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How Do you Picture the Day AFTER Armageddon

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The Israelite army had to contend with dead bodies lying around...

Whether they had a victory over other races or if Jehovah had done the killing, the bodies were there.

Also, I'd be sure that the 24,000 who died in one day after worshipping the golden calf had to be buried by the survivors.


Edited by RaymondG
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I have this great 300 "ish" page story that was written by a brother who is a friend of the family, and he writes about the day after Armageddon, he describes in detail how quiet that first morning is and how the sounds of the turmoil and destruction outside from Jehovah’s great war,... sounds that they had listened to for such a long time, had finally stopped. He’s an older brother and writes about how he reaches for his glasses as he slowly gets out of bed and realizes that he doesn’t feel the aches and pains of old age that he normally did before, and that he doesn’t actually need his glasses..he uses good humor to write about waking up his wife of 50 years and discovering together how different they feel…then goes on to describe the rest of that first day after the end of this system..such a brilliant description, and after reading it I often think about that silence, the quiet of those first moments of the new world..and then slowly and steadily hearing the shouts of praise and unbelievable happiness of Jehovah’s people as they discover that first day.   :D 

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The Israelite army had to contend with dead bodies lying around...

Whether they had a victory over other races or if Jehovah had done the killing, the bodies were there.

Also, I'd be sure that the 24,000 who died in one day after worshipping the golden calf had to be buried by the survivors.


Yes, the bodies were there whether Jehovah killed them or not but they were in their own land and the Isrealites went back to their own homes and didn't have to deal with it.  Send me your address Ray so I can give it to Jehovah after Armageddon, I'll tell him to send all the bodies in my state to yours since obviously you don't mind dead bodies!  Why would Jehovah suround us with dead bodies when he knows they are unsanitary, unsightly, traumatizing for ANYONE!, smelly and bring nothing but sorrow and sadness? Is this what Jehovah WANTS us to experience right after sanctifying his HOLY name???!!

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Originally posted by shali

Yes, the bodies were there whether Jehovah killed them or not but they were in their own land and the Israelites went back to their own homes and didn't have to deal with it.  Send me your address Ray so I can give it to Jehovah after Armageddon, I'll tell him to send all the bodies in my state to yours since obviously you don't mind dead bodies!  Why would Jehovah surround us with dead bodies when he knows they are unsanitary, unsightly, traumatizing for ANYONE!, smelly and bring nothing but sorrow and sadness? Is this what Jehovah WANTS us to experience right after sanctifying his HOLY name?

You don't think that's a bit of a nasty response?

My post was in response to yours where you stated two cases where Jehovah didn't have them hang around and overlook the bodies, I just cited two where he did.

The bible record doesn't say whether or not they saw the bodies of the first-born who died, the sea undoubtedly swept away many of the army of the Pharaoh as the flood did to the dead of Noah's time. But Exodus 14:30 does say that the Israelites 'got to see the Egyptians dead on the seashore.'

As for the ones I mentioned, the golden calf worshippers did die in the land to which Jehovah had led them. The scriptures say nothing about burying the bodies, but surely they wouldn't have just left them there? And certainly, the others saw the dead.

The Israelites killed many people in the land promised to them by Jehovah, I doubt that they left the bones to lie in the sun forever.

Whatever lies before us, you can be sure that Jehovah will prepare us for the task. Revelation does talk about the birds eating the fleshy parts, but nothing about the bones.

Sorry, Brigette, but it seems your fears might be realised. However, the 'fleshy parts' will be consumed and they're the bits that rot and smell the most.

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I have to agree with Kalisto, the sound of quiet is the first thing I think I'll notice.


It's been a long time since I've heard the sound of a breeze blowing through the branch's of a tree or heard the sound of a cricket in the brush or heard the sound of the wings of a bee buzzing around the flowers. There is just to much noise in the air to hear these things I always loved to hear when I was younger. The sight of no cars on the roads delivering people in a hurry to be somewhere else, no horns or sirens blaring, trains rolling down the tracks, these things will be gone. And after all the noise of Armageddon the quiet should be really profound.


Then I will really appreciate my hearing being back in full just in time to hear quiet. Peace and quiet, can't wait.


After that I look forward to the beautiful sound of brothers and sisters working side by side and shoulder to shoulder in Jehovah's new work of making this earth full of the joyful sounds, sights and smells of paradise.

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Ummm, let's see...how can I put this? Oh I know! I just say it right? Yep and if I'm wrong please feel free to tell me as I have no doubt you will. Ok.

The day after Amageddon. I could be very wrong here but I don't think we'll miraculously be perfect the day after. That is a process. Then again maybe the problem is I'm taking the day after literally as in a 24 hour day? But then again that's how we humans look at a day anyway. I read some years ago in a Watchtower that just as it took some time to spoil the earth, it will take somevtime from it to get like Jehovah wanted it. Likewise, it will take some time for us with our Adam infected bodies to get back in full working order as Jehovah wanted it.

Oh don't get me wrong! I too long for things to be as Jehovah wanted. That way, for one thing, my mind will work right, I won't get tired as easily, won't have to worry about this stupid blood clot in my lungs (yes I sound a little angry about this clot because I am), and et cetera, et cetera, and et cetera.

But things take time.

Yet one thing that's a guarantee the literal day after Amageddon and that is no more wars or reports of such, crime of all sorts and...oh my goodness! Imagine! EVERYDAY HENCE FORTH WILL ONLY GET BETTER!!!

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Oh and the grand blessings of all the day after is knowing all survivors are worshippers of Jehovah! This means that no "different" ways of serving God.

I asked a man one day that with all the different religions but each claiming they're serving God the right way, if he was God, wouldn't he have a say in the matter. Of course he said yes. Well God does have a say in how he wants to be worshipped in the words of his Son, Jesus at John 4:24.

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I'm so sorry for your pain sister. But I hope and pray that after the miracle of surviving that great day our heavenly father and his son will preform miracles world wide and cure each one of us personally of all our current ailments just as Jesus showed kindness toward all he cured. Not with a long drawn out healing but instant joy.


It is just my opinion and we will all have to wait and see how things work out but, I believe by Jesus example, our heavenly father meant when he stated that he would bless us beyond our wildest dreams, the granting of us good health, limbs, sight and hearing instantly. Can you imagine someone growing legs like a tad pole does and not waking up with legs from a good nights sleep. Otherwise someone might be able to say just living good and eating well brought about our perfect bodies not Jehovah. He truly wants all to know he's responsible for our perfection and wouldn't it leave no doubt if it were done suddenly than drawn out, like waking up cured would.


Our heavenly father is the kindest person in the universe and knows the things we need before we even do or think to ask for, so in my mind he would not make us wait to develop whole perfect bodies before he put us to work in his perfect work of turning this earth into his vision of paradise. I couldn't imagine asking those who are blind or in a wheel chair or quadriplegic to wait till they are cured to be part of this great work. I look forward to seeing how Jehovah further blesses us right after Armageddon.


Peace and quiet, then joyful outcry.

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Hello Rick. I appreciate your responding. I did some looking and this is what I found, sources included.

1. Isaiah book 1, chapter 26, p. 355

"SHORTLY (caps mine) after the destruction of Satan's system of things, miracles like those that Jesus performed while on earth will no doubt take place on a global scale. This will allow all survivors of the great tribulation to share in the grand work of bringing the earth to a paradisaic condition."

How would we define "shortly"?

Watchtower, 3/15/2009, pp.11-15

"EVENTUALLY" (caps mine), the inhabitants of the new earth will wake up each morning to perfect health, thrilled with the prospect of another day."

"EVENTUALLY" (caps mine), the inhabitants of the new world will

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Thank you Luezette, I appreciate your saying eventually as stated, that's why I said it's only my opinion. As time goes by and the light keeps getting brighter and brighter we will all see more clearly. And when the end does come I'll be very happy to hug you and compare notes on the other side.

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opps, obviously this tablet isn't working properly or maybe I'm not. I hit the cancel button yet it's still here, grrrr.

Anyway, I appreciate you saying in your post "my opinion." Yes, we will have to wait and see. But, while not trying to play a word game, the words "shortly" means "in a short time, soon" and the word "eventually" means "finally, ultimately, at some later time." (Dictionary.com) Of course both definitions can carry wide speculations.

One thing is absolutely certain. And that is what Jehovah has in store for us will be beyond our wildest imagination! For although we have Jehovah's words of the future and his WORD that it will be so, what we see with our mind is still based on our imperfect mind of viewing things. For instance, if someone tells us of their vacation in the Carribean, we have mental pictures of the waters, the food, the people, etc. But we will never REALLY know how it was for them because we weren't there. After Armageddon will be such a marvelous time there probably won't be a dry eye in the entire globe!

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Ray my previous response was in no way meant to be mean or nasty. That is the problem with typing the written word as compared to hearing it spoken, it was meant to be more like impassiioned humor. I was passionate about not wanting to see or smell decaying bodies everywhere and I said I'd have Jehovah send them your way because you didn't seem to mind -that was meant to be humor. So sorry you thought I was being nasty to you, but I can understand how you could of thought that. Next time, I'll use the humor without the passion! LOL

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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You know I was also thinking, when the Isrealites left Eygpt, they had become so numerous that the Egyptians enslaved them to control them better, so the number of bodies probably wasn't overwhelming when compared to the number of Isrealites that left Egypt. But could we say that of our day? Even if we tripled our numbers before Armageddon, the number of bodies would be totally overwhelming to deal with (especially at the Wal-Marts, LOL).

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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Regarding Ezekiel 39: 11-13, "This is not to be understood as meaning that his Christian witnesses whom Jehovah preserves through the 'great tribulation' upon this system of things will be gravediggers and corpse buriers for the opening seven months of the righteous new system of things upon this earth. Its taking so many months to bury Gog's crowd is merely a picture to portray the vastness of the crowd of ungodly people who will perish in the destruction of this system of things, as well as the fewness of those whom Jehovah preserves alive on earth. Furthermore, as corpses were unclean in Israel, the burying of the corpses of Gog's crowd results in cleansing the land and signifies that this earth will be purified from all defilement by the ungodly servants of Satan the Devil alias Gog. Nothing of them will be left to defile the 'new earth'." --- kj chap. 20 p. 373 par. 13


"The fact that Jehovah leaves the bodies of those slain at the defeat of Gog's attack lying exposed on the ground for the birds and wild beasts to gorge themselves upon symbolizes that they will not be laid in respected memorial tombs in hope of a resurrection for them. The unburied dead, 'those slain by Jehovah,' will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the 'war of the great day' to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came our of the ark and renewed Jehovah's worship on earth." --- kj chap. 20 p. 377 par. 22, Ezek. 39: 17-19

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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Regarding Ezekiel 39: 11-13, "This is not to be understood as meaning that his Christian witnesses whom Jehovah preserves through the 'great tribulation' upon this system of things will be gravediggers and corpse buriers for the opening seven months of the righteous new system of things upon this earth. Its taking so many months to bury Gog's crowd is merely a picture to portray the vastness of the crowd of ungodly people who will perish in the destruction of this system of things, as well as the fewness of those whom Jehovah preserves alive on earth. Furthermore, as corpses were unclean in Israel, the burying of the corpses of Gog's crowd results in cleansing the land and signifies that this earth will be purified from all defilement by the ungodly servants of Satan the Devil alias Gog. Nothing of them will be left to defile the 'new earth'." --- kj chap. 20 p. 373 par. 13


"The fact that Jehovah leaves the bodies of those slain at the defeat of Gog's attack lying exposed on the ground for the birds and wild beasts to gorge themselves upon symbolizes that they will not be laid in respected memorial tombs in hope of a resurrection for them. The unburied dead, 'those slain by Jehovah,' will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the 'war of the great day' to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came our of the ark and renewed Jehovah's worship on earth." --- kj chap. 20 p. 377 par. 22, Ezek. 39: 17-19

Could you please tell me what book kj is?

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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I think knowing too much now is like unwrapping a gift that we already know what is. Love the surprise factor of the day  after Armageddon - and even though it's fun to think about it, in fact it becomes more real when we do - I don't think I want to know too much now.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I was thinking about what we'd be allowed to "take". Thinking of Akan who took what was devoted to destruction.

My daughter was joking in the car the other day, asking me if I've seen the beautiful house two blocks away from ours.

She said she was eyeing that one to move into after Armageddon.


Now, if Jehovah says that we shouldn't do that, or not to go to the local store and take anything, or maybe take what you need but not an ounce more,

and someone does. 

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I am trying to figure out how many people ever lived in the 6000 years since Adam.

As quick Google search doesn't seem to produce very accurate numbers.

I tried a search in the Online Library, but it seems I need to still learn to search. I'm sure the GB must have mentioned a figure before.

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That's interesting Jako because sometimes I think the same thing about what to take. I think of how the Israelites stripped the Egyptians right before they left.

There's a hotel here in Brooklyn and they let us use the bathroom. So sometimes while I'm on my way, I think to myself "I want this, I want that, etc. Lol. You never know.

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