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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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We can see the governments disintergrating.  The world is at war.  There is practically no nation at peace.  They are all warring against one another.


The clay is in an uproar.   Luke 21:25 "Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth  anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation".


The sea of mankind is agitated.  Roaring if you will.  This is the clay that Daniel is talking about.  People are divisive to the utmost degree.  2Tim. 3:1-5  "critical times.......". 


The clay has something to say to those that rule over them.  They do not submit to governments anymore.  Not here in the USA not anywhere.


Here in the USA we are already practicing for meetings in the parks, basements, cellars etc.  2 weeks ago we all met in the park for field service.  The entire congregation was there.

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Thank you Sister Carmen @cmefor this explanation. I'm working on a private study project "Where Is the Stone Now?'  

Your comment previously regarding where the stone is really got me into thinking. 


Thank also @Dages for the watchtower link and the picture of the stone passing through the feet. 


It all emphasis that we are so very close to the start of the GT


Secular news proves that too. 

Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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39 minutes ago, cme said:

We can see the governments disintergrating.  The world is at war.  There is practically no nation at peace.  They are all warring against one another.


The clay is in an uproar.   Luke 21:25 "Also, there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth  anguish of nations, not knowing the way out because of the roaring of the sea and its agitation".


The sea of mankind is agitated.  Roaring if you will.  This is the clay that Daniel is talking about.  People are divisive to the utmost degree.  2Tim. 3:1-5  "critical times.......". 


The clay has something to say to those that rule over them.  They do not submit to governments anymore.  Not here in the USA not anywhere.


Here in the USA we are already practicing for meetings in the parks, basements, cellars etc.  2 weeks ago we all met in the park for field service.  The entire congregation was there.

I thought we supposed to meet at the KH  for meetings. That should be the arrangement I know, unless otherwise.

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43 minutes ago, cme said:

Here in the USA we are already practicing for meetings in the parks, basements, cellars etc.  2 weeks ago we all met in the park for field service.  The entire congregation was there.

Hmm... what the stated reason for that? 

Nothing like this happens in Australia. 

Not picking on the subject, just trying to understand it. ☺️

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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47 minutes ago, cme said:

...There is practically no nation at peace...

Well, there actually is "peace", two days a year, but no one knows where. 🙂

...It is how it is... 😊  I love long walks, special when you do the walking. A long answer is not short. If you, Sister, are "a nice one", feel welcome to hit the PM button and drop me a line. (See topic; Single again)

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50 minutes ago, cme said:

Here in the USA we are already practicing for meetings in the parks, basements, cellars etc.  2 weeks ago we all met in the park for field service.  The entire congregation was there.

Where is this? We aren't doing this in Ohio.  I've not seen any direction from the Branch on this 

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49 minutes ago, cme said:

Podemos ver os governos se desintegrando. O mundo está em guerra. Praticamente não há nação em paz. Eles estão todos guerreando uns contra os outros.


O barro está em alvoroço. Lucas 21:25 "Também haverá sinais no sol, na lua e nas estrelas, e na terra  angústia de nações, não sabendo o que fazer por causa do bramido do mar e da sua agitação".


O mar da humanidade está agitado. Rugindo se você quiser.  Este é o barro de que Daniel está falando. As pessoas são divisivas ao máximo. 2Tim. 3:1-5 "tempos críticos......". 


O barro tem algo a dizer para aqueles que os governam. Eles não se submetem mais aos governos. Nem aqui nos EUA nem em lugar nenhum.


Aqui nos EUA já estamos praticando para reuniões nos parques, porões, porões, etc. Há 2 semanas nos reunimos todos no parque para o serviço de campo. Toda a congregação estava lá.

Very interesting, but wouldn't the training be worldwide? I really want to do this too!

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2 hours ago, Hippo said:

I'm working on a private study project "Where Is the Stone Now?'  

Your comment previously regarding where the stone is really got me into thinking. 


Thank also @Dages for the watchtower link and the picture of the stone passing through the feet. 


It all emphasis that we are so very close to the start of the GT


Secular news proves that too. 


I've read the latest from the slave concerning the feet of iron and clay.  In Study Article 28 of the July 2022 edition, par. 10 it identifies the clay;  "The clay represents the common people.  As is plainly evident today, their influence in elections, civil rights campaigns, mass protests and labor unions weakens the ability of this world power to implement its policies."


"Today" began when?  My guess is the 1960's, with the civil rights movement, opposition to the war in Viet Nam and general loss of respect for authority.


Still, do we have a specific reason why we claim the stone has already smashed through the feet?  The seventh world power is still alive.  Would it still be alive if it has been smashed by the stone?


Daniel 2:35 says "But the stone that struck the image became a large mountain, and it filled the whole earth."  1 John 5:19 says "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."  That will continue until Armageddon.


What does your personal study project reveal?

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9 hours ago, Sofia said:

Yes already hit. The statue is falling… soon it will be turn into pieces and dust


This is what Jw's are looking at and theyre measuring the distance. 

I found that funny but I know all true christians are sighing ang groaning in this system. 


1 sister in my former congregation had ovarian or cervix cancer. She is just early 50 or late 40s. 



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8 minutes ago, JennyM said:

This is what Jw's are looking at and theyre measuring the distance. 



The September 2019 Watchtower, study article 36 "Armageddon is Good News!" , par. 15 has a dramatic illustration attached about Gog's attack.

It shows JWs looking heavenward, a mighty angel behind them, while the military shoot their AR-15 type weapons heavenward.

It may not literally happen as illustrated.  It's artistic license.  It's imagining what conditions on the ground might be like for us when the immense image is eventually smashed.


I agree that the governments are failing, falling, tipping over and imploding.  But has the stone already smashed into the feet representing the seventh world power and yet it remains as the last world power of Bible prophesy?


Gotta see that published.  Just because the illustration has the stone already gone through and exiting on the other side isn't teaching us that Daniel 2:34 has been fulfilled. It's artistic license.



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9 minutes ago, Doug said:


The September 2019 Watchtower, study article 36 "Armageddon is Good News!" , par. 15 has a dramatic illustration attached about Gog's attack.

It shows JWs looking heavenward, a mighty angel behind them, while the military shoot their AR-15 type weapons heavenward.

It may not literally happen as illustrated.  It's artistic license.  It's imagining what conditions on the ground might be like for us when the immense image is eventually smashed.


I agree that the governments are failing, falling, tipping over and imploding.  But has the stone already smashed into the feet representing the seventh world power and yet it remains as the last world power of Bible prophesy?


Gotta see that published.  Just because the illustration has the stone already gone through and exiting on the other side isn't teaching us that Daniel 2:34 has been fulfilled. It's artistic license.



The stone has NOT yet smashed the 7th World Power It will happen in the future.

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3 hours ago, Doug said:

I agree that the governments are failing, falling, tipping over and imploding.  But has the stone already smashed into the feet representing the seventh world power and yet it remains as the last world power of Bible prophesy?

It remains because it has to destroy Babylon the Great. We don't want to get ahead of ourselves.

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10 hours ago, Doug said:


I've read the latest from the slave concerning the feet of iron and clay.  In Study Article 28 of the July 2022 edition, par. 10 it identifies the clay;  "The clay represents the common people.  As is plainly evident today, their influence in elections, civil rights campaigns, mass protests and labor unions weakens the ability of this world power to implement its policies."


"Today" began when?  My guess is the 1960's, with the civil rights movement, opposition to the war in Viet Nam and general loss of respect for authority.


Still, do we have a specific reason why we claim the stone has already smashed through the feet?  The seventh world power is still alive.  Would it still be alive if it has been smashed by the stone?


Daniel 2:35 says "But the stone that struck the image became a large mountain, and it filled the whole earth."  1 John 5:19 says "the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."  That will continue until Armageddon.


What does your personal study project reveal?

Bro. Douglas, the king of the south will still be operating when Jehovah finally destroys it.  It has been weakened by the clay but, still in operation. 


The watchtower portrays the picture on the cover.  Before, the stone was either far and then progressively approaching the statute and finally it strikes and passes.  It does not necessarily mean an instant destruction but, it has come to pass as we see the clay demanding their rights, riots and even now governing.  This is very meaningful for us.  Jehovah never leaves us in the dark.  These are all signs of what is to take place next.


As you well know many of the prophecies take place pretty much behind the curtains.  We never know the exact timing because it already happened and we are enlightened after the fact or, in the process or, in the midst of it.


As we can see, ALL nations are tumbling.  To a certain degree they still have to be operating otherwise, there would be utter chaos!


The fact that the stone hit the statute is significant!  Now we wait for the cry of peace.  There would be no cry of peace if there is no Nation but, as I said earlier the king of the south will still be in operation when Jehovah destroys it and all other nations.  The WT, May 2020 par. 11 explains it.   Also, WT, June 15, 2012, pp. 7-19.  May 15, 2015 WT, pp 29-30. If the statue is about to tumble and crumble (and it is) then all other prophecies are following closely behind. Cry of Peace, GT starts, hail message, destruction of babylon, harmaggedon.


The fact that the stone hit the statute is truly significant.  We can all feel the agitation of man.  We can see the roaring of the sea of mankind.   The world has changed drastically within the past 5 years.


Alot if not all prophecies happen progressively.  However, not Harmaggedon which is at our doors!

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13 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

Hmm... what the stated reason for that? 

Nothing like this happens in Australia. 

Not picking on the subject, just trying to understand it. ☺️

The elders here have decided to implement this practice as a congregation.  Some congregations are doing the same.  No this is not something in the watchtower nor, announced by the GB.


However, the elders out here are pretty proactive and I guess they just want to be ready as to what to do in the event of an emergency.

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Emergency backpack, although not for the great tribulation, it is necessary to have it up to date, with this government instability, civil conflicts happen overnight, Here it is happening like this: the thief shoots at the police, the population is on the side of the bandit, the police carry out a police operation and kill several thieves, in this situation they ask for human rights and start demonstrations arise, on one side the government on the other the population, and the people of Jehovah in the middle being neutral, so it is necessary to listen to the guidelines and put them into practice, see the danger and hide. 

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*** ws12 9/15 pp. 7-8 par. 14 How This World Will Come to an End ***

14 In this prophecy, God’s Kingdom is represented by a large stone that was cut from a mountain in 1914. The mountain represents Jehovah’s sovereignty, or right to rule. That stone will soon hit the feet of the image. At Armageddon, the feet and the rest of the image will be smashed. (Read Daniel 2:44, 45.) So the Anglo-American World Power will still be ruling when Armageddon comes. How exciting it will be to see this prophecy fulfilled!c (See footnote.) But what will Jehovah do to Satan?



The stone hits the image at Armageddon 

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Sister Carmen, I can see the reasons for your interpretation of that picture, but we shouldn't be dogmatic when interpreting it. 


I know the Daniel book is over 20 years old, but it has this to say about the stone hitting the feet and toes of iron and clay and this hasn't changed:


30 Consider the climax of the dream. Daniel told the king: “You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. At that time the iron, the molded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain and filled the whole earth.”—Daniel 2:34, 35.


35 God’s heavenly Kingdom will soon strike the symbolic image on its feet. As a result, all the kingdoms pictured by it will be broken to pieces, bringing them to an end. Indeed, at “the war of the great day of God the Almighty,” that “stone” will strike with such crushing impact that the image will be ground to powder and the wind of God’s storm will sweep it away like the chaff of a threshing floor. (Revelation 16:14, 16)


The stone can't have yet hit the feet because the nations and the people that make it partly iron and partly clay are still in place and causing the chaos we see across the world.








Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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