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Watchtower Study Edition-December 2020

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This article is an answer to my prayers. Having lost my sister earlier this year and my dad 5 years ago that I’ve never gotten over. (I don’t know if you ever get over someone you love dying but you know what I mean). Anyway, having a pretty hard time at the mo so can’t wait to read the articles about the resurrection and discouragement. Thank you Jehovah!!

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Enlightening Question Box dealing with Proverbs 24:16. I have often used this to encourage ones who have relapses battling bad habits or sins.The article puts a different slant on this. It seems we might need to use Romans 7 more in the future.
True, I was thinking the same.
But maybe that's not what the brothers had in mind preparing this article. Today I thought: the article says this verse is about different difficult circumstances.

So let's assume someone don't want to fight against a certain sin. He thinks: I may fall many times, but I will get up, so I'm righteous. That not what this verse says. I mean: when someone falls, isn't it something on purpose.

But let's assume someone who has a bad habit. Maybe he relapsed in a weak moment and his conscious is bothering him. He tries to return to Jehovah, but he's emotionally broken. Can this be one of those "different circumstances", referred to in the article?

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Meanwhile, I enjoyed the discussion in the other Questions from Readers article about 1 Corinthians 15:29. I have about a dozen English translations of the Bible here, and all of them say something like, "baptized for the dead," or "baptized on behalf of the dead." I never noticed that before. I know the Mormons believe in baptism in behalf of someone who died, but I didn't know that so many translations supported it. It's good, though, to read the notes in the study Bible on that again. They say about the same as this article.

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The picture reminds me of Ezekiel’s vision of the 6 men with ‘smashing instruments’.  Only in that vision, Jesus was not one of the 6, he was the secretary doing the marking.


Ezekiel 9:2…”I saw six men coming from the direction of the upper gate that faces north, each with his weapon for smashing in his hand; and there was one man among them clothed in linen, with a secretary’s inkhorn at his waist, and they came in and stood beside the copper altar.”




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