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Man arrested after disrupting Jehovah's Witnesses convention

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The 23-year-old man was eventually arrested after officers were called about 7:50 a.m. Sunday. The suspect had allegedly been interrupting the services held during the convention at Mayo Civic Center, had damaged a 32-foot banner valued at $650, then yelled and swore at the people trying to deal with him.

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Nice that the police are backing us up. Unlike other countries.


He also sexually assaulted a couple brothers. Sick freak.

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritadi

If all else fails --- Play Dead Possum Lodge Moto -- Red Green

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Hmmm. I see he went dressed in order not to be detected, sort of blend in with all the brothers.  It's best not to stand out in a crowd if you are going to do something you might want to get away with. "Verrrry interesting" said with my best German accent.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Hmmm. I see he went dressed in order not to be detected, sort of blend in with all the brothers.  It's best not to stand out in a crowd if you are going to do something you might want to get away with. "Verrrry interesting" said with my best German accent.


It didn't say what color blouse he was wearing. What goes with blonde and pink?

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I guess it was kind of the brothers not to judge him and get rid of him on the first day.


"The behavior reportedly happened over a period of a few days, but the convention-goers tried to deal with it themselves, the report says."

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This is from someone that was there on Saturday:


There has been heighten security at the RC this weekend. There has been sabotage to the electrical system while the program was going and people trying to deface / disrupt the meeting. 
Wear your name badge or you might be questioned. Never seen this before in my 50 years of assemblies. I live in Midwest America not a big city.


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I noticed that too!   I think it might have been the inappropriate touching that broke the camels back.  Just knowing that children were around may have been a turning factor.  I can see them turning a blind eye on the money involved making the banner--it wont be used again.  The manner of dress would imply a mental issue, but when you can't keep your hands to yourself....that is a different story.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Who would have access to the electrical system---I am thinking of an electrical room so maybe my thoughts are to big.  Would not someone who works on site be there for help during the convention?  It also said "people" plural, not just a random person.  But maybe as an onlooker you are not privy to more details.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Here in NY we used to attend our conventions at race tracks as well. One time at a race track, we saw a man running, running and running. And you could see an item tucked under one of his arms. Two brothers were running, running, running after him. Finally they got him, tackled with him and walked away with the item under the guy arm. What was it? A handbag! Evidently, he stoled a sister's handbag.

But after that, you could hear the buzz from the few non-witnesses there "I didn't know they fight."

Right, we don't. Yet, if pushed us up against the wall as in endangering our welfare and there's no other recourse or endangering the life of our family...then yes we will defend. Some of you may feel that since that was a sister, then where does the family part come in at. Here: Aren't we family? And not only that but how do we know if that sister wasn't blood family to one of the brothers or maybe both of them.

There was an article on that very thing about protecting our loved ones some time ago. The slave's viewpoint was that if there is no alternative, then yes we would defend...just not to the point of death. I'll get it later.

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I truly do not believe that Jehovah doesn't expect us, nor want us to just sit there so to speak and allow our loved ones to be raped, etc. I'm thinking of the time when Abraham's nephew Lot was captured and it was reported to him. What did Abraham do? He gathered his men and went out to get his nephew. The fact that he took his armed men with him indicates, to me, that Abraham expected a fight! And he probably got one too. But he came back with Lot didn't he? Yep! :)

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When we lived in LA, we were on 1100 acres of a well known active oil field.  It was right above Sony Studios on LaCienega Blvd situated between Rodeo Rd and DuQuesne in the heart of Culver City.  We thought we were really secluded because it was a gated entry with 24hr armed security.  I would b at home alone while my husband was at work.  There was no 911 address associated to this property and the first time I called 911 the dispatcher did not know where I was calling from.  The county sheriff had to respond and call security from the gate to get in.  Several times there were men who gained access through the park fence and the oil fields.  They stole tools (expensive--several thousand dollars)  from my husbands basement.  My husband became alarmed and bought a hand gun.  He took classes from a LA SWAT team member who offered them through a gun shop and shooting range.  I asked the elders and they told me that my husband was not a witness and even if he was they could not tell him what to do.  I looked up ALL our literature that [retained to conscious matters and guns and came to the following conclusion.


1.  All three of these thefts happened during the day (probably thought the house was empty (it was 6800 sq feet two story mansion) that sat on the highest hill in the field.  You could see it well from LaCiengea setting all by its lonely.


The literature seemed to state that since it was day light (people could be easily identified) that this was more of a concern that by the dark of night.  Thief's were taking a big risk in being seen and if they were that brazen would mean business.  They were more than likely prepared to do what was necessary to keep from getting caught.  As long as the thief stayed outside and did not try and enter the house you would not go outside and shoot them. (My husband?  Not so sure about him.  He was very tired of replacing his work tools) Also if someone broke in (and my grand kids were there) I would be safe in making sure they were not harmed---use as little force as necessary to get the thief/intruder to flee.  If my only opportunity was to shoot them--well, they took that chance by breaking the law.


This has been one of a few times I was glad my husband was not a witness --avoided controversial subject matters.  I could rest at ease (or as easy as anyone can under these circumstances) and just pray for Jehovah's protection and guidance.  I don't honestly know what I would do if there was a gun handy and faced with an intruder.  I am squirrely enough I would probably shoot myself although my husband begs to differ.  He said he would hate to be the man that ruffled my feathers with a gun close by  . :pistols::boxing::cowboy::scared::shrugs::help::oops::eek::omg::taz:


As you can see, I have many conflicting feelings... :wub:



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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I remember many years ago a man tried to rush the stage at the San Francisco Cow Palace during the District Convention. About 6-7 brothers caught him and picked him up over their heads and carried him away, everyone clapped.

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Several young men streaked a Portland Oregon DC during a session.

This was at the out doors at old civic stadium.

They came out a side door on right field, ran alongside the building and dashed in a door a little further on.

No one clapped.  :D

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Like I said, I'm going to get the information. If someone gets it first fine, doesn't even matter.

Our personal opinions in this doesn't matter either....whatsoever! As long as those "opinions" are in harmony with Jehovah's viewpoint via the slave, then all is well.

Sooo, I'll "see" you all later tonight. Meeting in a few.

Edited by Luezette
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The 23-year-old man was eventually arrested after officers were called about 7:50 a.m. Sunday. The suspect had allegedly been interrupting the services held during the convention at Mayo Civic Center, had damaged a 32-foot banner valued at $650, then yelled and swore at the people trying to deal with him.

WOW!!! What a way to start your day!  Who needs "folgers in your cup" when you've got a guy in pink pants and a blond wig running around assaulting your elders and ministerial servants!  

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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