictures in the thread  'post a picture'  (Seriously brain damaged here)


  • Not just hang out with those who are the IT group -  the rich, the powerful, the beautiful, the highly talented etc
  • not use language that will offend certain sensitive members
  • never too busy to acknowledge someone comments directed at him.

Edited by Mclove

adding to the laundry list

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Helping senior JWtalk members get a grip on 'new' IT terminology.

Teach basic steps on how to navigate around the JWtalk forum :

  • how to use the 'bump' icon
  • how to copy and paste from www.wol.com
  • how to embed video/snippets from a video  (I haven't figured this out yet. Help!) Warning : Quite dumb


          How To Create YouTube Snippets URL With Start And End Time?   


Python is programming language not a slithery creature in the tropical jungle like where I come from. 


2021 Complete Python Bootcamp From ZERO to Hero :superman: in Python. 

(Better not even give a thought about embarking on such mountain like task)


10 Simple Yet Useful Tips on Python Programming

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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On 4/26/2021 at 6:00 PM, Mclove said:
  • use illustrations, pictorial aids,
  • would he gravitate to those old in age/depressed ones, sick, down trodden,
  •  not dwell on his superior attributes : looks, IT knowledge, dexterity in using scriptures, brain power, oratory skills
  • not overlook those who are economically not well off, of low intelligence, have poor command of language?
  • not look with disdain at those who may be slightly different in the way they speak?
  • use simple understandable language
  • make the friends feel loved and cherished
  • provide personal attention to those are so not cerebrally endowed or lack communication skills


Above points are just beautiful ....(:P)

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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This boa constrictor is hogging all the attention on the side board. Yucks!

Have to slow down a bit and wait till next Monday before posting the topic in post no. 15. 



Edited by Mclove

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 2 weeks later...



Have to slow down a bit and wait till next Monday before posting the topic in post no. 15. 

I wonder which Monday I was referring to. Leaving it ambiguous gives me time to procrastinate. 😆

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 3 months later...

Which friend would be nominate to play a part in a theocratic drama

Tags :   Villain  (Achan),  Royalty (King David) prophet (Daniel) patriarch (Abraham), voice of God, warrior (Joshua) exemplary women (Sarah) 

             Yourself (Bathsheba, Absalom, Queen Esther) Funny guy (errr......talking donkey?


After watching so many dramas and videos (>100 just in the recent convention), I was wondering if we could just picture one of our JWtalk members taking on the roles played by the many characters in a Bible reenactment. Suspend your imagination/disbelief (?) for a moment, and see if you can picture a brother or sister playing a character in the bible.  Or even in a  modern setting for a movie. We may not know how a friend look like. Perhaps we can ask for his/her details (bushy eyebrows, big built, muscular, height) You can also nominate yourself at the present age or your younger self (It would come in handy in the New System)


So let your imagination take flight and let us have some fun while we are at it. 

Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Post # 20 has already been put up as a new thread. See link below.


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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