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1 hour ago, Dages said:

I just read "If tomorrow starts without me" and I was wondering if we have a JW version of this theme

Yes.  We do.  It's a song called "The New World to Come"


"The New World to Come"



Take a moment now and picture the scene.

Up ahead on the path are what seem to be

Children laughing at play

In a world free of the fears we once faced.

And taking care of this beautiful earth

Are a people that live by our Father’s words:

“Until the moon is no more”—

There is the peace we have been waiting for.

We will feel His love

Under the rule of His Son

In the new world to come.



Hope is a fire in our hearts.

Hope is an anchor that holds us firm.

Hope is a light that shines like the sun

As we see ourselves there

In the new world to come.


2.Take a moment now and think of a place

By the mountains and rivers or wide open plains.

It’s a place to call home.

And now walking in through your front door,

There is someone that you know

Holding out his open arms in hopes

Of a tearful embrace—

Feels like forever since you’ve been face-to-face.

Even death won’t stop

Our God’s outstretched love

In the new world to come.



Hope is a fire in our hearts.

Hope is an anchor that holds us firm.

Hope is a light that shines like the sun

As we see ourselves there

In the new world to come.



And ev’ry word from His mouth

Will do all for which He sent it out.

Jehovah’s will for this earth is

Fulfilling ev’ry living things’ last wish.



Hope is a fire in our hearts.

Hope is an anchor that holds us firm.

Hope is a light that shines like the sun

As we see ourselves there

In the new world to come,

In the new world to come,

In the new world to come,

In the new world to come.



Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled with tears for me,


I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Haven’t written in a while. Here is a new poem:


And when my day 

Is difficult 

And once again 

I mourn

the loss of lives

so precious

and loss of love


of youth that’s long

been fading,

of friendships 

gone and dead,

of time I often


of years down 

wrong roads lead,

I try to pull


my thoughts 

and clear my mind

and put a different

spin upon

this crazy life 

of mine. 

I’ll celebrate

the mem’ry

of those that are 


I’ll put behind those

forlorn loves

the time is done 

to weep. 

That youth of mine,

it will return,

and wrinkles, 

they will fade. 

The friends I’ve lost

Have been 


by friendships newly made. 

The time I squandered

taught me well

which road 

to take instead,

and with a prayer

I ask my God

for peace in heart 

and  head. 

So when my day is difficult,

as days will often be,

I know Jehovah 

holds my hand,


He is here with me. 


NC. 3/11/2021

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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Here is a poem I wrote for my wife for our anniversary. Hope y'all enjoy.

I remember when I was sitting in a chair,
Against the wall alone thinking no one was there,
Then down the hall she came as gorgeous as could be,
Her long blond hair was flowing, all the way down to her knees,

Just as I thought she would go and pass me by,
She turned and spoke to me, like an angel from the sky,
The words were simple, but I knew were just for me,
She said “Hello tom how are you,” tho they meant the world to me,

    And then as if from with-in a dream 
            this feeling came over me that 
           she loves me and  could it be because 
           it feels so good.

As the nite went by, we danced to all the songs,
Our hearts beat as one, as I held you in my arms,
We danced all nite until about a quarter to one, 
Ooh if only this night would never be done, but 
As I looked I was sure that you would be gone,

As the nite came to a close, I wished that we could spend,
More time together, please don’t let this be the end,
I knew in my heart I wanted to make her more then just a friend
Then she came over and asked, if I would take her home, 
oh yes maybe I can make her my own.

    And then as if from with-in a dream 
            this feeling came over me that 
           she loves me and could it be because
           it feels so good.

It’s been 22 years now since that great nite took place,
Do you remember how we spent all nite face to face,
When we lit the fire within us both, Deep in our hearts 
that night we made a sacred oath, to become one for love 
and for fun and we would never let this feeling be done.

You scooped me in your arms, and the fire burns with-in,
It takes a lot of work together to keep this fire burning,
By holding each other every nite, and never turning, 

    And then as if from with-in a dream
            this feeling came over me that
          she loves me and could it be because
          it feels so good.

Now you know I wrote this song because I want you to know,
My life depends on me never letting you go,
I need to hold you and touch you very slow,
Because I want you to know that I love you so and…
            Only you can make it feel so good,
    Only you can make it feel so good,
    Only you can make it feel so good,
    Only you can make it feel so good,

So now I know that it is not from with-in a dream it is reality
That it 
happened  just as it would seem,
Cause I  know she loves me and that is why it feels so good,
Ooh she loves me so…
And it feels so good.

Sent from my SM-N986U1 using Tapatalk

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A poem I wrote in 2020;


I’ve not got time to stand and stare

or sit upon a rocking chair

The world has gotten oh so sickly

And it’s sinking very very quickly


Rioting here and protests there

They’ll go to war cuz they don’t care

They say it’s their right to do what they might

Selfish needs lead to greed

And so they say, I must have more

of everything that I adore


Starvation in so many lands;

The skin is sagging even on my hands

The children die through lack of water

I just had to bury my dear little daughter


Obesity seems to be the norm;

in some lands fat on sugar and honey

Why the difference? oh it’s the money!

No self control so to the doctor I go

I’m on 74 pills a day

While the pharmaceutical companies play in the hay


This world is fake although it’s real

It’s really not the original deal


The time is coming for massive change

It’s almost here so do not fear

There is a way that’s so much better

Pleasant and nice, it’s paradise!


Let me take you by the hand

And lead you to the kingdom grand

We’ll help each other and put them first

For what could be better than quenching your thirst

With pure fresh water and no pollution

This really is Jehovah Gods solution!


From paradise lost to paradise restored

A place in which you’ll never be bored


We’re on the threshold it’s almost here

There really is no need to fear

I’ll take your hand and hold it tight

Says Jehovah God who’s always right!


Keep on watching,

and you’ll see

my might and power,

For you I am a fortress tower


A clean new world I am making

And it really is all yours for the taking


Just follow my path and take your stand

and when you need me I’ll hold your hand

A pleasant life we’ll plan together

For we will live for ever and ever

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  • 1 month later...


Stopping by  woods on a snowy evening by Robert Frost

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 1 month later...


Edwin Brock


These are, as I began, cumbersome ways
to kill a man. Simpler, direct, and much more neat
is to see that he is living somewhere in the middle
of the twentieth century, and leave him there.

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 1 month later...




If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   

    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!


Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 3 weeks later...



Edited by happiness IS

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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Pity me not because the light of day

At close of day no longer walks the sky;


Pity me not for beauties passed away

From field and thicket as the year goes by;


Pity me not the waning of the moon,

Nor that the ebbing tide goes out to sea,


Nor that a man’s desire is hushed so soon,

And you no longer look with love on me.


This have I known always: Love is no more

Than the wide blossom which the wind assails,


Than the great tide that treads the shifting shore,

Strewing fresh wreckage gathered in the gales:


Pity me that the heart is slow to learn

What the swift mind beholds at every turn.


"Sonnet 29" (Edna St. Vincent Millay)

Chrissy :wave:

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In the darkness of the night I'll look over on my right and as I stare a figure begins to appear but it does not give me fear but makes me grin from ear to ear because the figure I see is an angel to me it's the love of my life wow it's my beautiful wife, baby I love you, good night my brother's and sisters.

Sent from my SM-N986U1 using Tapatalk

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Poem: “I Walked A Mile With Pleasure”


I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.


I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne’er a word said she;
But, oh! The things I learned from her,
When sorrow walked with me.


-Robert Browning Hamilton

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 7 months later...


O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman

Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 5 months later...

Both Mom who was a Witness and Dad who wasn’t wrote poems. I found this one (Son) in Mom’s old KJ Bible after I had returned a couple years after she had unexpectedly died. She died faithful in 1992 at 58. To this day I can’t read that one without tears. I have other Poems, many written and shared as or at Memorial for brothers and sisters that have passed away.


Try this one as if it were a Dr. Seuss rhyme…Gloria was in and out of the hospital over many years with kidney issues, and she preached to everyone there. She is still with us.


Edited by SoCal4me2

Added last line.
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The elder that performed our wedding was one of my best friends. Maybe being short like me had something to do with it. Billy always had a smile, and when he died I know a light went out for all that knew him. Bill Ford of the National City North Congregation, National City, California.



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  • 2 years later...

Hello brothers and sisters,


I am new here, and I wanted to share a couple of my poems with you, if you don't mind. I have written on other secular websites, and although I have had some very positive feedback, I do not have much in common with those members. So I am interested in sharing with my spiritual family, who share my love of Jehovah. If this is the wrong place on the site to post poetry, could you let me know. I apologise in advance if my poetry is a bit naff.



The King of The North


The peace of this small neighbourhood, is shattered as the door caves in

As masked marauders seek with guns, the “criminals” that hide within

But they find no deadly drug baron, nor killer, or rapist animal

But a grey-haired lady, small and frail, in terror as she beholds them all


At gunpoint then her hands are tied, and her walking stick thrown to the floor

As she is marched by mighty men, to the waiting van outside her door

Her heart skips wildly and her breath is tight, as she is bundled roughly inside

Her dignity and rights of law, are swept away and cruelly denied


While across the town there stands a girl, with kindly, smiling joyful eyes

A teen who spends her youthful zest, bringing hope and joy to other lives

But little does she know this day, that her future days are to dwell

Not in delight and dancing halls, but in a dark and lonely prison cell


And elsewhere stands a local hero, a man so honoured by decree

Acclaimed by peers and politicians, as a citizen of kindly deeds

Yet on this day, he is torn away, from his family who are left in tears

As this father and devoted husband, is imprisoned now for seven years


Who are these ones snatched by the state, and treated so unjustly

Held without cause or consideration, and deep despised so bitterly?

They obey all laws and pay their dues, and love their neighbours when they can

And share a hope of a future bright, even though their hope is banned


They are young and old, black and white, and gathered from diversity

They wage no wars, won't steal or lie, but treat all people with dignity

For their crime is not of violence, nor abuse, or fraud or robbery

But of being Christians and trying to show, Christ-like love to you and me


And what of those who terrorize them, the land where this grim drama is set

That mighty nation, so paranoid, that it considers them a threat

This pretender to the throne, bedecked in red and white and blue

Is a jealous king who hates the ones, who, to Christ their King are ever true


But as they languish in prison cells, awaiting justice from the King

The one whose commandments they obey, is smiling down and proud of them

For their hope is not in men of law, nor international decree

But their just and loving King - Christ Jesus, and in God- Jehovah's sovereignty

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From Shadows to Sunrise


A quiet room, the last goodbye,

A whispered prayer, a heavy sigh.

To see their faces one last time,

To hold their hands through love’s soft rhyme.


The children’s tears, a tender plea,

“Will you remember me?”

Through trembling lips, the answer clear,

“Forever, my loves, I’ll be near.”


The world grew dim, the pain slipped away,

Night fell, but not to stay.

A peaceful rest, as time stood still,

The heart now silent, but love did fill.


And then—a light, so pure, so bright,

A breath anew, the dawn of life.

Eyes wide open to fields of green,

A world reborn, a promised dream.


Through vibrant meadows, laughter flows,

The warmth of love, a joy that grows.

And there—they stand, with eyes aglow,

The children’s faces they used to know.


No tear, no pain, no shadow’s trace,

Only the thrill of their embrace.

“Papa! Mama!” they run, they call,

Eternal love—no end at all.


Jehovah’s hand, so tender, so kind,

Restored the bond no time can bind.

From the last goodbye to the first hello,

A promise kept, a love to show.

Anonymous - "he/she sure writes a lot!"

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11 minutes ago, Snufkin said:

The King of The North

Your poem really pulls people in and makes them feel the emotions of the story. The way you describe the different people and their faith makes it easy to understand and care about what they’re going through. It’s both powerful and hopeful, showing how they trust in Jehovah no matter what. You’re really talented at writing something that’s both deep and inspiring!

Keep going. You got more?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wrote this, after constantly reading negative comments blaming God for all things bad, even by religious leaders.



In The Name Of....?


On the streets of the infidels, where the churches toll unholy bells, he pauses to survey the ungodly mire
His breath comes fast and short, as he grips the pull cord taught, to visit upon them god's own holy fire
And mothers smile, and children play, unaware on this deadly day, that this man is buying Heaven with their lives
So he stares into their eyes, with a hatred born of fire, unleashing hell in exchange for virgin paradise

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That we should love our neighbour and forgive our enemies
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name

Now there's a mighty Superchurch down in Alabama, and the pastor there he'll cleanse you from your sin
He'll cure your cancer and make you well, grant you success, save you from Hell, if you drop your divine dollars in the tin
But if you ain't playin ball with Mr Holy, and his fiery sermon fails to make you well
Then instead of blessed health and wealthy "blessings", he'll leave you to barbecue in good old hell

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That what we received so freely, we should share without a profit
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name

There are men who thinks it's divine to violate children, and to use the western “whores” for their own desires
And they claim that they're the instrument of Heaven, and that sex can be used to cleanse, just like fire
Yet the very books they use for validation, speak of kindness, love and God's own mercy mild
And they denounce the hypocrites who cry “defilement”, when they themselves, when abusing are so defiled

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels, they all say the same
That there is not a man among us fit to pass a judgement
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name

As the flags of nations unfurl for the warzone, and the cries of freedom echo through the spree
Both combatants boast of weapons of hell's fury, that will burn a city from all memory
And both sides will claim the right, that they are the just ones in this fight
While the children trust in them to set them free

But our Father who's in Heaven didn't ask that
For the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels all say the same
That if we use a sword then God himself will cut us down
So, justify it any way you like, just don't do it in God's name

So don't you soak His name in blood, and don't you sell Him to the poor
Stop your wars and your vendettas, cause He's not with you any more
And He don't recognize your flags, cause they divide His unity
He uses persuasion, not invasion, and He gives his love for free

Yes the Psalms, the Prophets and the Gospels all say the same
They clearly cry the same
Justify it any way you like
Call it anything you like

But don't do it in God's name!


"The hour is coming when everyone who kills you will think he has offered a sacred service to God. But they will do these things because they have not come to know either the Father or me" - Jesus Christ

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I love writing....reading....poetry...prose...

the best of course....scripture...i am reading about middle eastern arabic poetry....translated but rich in texture and meaning.... i post my poetry @ flyfree.lifes.poetry....if you would like to write to me and we correspond about our mutual interest. We can share our

" musings" my email is ***************@gmail.com 

**** Please do not share emails in the chat. ****

Edited by WilliamChew
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I love writing....reading....poetry...prose...

the best of course....scripture...i am reading about middle eastern arabic poetry....translated but rich in texture and meaning.... i post my poetry @ flyfree.lifes.poetry....

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