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Armageddon...Let's Talk About It

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2 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

I don't know if this is the talk you're thinking of, brother Jeremy, but I think that brothers @Timl1980and @Ishaya will appreciate. Wonderful talk :


Thank you, I am now going to watch this one when I lay down tonight for bed! I love listening to talks and other spiritual content...it helps to refresh me and keep my spiritual batteries full, so thank you for alerting me to this gem!

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Just now, Timl1980 said:


Merci, je vais maintenant regarder celui-ci en me couchant ce soir ! J'adore écouter des conférences et d'autres contenus spirituels... cela m'aide à me rafraîchir et à garder mes batteries spirituelles pleines, alors merci de m'avoir alerté de ce joyau !

Enjoy, brother Tim. It's a pleasure.

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1 hour ago, Ishaya said:

gigantic skyscrapers and complex buildings in mega cities,


These people have no idea the volume of work they will leave behind for we that will have to clear out those structures after Armageddon

I've often thought of Korah. When Jehovah wanted to get rid of him, the earth opened up and swallowed him. 


I've reasoned that if that was done for the disposal of one simple man. Why not the same for nuclear power plants , skycrapers ,or entire cities? Swallow them up. 

 Who knows! Lol ,But thats where my imagination takes me. 

Edited by Tsheppar
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2 minutes ago, Tsheppar said:

I've reasoned that if that was done for the disposal of one simple man. Why not the same for nuclear power plants , skycrapers ,or entire cities? Swallow them up. 

 Who knows! Lol ,But thats where my imagination takes me. 


Interesting...in my own personal thoughts...my imagination takes that particular line of thinking to a different level. I don't know why...but I imagine Jehovah simply breaking things like that down to "dust", so to speak. He understands the formation of all living matter...so how easy it would be for him to simply make a lot of that just "disappear" as if it never existed in the first place. 


That would still allow us to clean up the earth, while taking away all the "toxic" elements of Satan's system and disposing of them in a way only He could. That's just my own personal thoughts on the matter, but I too wonder...and when I wonder...my mind wanders down paths of thinking that I would not normally have explored...and I truly enjoy those times...it's like I'm traveling down unexplored pathways of the future paradise.


If I turn out to be wrong...oh well...no big deal. Jehovah's thoughts and ways are so far above my own...no matter WHAT I envision...it won't come close to his reality anyway.



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1 hour ago, Timl1980 said:

Oh yeah...I think I remember this talk...the name is extremely familiar. Please let me know if you find it, I would love to re-watch it!


Well no matter where you were for the 2018 RC, that was the title of the talk for everyone.  That's where we learned "Us + Jehovah = Majority".  😁


Unfortunately I don't have that convention, or even a snippet of that video.  And I can't find it on JW Stream or anywhere else for that matter.  ☹


But I know exactly where it's at!  And maybe @WilliamChew or someone else still has that 2018 RC downloaded?  Oh and I made a mistake....I think it was brother Jackson of the GB that gave it.  Not Sanderson.  They're both very similar in my head.  😅


In any case, here's my notes for that talk: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JPmVuVR2kEs-5KBUKjph1LumeOQHky0OefxlW9JTLvU/edit?usp=sharing


The highlighted parts are points I wanted to keep close to my heart.

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1 hour ago, Dolce vita said:



I don't know if this is the talk you're thinking of, brother Jeremy, but I think that brothers @Timl1980and @Ishaya will appreciate. Wonderful talk :




I stripped the subtitles out of that video and searched for "teeth".  Unfortunately he doesn't talk about that example in this video.  Sometimes they repeat points that were made, but that didn't happen there...


Doesn't mean it isn't a good video.  Just not the one I was talking about.  😬

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1 hour ago, computerwiz said:


Well no matter where you were for the 2018 RC, that was the title of the talk for everyone.  That's where we learned "Us + Jehovah = Majority".  😁


Unfortunately I don't have that convention, or even a snippet of that video.  And I can't find it on JW Stream or anywhere else for that matter.  ☹


But I know exactly where it's at!  And maybe @WilliamChew or someone else still has that 2018 RC downloaded?  Oh and I made a mistake....I think it was brother Jackson of the GB that gave it.  Not Sanderson.  They're both very similar in my head.  😅


In any case, here's my notes for that talk: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JPmVuVR2kEs-5KBUKjph1LumeOQHky0OefxlW9JTLvU/edit?usp=sharing


The highlighted parts are points I wanted to keep close to my heart.

We have to remember that every speaker at each RC was a different person on the program.  The offical JW Stream version of this convention had Br. Edard Alijian as the speaker.  I have a personal video file of that version.  It is the last talk on Sunday.

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10 minutes ago, jwhess said:

We have to remember that every speaker at each RC was a different person on the program.  The offical JW Stream version of this convention had Br. Edard Alijian as the speaker.  I have a personal video file of that version.  It is the last talk on Sunday.


Well that's weird. What I got was from the JW stream. But it wasn't Edward Aljian. 🤔

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16 minutes ago, jwhess said:

That is odd.  Here is the Sunday afternoon clip (icon).



2018 RC.JPG




Does he talk about imagining the GT and what could happen and imagining our persecutors pulling our teeth out?


If so I might need to get checked for dementia... 😅  I have some brain farts here and there but I could swear it was Jackson.


OR....somehow we got 2 different English versions.




Or it was replaced for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

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16 hours ago, Timl1980 said:


Interesting...in my own personal thoughts...my imagination takes that particular line of thinking to a different level. I don't know why...but I imagine Jehovah simply breaking things like that down to "dust", so to speak. He understands the formation of all living matter...so how easy it would be for him to simply make a lot of that just "disappear" as if it never existed in the first place. 


That would still allow us to clean up the earth, while taking away all the "toxic" elements of Satan's system and disposing of them in a way only He could. That's just my own personal thoughts on the matter, but I too wonder...and when I wonder...my mind wanders down paths of thinking that I would not normally have explored...and I truly enjoy those times...it's like I'm traveling down unexplored pathways of the future paradise.


If I turn out to be wrong...oh well...no big deal. Jehovah's thoughts and ways are so far above my own...no matter WHAT I envision...it won't come close to his reality anyway.



The ‘dust’ idea is how I imagine Jehovah taking care of all toxic matter. 
Maybe we will work to gather all the plastics and other materials and bring them to the antimatter plant.  Wouldn’t it be fun if it were like the old car washes….put it on a conveyor belt and watch through the window as it gets zapped into a poof of dust that we throw on the compost heap  😂 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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10 hours ago, jwhess said:

No, I just listened to the entire hour talk again.  He did use the part about 1 + Jehovah = majority.  Nothing about teeth.


Can you go to the "transcripts" thread and download the talk transcript?


I couldn't find the 2018 RC transcript...


I'm at a loss.  I'm gonna have to get my wife to dig up her notes to see if we can figure something out.  I'm only 36, I can't be losing my mind already.  :raspberry:

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Ok my wife is saying we went to another convention because we missed so much of ours.  Apparently we have more energy back then and didn't watch the stream.  And she says brother Jackson was the guest speaker at the 2nd convention we went to.


Feeling a little less crazy now!  :laugh:  We'll check her notes to confirm, but yes it looks like we saw him in person.  I'm just baffled I didn't take a picture.  I generally take all kinds of pictures, but maybe that was around when they told us not to treat them like celebrities and so I decided not to take any at all.  👀

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16 hours ago, Timl1980 said:

I don't know why...but I imagine Jehovah simply breaking things like that down to "dust", so to speak. He understands the formation of all living matter...so how easy it would be for him to simply make a lot of that just "disappear" as if it never existed in the first place. 


That would still allow us to clean up the earth, while taking away all the "toxic" elements of Satan's system and disposing of them in a way only He could.


IF we indeed have technology in the new world, as some like to imagine, I think he's going to teach us how to dispose of such toxic material safely.  After all, He loves giving his creation work to do.  Similar to Adam & Eve needing to turn the whole earth into a paradise, that's going to be our job to finish up.  Which includes cleaning.  And if we have tech, there will be pollution.  So we need to learn how to handle it properly until we can figure out how to have it pollution-free.


We live in a time when such concepts as turning energy into matter & vice versa, is nearly a reality!  As He stated with the tower of Babel, left alone, humans could accomplish anything.  I think with our knowledge today, we can tackle even these "difficult" cleanup tasks.  We just live in a world where humans won't do anything unless they get paid.  Why clean up mess when you can just leave it for free?  :raspberry:



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No matter what we imagine 

Eph.3:20 applies to this topic:

“Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive“

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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4 hours ago, computerwiz said:


IF we indeed have technology in the new world, as some like to imagine, I think he's going to teach us how to dispose of such toxic material safely.  After all, He loves giving his creation work to do.  Similar to Adam & Eve needing to turn the whole earth into a paradise, that's going to be our job to finish up.  Which includes cleaning.  And if we have tech, there will be pollution.  So we need to learn how to handle it properly until we can figure out how to have it pollution-free.


We live in a time when such concepts as turning energy into matter & vice versa, is nearly a reality!  As He stated with the tower of Babel, left alone, humans could accomplish anything.  I think with our knowledge today, we can tackle even these "difficult" cleanup tasks.  We just live in a world where humans won't do anything unless they get paid.  Why clean up mess when you can just leave it for free?  :raspberry:



I would image that Jehovah’s angels will dispose the toxic materials during Armageddon, plus the dead corpses and the corpses in the graves too. You will not see me having a shovel or a pitch fork digging up graves to get rid of dead bodies. Does not make sense.

Edited by Dustparticle
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/24/2024 at 2:26 PM, Ishaya said:


This reminds me of what I have constantly worried about each time I look at those gigantic skyscrapers and complex buildings in mega cities,


These people have no idea the volume of work they will leave behind for we that will have to clear out those structures after Armageddon,


Imagine mega cities like New York,or Tokyo,how many years will it take to clear out the massive structures in those cities,before we can even begin to implement Jehovah's construction projects for the new earth.

Dearest brother ishaya,

  It saddens me that you are 'constantly worried' over such fleshly things,

 Jehovah is our Father, our God and Friend. He wants the best for us.

  Not hideous memories put in our minds at the time of vindication his Sovereignty.


 Jehovah's ways are higher than our ways. Isa 55:9

i often think when in traffic, what will he do with all these cars?!

  Jehovah can dissolve them in an instant should he choose to do so.


There are numerous experiences in the Bible where Jehovah made his name known and

 did away with the wicked, and yet, not one of those accounts does it read,

"the people turned to look at the bodies and the corpses and the destruction and said,

 "oh Gross !!" "

rather, here is what we are given as a glimpse of that time...


 May we all deepen our trust in our wonderful God and Father, Jehovah 😘

Screenshot_20240709_152327_JW Library.jpg

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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On 6/24/2024 at 9:04 AM, Ishaya said:

Im just trying to figure out how we are going to have a really hard time clearing the streets of corpses littered everywhere.

i just wish that the corpses will vaporize instantly and not need to be seen.so that we just have to wake up in the morning to a starkly silent street and neighbourhood,


This is why i would wish that Armageddon takes place during the night so that I don't have to see corpses littered on the streets,that would terrify me seriously.

Have you read Revelation 19:17,18? They and other animals will have a feast.

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On 6/24/2024 at 5:26 PM, Ishaya said:


This reminds me of what I have constantly worried about each time I look at those gigantic skyscrapers and complex buildings in mega cities,


These people have no idea the volume of work they will leave behind for we that will have to clear out those structures after Armageddon,


Imagine mega cities like New York,or Tokyo,how many years will it take to clear out the massive structures in those cities,before we can even begin to implement Jehovah's construction projects for the new earth.

 Who is to say that Jehovah can do a lot of cleaning while Armageddon is happening? He can open the ground and swallow the mess in a few seconds.

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On 6/24/2024 at 8:42 AM, Ishaya said:

Jehovah's "day" is and what Armageddon means.


These two expressions don't exactly mean the same thing,do they?

Do a research on it and you'll be surprised with results. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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2 hours ago, Dustparticle said:

 Who is to say that Jehovah can do a lot of cleaning while Armageddon is happening? He can open the ground and swallow the mess in a few seconds.

I have also thought about this just as you describe and that maybe the angels will clean up certain things and that the ground will take care of really big things. Like the rubble from scyscrapers or other big buildings. Oil tankers on the oceans that could destroy the enviroment for instance, I imagine that Jehovah will take care of some things by himself. 

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