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Reuters Exclusive: Barrier is breached at Fukushima says official — ‘Highly radioactive’ water entering ocean — Will flow ‘extremely fast’ if it reaches surface — Tepco sorry for trouble


ighly radioactive water [is] seeping into the ocean from Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant  [...]

This contaminated groundwater has breached an underground barrier [...]


Shinji Kinjo, head of a Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) task force, told Reuters. [...]


“Right now, we have an emergency,” he said.


Tepco deeply apologized to residents in Fukushima prefecture, the surrounding region and the larger public for causing inconveniences, worries and trouble. [...]


[Kinjo] acknowledged that if the water reaches the surface, “it would flow extremely fast.”


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There really are no words to express or knowledge of what this will do to people animal life etc except to say "Man is ruining the earth " :((((

Revelation 11:18

Soon Jehovah will stop this!

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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. The company said this was within legal limits.


Never mind that any limit of radioactive material is harmful and of course if the legal limit is exceeded, we'll just raise that limit...

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Wow!  And to think that Japan has a plan to construct yet a new and bigger nuclear reprocessing plutonium plant to build nuclear weapons (at least according to a recent WSJ article).  Aluminum oxide being sprayed (cloud seeding) modifying our weather and affecting our environment – destruction of ¾ of the Rainforest – chemical pollution responsible for coral bleaching – and now nuclear radiation affecting our ecosystem in the Pacific Ocean. . .  our incredible resilient ecosystem won't handle these devastations. All these mismanagements!  :no:  Well, we know that the time is very near.     

Edited by Mei
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REV. 11:18, coming down the pike!   Things like this, will make the words The Great Tribulation have more meaning.  Every time man does something, it comes to futility and ruin.  The only good work and is still standing since Ebel's time, is the word of God.    

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One more reason why man is unable to direct his steps! ( Jeremiah 10:23 )

This doesn't make the news here.


Edited by Jewelz

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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Scary indeed.

I am glad We know Jehovah's promises and can have hope & definitely trust him.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Very big lobby in D.C. - they have a lot of power. Greed stops all logic and growth of human nature and of course it kills spiritually.
We're so far behind in almost all aspects of life, medicine, science etc.. because of greed and power.


Just end it please...

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The Fukushima Nightmare Gets Worse

Just when it seemed things might be under control at Fukushima, we find they are worse than ever.

Immeasurably worse.


Massive quantities of radioactive liquids are now flowing through the shattered reactor site into the Pacific Ocean. And their make-up is far more lethal than the “mere” tritium that has dominated the headlines to date.


Tepco, the owner/operator–and one of the world’s biggest and most technologically advanced electric utilities–has all but admitted it cannot control the situation. Its shoddy performance has prompted former U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner Dale Klein to charge: “You don’t what you are doing.”


The Japanese government is stepping in. But there is no guarantee–or even likelihood–it will do any better.

In fact, there is no certainty as to what’s causing this out-of-control flow of death and destruction.

Some 16 months after three of the six reactors exploded at the Fukushima Daichi site, nobody can offer a definitive explanation of what is happening there or how to deal with it.


The most cogent speculation now centers on the reality that, simply enough, water flows downhill.


Aside from its location in an earthquake-prone tsunami zone, Fukushima Daichi was sited above a major aquifer. That critical reality has been missing from nearly all discussion of the accident since it occurred.


There can be little doubt at this point that the water in that underground lake has been thoroughly contaminated.

In the wake of the March 11, 2011, disaster, Tepco led the public to believe that it had largely contained the flow of contaminated water into the Pacific. But now it admits that not only was that a lie, but that the quantities of water involved–apparently some 400,000 gallons per day–are very large.


Some of that water may be flowing from the aquifer. Much of it also, simply enough, flows down Japan’s steep hillsides, through the site and into the sea.


Until now, the utility and regulatory authorities have assured an anxious planet that the contaminants in the water have been primarily tritium. Tritium is a relatively simple isotope with a 12.3 year half-life. Its health effects can be substantial, but its short half-life has been used to proliferate the illusion that it’s not much to worry about.


Reports now indicate the outflow at Fukushima also includes substantial quantities of radioactive iodine, cesium, and strontium. That, in turn, indicates there is probably more we haven’t yet heard about.


This is very bad news.


Iodine-131, for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer.


Cesium-137 from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California. It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles.


Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes to our bones.


That these are among the isotopes being dumped into the Pacific is the worst news to come from Japan since Hiroshima and Nagasaki, whose bombings occurred 68 years ago this week, and whose fallout has been vastly exceeded at Fukushima.


Indeed, Japanese experts have already estimated Fukushima’s fallout at 20-30 times as high as the 1945 bombings.

This latest revelation will send that number soaring.


The dominant reality is this: There is absolutely no indication how or when this lethal outflow will stop.


Thus far, Tepco has built scores of tanks on the site to contain whatever contaminated water it can capture. But the company is by no means getting all of it, and it is running out of space.


Some of the tanks, of course, have already sprung leaks.


There is no clear idea whether this outflow is accelerating. Tepco has injected chemicals into the ground meant to harden and form a wall between the reactors and the sea.


There’s also a surreal discussion of super-cooling a part of the site to conjure up a wall of ice.

But water has a way of flowing around such feeble devices.


We may yet hear that this massive outflow is a temporary phenomenon, but that’s not likely.

The site is still unpredictably radioactive. It remains unclear what has happened to the melted cores of the three exploded reactors.


The recent appearance of a steam plume has raised the specter that fission may still be occurring somewhere in the area.

It is also unclear what will happen to the hundreds of tons of spent fuel perched precariously in a pool 100 feet in the air above Unit Four.


Sustaining that cooling system until the rods can be removed–and it’s unclear when that will happen–is a major challenge.

Should an earthquake come before that’s done, and should those rods go crashing to the ground where they and their zirconium cladding could ignite in the open air, the consequences could only be described as apocalyptic.

Through it all, Japan’s new pro-nuclear administration has been talking of restarting the 48 reactors that remain shut since Fukushima.


Tepco has been among the utilities pushing to resume operations at its other plants.

In the U.S., there is talk of atomic reactors somehow solving the global warming crisis.

But what we now know all too well at Fukushima is that the world’s worst atomic catastrophe is very far from over.

The only thing predictable is that worse news will come.


And when it does, our increasingly fragile planet will be further irradiated, at immeasurable cost to us all.

Harvey Wasserman edits www.nukefree.org and is author of SOLARTOPIA!  Our Green-Powered Earth.  His SOLARTOPIA GREEN POWER & WELLNESS SHOW is at www.prn.fm.

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Nuclear Expert: Fukushima Is 'Emergency Without End'

Arjun Makhijani: Radioactive strontium being released is 'likely to be a seaside nightmare for decades.'

- Andrea Germanos, staff writer

makhijani-newshour-a_0.jpgPhoto: Matthias Lambrecht/cc/flickrAs the disaster at Fukushima plant continues to unfold, one nuclear expert is warning that "this is an accident that’s shockingly not stopping."


Arjun Makhijani, President of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (IEER), sounds particular alarm around radioactive strontium that is being released from the trouble-stricken plant:


Speaking with PBS Newshour this week, the Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free author said that strontium is "much more dangerous" than the cesium 137 and 134 being released from Fukushima, and was found "at levels that are 30 times more than cesium."  He continued:



Fukushima continues to be an emergency without end – vast amounts of radioactivity, including strontium-90 in the groundwater, evidence of leaks into the sea, the prospect of contaminated seafood. Strontium-90, being a calcium analog, bioaccumulates in the food chain. It is likely to be a seaside nightmare for decades.

makhijani_newshour_0.jpgDr. Makhijani speaking on PBS Newshour this week. (Sreenshot)When asked what happens when this radioactive strontium reaches the sea, Makhijani replied:



So to give you an idea of the level of contamination, if somebody drank that water for a year, they would almost certainly get cancer. So it's very contaminated.



So that's one problem. The other is the defenses to hold back this water from the sea seem to be overcome. So now the contaminated waters, 70,000, 80,000 gallons is flowing into the sea every day.

But it's not just fish that will take in the radiation.



Well, when it goes into the sea, of course, some of it will disperse and dilute. Some of it goes into the sediment and some of it is taken up by the life in the sea.


And the unfortunate thing about strontium especially is that it bioaccumulates in algae, it bioaccumulates in fish. It targets the bone, because it's like calcium. And so this is a problem. We don't have measurements far out to sea. The Woods Hole Institute has done some surveys. And they were surprised by how much continuing radioactivity they found, but no clear explanation yet.

When Living on Earth asked Makhijani about how the radioactivity could affect human health, he said:

Well, the strontium-90 and the cesium would both be perilous, and since the strontium-90 is more mobile and also more dangerous biologically, strontium behaves like calcium, so it goes to the bone. It also bioaccumulates in the base of the food chain and algae. Ultimately because it does bioaccumulate and there is quite a lot of strontium, you could have a large part of the food chain near Fukushima being contaminated.


If pregnant women eat the contaminated fish or drink the contaminated water, he said

Just how TEPCO or other authorities will be able to deal with this "radioactivity that’s essentially forever" is uncertain, he continued.



the outcomes could be worse than cancer because then you’re talking about a much more compromised child in the sense of having a compromised immune system - it makes you more vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.

It’s very, very unclear to me how they are going to be able to get at this molten fuel, extract it from the bottoms of these highly damaged buildings and package it for safer or less dangerous storage or disposal.

"This is an accident that’s shockingly not stopping," he warned.

There is one certainty among the many unknowns, writes long-time anti-nuke activist Harvey Wasserman:

[W]hat we now know all too well at Fukushima is that the world's worst atomic catastrophe is very far from over.


The only thing predictable is that worse news will come.

And when it does, our increasingly fragile planet will be further irradiated, at immeasurable cost to us all.

* * *

Watch the PBS Newshour discussion between Makhijani, Kenji Kushida of Stanford University and host Jeffrey Brown below:



Edited by Jordan
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Fukushima Mystery? TV: Japan expert says radiation levels in ocean too high to be explained by groundwater flow alone — Must be coming from “other contamination routes” entering Pacific — “Devastating impact” to come?


Yoichiro Tateiwa, NHK reporter
: [Professor Jota] Kanda argues government statistics don’t add up. He says a daily leakage of 300 tons doesn’t explain the current levels of radiation in the water.

Watch: Contaminated Water Leaks at Fukushima Daiichi

Jota Kanda, Tokyo University professor
: According to my research there are now 3 gigabecquerels [3 billion becquerels] of cesium-137 flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every day. But for the 300 tons of groundwater to contain this much cesium-137, one liter of groundwater has to contain 10,000 becquerels of the radioactive isotope.

: Kanda’s research and monitoring by Tepco puts the amount of cesium-137 in the groundwater around the plant at several hundred becquerels per liter at most. He’s concluded that radioactive isotope is finding another way to get into the ocean. He’s calling on the government and Tepco to identify contamination routes other than groundwater.


: If we focus on groundwater too much without contemplating other causes, the situation won’t be resolved. There must be routes other than groundwater that are contaminating the ocean. So what we have to
now is consider all possibilities as we figure out a solution to the problem.


: Professor Kanda says the volume of radioactive particles discharged into the ocean is much smaller than the volume released immediately after the accident. But, he says there may be other sources of contaminated water stored up inside the plant’s infrastructure. He says that water is highly contaminated, and if it gets into the ocean it will again have a devastating impact.

See also:

National Geographic reported on August 7, 2013 that Professor Kanda calculated 10 billion becquerels a day of cesium-137 was flowing into the Pacific from Fukushima Daiichi, not 3 billion becquerels a day as he says in NHK’s broadcast:


In a 2012 study, Jota Kanda, an oceanographer at Toyko University of Marine Science and Technology, calculated that the plant is leaking 0.3 terabecquerels [300 billion Bq/month = 10 billion Bq/day] of cesium-137 per month and a similar amount of cesium-134.

Watch the broadcast here






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NHK: Level 1 nuclear incident today at Fukushima plant — “Extremely high radiation levels” found leaking near Unit 4


Watch video


Aug 19, 2013: [...] The officials said on Monday about 120 liters of highly-radioactive water had leaked from a tank near the number 4 reactor. They detected 100 millisieverts per hour of radiation on the surface of puddles near the tanks. The maximum annual exposure limit for nuclear plant workers is 50 millisieverts. [...] Officials from the Nuclear Regulation Authority assessed the problem as a level one incident on an 8-point international scale.img_334-Aug.-19-22.47-300x204.jpg



Kyodo News, Aug 19, 2013: Highly toxic puddles found near water tanks at Fukushima plant [...] extremely high radiation levels have been found [...] The NRA released a preliminary assessment of a level 1 incident on an eight-point international scale, defined as an “anomaly.” [...]



AFP, Aug 19, 2013: [...] TEPCO denied that toxic water had flowed into the adjacent Pacific ocean, but the Nuclear Regulation Authority ordered the utility to study the possibility that it had escaped into the sea through nearby drains. The NRA released a preliminary assessment that the incident was a level one incident on an eight-point international scale [...]

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I doubt many people know about this as its not reported on any news stations here that I've seen on TV. I have news on my phone from a few different sources and the only one that talks about it RT news. AP and BBC also CNN no mention of it that I've noticed.

I wonder how our Bro. and Sis. in Japan are faring?

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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