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Regards from Venezuela

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Charlotte, yes it's soo hard watching, listening, and knowing the horrific things going on in Venezuela, not only for the friends but for the all the people in that country. We also know that it can be stopped if only the current President of that country would be selfless. Yes, look how plump and healthy he and his companions are, as compared to the citizens. It breaks my heart too to see its citizens living in such deplorable conditions, especially the children, with many dying. Then when I read that the country will not accept food stuffs from here and other places my heart was not only further hurt, but outraged! It means too that even the brothers cannot send food and medical supplies. I saw them scavenging garbage for food, heard they kill their beloved pets just to eat! If it's tormenting us imagine what they're feeling! Oh wait.  That's just the people outside of prison who are suffering. I read that those arrested and languishing in prison are suffering too where, according to the United States' "inhumane and unusual punishment" (something like that) are being treated horribly, such as being fed human feces in their food! 

Yet isn't Venezuela's conditions typical of Satan's personality, with his "it's all about me" attitude? He has not changed. He never will. We know, don't we, that Satan's time is up. It's just a matter of it actually happening when he and his buddies are thrown into prison, and then eventually being destroyed. 

In the meantime, such conditions we know about whether through experiencing it personally, via the news, we have to endure! WE HAVE TO!!

Though we may not be experiencing such atrocities, we may be experiencing them spiritually. For instance, the people are literally starving. Are we starving spiritually? We can say we're not, but as in physical food the table may be full but if we don't eat, we'll starve. The same with spiritual food. Jehovah is feeding us an abundance. But if we don't eat, we'll starve. Yet why

don't we eat physically while the table is full? There are a number of reasons. One could be we're so concentrating on other things that we no longer have an appetite? The same with our spiritual food. We're so concentrating on other things that we no longer have an appetite. Don't do that!! 

Jehovah is very aware of what's going on in Venezuela!!! Yes, it breaks my heart too to hear and see the people suffering!!! I'm very sensitive in things like that and at times it's all I think about. Yet, thinking about how Jehovah must see (he sees more than we), and how Jehovah must feel (we mustn't forget he has feelings too), calms me down somewhat, at least enough to carry on. And soon, SOON, Jehovah will remedy the situation. 

In the meantime my sister...ENDURE!!!! Ask Jehovah to help you endure. Ask Jehovah to help our family there in Venezuela to endure!!!! 

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8 hours ago, Omo_Yeme said:


My dear sis...you and all of Jehovah's people know the answer to that question.   --->  1 John 5:19.

Yes dear Sis. I know scriptural the answer, but I was wondering if some official from somewhere else can make a difference like with Hitler. 


47 minutes ago, Luezette said:

Charlotte, yes it's soo hard watching, listening, and knowing the horrific things going on in Venezuela, not only for the friends but for the all the people in that country. We also know that it can be stopped if only the current President of that country would be selfless. Yes, look how plump and healthy he and his companions are, as compared to the citizens. It breaks my heart too to see its citizens living in such deplorable conditions, especially the children, with many dying. Then when I read that the country will not accept food stuffs from here and other places my heart was not only further hurt, but outraged! It means too that even the brothers cannot send food and medical supplies. I saw them scavenging garbage for food, heard they kill their beloved pets just to eat! If it's tormenting us imagine what they're feeling! Oh wait.  That's just the people outside of prison who are suffering. I read that those arrested and languishing in prison are suffering too where, according to the United States' "inhumane and unusual punishment" (something like that) are being treated horribly, such as being fed human feces in their food! 

Yet isn't Venezuela's conditions typical of Satan's personality, with his "it's all about me" attitude? He has not changed. He never will. We know, don't we, that Satan's time is up. It's just a matter of it actually happening when he and his buddies are thrown into prison, and then eventually being destroyed. 

In the meantime, such conditions we know about whether through experiencing it personally, via the news, we have to endure! WE HAVE TO!!

Though we may not be experiencing such atrocities, we may be experiencing them spiritually. For instance, the people are literally starving. Are we starving spiritually? We can say we're not, but as in physical food the table may be full but if we don't eat, we'll starve. The same with spiritual food. Jehovah is feeding us an abundance. But if we don't eat, we'll starve. Yet why

don't we eat physically while the table is full? There are a number of reasons. One could be we're so concentrating on other things that we no longer have an appetite? The same with our spiritual food. We're so concentrating on other things that we no longer have an appetite. Don't do that!! 

Jehovah is very aware of what's going on in Venezuela!!! Yes, it breaks my heart too to hear and see the people suffering!!! I'm very sensitive in things like that and at times it's all I think about. Yet, thinking about how Jehovah must see (he sees more than we), and how Jehovah must feel (we mustn't forget he has feelings too), calms me down somewhat, at least enough to carry on. And soon, SOON, Jehovah will remedy the situation. 

In the meantime my sister...ENDURE!!!! Ask Jehovah to help you endure. Ask Jehovah to help our family there in Venezuela to endure!!!! 

Thank you Sis. I appreciate your thoughts too, I'm praying for Jehovah’s kingdom as a means to end all suffering.  

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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I'm so sad seeing it on the news now, because we know now that the mainstream has picked it up it means it is really bad and "newsworthy".  But hearing from our brother Daniel how Jehovah has been sustaining all our faithful brothers and sisters all this time, I know that our family will come through this.  Praying always for your endurance to continue and for strength and comfort from Jehovah.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh my! That's just horrible! My brothers, only Jehovah can get you through this.  We are supporting you the best way we can through our prayers.  You will always be dear to us and in our thoughts and prayers, how much more so Jehovah.  He sees your suffering, he will keep you safe and remember you as we know not even death can separate us from Jehovah.  Much love, my friends.

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Dear brother Daniel,

It is so sad to hear about the situation in Venezuela, we have been praying for the brothers there since the time we heard about the situation. It's so encouraging to see that despite the difficulties you face, but you are still going house to house spreading Jehovah's message of a new world to come. Thank you for the updates, please send our love to the brothers there...

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I had no idea all.this was going on.
I recently had a brother come back from traveling overseas, he said we are so protected in Australia and have no idea what the world is like and the turmoil the world is in.
After reading this article I see he was so right and I feel ashamed that I didn't know my brothers were suffering like this.

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Sis Fiona, don't beat yourself up too badly, there are many others that are in the same position,  not knowing what is happening in Venezuela. .

It's sad that a human tragedy of this magnitude is oft times overlooked,  people have a hard time feeling bad for other people in another nation. (I don't mean us, we do what we can for our family ) Prayers help....

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Murder, rape: that is sordid and abject!

How much more suffering will we have to endure as a people until the end? (Hab 1:2,3). As the scripture says, “the wicked surround the righteous” (v. 4).

I listened carefully to the talk given at the RC2017 about Jehovah enduring so much and more than anyone else ever. Over the centuries (actually since Abel’s brutal murder), He has seen so many of His creatures, including His servants obviously, suffering under the Enemy’s rule through harsh rulership, disease, death, murder, etc., the list is too long to mention.

Jehovah must be deeply affected by all of this, he knows each one of them.

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Situation is dire here as the jw.org report says.
Yes, Antonio, one of my close brothers mentioned a few weeks ago the Governing Body is not going to hold back the gravity of the situation in Venezuela when it posts information on jw.org. Stay to the course! We love you and whole association of brothers!

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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk

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Fiona, like was said "don't beat yourself up..." I didnt know about it until several weeks ago, from a sister as we were walking home one night from the meeting. 

And yes, it does seem the politicians are caring more about their positions than their subjects. :(

But Jehovah knows this, sees this, hears this and will take care of it in his due time. Yes, it hurts us deeply, not just for the friends but for everyone in that country. But can we imagine just how much it's hurting Jehovah since he sees it all? After all, he has feelings too. 

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11 hours ago, Fiona said:

I had no idea all.this was going on.
I recently had a brother come back from traveling overseas, he said we are so protected in Australia and have no idea what the world is like and the turmoil the world is in.
After reading this article I see he was so right and I feel ashamed that I didn't know my brothers were suffering like this.

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i know how you feel ... when I first heard about this back in the beginning of this thread - (this was BEFORE knowing the gravity that we have just learnt) my stomach was tight and everytime we sat down to a good meal I'd feel guilty and wish I could wrap up our food and send it to them. I still now think about the brothers and sisters when we enjoy good food ... it's just so not fair for many to have lots and for many to have nothing.


You can't blame yourself for not knowing, media that is shown in Australia and NZ are slanted towards 'troubles' in Western Countries - not in Africa or China and we can't forget India and Nepal either ... even the terrible floods in Texas should be tempered with the catastrophic floods in Africa with high volumes of loss of life ... none is more horriffic than the other, we just don't get to know about the others. Thank goodness for jw.org newsroom.


Until though it was posted on jw.org I too didn't know the extent of the atrocities - Daniel244 had hinted that it was worse than even he could tell us and we understand that he being in the country has to be careful with his words. Thank goodness the FDS are speaking out where the people can't.


I have been telling people about Venezuela here in NZ ... people at work their eyes just glaze over, its not happening in NZ so what do they care? Even some local witnesses aren't comprehending that these people are our family ... people are killing and raping our family!!! We should be upset, we can even be angry - I know I am - but I have to roll that anger onto Jehovah and let him deal with it - we don't have a choice. If the society said to open our homes up for these brothers and sisters I know we all would on here do that in a heartbeat. But Jehovah is at the helm ... he is watching and he has the same feelings we do but personified.


Fiona, you know? If we had conditions like that in NZ or Australia - they would think the world was ending ... and I guess if I was honest, we are all hoping that as individuals we fly under the radar when it comes to atrocious conditions like this - and some of us may - but even if we do fly under the radar as far as persecution and poverty goes, each one of us will be tested with fire somehow.  And, if these conditions are extended to countries like Australia and NZ - then I hope we can endure as beautifully and as courageously as these beautiful dear brothers and sisters are doing in Venezuela.


Daniel - what can I say except to keep extending our love and prayers to you and your people on our behalf. The cry from jw.org will gain momentum amongst the brothers worldwide of that I'm sure. We love you all very much. 

Edited by Stormswift

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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I do not condone it but I can be more merciful toward looters who are after a loaf of bread for their starving families/children, than those who are after tvs, electronics,etc. - And even some acting crazy or upset is a side effect of fear, as the scriptures say "faint out of fear".... But the kidnapping, murder and rape are inexcuseable!... As Jehovah says, in the last days people look for excuses to commit "acts of loose conduct".... I'm waiting for it to hit here.. The scriptures say it would be more endurable for Sodom and Gomorrah than for this system on judgement day, so it's only going to get worse before it gets much better... just gotta hang in there and draw closer to the flock!

Edited by cricket246

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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This is beyond heart breaking. Only Jehovah's organization has spoken forthright about what is going on. It makes me think of just how very close the end must be.
Yes, you dear ones are setting such an example for the rest of us. I don't want my words to be just words. I want our love for you to be as active as possible, and I want to be able to show the same integrity and love for Jehovah that you have shown. And, yes, the bountiful food supply we have in well, USA, and Canada, its downright embarrassing in the face of what you dear, dear, precious brothers and sisters are going through. Love and prayers. I

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I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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