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JW Broadcasting—December 2024

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I have a question and I apologize in advance if it is not relevant.


In the case of the Anointed who are going to be raptured and therefore, according to what the Bible says and/or what we understand so far, must die: can we say that their death is not Adamic? They are not going to die because they are imperfect but because Jehovah himself is going to carry out their death and resurrection. When Jehovah gives death to the faithful, it is a guarantee that it will be gentle, necessarily.


Unless, as is defended by some, they benefit from the same miracle as the members of The Great Crowd. Nevertheless, this is not what the Bible seems to say.


This death, at this moment in human history, no longer seems to me to be quite the same as ours, the one we have inherited, the same for those who will die at Armageddon. They will not die because of their imperfection. They will die because of The Kingdom.


Jehovah has already done this, giving death to someone so that the servant escapes a more cruel death. Here too: is it the death inherited from Adam if it is Jehovah who gets involved?


I will end with the case of Jesus: his death does not come from Adam, does it not, he remained obedient, so from whom does it come? The secular enemy? In any case, it is he who introduced the reaper. The death of Jesus is historical and will remain so: the only perfect human to die perfect, while remaining obedient, we all know that.

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You are reminding me of the case of Enoch, Jehovah took him so that he would not die a cruel death. - Gen 5:24
Yet he remains in Jehovah's memory as a faithful servant. Heb 11:5, 13 .
Could Jehovah apply the same to the remaining anointed ones? I think it makes perfect sense.

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On 12/6/2024 at 1:12 PM, Andrey said:

I wish everyone to run the course to the end! ❤️


Running for Life


[Verse 1]:
The road is steep, the path is long,
The world feels dark, it pulls so strong.
Temptations rise, the faith is tried,
But through it all, You’re by my side.


When the weight is heavy, and my spirit’s low,
I lift my eyes to where Your mercy flows.


With Jehovah, I can stand the test,
Through the trials, I’ll give my best.
Though this world is cold, and hearts grow faint,
You give me strength when I feel restrained.
I’ll run the race, I’ll hold my ground,
Until Your promised world is found.


[Verse 2]:
The finish line feels far away,
The night is long, but comes the day.
The wicked laugh, they plot and scheme,
But I hold fast to Your righteous dream.


When my steps falter, when the doubts appear,
Your loving voice reminds me You are near.


With Jehovah, I can stand the test,
Through the trials, I’ll give my best.
Though this world is cold, and hearts grow faint,
You give me strength when I feel restrained.
I’ll run the race, I’ll hold my ground,
Until Your promised world is found.


Though storms may rage, I won’t give in,
The prize awaits for those who win.
Your Word's a lamp, it lights my way,
It keeps me strong from day to day.


[Final Chorus]:
With Jehovah, we can bear it all,
He lifts us up each time we fall.
The New World shines, it’s drawing near,
No room for sorrow, pain, or fear.
We’ll run this race, endure the fight,
And live forever in His light.


With Jehovah, all things are true,
The life He’s promised, He’ll see us through.
Stay on the path, don’t ever stray,
With Him, we’ll reach eternal day.


Outstanding. I can't believe I missed this. 

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22 hours ago, Dolce vita said:

I have a question and I apologize in advance if it is not relevant.


In the case of the Anointed who are going to be raptured and therefore, according to what the Bible says and/or what we understand so far, must die: can we say that their death is not Adamic? They are not going to die because they are imperfect but because Jehovah himself is going to carry out their death and resurrection. When Jehovah gives death to the faithful, it is a guarantee that it will be gentle, necessarily.


Unless, as is defended by some, they benefit from the same miracle as the members of The Great Crowd. Nevertheless, this is not what the Bible seems to say.


This death, at this moment in human history, no longer seems to me to be quite the same as ours, the one we have inherited, the same for those who will die at Armageddon. They will not die because of their imperfection. They will die because of The Kingdom.


Jehovah has already done this, giving death to someone so that the servant escapes a more cruel death. Here too: is it the death inherited from Adam if it is Jehovah who gets involved?


I will end with the case of Jesus: his death does not come from Adam, does it not, he remained obedient, so from whom does it come? The secular enemy? In any case, it is he who introduced the reaper. The death of Jesus is historical and will remain so: the only perfect human to die perfect, while remaining obedient, we all know that.

Exactly why the Bible says anointed ones are declared righteous for life. Jehovah declares them righteous by taking away the burden of adamic sin and thus when they die, they die in the same manner that christ died, for the sake of the kingdom, submitting themselves to a death like his. The Bible calls them Christ's brothers because like Jesus, they will not only be Kings but also Priests. It is truly remarkable. I dare say that those of the anointed who will be privileged during the GT to be "caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air" do not die as a result of inherited sin from Adam, but their death is actually a change from earthly life to heavenly life. Chirst already paid the price for their sins. That is why according to Romans 5:1, there is therefore no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

22 hours ago, Dolce vita said:

I have a question and I apologize in advance if it is not relevant.


In the case of the Anointed who are going to be raptured and therefore, according to what the Bible says and/or what we understand so far, must die: can we say that their death is not Adamic? They are not going to die because they are imperfect but because Jehovah himself is going to carry out their death and resurrection. When Jehovah gives death to the faithful, it is a guarantee that it will be gentle, necessarily.


Unless, as is defended by some, they benefit from the same miracle as the members of The Great Crowd. Nevertheless, this is not what the Bible seems to say.


This death, at this moment in human history, no longer seems to me to be quite the same as ours, the one we have inherited, the same for those who will die at Armageddon. They will not die because of their imperfection. They will die because of The Kingdom.


Jehovah has already done this, giving death to someone so that the servant escapes a more cruel death. Here too: is it the death inherited from Adam if it is Jehovah who gets involved?


I will end with the case of Jesus: his death does not come from Adam, does it not, he remained obedient, so from whom does it come? The secular enemy? In any case, it is he who introduced the reaper. The death of Jesus is historical and will remain so: the only perfect human to die perfect, while remaining obedient, we all know that.

Exactly why the Bible says anointed ones are declared righteous for life. Jehovah declares them righteous by taking away the burden of adamic sin and thus when they die, they die in the same manner that christ died, for the sake of the kingdom, submitting themselves to a death like his. The Bible calls them Christ's brothers because like Jesus, they will not only be Kings but also Priests. It is truly remarkable. I dare say that those of the anointed who will be privileged during the GT to be "caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air" do not die as a result of inherited sin from Adam, but their death is actually a change from earthly life to heavenly life. Chirst already paid the price for their sins. That is why according to Romans 5:1, there is therefore no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

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1 hour ago, truce said:

Exactly why the Bible says anointed ones are declared righteous for life. Jehovah declares them righteous by taking away the burden of adamic sin and thus when they die, they die in the same manner that christ died, for the sake of the kingdom, submitting themselves to a death like his. The Bible calls them Christ's brothers because like Jesus, they will not only be Kings but also Priests. It is truly remarkable. I dare say that those of the anointed who will be privileged during the GT to be "caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air" do not die as a result of inherited sin from Adam, but their death is actually a change from earthly life to heavenly life. Chirst already paid the price for their sins. That is why according to Romans 5:1, there is therefore no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

Exactly why the Bible says anointed ones are declared righteous for life. Jehovah declares them righteous by taking away the burden of adamic sin and thus when they die, they die in the same manner that christ died, for the sake of the kingdom, submitting themselves to a death like his. The Bible calls them Christ's brothers because like Jesus, they will not only be Kings but also Priests. It is truly remarkable. I dare say that those of the anointed who will be privileged during the GT to be "caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the air" do not die as a result of inherited sin from Adam, but their death is actually a change from earthly life to heavenly life. Chirst already paid the price for their sins. That is why according to Romans 5:1, there is therefore no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. 

Thank you, my dear Br @truce. This is exactly where my research has taken me. Yes, it is unique and incredible to be in a state lent by Jehovah and similar to that of Christ. It is beyond what can be written about.

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54 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

Thank you, my dear Br @truce. This is exactly where my research has taken me. Yes, it is unique and incredible to be in a state lent by Jehovah and similar to that of Christ. It is beyond what can be written about.

While it is true that God grants them (or acredits them) with righteousness, they don't actually become perfect, holy and righteous in the complete sense.  Their deaths are real and demonstrate a sacrificial nature in honor to God.


*** it-1 p. 605 Declare Righteous ***

The followers of Jesus Christ who are called to be his spiritual brothers, with the prospect of being joint heirs with him in the heavenly Kingdom (Ro 8:17), are first declared righteous by God on the basis of their faith in Jesus Christ. (Ro 3:24, 28) This is a judicial act of Jehovah God; therefore before him as the Supreme Judge no one can “file accusation” against his chosen ones. (Ro 8:33, 34) Why does God take this action toward them?


First, it is because Jehovah is perfect and holy (Isa 6:3); hence, in harmony with his holiness, those whom he accepts as his sons must be perfect. (De 32:4, 5) Jesus Christ, God’s chief Son, showed himself perfect, “loyal, guileless, undefiled, separated from the sinners.” (Heb 7:26) His followers, however, are taken from among the sons of Adam, who, because of sin, fathered an imperfect, sinful family. (Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22) Thus, as John 1:12, 13 shows, Jesus’ followers were not, to begin with, sons of God. By his undeserved kindness, Jehovah God arranged a process of “adoption” through which he accepts such favored ones and brings them into a spiritual relationship as part of his family of sons. (Ro 8:15, 16; 1Jo 3:1) Consequently, God lays the basis for their entry into or their adoption to sonship by declaring them righteous through the merit of Christ’s ransom sacrifice in which they exercise faith, acquitting them of all guilt due to sin. (Ro 5:1, 2, 8-11; compare Joh 1:12.) They are, therefore, “counted,” or credited, as being completely righteous persons, all their sins being forgiven and not charged against them.—Ro 4:6-8; 8:1, 2; Heb 10:12, 14.


It can be seen that, though enjoying the status of righteous persons before God, these Christians do not possess actual or literal perfection in the flesh. (1Jo 1:8; 2:1) In view of the prospect of heavenly life for these followers of Christ, such literal perfection in fleshly organism now is not actually needed. (1Co 15:42-44, 50; Heb 3:1; 1Pe 1:3, 4) However, by their being declared righteous, having righteousness “counted,” or credited, to them, God’s requirements of justice are satisfied, and he brings the adopted ones into the “new covenant” validated by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Lu 22:20; Mt 26:28) These adopted spirit-begotten sons in the new covenant that is made with spiritual Israel are ‘baptized into Christ’s death,’ eventually dying a death like his.—Ro 6:3-5; Php 3:10, 11.


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1 hour ago, jwhess said:

While it is true that God grants them (or acredits them) with righteousness, they don't actually become perfect, holy and righteous in the complete sense.  Their deaths are real and demonstrate a sacrificial nature in honor to God.


*** it-1 p. 605 Declare Righteous ***

The followers of Jesus Christ who are called to be his spiritual brothers, with the prospect of being joint heirs with him in the heavenly Kingdom (Ro 8:17), are first declared righteous by God on the basis of their faith in Jesus Christ. (Ro 3:24, 28) This is a judicial act of Jehovah God; therefore before him as the Supreme Judge no one can “file accusation” against his chosen ones. (Ro 8:33, 34) Why does God take this action toward them?


First, it is because Jehovah is perfect and holy (Isa 6:3); hence, in harmony with his holiness, those whom he accepts as his sons must be perfect. (De 32:4, 5) Jesus Christ, God’s chief Son, showed himself perfect, “loyal, guileless, undefiled, separated from the sinners.” (Heb 7:26) His followers, however, are taken from among the sons of Adam, who, because of sin, fathered an imperfect, sinful family. (Ro 5:12; 1Co 15:22) Thus, as John 1:12, 13 shows, Jesus’ followers were not, to begin with, sons of God. By his undeserved kindness, Jehovah God arranged a process of “adoption” through which he accepts such favored ones and brings them into a spiritual relationship as part of his family of sons. (Ro 8:15, 16; 1Jo 3:1) Consequently, God lays the basis for their entry into or their adoption to sonship by declaring them righteous through the merit of Christ’s ransom sacrifice in which they exercise faith, acquitting them of all guilt due to sin. (Ro 5:1, 2, 8-11; compare Joh 1:12.) They are, therefore, “counted,” or credited, as being completely righteous persons, all their sins being forgiven and not charged against them.—Ro 4:6-8; 8:1, 2; Heb 10:12, 14.


It can be seen that, though enjoying the status of righteous persons before God, these Christians do not possess actual or literal perfection in the flesh. (1Jo 1:8; 2:1) In view of the prospect of heavenly life for these followers of Christ, such literal perfection in fleshly organism now is not actually needed. (1Co 15:42-44, 50; Heb 3:1; 1Pe 1:3, 4) However, by their being declared righteous, having righteousness “counted,” or credited, to them, God’s requirements of justice are satisfied, and he brings the adopted ones into the “new covenant” validated by the blood of Jesus Christ. (Lu 22:20; Mt 26:28) These adopted spirit-begotten sons in the new covenant that is made with spiritual Israel are ‘baptized into Christ’s death,’ eventually dying a death like his.—Ro 6:3-5; Php 3:10, 11.


Brother John, thank you very much for this feedback. So I must have expressed myself badly, dear Brother, because for me there is no doubt that the anointed ones concerned by Armageddon and who will be 'raptured' will have to go through death before receiving their heavenly inheritance by resurrection. In my remarks I simply wanted to emphasize the singularity of their death because like Jesus, they will die while they are faithful. They are obliged to die for the journey that awaits them while the Great Crowd, because they are faithful, escape death.

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On 1/12/2025 at 2:17 AM, Dolce vita said:

Brother John, thank you very much for this feedback. So I must have expressed myself badly, dear Brother, because for me there is no doubt that the anointed ones concerned by Armageddon and who will be 'raptured' will have to go through death before receiving their heavenly inheritance by resurrection. In my remarks I simply wanted to emphasize the singularity of their death because like Jesus, they will die while they are faithful. They are obliged to die for the journey that awaits them while the Great Crowd, because they are faithful, escape death.


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On 1/11/2025 at 8:17 PM, Dolce vita said:
On 1/11/2025 at 6:22 PM, jwhess said:


Brother John, thank you very much for this feedback. So I must have expressed myself badly, dear Brother, because for me there is no doubt that the anointed ones concerned by Armageddon and who will be 'raptured' will have to go through death before receiving their heavenly inheritance by resurrection. In my remarks I simply wanted to emphasize the singularity of their death because like Jesus, they will die while they are faithful. They are obliged to die for the journey that awaits them while the Great Crowd, because they are faithful, escape death.

“..,What an outstandingly and beautiful point. I think Bro. @jwhess research and highlighted points are amazingly and carefully done.” 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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