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So it is said a woman lied about her race, saying she was black but is really white.

Frankly, I don't care either way actually because there is no man organization that can solve race problem.

However, what I find utterly disgusting is how much hatred there is for one race. Here they had/have a woman in a leadership position yet they're in an uproar because she's really white? Evidently their hatred is that deep that they'll rather concentrate on that instead of her qualifications. :(


Edited by Luezette
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Here's a more in depth article discussing her questionable background.


Some media outlets are trying to make it all about race, but she's lied about her entire background, and essentially disowned her family by claiming others as her parents.

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So it is said a woman lied about her race, saying she was black but is really white.

Frankly, I don't care either way actually because there is no man organization that can solve race problem.

However, what I find utterly disgusting is how much hatred there is for one race. Here they had/have a woman in a leadership position yet they're in an uproar because she's really white? Evidently their hatred is that deep that they'll rather concentrate on that instead of her qualifications. :(


It is sad what is going on.. Take for instance Germans are view white, yet there are dark skin Germans. The media,leaders,and Satan screw up everything in this world.  Says a person who is part German with no blue eyes.

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It is sad what is going on.. Take for instance Germans are view white, yet there are dark skin Germans. The media,leaders,and Satan screw up everything in this world.  Says a person who is part German with no blue eyes.

Satan must be working a lot of overtime.... but the followers of his, are deaf, and blind, guess we can't expect him to care, can we?

It just slays me that people will say Oh! I've read the Bible within a year. But they call God a liar, by what they believe. Amazing!.

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What about " white Africans who comes to this country, get citizenship, now they are....wait for it....African Americans. :)

The NAACP stands for the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. The last I check, white is a color, so, if she wants to president of a charter, she should be. The scene of this world is changing.

Just my 2 cents.

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What about " white Africans who comes to this country, get citizenship, now they are....wait for it....African Americans. :)

The NAACP stands for the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. The last I check, white is a color, so, if she wants to president of a charter, she should be. The scene of this world is changing.

Just my 2 cents.


Politically correct term is "African American."  I refuse to use the politically correct term.  When the NAACP changes their acronym, I'll consider becoming politically correct.  Just be glad I don't say colored or coloreds.  That'd be racist of me.  Yet the NAACP gets away with it because I'm white and they aren't.


A reporter one time was writing a story about a black person from South Africa.  This person was not in America, had never been to America and may never have gone to America.  The copy editor changed the story to be politically correct.  The black South African became an "African American South African."   Did I mention they weren't even American?


Shouldn't a native Egyptian living in the United States be called "African American?"  What about someone from Morocco?  How about a white South African that now resides in the United States?  How racist can you get when you bend over backward trying not to be racist?

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Politically correct term is "African American."  I refuse to use the politically correct term.  When the NAACP changes their acronym, I'll consider becoming politically correct.  Just be glad I don't say colored or coloreds.  That'd be racist of me.  Yet the NAACP gets away with it because I'm white and they aren't.


A reporter one time was writing a story about a black person from South Africa.  This person was not in America, had never been to America and may never have gone to America.  The copy editor changed the story to be politically correct.  The black South African became an "African American South African."   Did I mention they weren't even American?


Shouldn't a native Egyptian living in the United States be called "African American?"  What about someone from Morocco?  How about a white South African that now resides in the United States?  How racist can you get when you bend over backward trying not to be racist?

I think my comment was taken the wrong way or out of context .  I was not trying to offensive to anyone, please accept my apologies if you or anyone else was offended...  Here is a little unknown history for some who may not be aware of the back story of the NAACP.




The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(NAACP) is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909.[3] Its mission is "to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination".[4] Its name, retained in accordance with tradition, uses the once common term colored people.



Founders of the NAACP: Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W.E.B. Du Bois.

The Race Riot of 1908 in Abraham Lincoln's hometown of Springfield, Illinois, had highlighted the urgent need for an effective civil rights organization in the U.S. This event is often cited as the catalyst for the formation of the NAACP. Mary White Ovington, journalistWilliam English Walling and Henry Moskowitz met in New York City in January 1909 and the NAACP was born.[14] Solicitations for support went out to more than 60 prominent Americans, and a meeting date was set for February 12, 1909. This was intended to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the birth of President Abraham Lincoln, who emancipated enslaved African Americans. While the meeting did not take place until three months later, this date is often cited as the founding date of the organization.

The NAACP was founded on February 12, 1909, by a diverse group composed of W. E. B. Du BoisIda B. WellsArchibald GrimkéHenry MoskowitzMary White OvingtonOswald Garrison VillardWilliam English Walling (the last son of a former slave-holding family),[14][15] Florence Kelley, a social reformer and friend of Du Bois,[16] and Charles Edward Russell, a renowned muckraker and close friend of Walling who helped plan the NAACP and served as acting chairman of theNational Negro Committee (1909), a forerunner to the NAACP.[17]

On May 30, 1909, the Niagara Movement conference took place at New York City's Henry Street Settlement House, from which an organization of more than 40 individuals emerged, calling itself the National Negro Committee. Du Bois played a key role in organizing the event and presided over the proceedings. Also in attendance was African-American journalist and anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells-Barnett. At its second conference on May 30, 1910, members chose as the organization's name the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and elected its first officers, who were:[18]


One of my former co-worker who is white and from Africa, and now a citizen of the US , told me, when applying  for a job, they ask you to check a box, in regard to your ethnicity, on the job application. So, he checked African American, which he told me, he rightfully was.

To answer your last question, no.  An Egyptian "living in" the US should be called an Egyptian or an African its up to that person. However, it they apply for citizenship and becomes a citizen, I would think it would be up to that person if they would want the title of  being Egyptian/African American. I think, that most foreigners, who become American citizens, would say I am a American. 

In this system of things, Satan will always make sure, that all we see is color, and not just people.

So...like i said, if she want to be president of a chapter of the NAACP, so what.  :)

Only God's Kingdom will bring about real change.


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What about " white Africans who comes to this country, get citizenship, now they are....wait for it....African Americans. :)

The NAACP stands for the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People. The last I check, white is a color, so, if she wants to president of a charter, she should be. The scene of this world is changing.

Just my 2 cents.

It is a screw up world. I know someone who not black or white and the application says put down either. What can she put down if she is not one of them?

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I think my comment was taken the wrong way or out of context .  I was not trying to offensive to anyone, please accept my apologies if you or anyone else was offended...  Here is a little unknown history for some who may not be aware of the back story of the NAACP.



No, I was just ranting.  Definitely not responding to what you said, except to use it as a springboard. 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Well now it has gone further into a political argument...they are now saying that if a person can change their sex from what they are born with then why can't a person feel that they should have been born another race and claim that race like when they have a sex change...we are seeing some very depraved thought processes right now.

I really wish they would not need to ask what anyone's race is. It doesn't matter. I actually wrote in human on some paperwork before.

Satan sure does keep everyone in an uproar!!!

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Well, I live in the NYCHA and once a year you have to fill out an affidavit to claim you are who you say you are.

Anyway, the form asks for your ethnicity, and though it's optional claiming it wouldn't affect your housing, I always fill it in:

African-Caucasian-Native American. Yes, I'm aware they probably want just one but I just like to have a little fun. :) :)

The African part from my dad, the Caucasian part from my dad (his father is Caucasian, his mother is African American, and the Native American from my mother: Sioux from her mother, Cherokee from her father.

Lol. I'm a mutt!

Edited by Luezette
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African-Caucasian-Native American. Yes, I'm aware they probably want just one but I just like to have a little fun.


It sounds like you gave them the facts in black and white.  :)

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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I have the same argument Shawn! lol In fact, before I dated Vince, I was talking to another brother, who was considering dating, and he didn't want to date me because I said this... he was Haitian... I was like well if you are Haitian you aren't African American you are Haitian American. (BTW, I have 6 siblings who are haitian!) I do not like the title African American, because it makes absolutely no sense!!! lol haha Not ALL black people come from Africa.. and not all people who come from Africa are black. Colored, although now a days considered racist, is probably the most accurate way to describe some one non caucasian.. cause few people are actually black (although my haitian siblings are actually black! lol) most are various shades of brown... or just call us all brown people! lol haha Black and African American seem very inaccurate though.


I personally have always refused to use the term African American... and quite frankly so does Vince's "brown" grandmother. She says she was a descendant of a slave... 1) She has no idea where her heritage comes from... Africa or otherwise, there is no way to know! 2) America hasn't been that great to her... she would rather not be associated with it either! lol haha 


Vince's family and I have a inside joke, of us brown people got to stick together! lol ;) BTW, we are ALL every thing... if we are to believe we all descended from Adam and Eve! ;) Which I'm pretty sure all of us here do. I love that Jehovah has made so many different features in all of us.. can't wait for the new system to help every one see, that every one has a beauty no matter the shade of their skin! 

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So, let me make sure I understand this. If I am a boy but think I am a girl I can just be a girl and everyone is suppose to be ok with this choice but, if I am white but think I am black ... Well, that's just wrong and I need to just stop it. Is that how it works in this funny world?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So, let me make sure I understand this. If I am a boy but think I am a girl I can just be a girl and everyone is suppose to be ok with this choice but, if I am white but think I am black ... Well, that's just wrong and I need to just stop it. Is that how it works in this funny world?


I think it's more like if you live your entire life as a white person, even stating that you're white in official court documents, you're probably going to be ridiculed if you suddenly start claiming that you were born black, to black parents (who have no blood relation), and have black children (who also have no blood relation).

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Where I live it is inconceivable that you are asked about your ethnicity in an official document.


I suppose there are exceptions, such as medical research of drugs that work differently in people of different races, but other than that it's completely unnecessary.

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Michael Jackson, remember, changed his appearance so much that he became past the point of white - it was other-worldly.  He also highlighted racial identity (or lack or non-interest in it) in at least one song, Black or White.  Been there, done that.  Hey, we're all some colour, aren't we?  It's what makes us interesting :)

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Well, I live in the NYCHA and once a year you have to fill out an affidavit to claim you are who you say you are.

Anyway, the form asks for your ethnicity, and though it's optional claiming it wouldn't affect your housing, I always fill it in:

African-Caucasian-Native American. Yes, I'm aware they probably want just one but I just like to have a little fun. :) :)

The African part from my dad, the Caucasian part from my dad (his father is Caucasian, his mother is African American, and the Native American from my mother: Sioux from her mother, Cherokee from her father.

Lol. I'm a mutt!

I'm a mutt too and I love it. If anyone is a mutt , then stick your head out of your window and shout it out: I'm a mutt and I proud of it!! :)

Edited by Dustparticle
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Where I live it is inconceivable that you are asked about your ethnicity in an official document.


I suppose there are exceptions, such as medical research of drugs that work differently in people of different races, but other than that it's completely unnecessary.

This is were the subconscious world comes in. I think the American census started in 1790. Was it because of racial reasons? It seems that way. Let say it was. Yet, 225 years later it still exist,  basically not knowing what is true agenda is all about and we file it every 10 years.


 What I told friends lately is that, this is no longer a White America. This county id full of mix people and it will continue to grow even when the next Census pull in 2020.

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I use the term African American.  I do this cause I never who may be offended if I do not use this term.  Yes, that is being politically correct, still, I would rather use that term and not offend anyone.


I have found that even ones who do not consider themselves African American, are not offended when I use that term.


I do not like all the terms though this country is using in labeling each other.  Definitely think it's getting out of hand.  Where I live though, the term African American is a safe term to use.

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I use the term African American.  I do this cause I never who may be offended if I do not use this term.  Yes, that is being politically correct, still, I would rather use that term and not offend anyone.


I have found that even ones who do not consider themselves African American, are not offended when I use that term.


I do not like all the terms though this country is using in labeling each other.  Definitely think it's getting out of hand.  Where I live though, the term African American is a safe term to use.

The term Black is okay where I live. Yes, it is getting out of hand of how people labeling each other. It right on the borderline of racism. It is sad, but true.

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