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Noah the movie - be careful. SPOILER

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  On 4/11/2014 at 9:56 PM, timpin said:

Food 4 thought: How interesting that its banned in Malaysia. Its also banned in Muslim countries. People who don't even adhere to the bible like we do don't want it there. What does that tell you???

All over the world there is a "Noah" version in their history and they know its not right.


Hi Tim.


The quotation you make from the Watchtower shows us something about Jehovah: He often doesn't tell us specifically what to do and what not to do, for example, which movies or books are inappropriate for Christians. He simply gives us principles, and then observes how we apply them. But the fact that he doesn't tell us doesn't mean he doesn't care. He does care! That was an interesting thought. Thanks!


I don't agree, however, with your first point about that particular movie being banned in Muslim countries. It was not banned because it misrepresents the Bible narration (which it certainly does). In fact, the movie was banned before it was even finished, simply because Muslims recognize Noah as a prophet and they believe any visual representation of a prophet (including a movie) is wrong. Anyway you have probably noticed Muslims tend to forbid everything. Our publications and our work, as well as the Bible itself, are forbidden in most of those countries too.


The reason why a Christian might decide not to watch this film is because of the message that is being promoted in it, not because it has been banned by some fundamentalist fanatics.

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  On 4/12/2014 at 4:32 AM, Miss Bea said:

Circuit Overseer was just here. We were warned about, "looking for loopholes". Entertainment was mentioned. Looking for loopholes in our worship of Jehovah is not a good thing.

seems very interesting  ....  could you share some ideas from that speech sister ?

tnx  :D

" Indeed, what do you have that you did not receive ? "

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  On 3/29/2014 at 7:22 PM, SacramentoBrother said:

Worth noting director Darren Aronofsky is an atheist and actress Emma Watson starred is a series of films that many witnesses avoid (the Harry Potter films). Obviously this movie doesn't have God's backing. :)

You just reminded me of some mistakes of my past when you mentioned harry potter. I really loved the series and the books that i watched all of it( facepalm). Eventually, with Jehovah's help, I quit watching it as well as similar movies. The urge to watch surfaces from time to time. I have to plummel my body at times to change the channel. Your comment just energized me to work harder to overcome that weakness. Thanks.
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According to several reports, the director has bragged that his film is “the least biblical biblical film ever made”. From the reviews and experiences so far, I'm inclined to agree.


The sad part is, from the media and religious groups, the most common complaint is that God is referred to as "creator". They don't care about the depiction of "the creator" or "Noah" being in complete opposition to the Scriptural account, they don't care that the demons are depicted as heroes who were eventually forgiven, they only care that the director used a different title for the uncaring tyrant deity that cared more for the unrepentant demons than he did for his righteous servant Noah.


While I'd never try to tell anyone that they should or shouldn't see this movie, (Galatians 6:5) what I'm hearing so far puts me in mind of 1 Timothy 4:1, "misleading inspired statements *(misleading spirits) and teachings of demons".

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 4/5/2014 at 8:58 AM, Grummit said:

We saw the film yesterday, opening day of it in the U K . I have to agree with those who found it very disappointing.

I did not expect it it to be a true depiction of the Genesis account. I had read that the director "drew ideas from various sources" but apart from that - it was just a bad film IMHO.

The script was terrible with hammy dialogue.. It was a dark, brooding depressing tale as Noah lapsed into psychotic rage and was resolved to murder his grandchildren.

The effects of the floodwaters were impressive though, that image will remain with me as I read Genesis in future , My wife had to nip to the loo halfway and in 2 minutes missed the scene she wanted to see, with the animals coming to the ark. In fact they all looked to me like CGI effects , I did not see a real animal on set, perhaps a bird though??

I wished we had not bothered, I really wanted it to be over and I do not think that it will be successful , even the acting skills of Russel Crowe could not save this "turkey"

I was not ready for environmental activist /homicidal Noah and the autobots vs .humanity .The director must be atheist or a "tree hugger". Noah cared more about the animals than people. What I don't understand why Noah got into the Ark if he was so sure that the Creator did not want to save humans but only the animals? Noah did not want his family to procreate. Noah was a vegetarian and those who were not (descendants of Cain ) were displayed as ripping the animals apart and eating them and inhumanely .

They never called God.... God .They only referred to him as the "Creator ".

This director clearly had an agenda and use the Bible as a means to promote it. There was also an obvious reference to evolution being responsible for life instead of God.....or *ahem* the Creator.

It is officially an end of an era. Biblical movies are not guaranteed to be biblical.... Sigh

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  On 3/29/2014 at 7:22 PM, SacramentoBrother said:

Worth noting director Darren Aronofsky is an atheist and actress Emma Watson starred is a series of films that many witnesses avoid (the Harry Potter films). Obviously this movie doesn't have God's backing. :)

What movies have God's backing?

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  On 3/29/2014 at 9:16 PM, rbrown1205 said:

It is kind of sad, really tragic, that we have to retell the truth about Noah to many who think that this movie tells what the Bible says. At least people are talking about Noah, and so we can open up a discussion of the real account.

My favorite movie depiction of Noah (and I know in my older age I am starting to repeat myself) is the one in "The Bible - In The Beginning", which was a fairly accurate movie from 1968 about the events from Creation to Abraham's attempt to sacrifice his son. John Houston played Noah with great dignity and reverence (in fact, he narrated the entire movie), and the animals marched into the ark to a beautiful classical song, and it wasn't boring at all.

My favorite biblical movie these days is the Son of God series .I have watched it a trillion times I can't get enough of it. Hopefully Christian Bale's Moses will be..... Well...Christian ;)

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  On 4/24/2014 at 1:12 AM, JahisKing said:

This director clearly had an agenda and use the Bible as a means to promote it.


Actually, he's open about his agenda. During production, he bragged that he was making “the least biblical biblical film ever made”. He had no intention of being scripturally accurate, he took pride in seeing just how far he could twist his story away from the original while keeping it recognizable as a retelling of the scriptural account.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 2:54 AM, Stavro said:

Actually, he's open about his agenda. During production, he bragged that he was making “the least biblical biblical film ever made”. He had no intention of being scripturally accurate, he took pride in seeing just how far he could twist his story away from the original while keeping it recognizable as a retelling of the scriptural account.

You can't make any assumptions these days apparently :( I saw it the first day it came out and the previews were so vague ...I was blindsided. I will not make the same mistake again.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 10:03 AM, JahisKing said:

I thought it was at least semi biblical lol.That's the only reason I went to see it.

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Well, there was a man named Noah, there was an ark and there was a flood.  That's about as semi-biblical as the movie gets.  LOL

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  On 4/24/2014 at 10:02 AM, JahisKing said:

You can't make any assumptions these days apparently :( I saw it the first day it came out and the previews were so vague ...I was blindsided. I will not make the same mistake again.


Shantel, I think the previews cheated. What you see in those previews more or less agrees with what you expect of a Hollywood version of the Flood. None of the weird things in the movie appear in those previews. I think they intentionally made them like that to trick millions of believers in the Bible to see their movie.


That particular point about the descendants of Cain (that is, all mankind outside of Noah's family) eating the animals alive is taken from the Jewish legends found in the book of Enoch.

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  On 4/24/2014 at 10:19 PM, cvillarrubia said:

That particular point about the descendants of Cain (that is, all mankind outside of Noah's family) eating the animals alive is taken from the Jewish legends found in the book of Enoch.[/quote

Wow... I never knew that!

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  • 3 months later...

I did not see "Noah" and have/had no intention to. I hate those "Bible" pictures because they never tell the truth. The last I saw one was supposedly based on Jacob. Remember he chose Rachel over Leah because Leah's eyes lacked luster. Well, in that picture guess whose eyes shown and whose eyes lacked luster? I'm sure you figured it out.

Then there was the one about Moses and Pharoah commonly called the "Ten Commandments." Jehovah destroyed every single one of Pharoah's army, including Pharoah himself when they had the audacity to go in the Red Sea after his people thinking that, as the cd drama had him say "we got them now." Fools! Jehovah had his people, protecting them!

Sorry. I'm going off! Lol. Anyway, in that picture, the producers had Pharoah and some others survive the Red Sea.

No more so called Bible shows for me.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  On 8/14/2014 at 11:50 PM, Luezette said:

I did not see "Noah" and have/had no intention to. I hate those "Bible" pictures because they never tell the truth. The last I saw one was supposedly based on Jacob. Remember he chose Rachel over Leah because Leah's eyes lacked luster. Well, in that picture guess whose eyes shown and whose eyes lacked luster? I'm sure you figured it out.

Then there was the one about Moses and Pharoah commonly called the "Ten Commandments." Jehovah destroyed every single one of Pharoah's army, including Pharoah himself when they had the audacity to go in the Red Sea after his people thinking that, as the cd drama had him say "we got them now." Fools! Jehovah had his people, protecting them!

Sorry. I'm going off! Lol. Anyway, in that picture, the producers had Pharoah and some others survive the Red Sea.

No more so called Bible shows for me.


If you have Netflix watch The Book of Daniel. Very good film that is very close to the source material.


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  • 1 month later...

Ever since I was a boy I was desperately hoping for a biblical-based movie adaptation about Genesis. But I always knew that my wishes could not be met because


1.) the society is not exactly strapped with cash, lacked the experience and technology to make high-budget top-of-the-line movies and also, for obvious reasons, wants to contain depictions of violence to a minimum. Which is understandable. I suppose I am extremely acclimatised to violence after more than a decade of intense exposure to hooliganism, martial arts training, gorey video-games and movies and.. well.. the news. Many brothers have been well protected from this type of exposure and there's no need to graphically display, let's say, the Shechem massacre or the murder of Abel, to them.


2.) the world's entertainment industry, on the other hand, is headed by the great illusionist Satan himself. There is no way he would EVER allow for a biblical adaptation of a movie without at least sneaking in a subliminal little question or disinfo or two here and there that causes confusion or sows a seed of doubt somewhere in our imperfect little brains. Take for example the newest "THE BIBLE" series. It was actually pretty good and I did find some scenes, for example Pentecost, totally inspiring to see visualised in such a way. But so much of the series was just taken out of context, nonsensical, adapted for the purpose of abbreviation. I've actually had people quote from that series while I was out in field service, which goes to show.


So when this trailer first came out, I thought that this would be one of the best adaptations of a biblical story I'd ever see in this system of things.


Turned out, though, that this is exactly what the movie makers wanted people to think. They were eager to draw masses of self-proclaimed or true Christians into the theaters and grab their money.


Anybody who continued to keep an eye out for this film was informed in due time what this was really about.

Nephilim building the ark and helping Noah?

Noah a drunk maniac?

Noah wanting to commit infanticide?


Wait. What. Darren Aronofsky? Wasn't that the guy who lured us into "Black Swan" and made those weird movies "Pi" and "The Fountain"?


I knew for sure that I'd not only "not pay to watch this movie" but avoid watching it at all costs. It was offered to me for free on a recent flight with Singapore Airlines, but I watched something else instead.


I hope that in the New World we might get good adaptations of the biblical records.

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  On 10/31/2014 at 7:52 AM, ChocoboRider said:

Ever since I was a boy I was desperately hoping for a biblical-based movie adaptation about Genesis. But I always knew that my wishes could not be met because


1.) the society is not exactly strapped with cash, lacked the experience and technology to make high-budget top-of-the-line movies


How times have changed, eh?   Now we make movies and have our own website and streaming video.  Who knows what the future holds?  After watching the most recent "Become Jehovah's Friend" video about Naaman, I had the thought that the Slave could recreate the entire Bible Story book in a CGI format.  True, it'd be cartoony and directed at children, but adults would be just as entertained.  


Could you imagine a Bible Story book video series or Imitate Their Faith video series in the same format as Become Jehovah's Friend?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  On 10/31/2014 at 2:42 PM, Shawnster said:

How times have changed, eh? Now we make movies and have our own website and streaming video. Who knows what the future holds? After watching the most recent "Become Jehovah's Friend" video about Naaman, I had the thought that the Slave could recreate the entire Bible Story book in a CGI format. True, it'd be cartoony and directed at children, but adults would be just as entertained.

Could you imagine a Bible Story book video series or Imitate Their Faith video series in the same format as Become Jehovah's Friend?

Yes, and it will be cool!


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  On 10/31/2014 at 2:42 PM, Shawnster said:

How times have changed, eh?   Now we make movies and have our own website and streaming video.  Who knows what the future holds?  After watching the most recent "Become Jehovah's Friend" video about Naaman, I had the thought that the Slave could recreate the entire Bible Story book in a CGI format.  True, it'd be cartoony and directed at children, but adults would be just as entertained.  


Could you imagine a Bible Story book video series or Imitate Their Faith video series in the same format as Become Jehovah's Friend?


True, CGI is cheaper and they're doing a great job with the cartoons.


I didn't really think about that because I was sort of fixated on real motion pictures. They're the best to actually get the feeling and deep emotions across, but this requires perfect EVERYTHING, from props, costumes, acting, directing, editing and SFX to music, sound etc. etc. etc... cartoons are far more forgiving when it comes to such things and downplaying the violent nature of certain historic aspects is more easy to accept within cartoons.

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"The Prodigal Returns" is not animated and contained real actors with real sets and was done as well as a Hollywood production - I don't think we would have to have every Bible Story done as a "cartoon".

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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  On 10/31/2014 at 9:56 PM, Qapla said:

"The Prodigal Returns" is not animated and contained real actors with real sets and was done as well as a Hollywood production - I don't think we would have to have every Bible Story done as a "cartoon".


You're right, but a modern setting without hardcore miracles happening is easier and cheaper to portray ;o)

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