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How Do you Picture the Day AFTER Armageddon

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It's a tea cosy ... always have one handy on your teapot - you never know when you will need it. (at least a six cupper)

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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Originally posted by I_want_to

Hey Ray are you coming back to Michigan this year? We would love for you to stop by our Congregation

Look a bit further forward than that, Margaret... perhaps April 2016.

Unless Armageddon gets here first, of course.

And to stay on topic, I'm going to be eagerly scouting around to find out what world travel will be like after Armageddon!

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Aw, you guys, I really thought it was a pet! Why can't we have a pet with us? After all when Armgd., is over, all of us will be physically well, no alergies of any kind! I told one of the elders at my hall, that if I get notice about the end and to flee, am grabbing my dog. I already have several bibles in varrious places in and out of my home. By the way, I don't expect my pet to live forever. He's alreadyy 8 yrs old. He's in good shape, but then you never know what can happen to you or the pet in these last days. So far since I got him, he's been attacked by another dog, survived, the last summer 2 weeks before International Conv., he was bitten by a copper head snake. He survived that. He survived a 1000 mile trip to Florida, and back. Freezing cold (he had 3 coats on him). He's a survivor! Lol I know, I have to let go and trust in Jehovah, and wheN things calm down, I know that Jehovah will give us antany of our rigtheous desires.

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I just picture myself, even amid the ashes and smoke, gallons of tears streaming down my face blinding me and face aching from smiling so much thinking that finally Jehovah was proved righteous as we knew all along and from now on things are going to get better and better!

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