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The Watchtower Study Edition—December 2018

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The Watchtower Study Edition—December 2018




Answer to this question: What is the meaning of the “third heaven” mentioned at 2 Corinthians 12:2?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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I love the first article and how it used John 3:3-6 and reasoned that Jesus must have been referring to an earthly paradise when he told the dying criminal that he would be with him in paradise. It said that the criminal had not even been baptized. I’m going to have to use that! You could reason with someone and say that if those born again must be baptized first, then certainly unrighteousness ones who have died who weren’t baptized must be awaiting an earthly resurrection.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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The Dutch version really surprised me! The first article is called: "See you in Paradise". See the picture below why it's weird to see exactly this sentence in the Dutch magazine


(Hint: although the Netherlands is small and the language not spoken by too many.. it does differs significantly from English)f28823940209c25f11be22c27addb8e0.jpg&key=0767914578e1762a3e500143a4472181f8f8f9f0cfc1460493ba2572f292cdd2


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The Dutch version really surprised me! The first article is called: "See you in Paradise". See the picture below why it's weird to see exactly this sentence in the Dutch magazine
(Hint: although the Netherlands is small and the language not spoken by too many.. it does differs significantly from English)f28823940209c25f11be22c27addb8e0.jpg&key=0767914578e1762a3e500143a4472181f8f8f9f0cfc1460493ba2572f292cdd2
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Does this little translator joke bother you? Would it feel weird to you to use the expression in contemporary Dutch?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Br. Sebastian, are you saying the the article title below the picture is written in English?  Is that true of the other articles in the December magazine?

No, all the other titles are in Dutch. Only the first one is English.


It's beautiful by the way. Almost everyone in the Netherlands is used to English and can speak/read English to a certain level. And we see more and more English words introduced in our Dutch vocabulary.


The organisation was always translating everything literally to Dutch, even though many brothers thought some things were more beautiful in English.


But since a few years I see more and more English being used in the Dutch translation. For example a phrase from one of our videos was exactly copied from English: "Have no fear, Roy is here".


But this is the first time I see a title of an article completely in English, in the Dutch magazine!


(Two examples which might differs from other languages:


• original songs are NOT translated to Dutch. Only subtitles. And I think at least 75% of the Dutch are very glad the organisation does it like this


• New full-length movies have two options: one is the "convention" release: spoken Dutch. And one is with subtitles, but, like almost all movies in a cinema and on television here, these are used under the English version of the movie).


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Does this little translator joke bother you? Would it feel weird to you to use the expression in contemporary Dutch?

Not at all! I like it very much!

Sometimes when it would be translated to Dutch it will lose some of it's power. I don't know.. but it might sound a little "cute, sweet, fluffy etc. in Dutch, you know


But I was just surprised. It's the modern way of translating


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Not at all! I like it very much!Sometimes when it would be translated to Dutch it will lose some of it's power. I don't know.. but it might sound a little "cute, sweet, fluffy etc. in Dutch, you know
But I was just surprised. It's the modern way of translating
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It’s always a challenge for translators to convey the same emotions to the goal readers as was intended in the original language. Our translators receive constant training to manage this.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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Our Paradise Future is a goal to work towards


The first Study article found in December 2018 Study WT reminds us of the hope that drew many of us to the truth in the beginning. Long before we learned to love our Heavenly Father and serving him.  He has become number one in our lives. Still Jehovah wants us to look to that hope and we are encouraged by him to do so. (This article highlights this point)

Jesus too had his eyes on his prize Heb 12:2 also Paul Php 3:14. This helps us see it is good for us too to keep our eyes on the Paradise to come.

Question: 13, 14. .....Isaiah 65:21-23, .... what part of that prophecy yet needs fulfillment? 

13 Read Isaiah 65:21-23. The Jews did not return to comfortable houses; nor did they find cultivated fields and vineyards. But that would change as God blessed them. What a joy for them to build houses and live in them! They could plant crops and enjoy the healthful fruitage.

14 Notice an important detail of that prophecy. Will the time come when our days “will be like the days of a tree”? Some trees live thousands of years. Humans would have to be healthy in order to have lifespans of such length. If they could live in the conditions that Isaiah foretold, it would be a dream come true, a paradise! And that prophecy will be fulfilled!


Talking of the Resurrection 


Question: 21. What did not happen to the criminal, and why?

21 That dying criminal did not know that Jesus had made a covenant with his faithful apostles to be with him in the heavenly Kingdom. (Luke 22:29) Furthermore, that criminal had not even been baptized. (John 3:3-6, 12) We can  thus understand that what Jesus promised must be an earthly paradise. Years later, the apostle Paul related a vision of a man “caught away into paradise.” (2 Cor. 12:1-4) Unlike the dying criminal, Paul and the other faithful apostles were selected to go to heaven to share with Jesus in the Kingdom. Still, Paul was pointing to something to come in the future—a future “paradise.” * Would that involve the earth? And can you be there?


Please use the link to help answer the final two questions;


Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 7:14 PM, Sheep said:

An English title creeping into a Dutch Watchtower!!! What will they think of next?

English seems to creep into many languages. 


When I listen to my family talking together in German, I can be certain that for some it's half English. For others certain English words seem to click better into the conversation. 

Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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This is also a very interesting article in the December study Watchtower. 


Looking to Jehovah for our next meal


Question 8. Why should you draw close to God now, and how will this benefit you in the future?

Soon, every part of Satan’s world will come crashing down, and Jehovah will be our only security. Indeed, the time may come when we will depend on him for our very next meal! (Hab. 3:2, 12-19) Yes, now is the time to draw close to your heavenly Father and strengthen your trust in him. (2 Pet. 2:9) If you do, then no matter what happens around you, you will feel as did the psalmist David, who wrote: “I keep Jehovah before me constantly. Because he is at my right hand, I will never be shaken.”—Ps. 16:8.


Also the thought about who Jehovah allows to become part of His family 


Paragraph 9 Jehovah draws those whom he allows to become members of his spiritual family, gently attracting honesthearted ones to true worship. (Read John 6:44.)


Paragraph 11 adds this thought on friendships. 


It is no exaggeration to say that as a worshipper of Jehovah, you have the very best kind of friends, and they are all around the world. It is just that you have yet to meet most of them! Who other than Jehovah’s people enjoy this precious gift?



Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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This article is addressed to our Younger Ones. Its entitled Young Ones Your Creator Want's You To Be Happy. 


It encourages our young ones (and why restrict it to just them? Doesn't it also apply to us too? )


What fine spiritual goals can you set for yourself?


Here are the suggestions and there are one or more that I am trying to work on, so let us apply it personally . Plus there may be other things we feel we need to work on. 


Do you have one or more spiritual goals that you are working toward? Perhaps you are trying to read portions of the Bible each day. Or you may be trying to improve your speaking and teaching abilities. Whatever the case, when you see positive results—or others see them and commend you—how do you feel? No doubt you feel a sense of achievement and joy. And so you should, in no small part because you are putting God’s will ahead of your own, in imitation of Jesus.—Ps. 40:8; Prov. 27:11.


paragraph 13 gives this advice our youngsters : By focusing on spiritual pursuits, you are also doing a work that is truly satisfying because it is not in the least futile. The apostle Paul wrote: “Be steadfast, immovable, always having plenty to do in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in connection with the Lord.” (1 Cor. 15:58)



Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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The second study article for youths has a helpful chart of Goals they can reach out for. 

But there is going to be a question on JWT regarding the list and who it is aimed at.....

Take another look


What do we add for sisters on the point "Become a Ministerial Servant" ?

we could re name it and use Marry instead of become  😂😂😂😊😊


Hebrews 10:25 …. encouraging one another...even more as you see the day drawing near.

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6 hours ago, Mac_Tky said:

The second study article for youths has a helpful chart of Goals they can reach out for. 

But there is going to be a question on JWT regarding the list and who it is aimed at.....

Take another look


What do we add for sisters on the point "Become a Ministerial Servant" ?

we could re name it and use Marry instead of become  😂😂😂😊😊

I don't think the lists need to have equal number of goals for men and women.  There are so many goals listed that one ordinary youth would have plenty to choose from.

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