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What are your dreams or mental images about judgement?

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I figured this would fit here best since it's just discussing what people themselves have imagined and nothing with basis.


So.. anyone dream of the GT, Armageddon, and/or Judgement or have a personal mental image about how you think it'd go especially the separation and judgement? I've had several dreams, but only a few I remember.. And after reading posts on here, where I used to think the bible was literal (Jesus would come down visible and group people in some large area like a desert) I'm kind of now questioning that since seeing others posts on it, and then also kinda logically wondering how you would put every person alive in one large group... and how that doesn't make sense.


So, what have you dreamed and/or pictured of it?


I had 1 dream where a new book was released. Some received it, others didn't.  Then everyone in the world was in a line in front of Jesus or someone (dreams make it fuzzy) and when they got to the front, they presented their book as a mark to show they were righteous, and the ones that didn't have a book were ejected downward into a trap door like you see in cartoons, to be dealt with later. In the dream when it came to my/spectators turn, realized I had no book, and at last second, hugged the person up front, shouted "NO! God is love!" as if thinking this whole dream system was absurd and shouldn't work that way and woke up.


Another dream I had Jesus 'flew' over everyone on earth, some disappeared, others stayed and in the dream I was cowering on the ground in fetal position fearing for my life when I was 'flown over' and woke up before the end.


For mental images... I kinda just pictured how the bible symbolized it. Crowds on the right, crowd on the left, despite the mass of people that would be.


What's your take?

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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I don't remember having any dreams about Armageddon, but the way I imagine it is more or less as in the video from the convention last year. The world becomes a chaos. God's people is persecuted. Faithful Witnesses stay together in groups in basements or houses or forests, wherever (maybe the those are the "inner rooms" from Isaiah 26:20). Then Jesus comes to save us and execute judgment. We don't see anything, just stay hidden in our inner rooms until it seems everything is over. Then we go out and meet the rest of the friends in the area and start a new life together.


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  On 5/10/2019 at 11:36 PM, carlos said:

I don't remember having any dreams about Armageddon, but the way I imagine it is more or less as in the video from the convention last year. The world becomes a chaos. God's people is persecuted. Faithful Witnesses stay together in groups in basements or houses or forests, wherever (maybe the those are the "inner rooms" from Isaiah 26:20). Then Jesus comes to save us and execute judgment. We don't see anything, just stay hidden in our inner rooms until it seems everything is over. Then we go out and meet the rest of the friends in the area and start a new life together.



Then how would the separation take place? I remember reading a watchtower that said strength to endure was needed because without it no one could get through the GT, but if they managed to, they'd be cut down when judgement came. So then would people just disappear, or...  how would one know how they were judged? That's the part I can't picture.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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Years ago, I had vivid dreams of being destroyed at Armageddon.  I was a teenager then, I knew it was the truth, but I didn't want to commit (and I was living a double life).   So, of course, my conscience was figuring strongly in these dreams.  They stopped when I made the right decision and no, it wasn't guilt that brought me in to the truth.  It was love for Jehovah,  and I have since felt peace in my life despite the mess of this system we need to live in.  My dreams do not figure Armageddon anymore.  Sometimes they are about the resurrection, and I see my dad again.


Regarding how the separation work will occur, I haven't thought about it too deeply.  I just know because Jehovah can read hearts, I leave that up to him.  It helps me not to worry about my children who at this stage show no interest for the truth.  I too think it will be similar to how we've seen depicted in our recent conventions, as Carlos described.

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i don't fear armageddon.


Christ will finally arrive in kingdom power and reveal more accurately the deeper things and straighten out the congregations and myself included even more.


I see more mercy being given then we think but thats a personal thing many don't share... at any event i pray to be qualified to be a citizen of Jehovahs domain under Christ rule till we all learn to live in holyspirit and be ready for everlasting life in relationship with Jehovah and His son(our everlasting oldest brother) ; and the universal family.


Satan and demons will be abyst

babylon the great will end.

the wild beast will end


my thoughts about the great tribulation is that its going to be very interesting possibly like the ten plagues in some way's..... 

false christs

signs inspired by demons to mislead

I use to fear famine and deadly persecution....  but i'm not sure about that anymore.  it could happen very fast and those things be prevented.... have to wait and see.  at any event revelation has the key to the things that must shortly take place.  daniel has very little left to fullfill.  will be interesting if the brothers do a new revelation book with some new clarifications along with mathew chapter 24 thru 26.


I've enjoyed the brothers taking the lead; many nice changes.


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I constantly have dreams (the majority being nightmares.) I tend to dream more about the Great Tribulation than Armageddon, and for some reason I'm usually in a vehicle or bus with fellow brother's and sisters (a few relatives) and typically it's nighttime and we're trying to keep a low profile lol.

I live in a temporary reality- awaiting the day I wake up to life in the real world!

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  On 5/11/2019 at 12:06 AM, hatcheckgirl said:


Regarding how the separation work will occur, I haven't thought about it too deeply.  I just know because Jehovah can read hearts, I leave that up to him.  



Same with me. One thing is certain; Jehovah's judgment will be correct.


I just hope I don't take the judgment out of his hands by being unfaithful or disloyal.


I don't deserve life , but no one does. There remains Hope.


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  On 5/11/2019 at 12:06 AM, hatcheckgirl said:

Years ago, I had vivid dreams of being destroyed at Armageddon.  I was a teenager then, I knew it was the truth, but I didn't want to commit (and I was living a double life).   So, of course, my conscience was figuring strongly in these dreams.  They stopped when I made the right decision and no, it wasn't guilt that brought me in to the truth.  It was love for Jehovah,  and I have since felt peace in my life despite the mess of this system we need to live in.  My dreams do not figure Armageddon anymore.  Sometimes they are about the resurrection, and I see my dad again.



When I was inactive, I had a dream that  a lot people were following a road .. At the end of the road, there's a large snake on fire.. Then I decided to not to follow the major road. However, I fell and someone held me by the hand. He's a man but I did not see his face..


Then after a year, I said a prayer that I wanted to go back to Jehovah but I couldnt do it by myself... 

After that, one time, I attended a meeting. The watchtower study talked about the prodigal son.. Its the thing that I really needed. I understood that Jehovah was waiting for me.. I was 25 yrs old. 


Then the dream about the snake stopped. It was a bumpy road going back to Jehovah but like a man who gave his helping hand. Jehovah helped me to endure. 

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  On 5/11/2019 at 12:46 PM, JennyM said:

There will be resurrected ones. 


I'm not sure God will raise the dead into an chaotic earth. That's not the pictures we always dream of about the new world

they will be ressurected into a garden full with flowers instead of the earth full of debris. that's will be completely our job.

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  On 5/11/2019 at 12:43 PM, tuntun said:

with the number of JW's like now, it might took a hundreds years in the new world just to clean this up.


Maybe. Or maybe not. We don't know what kind of assistance we will be given by Jehovah to accomplish this. Whatever we need to do, we will be healthy and full enough of energy to do it, so it's okay. 🙂

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  On 5/16/2019 at 11:21 AM, Saffron said:

Maybe. Or maybe not. We don't know what kind of assistance we will be given by Jehovah to accomplish this. Whatever we need to do, we will be healthy and full enough of energy to do it, so it's okay. 🙂


Just like when we are cleansing the kingdom hall for sure :) 

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  On 5/11/2019 at 12:43 PM, tuntun said:

with the number of JW's like now, it might took a hundreds years in the new world just to clean this up.




Unless Armageddon is so powerful it just "glasses" everything, and all we are left with is dust. Then Jehovah just "breaths" onto the Earth and blows it all away, revealing the landscape underneath, that would be pretty cool :).




As for the OP...  I've never had dreams directly of Armageddon , but I've had dreams of terrifying thunder and darkness (usually from anxiety in my sleep, but this is very rare). The thunder was so loud it vibrated my whole body to the bones and caused me to fall to the floor from the sheer pressure I felt above me, the skies went pitch black, blacker than night, not even a star or cloud to be seen, and there was just the emotion of complete terror and helplessness. I imagine that could be alike to what Jehovah's wrath could feel like as described in some scriptures about Jehovah "thundering".

Edited by EccentricM
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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes I have had a few over the years but one in particular stuck with me.

       I was standing on a children’s playground at night. There  were children running and playing in the twilight . There were playground monitors patrolling with whistles on lanyards Arachne their necks. Gradually then with greater rapidity the children began running around whispering to one another some message the sound of them became louder and louder until they were so load that the patrolling monitors began to be alarmed and started blowing their whistles trying to silence them. 

     In the night sky a light began to grow in the clouds as if a Star was going supernova far above. 

     The thin high clouds suddenly parted revealing a bright white star , a new star, so bright that the entire area was in full light. 

    All the Children began in unison to call out Jehovah’s name ! The Patrolling playground monitors now greatly alarmed continued to sound their whistles! 

                          This is when I awoke. Make of it what you will, it had meaning to me. 

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The following is a dream of my own resurrection. 

     I am in complete darkness, lying still and at rest. I hear the distant sound of a shovel hitting dry earth over and over. Gradually I see tiny bits of light in the darkness. Then I hear the deep long tone of a Shofar blowing. Then I wake up.

        I’m not claiming it’s prophetic but I personally feel that I will die . 

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My mental image of the last judgment...

I think it would be quite cinematic, magnificent and holy...


Why cinematic?

Think about it..

It's a climax that Jehovah, Jesus and all the other angels have been preparing for thousands of years.

Think about how wonderful human can make an event if they have been working on it for years.

The purpose is to let all the creatures KNOW for eternity that God exists and his name is holy and that mankind has been sinning against Jehovah.


But I don't think - or I hope - that it would be a series of heartless, ruthless mass murder.

Instead of people being crushed and crashed into pieces, they might simply vanish... (But I also remember the verses describing eagles eating flesh)


How will it impress on people?

I think it'll depend on their relationships with Jehovah.

If good, holy and happy.

If not, scary and terrible. 


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I had a dream the other night, where I was in my street with my mom, and the sun turned a dim red, and there was then no other colour than this dim red light on the planet, all round, the clouds, everything. The birds stopped singing, pure silence, almost like there was no other life on the planet, no wind.


I turned to my mom and said "this is it! It mentioned this in the Bible!" and that was the end of it. I think somewhere my brain must have took the "moon turning red" and applied it to the context of my dream, lol.

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i think we will be in our "interior rooms" however we are directed and where ever we are directed to be. In every case of judgement it doesnt appear the faithful physically looked upon. Noah was in the ark, Lot was told to flee, the first century Christians had to get out of Jerusalem. Humans are not meant to view people being destroyed like that. It has a lasting effect. Just my opinion tho. Jehovah is righteous...He will make the right call

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

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  On 6/12/2019 at 2:26 AM, Hammerhead said:

i think we will be in our "interior rooms" however we are directed and where ever we are directed to be. In every case of judgement it doesnt appear the faithful physically looked upon. Noah was in the ark, Lot was told to flee, the first century Christians had to get out of Jerusalem. Humans are not meant to view people being destroyed like that. It has a lasting effect. Just my opinion tho. Jehovah is righteous...He will make the right call

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk


Yeah... but then what's to keep someone from simply following the JWs the moment they see something happen? Like going to the meeting that night religion is banned, or tagging along on the judgement message? I tried looking that up and saw a watchtower a while back in the library about them being cutdown. But for the life of me I can't find it again no matter what I search.

.gnihtyna yas t'nseod ti tuo dnif uoy ,syas yllautca siht tahw ezilaer uoy emit eht yB

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  On 6/12/2019 at 4:23 AM, Nirex said:

Yeah... but then what's to keep someone from simply following the JWs the moment they see something happen? Like going to the meeting that night religion is banned, or tagging along on the judgement message? I tried looking that up and saw a watchtower a while back in the library about them being cutdown. But for the life of me I can't find it again no matter what I search.


A talk from bro Morris, I guess last month.. He said people won't believe it (Jehovah's day)  until it happens but it will happen. 

Only 8 souls were saved in Noah's ark.. 


Our focus now is on rightly disposed ones..The masses has been already preached.. 

We knock on the door and people already know by our looks that we are Jehovah's witnesses.


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