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When Doctors Say "We don't Know What Causes It" and It Leaves You to Dig for Answers

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When I was growing up, autoimmune disorders were a rare topic. I remember hearing about cancer, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes, arthritis - the regular diseases that ailed people. Now, in the modern age, there are modern diseases, like autoimmune disorders. I want to tell my experience. In the Spring of 2012, I remember getting a droopy eyelid as a symptom when I was in college, after eating a cookie at a sister's house one Sunday evening.


I thought the issue would resolve after I went to bed and woke up, but the next Monday morning, my vision was impaired, because my eyelid was covering my pupil. I went the entire day with a droopy eyelid going from class to class. It got so frustrating, I went to the ER and was admitted to ICU. That's when I knew something was off! "Why am I in ICU over a droopy eyelid," I asked myself? Each morning, teams of doctors would do their rounds and 7 to 8 of them would take turns standing over me looking me in my eyes saying, "hmmmm?" I asked, "What's wrong, why is my eyelid drooping, and what are you finding?" Their answer was, "We don't know." I was the patient with the mystery symptom.


So I started digging on the internet, while I was lying in bed. I had informed the doctors that the symptom started after I ate the cookie. I did research online. I called the sister to find out if her family had been effected. Surprisingly, she told me her entire household was sick with something. I kept digging and found botulism. I asked the doctors to test me for it, and they told me this, "Botulism does not exist in the US." I knew that was not true, because research shows that the bacteria can grow under the right conditions and spread a deadly toxin to the nerves causing the droopy eyelid symptoms minutes within exposure.


I dug some more. I called the sister back, and I asked her, "Where did you get the cookies from? What happened to the dough?" She told me she had been at another sister's house that Saturday evening to play cards. The sister gave her a roll of cookie dough to take home. She put the cookie dough in the glove compartment of the car and went back inside to play cards. The game lasted about five hours. 


In mind my, all I needed was to get the test ran, but the doctors would not run the test, and it was evident, they were not going to find out what was wrong. So I left the hospital, and I went and purchased some herbs. My eyelid went back to normal, but little did I know, it would take a year for other things to start happening, like my voice box getting paralyzed when I speak, and me losing my ability to swallow until I lost so much weight, I was barely noticeable. 


Doctors still didn't know what was wrong. So I started researching and finding all these autoimmune disorders, and they all had the same thing in common, "an unknown cause." It has been over 12 years since that day I had the droopy eyelid. Three bouts of life support later and countless hospital stays, until recent, I hesitantly accepted what the doctors said when they told me, "Your body is attacking itself for no reason." They told me I had Myasthenia Gravis, which means "grave or extreme weakness. It got so bad, I ended up with my lungs collapsing and paralyzed from head to toe on life support for a month in December 2018. I allowed them to suppress my immune system with high dose steroids and believed them when they said, the symptoms should be kept at bay. 


The symptoms were not kept at bay. In June 2022, I caught COVID, and once again, my body started to shut down and go into paralysis from my head to my toes like switches to a breaker box being thrown one by one. I ended up catching an Uber to the hospital and collapsing in the emergency room. I remember grabbing a doctor's arm as I was on the bed being rushed into an operating room, and telling him, "I've got a young son, please do whatever you can to keep me alive," in a weak voice before passing out again. I woke up with a 25 foot IV running out of an ICU room, intubated, and chained to a bed unable to even turn my neck. I looked out of the glass windows and saw a carousel of medication running through the IV. I couldn't talk. I could only move one of my hands. I had a tablet and a pen that I kept by my side and my phone. This second time on life support was my wake up call. 


The logic Jehovah gave me wouldn't accept that my body was attacking itself for no reason. Everything has a cause and effect. Just because someone may not know the cause does not mean it doesn't exist. After being sent to the recovery floor, I started crying out to Jehovah, because it got to the point, I did not want to live any longer. I couldn't enjoy a meal. I couldn't close my eyes. I couldn't smile. I was so small, you could see my skin sticking to my bones. Since I had not died that second time, June 2022. I made a decision to fully trust Jehovah for answers. I put Proverbs 2 to work in my life like I had never done before, and I went home from the hospital and fasted supplicated Jehovah to find answers. I was on high dose steroids that were not helping. My immune system was suppressed, and I wanted to either die or get relief.


Jehovah is so good, because once I told him, I fully trust in Him, and I showed Him. I cried out to Him, true to his written promise, he answered! In the mighty name of Jesus, Jehovah showed me what I needed to find more than I could have imagined. I found out why doctors say they don't know the cause to many autoimmune diseases now. I found out what caused my body to start attacking itself, and I found out how to start reversing the problem. 


It has been a long journey, but I will say this. Jehovah put everything here we need. The answers are there. Jehovah gives us wisdom and faith if we ask for it, and although we will never be without problems, if Jehovah keeps us alive through the health challenges, we can be sure he will help us endure and will make the way out if the burden is too heavy to bare. I'm a living witness of that. 


Keep digging because there is always a reason your body attacks its own cells when they say you have an autoimmune disorder and there's not cure. Jehovah made us remarkable, and with Him all things are possible! Here's one of the articles Jehovah helped me to find on the cause of the autoimmune disorder I had that was evidently triggered by food poisoning. This article also shows what doctors did to help a specific patient mentioned in the case study. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8578812/


I am posting this to briefly tell my experience and to hopefully help someone who has been looking for real answers. We know the real solution for all of these ailments is God's Kingdom. However, in this world, when we are told something is happening just because, Jehovah gives us wisdom to know, everything has a cause. Good health and blessings to you!

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I would probably prefer to hear that 'they didn't know' than to get a false positive on some test.  I was once told that I had Hepatitis C.  I was dumbfounded.  I read about the treatments and didn't like much of what I read.


I have a sister and some nieces who are registered nurses (RN's).  My sister old me that the only way to get Hepatitis C was from blood-to-blood contact, either through a blood transfusion or sharing drug needles.  One person at the doctor's office (I think she was not a nurse but just worked there) told me that Hepatitis C could be transmitted in different ways.  I even got a test that was meant to determine which kind of Hepatitis C I had so that they would know what treatment to give.


After a month they finally got around to telling me I did not have Hepatitis C.  It made sense since I had never had a blood transfusion, and I never did drugs, which was about the only ways to get Hepatitis C.


I was ignorant about Hepatitis before this happened.  I learned that Hepatitis means inflammation of the liver that results from a variety of causes, both infectious and noninfectious. Infectious agents that cause hepatitis include viruses and parasites. Noninfectious causes include certain drugs and toxic agents. In some instances, hepatitis results from an autoimmune reaction directed against the liver cells of the body.  Hepatitis A, B, and C have no relation to each other.  They are 3 totally different things.  



(Jeremiah 10:23) . . .I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. . .
Would it be wrong to apply this scripture, not just to governments, but also to the medical system today?

Edited by Witness1970
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@Witness1970 that scripture is applied to humans in general. Jeremiah didn’t say it only applied to governments. That’s why Jehovah says, ‘Do not put your trust in man.’ The medical system is full of sick patients who are stuck on drugs to keep their symptoms at bay. Where Jehovah made herbs and foods that can actually heal people, pharmaceutical companies are about huge profits. The side effects from the medicine will oftentimes make a person sicker than the actual sickness the medicine is being used for. So Jeremiah’s words apply to all man made institutions including us as individuals. We have to rely on Jehovah. And it sounds like that’s what you did to find out the truth about your situation.

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6 hours ago, Witness1970 said:

(Jeremiah 10:23) . . .I well know, O Jehovah, that man’s way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step. . .
Would it be wrong to apply this scripture, not just to governments, but also to the medical system today?


It sure can be applied to the medical system as well.


Man Reaction GIF by Ford


If it couldn't, then why do different doctors have different opinions?  Different ideas?  Different solutions?  If we knew what we were doing, we'd all be on the same page.  Yet the medical industry struggles to solve many issues (especially the chronic ones).  Many times they get it "right".  Only to find out the "solution" was a bandaid, and leads to more issues.  Whoops!!

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@ladiife i can really understand how disappointed you have been with the health system of this world.

Your experience reminds me of the the woman in Luke 8:43-48.

We were told she had suffered so much from the hand of many physicians.


Truely,there is so much we still don't know in modern medicine,the reason is obvious, but you can be sure that so much effort is ongoing to unravel the mysteries underlying the pathologic basis of disease conditions and their treatments.

The good thing is that these efforts are yielding good results.


Some simple diseases that are so easily cured today have actually caused pandemic in the past because of paucity of information about their mechanism of attack and cell damage.

The woman in Luke chapter 8,was obviously having menorrhagia that may have Been due to uterine fibroids ,or endometriosis etc but very little or nothing is known about these conditions in that time unlike today,fortunately she met Jesus.


The point I am trying to make is that we do not need to have a negative view of the health system of today because we feel disappointed.

Such a view will not be to our advantage as it will result in poor health-seeking behaviour.


Instead we just need to have a balance view in the sense that we need to recognize that the health system  are indeed very helpful to us  as long as we live in Satan's world and we need to use them effectively.

But,we should not expect too much from the health system as it is not a perfect system.



Edited by Ishaya
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5 hours ago, Ishaya said:

Instead we just need to have a balance view in the sense that we need to recognize that the health system  are indeed very helpful to us  as long as we live in Satan's world and we need to use them effectively.


Very good comment, Ishaya. 


Before we take a dim view of doctors and become anti-doctor, like some in this old system have done, we need to remember Luke was a doctor who wrote a book that was included in the bible, and he was anointed by Jehovah.


Apparently, Jehovah is not anti-doctor or anti-healthcare.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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@Qapla, while you may think I am at risk of becoming anti-doctor, I'm not. I'm anti-lie and anti-deception. Having worked in the mass-torts personal injury law space for some years, I've seen the bureaucratic side of the medical industry with big pharma at the helm, causing mass harm. All while they use doctors as pawns in exchange for bribes that are labeled as bonuses. 


Trying to explain what has been revealed to through prayerful research on why they don't know, sometimes feels like trying to explain the truth to someone who has yet to come from under the grips of false religion. 


But I'll give it a go anyway. Luke was around during a time when big pharma was not. Luke was also God-fearing and knew Jehovah. While we do not know anything about his medical practice, we know that he served Jehovah and that would have been the motivating factor behind everything he did, even his work as a physician.


Most doctors know nothing about Jehovah. If they do, they do not acknowledge him. Furthermore, during recent years, the pharmaceutical companies have pumped billions of dollars into funding the schools that teach doctors. The curriculum that older doctors learned has been scrubbed from the schools, and new education is being taught that emphasizes treating mainly symptoms. 


As an example, the important study of parasitic diseases was coming to nothing in all American medical schools in the early 2000's as an important curriculum for doctors to learn. It was said these infections are rare in the US (that is untrue). And while veterinarians still must learn about these organisms and the diseases they cause, most doctors do not learn the information unless they are an infectious disease doctor. If you want to look at the facts for yourself, here's an article found. 


The CDC gives a list of neglected parasitic diseases which cause illnesses ranging from cancer to diabetes, to heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and even arthritis. 


With that being said, I think I will reserve the aforementioned detailed explanation for a post. But the fact of the matter is this. There is a hidden agenda, and the pharmaceutical companies are over it. It takes a bold doctor who is God fearing to stick his/her neck out to actually figure out what is really wrong with a patient, and from my experience, those doctors are not in conventional medicine. Insurance companies, various laws, current education and the lack of continuing education on specific matters such as environmental toxins, parasites, and possibly peer pressure keep many doctors from looking deeper.


There are naturopathic doctors that must spend the same amount of time learning about the biology of the body; however, they actually look to find the root cause of a disease. Yet, they do not take insurance in most states. So people are left to see doctors who treat their symptoms as the actual disease.


@Ishaya mentioned the woman with the flow of blood that doctors were unable to help. He mentioned the names of symptoms such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Again, doctors treat symptoms. Uterine fibroids for example are caused by a dis-ease (disease) in the body. So what causes the uterine fibroids? If it's one thing I've learned from being a servant of Jehovah, that is to dig deeper. I'll leave this here. Uterine fibroid lesions were initially known as the “uterine stone.” In the second century AD, they were called scleromas.  While they are not understood in the conventional medicine world, there is significant research into what causes these "stones" on the reproductive organs of a woman. 


Although I would love to keep going right now in this reply about the female reproductive issues, I think it would be fitting to make that a main post, because there is a lot of information that had to be dug for like I was looking for a treasure. And I want to share the information to possibly help someone else who is looking for certain answers.


@Qapla, Doctors are necessary in certain matters; however, with the system being led by the pharmaceutical companies (they lobby to politicians to get what they want). Doctors have become very limited on what they can do in our time. I remember growing up when a pharmacist could provide a person meds if they told the pharmacist their symptoms. That has become a thing of the past. Maybe because of abuse of the system at that time, but it helped many people. 


All one has to do is ask themselves, where were these autoimmune disorders when we were children? Why doesn't the medication actually help a person without causing very adverse side effects in many cases. 


Jehovah knows what is happening in this modern healthcare system; and if you don't think Satan has his hand in that too, all someone has to do is get sick and really ask for answers. My story should tell you that, and I did not tell the half of what I've been through - from the lies notated in my medical records to doctors lying about medical procedures to hide the adverse effects I experienced. While I respect everyone, I cannot turn a blind eye to what is in the research. If I were to put my trust in them, I would be going against Jehovah. I reminds me of the scripture that relates King Asa's illness of the foot. The scriptures brought something to my attention. King Asa did not go to Jehovah; he trusted the healers or doctors, and he died with that ailment. 2 Chronicles 16:11-14. Jehovah made sure that was included in his word to read. So I took that to heart during my cries to Him. I had been trusting in the doctors, and it wasn't until I fully turned to Jehovah that I started getting the answers I need and my health started improving.


We would not need a hospital liaison committee if their system was so upstanding. Sadly, a lot of people have not dug deep about this topic to find out what's really happening. Many just trust the doctors. As I mentioned, I worked in law firms that represented clients who had been harmed by the medications made by the pharmaceutical companies. I've seen a lot from their side. And Jehovah does not appreciate anyone being harmed. So he has his time when even this medical system will be a thing of the past. Until then I have learned that I must pray for wisdom and be informed before seeking assistance from any doctor.


Here's what they did for me during these past 13 years of my suffering, brought me closer to Jehovah than I have ever been. Other than that, I was ignored, given unnecessary "lifesaving treatments" that could have been avoided had they listened and looked for the cause of what I experienced, and so many people are dealing with this issue as we speak and just don't know it.


Through all of the misdiagnosis, I have had two doctors that I prayed about and was able to get help through, and one of them was a witness who practices herbal medicine. The other lady listened because Jehovah empowered me with the research to take to her and she was humble enough to not have the god quallity that many doctors have from my experience.


Some antibiotics could have fixed my issues early on, but that wasn't Jehovah's will for me. I had to learn some valuable life lessons about myself and my relationship with Him; Therefore, I'm not bitter, because I've learned so much, and I wouldn't take back any of what I experienced, because my life is bringing glory to Jehovah in Jesus name! 


Anyone reading my brief synopsis of what I have experienced only to get that I'm feeling some type of way about doctors and the medical system, must not have really read to understand what I'm saying, or maybe my writing is poor? While we may not agree on all things, I think we all can agree that this entire system is broken and we must rely fully on Jehovah to maneuver through it. And that was my point in sharing my story.

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1 hour ago, ladiife said:



I think we all can agree that this entire system is broken and we must rely fully on Jehovah to maneuver through it. And that was my point in sharing my story.



Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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1 hour ago, ladiife said:

@Qapla, while you may think I am at risk of becoming anti-doctor, I'm not. I'm anti-lie and anti-deception. Having worked in the mass-torts personal injury law space for some years, I've seen the bureaucratic side of the medical industry with big pharma at the helm, causing mass harm. All while they use doctors as pawns in exchange for bribes that are labeled as bonuses. 


Trying to explain what has been revealed to through prayerful research on why they don't know, sometimes feels like trying to explain the truth to someone who has yet to come from under the grips of false religion. 


But I'll give it a go anyway. Luke was around during a time when big pharma was not. Luke was also God-fearing and knew Jehovah. While we do not know anything about his medical practice, we know that he served Jehovah and that would have been the motivating factor behind everything he did, even his work as a physician.


Most doctors know nothing about Jehovah. If they do, they do not acknowledge him. Furthermore, during recent years, the pharmaceutical companies have pumped billions of dollars into funding the schools that teach doctors. The curriculum that older doctors learned has been scrubbed from the schools, and new education is being taught that emphasizes treating mainly symptoms. 


As an example, the important study of parasitic diseases was coming to nothing in all American medical schools in the early 2000's as an important curriculum for doctors to learn. It was said these infections are rare in the US (that is untrue). And while veterinarians still must learn about these organisms and the diseases they cause, most doctors do not learn the information unless they are an infectious disease doctor. If you want to look at the facts for yourself, here's an article found. 


The CDC gives a list of neglected parasitic diseases which cause illnesses ranging from cancer to diabetes, to heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and even arthritis. 


With that being said, I think I will reserve the aforementioned detailed explanation for a post. But the fact of the matter is this. There is a hidden agenda, and the pharmaceutical companies are over it. It takes a bold doctor who is God fearing to stick his/her neck out to actually figure out what is really wrong with a patient, and from my experience, those doctors are not in conventional medicine. Insurance companies, various laws, current education and the lack of continuing education on specific matters such as environmental toxins, parasites, and possibly peer pressure keep many doctors from looking deeper.


There are naturopathic doctors that must spend the same amount of time learning about the biology of the body; however, they actually look to find the root cause of a disease. Yet, they do not take insurance in most states. So people are left to see doctors who treat their symptoms as the actual disease.


@Ishaya mentioned the woman with the flow of blood that doctors were unable to help. He mentioned the names of symptoms such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Again, doctors treat symptoms. Uterine fibroids for example are caused by a dis-ease (disease) in the body. So what causes the uterine fibroids? If it's one thing I've learned from being a servant of Jehovah, that is to dig deeper. I'll leave this here. Uterine fibroid lesions were initially known as the “uterine stone.” In the second century AD, they were called scleromas.  While they are not understood in the conventional medicine world, there is significant research into what causes these "stones" on the reproductive organs of a woman. 


Although I would love to keep going right now in this reply about the female reproductive issues, I think it would be fitting to make that a main post, because there is a lot of information that had to be dug for like I was looking for a treasure. And I want to share the information to possibly help someone else who is looking for certain answers.


@Qapla, Doctors are necessary in certain matters; however, with the system being led by the pharmaceutical companies (they lobby to politicians to get what they want). Doctors have become very limited on what they can do in our time. I remember growing up when a pharmacist could provide a person meds if they told the pharmacist their symptoms. That has become a thing of the past. Maybe because of abuse of the system at that time, but it helped many people. 


All one has to do is ask themselves, where were these autoimmune disorders when we were children? Why doesn't the medication actually help a person without causing very adverse side effects in many cases. 


Jehovah knows what is happening in this modern healthcare system; and if you don't think Satan has his hand in that too, all someone has to do is get sick and really ask for answers. My story should tell you that, and I did not tell the half of what I've been through - from the lies notated in my medical records to doctors lying about medical procedures to hide the adverse effects I experienced. While I respect everyone, I cannot turn a blind eye to what is in the research. If I were to put my trust in them, I would be going against Jehovah. I reminds me of the scripture that relates King Asa's illness of the foot. The scriptures brought something to my attention. King Asa did not go to Jehovah; he trusted the healers or doctors, and he died with that ailment. 2 Chronicles 16:11-14. Jehovah made sure that was included in his word to read. So I took that to heart during my cries to Him. I had been trusting in the doctors, and it wasn't until I fully turned to Jehovah that I started getting the answers I need and my health started improving.


We would not need a hospital liaison committee if their system was so upstanding. Sadly, a lot of people have not dug deep about this topic to find out what's really happening. Many just trust the doctors. As I mentioned, I worked in law firms that represented clients who had been harmed by the medications made by the pharmaceutical companies. I've seen a lot from their side. And Jehovah does not appreciate anyone being harmed. So he has his time when even this medical system will be a thing of the past. Until then I have learned that I must pray for wisdom and be informed before seeking assistance from any doctor.


Here's what they did for me during these past 13 years of my suffering, brought me closer to Jehovah than I have ever been. Other than that, I was ignored, given unnecessary "lifesaving treatments" that could have been avoided had they listened and looked for the cause of what I experienced, and so many people are dealing with this issue as we speak and just don't know it.


Through all of the misdiagnosis, I have had two doctors that I prayed about and was able to get help through, and one of them was a witness who practices herbal medicine. The other lady listened because Jehovah empowered me with the research to take to her and she was humble enough to not have the god quallity that many doctors have from my experience.


Some antibiotics could have fixed my issues early on, but that wasn't Jehovah's will for me. I had to learn some valuable life lessons about myself and my relationship with Him; Therefore, I'm not bitter, because I've learned so much, and I wouldn't take back any of what I experienced, because my life is bringing glory to Jehovah in Jesus name! 


Anyone reading my brief synopsis of what I have experienced only to get that I'm feeling some type of way about doctors and the medical system, must not have really read to understand what I'm saying, or maybe my writing is poor? While we may not agree on all things, I think we all can agree that this entire system is broken and we must rely fully on Jehovah to maneuver through it. And that was my point in sharing my story.


Modern medicine is good with treating acute & life-threatening issues.


It's horrible at treating chronic issues. This is where holistic medicine comes in. 


Thanks for sharing your experience. 

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17 hours ago, ladiife said:

@Qapla, while you may think I am at risk of becoming anti-doctor, I'm not. I'm anti-lie and anti-deception. Having worked in the mass-torts personal injury law space for some years, I've seen the bureaucratic side of the medical industry with big pharma at the helm, causing mass harm. All while they use doctors as pawns in exchange for bribes that are labeled as bonuses. 


Trying to explain what has been revealed to through prayerful research on why they don't know, sometimes feels like trying to explain the truth to someone who has yet to come from under the grips of false religion. 


But I'll give it a go anyway. Luke was around during a time when big pharma was not. Luke was also God-fearing and knew Jehovah. While we do not know anything about his medical practice, we know that he served Jehovah and that would have been the motivating factor behind everything he did, even his work as a physician.


Most doctors know nothing about Jehovah. If they do, they do not acknowledge him. Furthermore, during recent years, the pharmaceutical companies have pumped billions of dollars into funding the schools that teach doctors. The curriculum that older doctors learned has been scrubbed from the schools, and new education is being taught that emphasizes treating mainly symptoms. 


As an example, the important study of parasitic diseases was coming to nothing in all American medical schools in the early 2000's as an important curriculum for doctors to learn. It was said these infections are rare in the US (that is untrue). And while veterinarians still must learn about these organisms and the diseases they cause, most doctors do not learn the information unless they are an infectious disease doctor. If you want to look at the facts for yourself, here's an article found. 


The CDC gives a list of neglected parasitic diseases which cause illnesses ranging from cancer to diabetes, to heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and even arthritis. 


With that being said, I think I will reserve the aforementioned detailed explanation for a post. But the fact of the matter is this. There is a hidden agenda, and the pharmaceutical companies are over it. It takes a bold doctor who is God fearing to stick his/her neck out to actually figure out what is really wrong with a patient, and from my experience, those doctors are not in conventional medicine. Insurance companies, various laws, current education and the lack of continuing education on specific matters such as environmental toxins, parasites, and possibly peer pressure keep many doctors from looking deeper.


There are naturopathic doctors that must spend the same amount of time learning about the biology of the body; however, they actually look to find the root cause of a disease. Yet, they do not take insurance in most states. So people are left to see doctors who treat their symptoms as the actual disease.


@Ishaya mentioned the woman with the flow of blood that doctors were unable to help. He mentioned the names of symptoms such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis. Again, doctors treat symptoms. Uterine fibroids for example are caused by a dis-ease (disease) in the body. So what causes the uterine fibroids? If it's one thing I've learned from being a servant of Jehovah, that is to dig deeper. I'll leave this here. Uterine fibroid lesions were initially known as the “uterine stone.” In the second century AD, they were called scleromas.  While they are not understood in the conventional medicine world, there is significant research into what causes these "stones" on the reproductive organs of a woman. 


Although I would love to keep going right now in this reply about the female reproductive issues, I think it would be fitting to make that a main post, because there is a lot of information that had to be dug for like I was looking for a treasure. And I want to share the information to possibly help someone else who is looking for certain answers.


@Qapla, Doctors are necessary in certain matters; however, with the system being led by the pharmaceutical companies (they lobby to politicians to get what they want). Doctors have become very limited on what they can do in our time. I remember growing up when a pharmacist could provide a person meds if they told the pharmacist their symptoms. That has become a thing of the past. Maybe because of abuse of the system at that time, but it helped many people. 


All one has to do is ask themselves, where were these autoimmune disorders when we were children? Why doesn't the medication actually help a person without causing very adverse side effects in many cases. 


Jehovah knows what is happening in this modern healthcare system; and if you don't think Satan has his hand in that too, all someone has to do is get sick and really ask for answers. My story should tell you that, and I did not tell the half of what I've been through - from the lies notated in my medical records to doctors lying about medical procedures to hide the adverse effects I experienced. While I respect everyone, I cannot turn a blind eye to what is in the research. If I were to put my trust in them, I would be going against Jehovah. I reminds me of the scripture that relates King Asa's illness of the foot. The scriptures brought something to my attention. King Asa did not go to Jehovah; he trusted the healers or doctors, and he died with that ailment. 2 Chronicles 16:11-14. Jehovah made sure that was included in his word to read. So I took that to heart during my cries to Him. I had been trusting in the doctors, and it wasn't until I fully turned to Jehovah that I started getting the answers I need and my health started improving.


We would not need a hospital liaison committee if their system was so upstanding. Sadly, a lot of people have not dug deep about this topic to find out what's really happening. Many just trust the doctors. As I mentioned, I worked in law firms that represented clients who had been harmed by the medications made by the pharmaceutical companies. I've seen a lot from their side. And Jehovah does not appreciate anyone being harmed. So he has his time when even this medical system will be a thing of the past. Until then I have learned that I must pray for wisdom and be informed before seeking assistance from any doctor.


Here's what they did for me during these past 13 years of my suffering, brought me closer to Jehovah than I have ever been. Other than that, I was ignored, given unnecessary "lifesaving treatments" that could have been avoided had they listened and looked for the cause of what I experienced, and so many people are dealing with this issue as we speak and just don't know it.


Through all of the misdiagnosis, I have had two doctors that I prayed about and was able to get help through, and one of them was a witness who practices herbal medicine. The other lady listened because Jehovah empowered me with the research to take to her and she was humble enough to not have the god quallity that many doctors have from my experience.


Some antibiotics could have fixed my issues early on, but that wasn't Jehovah's will for me. I had to learn some valuable life lessons about myself and my relationship with Him; Therefore, I'm not bitter, because I've learned so much, and I wouldn't take back any of what I experienced, because my life is bringing glory to Jehovah in Jesus name! 


Anyone reading my brief synopsis of what I have experienced only to get that I'm feeling some type of way about doctors and the medical system, must not have really read to understand what I'm saying, or maybe my writing is poor? While we may not agree on all things, I think we all can agree that this entire system is broken and we must rely fully on Jehovah to maneuver through it. And that was my point in sharing my story.


Wow 😲 could this just be another conspiracy theory 🤔


Dear Sister Felicia, I understand how strongly you feel about your opinion, 

But the claims you're making is not realistic.


You obviously don't clearly under what is involved.


 Let me ask you a simple question please;

can you teach someone how to drive a car without telling them what  the accelerator is?


I find it hard to belief that pharma companies are funding medical schools to only teach symptoms and not aetiology(causes) of diseases to medical students.


you can't teach symptoms without the causes because it is the causes that produces the symptoms.


secondly,can you try to imagine how overwhelmed Doctors will be if they don't aim at treating the main cause of diseases? The hospitals will always be jampacked with patients who are returning back too quickly because their symptoms are resurfacing.

i can assure you that no smart Doctor will want to put himself in such a terrifying situation.


there is only one thing that pharma companies can do to influence Doctors, they can only encourage Doctors to prescribe their own brands of medicines.but even at that,I can assure you that no Doctor will want to continue prescribing a brand of medicine that brings his patients back to his clinic too often,because that will mean a lot of work for that Doctor.


The practice of medicine is already very stressful,no Doctor will want to make it even more stressful for him.


Another thing to consider is;there is so much competition among Doctors regarding who knows the job better.no Doctor will want to loose his clients because they're not getting well from his treatment. That is one reason why it hurts a Doctor very much if a patient dies under his care as it can put his reputation under jeopardy.

A smart Doctor always try to cure his patients ailments because it brings good reputation to their practice.

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To further clarify you;

uterine fibroids and endometriosis are distinct disease entities and not mere symptoms.


Every  disease entity have aetiologies(causes) which kickstart   distinct mechanisms of injury.

The injuries then manifest as signs and symptoms.


Please try to understand the sequence.


There is huge funding of researches by governments and pharm companies to under the mechanism of injury in disease conditions and discover medications to alter those mechanisms and get a cure.


Pharma companies are constantly at stiff competition with one another to be the first to get the cure to disease conditions and hold the right to be the only producers of such medications, that is what brings them more money.

That was played out in the discovery of covid vaccines between Pfizer and other pharma companies.

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@Ishaya I’m definitely not up for debate. I prayed for the answers and got them, and I’ve got the research to prove it. It’s common practice in the American medical system to name a disease that has an “unknown cause” after the main symptom it produces. You’re free to believe whatever you want. I may end up posting some of the research I’ve found, but yes, doctors are taught to treat symptoms. Autoimmune diseases are examples of diseases that doctors will admit “we don’t know the cause.” So they prescribe medication to keep the symptoms at bay. You don’t sound like you’re from America. Most aware people in the U.S., know this. 
American doctors cannot use the word “cure” in their practice. It is against the law. 

It’s funny to me that you call me a conspiracy theorist, because I handled thousands of medical malpractice clients during my time working as a mass-torts personal injury attorney. I live in America. I’ve been on the side of helping patients who have been injured by this medical symptom, and I’ve been affected by it. 

If you’re not in America and you’re not dealing with one of the “chronic” illnesses that doctors say “have no known cause,” can you honestly call me a conspiracy theorist when I’m presenting credible research and have in fact dealt with this medical system on both sides. 

I humbly digress. If you’re in a country that actually helps their people by finding the actual cause, that’s awesome. I don’t think there’s any need to go further since you’re in disbelief.

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2 minutes ago, Ishaya said:

To further clarify you;

uterine fibroids and endometriosis are distinct disease entities and not mere symptoms.


Every  disease entity have aetiologies(causes) which kickstart   distinct mechanisms of injury.

The injuries then manifest as signs and symptoms.


Please try to understand the sequence.


There is huge funding of researches by governments and pharm companies to under the mechanism of injury in disease conditions and discover medications to alter those mechanisms and get a cure.


Pharma companies are constantly at stiff competition with one another to be the first to get the cure to disease conditions and hold the right to be the only producers of such medications, that is what brings them more money.

That was played out in the discovery of covid vaccines between Pfizer and other pharma companies.

I don’t believe that. Deeper research shows different. 

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@Ishaya what causes the fibroids? What causes the overgrowth of cells?


These symptoms manifest because of disease in the body.


Deeper research shows parasites are responsible for invading a woman’s reproductive organs.


These parasites can be transmitted by vectors.


That’s what’s being missed. The root word “endo” stems from. Greek word meaning inside. “Metra or metri means uterus and “osis” means disease. 

So how is the name of the condition not a symptom?


The disease is what causes the cell growth, pain and infertility. That’s what you said isn’t it? When you gave the example of the car and gas pedal. 

You could go to the CDC’s website right now, and you could find a list of parasites that cause these symptoms. The disease is the parasites. The symptoms of cell overgrowth, pain and infertility is what results. 

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50 minutes ago, Ishaya said:

To further clarify you;

uterine fibroids and endometriosis are distinct disease entities and not mere symptoms.


Every  disease entity have aetiologies(causes) which kickstart   distinct mechanisms of injury.

The injuries then manifest as signs and symptoms.


Please try to understand the sequence.


There is huge funding of researches by governments and pharm companies to under the mechanism of injury in disease conditions and discover medications to alter those mechanisms and get a cure.


Pharma companies are constantly at stiff competition with one another to be the first to get the cure to disease conditions and hold the right to be the only producers of such medications, that is what brings them more money.

That was played out in the discovery of covid vaccines between Pfizer and other pharma companies.






These symptoms are caused by infections (parasitic, helminth, and bacterial) Doctors in America are not taught to look for these types of infections when dealing with endometriosis. I took my time to research a few articles; so hopefully you take a look at them so that you can be more aware. It's dangerous to put that type of faith into a faulty system brother.

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3 hours ago, ladiife said:

Deeper research shows parasites are responsible for invading a woman’s reproductive organs.


How do you get rid of the ones that cause Endo? My wife & her sister deal with it. Berberine seems to stop their growth, but doesn't reverse it. 

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4 hours ago, computerwiz said:


How do you get rid of the ones that cause Endo? My wife & her sister deal with it. Berberine seems to stop their growth, but doesn't reverse it. 

I’m inclined to make a post in the forum about this topic. Because a lot of women deal with this. I’ll post some of the hard to find research I’ve found as well as information from the naturopathic medicine world on how to find out the exact cause and attack the cause of it. When I make the post I’ll tag you. Jehovah willing I’ll get it done by Friday.

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9 hours ago, ladiife said:

@Ishaya “because I handled thousands of medical malpractice clients during my time working as a mass-torts personal injury attorney.” I must correct my mistake. I worked as a mass-torts personal injury paralegal for an attorney. I in no way want anyone to think I’m something I am not. I was thinking about what I needed to type and typed something totally different.

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9 hours ago, Ishaya said:


“That is one reason why it hurts a Doctor very much if a patient dies under his care as it can put his reputation under jeopardy.

A smart Doctor always try to cure his patients ailments because it brings good reputation to their practice.”

Death by doctor is the number 3 cause of death in America. This is America brother. I don’t know where you’re from, but in America, lawyers are getting rich from medical errors. https://wilsonlaw.com/blog/medical-errors-third-leading-cause-of-death-in-the-united-states/#:~:text=This is the basis behind,of 251%2C000 Americans each year.

9 hours ago, Ishaya said:



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On 3/4/2025 at 6:04 AM, Witness1970 said:

I would probably prefer to hear that 'they didn't know' than to get a false positive on some test. 

The problem with them not knowing is a lot of people end up misdiagnosed. After 12 years and Jehovah helping me to start restoring balance again to my body, the neurologist I see finally admitted that my problem wasn’t what he thought it was. So them not knowing leads to them only treating the symptoms while the cause is sitting there laughing at the treatment so to speak. 

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On 3/4/2025 at 7:04 AM, Witness1970 said:

I would probably prefer to hear that 'they didn't know' than to get a false positive on some test.  I was once told that I had Hepatitis C.  I was dumbfounded.  I read about the treatments and didn't like much of what I read.


4 hours ago, ladiife said:

The problem with them not knowing is a lot of people end up misdiagnosed. After 12 years and Jehovah helping me to start restoring balance again to my body, the neurologist I see finally admitted that my problem wasn’t what he thought it was. So them not knowing leads to them only treating the symptoms while the cause is sitting there laughing at the treatment so to speak. 

I am going to change what I said earlier.  Being misdiagnosed can often be worse than them 'not knowing' if the misdiagnosis leads to some treatments that are detrimental to the person's health and/or makes the actual disease worse.  I am glad that further tests in my case revealed the misdiagnosis.

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15 hours ago, ladiife said:

@Ishaya what causes the fibroids? What causes the overgrowth of cells?


These symptoms manifest because of disease in the body.


Deeper research shows parasites are responsible for invading a woman’s reproductive organs.


These parasites can be transmitted by vectors.


That’s what’s being missed. The root word “endo” stems from. Greek word meaning inside. “Metra or metri means uterus and “osis” means disease. 

So how is the name of the condition not a symptom?


The disease is what causes the cell growth, pain and infertility. That’s what you said isn’t it? When you gave the example of the car and gas pedal. 

You could go to the CDC’s website right now, and you could find a list of parasites that cause these symptoms. The disease is the parasites. The symptoms of cell overgrowth, pain and infertility is what results. 


Okay,let me help you get the idea properly.


The cause of a disease condition is not the same thing as the mechanism of injury.

You obviously think they're the same,but No,they're not the same.


A disease condition can have several direct and indirect causes,usually these causes are  easy to identify.

But the challenge lies in understanding the mechanism of injury,and what is even more challenging is understandable how to prevent the mechanism of injury from taking place even when the patient experience the causes.

Also how to reverse the injury(ie cure) is sometimes the much harder thing.


There are disease conditions whose direct causes are not clearly known, but they have well known risk factors.risk factors are like indirect causes.


The direct causes of endometriosis is still debatable in the medical literatures,but the risk factors are well known.The same applies to uterine fibroids.


however there are disease conditions whose direct causes are well known,mostly the infectious diseases.

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