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New World Translation (2013 revision) in additional languages

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There's a genuine "My Book of Bible Stories" in Yorkshire???  I would LOVE to get my hands on that!!!


He didn't say genuine... as in released by the Society...  

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I like the accent too, I just have difficulties understanding it :)

Interesting that I understand better the English accent

It's like that they pronounce the words in full while the Americans eat away some sounds :)

I have a hard time translating some parts of JWB because some ones just do it in excess :)

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Congratulations, Cristino!

Interesting change from "Holy Scriptures" to "Holy Bible" in the title. That didn't happen in the English version.


Another change is regarding the last book of the Bible.

In Appendix A2 the translators explain that in Portuguese, the last book of the Bible is well known as Apocalipse, so they have changed Revelation to Apocalipse in this revised version.


This is quite bold from the brazilian translators, 50 years using Revelation in the old version, and now Apocalipse.  :)

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Another change is regarding the last book of the Bible.

In Appendix A2 the translators explain that in Portuguese, the last book of the Bible is well known as Apocalipse, so they have changed Revelation to Apocalipse in this revised version.


This is quite bold from the brazilian translators, 50 years using Revelation in the old version, and now Apocalipse.  :)

I also noted this but in JW Library it is still called "Revelation" with "apocalipse" in brackets. 

Maybe it's "Apocalipse" in the paper edition

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That's cool. Straight onto JW Library, no need to wait.

I was thinking of a UK English Bible.  I don't expect one, but of course Britain also includes Wales, Ireland and Scotland.  So how about the NWT in Welsh, or Irish, or Gaelic.  We know the society doesn't shy away from translating into "minor" languages.  In fact there is a number of publications now in Welsh, even though many Welsh people speak English.  Then again another language is British Sign Language.  They have the bible in ASL,  how about BSL?

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Another change is regarding the last book of the Bible.

In Appendix A2 the translators explain that in Portuguese, the last book of the Bible is well known as Apocalipse, so they have changed Revelation to Apocalipse in this revised version.


This is quite bold from the brazilian translators, 50 years using Revelation in the old version, and now Apocalipse.  :)



Thank you, brother João! We, here in Brazil, we are still under the effect of tremendous emotion when we receive this review. In fact, she does not even seem a review, but a completely new version! It was amazing how much easier the understanding of terms before we had to read and explain!
While we read we must now be careful not to run over the words and read as it was in the old version. This happened even with a speaker (a member of the Branch Committee) who was explaining about the new traits characteristics of this review. It was a comical moment during the talk. And he apologized, saying, "This is also my first time"  :lol:
All of us are no words to thank Jehovah for this perfect gift! We hope that you, in Portugal, to experience the same feeling as soon as possible! 
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That's cool. Straight onto JW Library, no need to wait.

I was thinking of a UK English Bible.  I don't expect one, but of course Britain also includes Wales, Ireland and Scotland.  So how about the NWT in Welsh, or Irish, or Gaelic.  We know the society doesn't shy away from translating into "minor" languages.  In fact there is a number of publications now in Welsh, even though many Welsh people speak English.  Then again another language is British Sign Language.  They have the bible in ASL,  how about BSL?

Don't forget our organization as set the goal to translate into as many languages of the heart as possible. There would be no need for 800 languages for everybody in the world understand the message, but as it is, it's easier to reach the heart with the message

I don't have enough information on the differences between British and American English, but we have had a Brazilian bible without problems... but having it in our own Portuguese is so much better !! :D

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Thank you, brother João! We, here in Brazil, we are still under the effect of tremendous emotion when we receive this review. In fact, she does not even seem a review, but a completely new version! It was amazing how much easier the understanding of terms before we had to read and explain!
While we read we must now be careful not to run over the words and read as it was in the old version. This happened even with a speaker (a member of the Branch Committee) who was explaining about the new traits characteristics of this review. It was a comical moment during the talk. And he apologized, saying, "This is also my first time"  :lol:
All of us are no words to thank Jehovah for this perfect gift! We hope that you, in Portugal, to experience the same feeling as soon as possible! 


I'm already experiencing the same joy as you, brother Cristino! Even with this version in BR... It's so good! :):):) Thanks Jehovah!!

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I'm already experiencing the same joy as you, brother Cristino! Even with this version in BR... It's so good! :):) :) Thanks Jehovah!!


I'm happy with you, my brother! One of the biggest changes for us in Brazil, made the difference was the exchange of the pronoun "tu", we rarely used here for "você" and "vós" to "vocês", remaining "tu" only to Jehovah, as a form of respectful treatment. Never we would use the term "você" to Jehovah. I do not know if this would change in a version for you (vocês :lol: ) in Portugal.

Edited by Araujo JW
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I'm happy with you, my brother! One of the biggest changes for us in Brazil, made the difference was the exchange of the pronoun "tu", we rarely used here for "você" and "vós" to "vocês", remaining "tu" only to Jehovah, as a form of respectful treatment. Never we would use the term "você" to Jehovah. I do not know if this would change in a version for you (vocês :lol: ) in Portugal.

That's one of the major differences between Brazil and Portugal... And its difficult to explain in the context of this forum but I don't believe we will make the same changes on that regard... For example, we never direct to our children or mate with the word "você" but you in Brazil do so. One other major difference is that when referring to someone you just put the name of the person on the beginning of a sentence, like "Peter did this or that" (correct in eEnglishalso). But in Portuguese we would include the article "O" first... this would turn "The Peter did this or that"

The major differences are related to the grammatical construction of sentences. For lots of JW's witnesses here, which didn't get much secular education, but have lots of years in the truth, they are often confused as being born in Brazil... They only lack the accent :)

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I very Happy and also sad at same time...


Happy for you, Cristino and João, because you have the NWT Portuguese Edition...


Sad, because here in Angola, there is no news about the chance to receive the new Bible in up coming days and months.....


Please, enjoy it in my behalf..... :crying:

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I very Happy and also sad at same time...


Happy for you, Cristino and João, because you have the NWT Portuguese Edition...


Sad, because here in Angola, there is no news about the chance to receive the new Bible in up coming days and months.....


Please, enjoy it in my behalf..... :crying:

Hi Joel


Rejoice because you also can have the new revision in EPUB, PDF and JWPUB (For the app JW Library)

I don't know when I can have a paper edition also ;)


I don't know either what version you're going to use, if the BR or PT... or the Angolan?!

(BTW, I was born in Angola, live in Portugal, am reading in "Brazilian"... And writing in English :P)

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Brother Joel,


Brother Splane informed us that another version is being prepared for those who speak Portuguese of Portugal, which I believe is the closest to the Portuguese spoken in Angola.


And since the Brazilian translators have completed their work I believe that this will facilitate the work of translators who are working on the new revision of the Bible Portugal and related countries in the language. Therefore, your Bible will certainly be available soon!

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Brother Joel,

Brother Splane informed us that another version is being prepared for those who speak Portuguese of Portugal, which I believe is the closest to the Portuguese spoken in Angola.

And since the Brazilian translators have completed their work I believe that this will facilitate the work of translators who are working on the new revision of the Bible Portugal and related countries in the language. Therefore, your Bible will certainly be available soon!

Brother, we did receive a letter from our branch stating that from now until further notice the territories under the supervision of the Portuguese branch will not receive the new NWT Bible (Brazilian edition).

The territories are Madeira, Azores, S. Tomé e Principe, Cabo Verde.

Angola is not under the supervision of the Portuguese branch, so, we can't tell which version of the Bible they will use.

Nevertheless, I believe Angola literature is printed in South Africa, while the literature available in Portugal is printed in U.K. (at least, most of it).

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Brother, we did receive a letter from our branch stating that from now until further notice the territories under the supervision of the Portuguese branch will not receive the new NWT Bible (Brazilian edition).

The territories are Madeira, Azores, S. Tomé e Principe, Cabo Verde.

Angola is not under the supervision of the Portuguese branch, so, we can't tell which version of the Bible they will use.

Nevertheless, I believe Angola literature is printed in South Africa, while the literature available in Portugal is printed in U.K. (at least, most of it).

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João, what do you think about the use of this new version of the bible in electronic format? Afterall we are using a BR version, for which this one is a revised version....

But what you say above made me think if we shouldn't do it... :/

Edited by jayrtom
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Brother, we did receive a letter from our branch stating that from now until further notice the territories under the supervision of the Portuguese branch will not receive the new NWT Bible (Brazilian edition).

The territories are Madeira, Azores, S. Tomé e Principe, Cabo Verde.

Angola is not under the supervision of the Portuguese branch, so, we can't tell which version of the Bible they will use.

Nevertheless, I believe Angola literature is printed in South Africa, while the literature available in Portugal is printed in U.K. (at least, most of it).

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Perhaps the South African Branch print to Angola, simply by geographic location, having nothing to do with the language. Because we, brazilians, when we heard the speech of an Angolan, it sounds to us as someone born in Portugal.

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Yes, almost 90% of our Literature are printed in South Africa...

I believe some books ( i cant remember which ) are printed in Brazil Branch...


I had already download the NWT Brazilian Edition ( the only one yet avaliable ... and its awesome...

However, i believe i will enjoy most the Portugal Portuguese Edition...

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João, what do you think about the use of this new version of the bible in electronic format? Afterall we are using a BR version, for which this one is a revised version....

But what you say above made me think if we shouldn't do it... :/

Well, the instructions we received are clear, in theocratic events and witnessing we should use the previous versions of the NWT.

Regarding personal study and biblical discussion with our brothers and sisters I don't see any problem in using the NWT BR revision of 2015.

I already started reading the new version, and in my opinion the text have improved, nevertheless some familiar passages, now sound a little bit strange in the new Brazilian "style".

(I hope brother Cristino doesn't get upset with this honest comment)


Isaías 35:6 - Naquele tempo os mancos saltarão como os cervos.

Tiago 1:19 - Tenham isto em mente, meus amados irmãos: todos devem ser prontos para ouvir, mas devem demorar para falar e demorar para ficar irados.

(For our English speakers friends the references are: Isa 35:6; Jas1:19)

Edited by JABA
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