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Caleb and Sophia visit Bethel

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   The Societies website has just put up their latest video on Caleb and Sophia. It is an

extremely cute and very interesting tour of Bethel. They in essence kill two birds with

one stone. This is the most ambitious Caleb and Sophia video to date in my opinion.

( The previous one was the amazing one in which they dealt with the creation of the

earth. ) This gives us a  glimp  of what we may be able in expect in future episodes. ( Such

as, Caleb and Sophia visit foreign countries to see how the Good News is being preached,

Caleb and Sophia visit the Bible Lands, etc )

    This is a marvelous tour through bethel and expand the tools we now have through

the website that we can use in our preaching work ( Why study the Bible, What goes on in

a Bible Study, what takes place in a Kingdom Hall, etc ) It will be interesting to see both

the results of the August campaign as to how it has increased interest and the effective-

ness of the website. It may also be of interest as the brothers have gotten feedback from

both the brothers as well as the general public about ways they may enhance the website,

make it easier to navigate, as well as subject matter. And this doesn't touch what the FDS

has in mind for future improvements. So what are your reflections on this new video.



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Excellent video, but I can't get the song out of my head now!

I'd rather that song than my current earworm - the stupid jingle from the Staples commercial.

Come join our service group singers......♫ Grant us boldness we witness....help us overcome our fear. ♫

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  Yes, this is the fastest Bethel visit I've ever seen too ! But remember we are living in the age of 30 to

60 second sound bites. I think it is remarkable they were able to cover as much as they did, even if

it left your head spinning. But as I said, I feel this is a real step up in the Caleb and Sophia videos. No-

tice they combine animation with real life. Disney did not achieve this until he produced "Mary Poppins."

And at that point he had been in the animation business more than 35 years, ( it started with "Mickey

Mouse" as " Steamboat Willie". So considering that Caleb and Sophia are comparative youngsters, they

have made considerable progress in the two years they have been "alive"



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I have recently heard that Sophia and Caleb are becoming quit famous. Top animators have noticed and commented on how good the little videos are and are very impressed with work and lessons being done by the creators of the series . Not that we will ever know who they are but it's a bit of a feather in the cap of our talented brothers and of course Jehovahs backing it has been so successful!

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The very first day the video came out was the same day played the video for kids and they love it so what I did was to use a software I use to convert from video to audio to convert it which what I am using as my ringtone now. The song thrill my wife which is still begging me to transfer to her phone so as to learn the wordings of the song and use that to also teach our kids.

Please I want to beg you if you can help us to get the wordings for us, please either  PM ME or on this page for others to have.

Please your kind assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Bro. Peter




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I have recently heard that Sophia and Caleb are becoming quit famous. Top animators have noticed and commented on how good the little videos are and are very impressed with work and lessons being done by the creators of the series . Not that we will ever know who they are but it's a bit of a feather in the cap of our talented brothers and of course Jehovahs backing it has been so successful!


Why aren't they window cleaners :D

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