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"Sing to Jehovah" Songbook Statistics

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Bro . Christine,


Glad I was able to bring back some fond memories. I think that is one

of the most powerful aspects of music. Think of when David wrote

all of the Psalms for temple worship. Some of our best songs, that we

love the most,  are  based on his songs, written now 3000 years ago.



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2 minutes ago, GStorrs46 said:

Bro . Christine,


Glad I was able to bring back some fond memories. I think that is one

of the most powerful aspects of music. Think of when David wrote

all of the Psalms for temple worship. Some of our best songs, that we

love the most,  are  based on his songs, written now 3000 years ago.



Yes, my dear brother! Therefore the collection of ancient Kingdom Melodies are still part of my audio repertoire. 

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On 8/16/2016 at 3:22 AM, Friends just call me Ross said:

And just think of how incredibly beautiful it will sound with our perfect vocal cords and perfect pitch.yes.gif

Music SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifMusic SINGING.gifClapping BRAVO.gif



You bet it will be!!!

As for your eyes, straight ahead they should look, yes, your own beaming eyes should gaze straight in front of you - Prov. 4:25

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   On 8/15/2016 at 8:22 PM, Friends just call me Ross said:
And just think of how incredibly beautiful it will sound with our perfect vocal cords and perfect pitch.yes.gif
I have a perfect pitch but there is not much need for "perfectly awful".  My choral director thought I was good at carrying a tune (in a bucket).  You get the idea.
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  • 3 months later...

Now this statistic is updated until the meetings in the week of 26ⁿᵈ December 2016.

  • 2051 times we sung any song.
  • Rank of the ten most-sung-songs:
    • 1.: No. 92 (“Preach the Word”), 34 times
    • 2.: No. 69 (Make Me Know Your Ways), 33 times
    • 3.: No. 63 (Ever Loyal), 31 times
    • 4.: No. 75 (Our Reasons for Joy), 30 times
    • 5.: No. 109 (Hail Jehovah’s Firstborn!), 29 times
    • 6.: No. 45 (Move Ahead!), 95 (“Taste and See That Jehovah Is Good”) and No. 116 (The Light Gets Brighter), each 28 times
    • 9.: No. 61 (What Sort of Person I Should Be), No. 65 (“This Is the Way”) and No. 101 (Making Known the Kingdom Truth) each 27 times
  • Rank of the ten less-sung-songs (except new ones):
    • 1.: No. 19 (God’s Promise of Paradise) and No. 78 (Long-Suffering), each 5 times
    • 3.: No. 12 (Life Everlasting Is Promised), No. 21 (Happy, the Merciful!) and No. 126 (Our Labor of Love), each 6 times
    • 6.: No. 1 (Jehovah’s Attributes), No. 14 (All Things Made New), No. 28 (The New Song), No. 38 (Throw Your Burden on Jehovah), No. 46 (Jehovah Is Our King!), No. 55 (Life Without End—At Last!) and No. 127 (A Place Bearing Your Name), each 7 times
  • The most sung new songs are No. 138 (Jehovah Is Your Name), 8 times and No. 137 (Grant Us Boldness), 5 times
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  • 3 months later...

I found the Red Song book here:


It is the real thing "Kingdom Service Song Book." Brings back memories. My sister and I could really belt out number 26 "Forward Go!"

I can't find anything researching the source 'ia6000306.us.archive'




 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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  • 1 month later...

In case anyone is interested (and a collecting geek like me) I will be uploading all the official Kingdom Songs from the 1984 songbook (the same as I did with the 1966 one) in 320k along with scans of the songbooks themselves in English and Spanish. They are ripped from the congregation CDs so are in piano-only format.

It's bigger on the inside!

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On 21/4/2017 at 11:53 PM, Old said:

My sister and I could really belt out number 26 "Forward Go!"

"Forward goooo; fearlessly gooooo. As an army let us go, to combat our wicked foe!" Is that the one? Although that's from the pink songbook not the red one... I'm not that old...yet! 

It's bigger on the inside!

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38 minutes ago, Stoffer said:

"Forward goooo; fearlessly gooooo. As an army let us go, to combat our wicked foe!" Is that the one? Although that's from the pink songbook not the red one... I'm not that old...yet! 

That is the right one, here is the chorus in 1944 speak:


Then forward go!              Fear-less -ly go!                              Turn the battle to the gate; 

                                 Yes, go!                                Fear-less-ly go!      


Do not tar-ry, do not wait;  follow Jeph-thah, who can-not fail.


Fol-low-ing him, ye shall pre - vail!  


 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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50 minutes ago, Old said:

That is the right one, here is the chorus in 1944 speak:


Then forward go!              Fear-less -ly go!                              Turn the battle to the gate; 

                                 Yes, go!                                Fear-less-ly go!      


Do not tar-ry, do not wait;  follow the greater Jeph-thah, who can-not fail.


Fol-low-ing him, ye shall pre - vail!  


Whoops, lost something the first time around.

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Bro. Jerry, I believe you and my eldest brother are in the same age group because every time we get together to play scrabble, he starts belting out songs from the old songbooks! I would just look at him with bewilderment and he would say: "This is waaay before your time kiddo!" :lol:

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35 minutes ago, Omo_Yeme said:

Bro. Jerry, I believe you and my eldest brother are in the same age group because every time we get together to play scrabble, he starts belting out songs from the old songbooks! I would just look at him with bewilderment and he would say: "This is waaay before your time kiddo!" :lol:

I would have been six the year the  Kingdom Service Song Book came out.  

We were quite militant in those years.

This discussion got me on a roll, here is song 26, from 1944.


26     Forward Go !

       (Isaiah 28: 6)


1. Have you a song to sing for Je - ho - - vah?

Have you a song of his reign and glo - ryl

Have you a mes-sage clear for all men to hear,

And a com - mis - sion to tell the sto - ry?


2. War - riors of God, a - rise, join the ar - - my

Un - der the Cap - tain of his Free Na - tion;

Take up the shield of faith and the Spir-it's sword,

And take the hel - met of his sal - va - tion.


3. Not in your own might think ye to con - - quer;

Not of your selves can ye win the bat - tle;

But in the strength of God shall his hosts pre-vail,

Bring-ing to nought Ba-shan's bulls and cat - tle.



Then forward go! (Yes, go! ) Fear-less -ly go! ( Fear-less-ly go!)  Turn the battle to the gate; 

 Do not tar-ry, do not wait;  follow Jeph-thah, who can-not fail.

Fol-low-ing him, ye shall pre - vail!  


We were in the "Eureka Company of Jehovah's Witnesses", located in an old storefront at Harris and K (if my memory serves me.)


OT, My wife and I watched "The New Word Society In Action" video as part of out family worship this week. Again I got to see my Grandmother playing the organ at WBBR. Long time ago, and far, far away. We only have a couple of pictures of her. I used to think she looked old, perspectives change.



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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Did it again, my eyes tend to see what they want to see and not what I think I am saying.



Then forward go! (Yes, go! ) Fear-less -ly go! ( Fear-less-ly go!)  Turn the battle to the gate; 

 Do not tar-ry, do not wait;  follow THE GREATER Jeph-thah, who can-not fail.

Fol-low-ing him, ye shall pre - vail!  

 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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15 hours ago, Old said:

Did it again, my eyes tend to see what they want to see and not what I think I am saying.



Then forward go! (Yes, go! ) Fear-less -ly go! ( Fear-less-ly go!)  Turn the battle to the gate; 

 Do not tar-ry, do not wait;  follow THE GREATER Jeph-thah, who can-not fail.

Fol-low-ing him, ye shall pre - vail!  

Lol- thank you!  I'm singing the song in my head and the note count kept being wrong! :D


That became "Follow the Warrior King"

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