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If anyone knows maths here, you'll understand 2 to the power of X.


2 ^ 0 = 1

2 ^ 1 = 2

2 ^ 2 = 4


8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048.


The distance of the moon to the Earth, the distance from the Sun to the Earth is 2 variables. The more variables you add that are needed for life to exist, you get to a point that it's not only impractical that life evolved, it's IMPOSSIBLE!


Each variable you add doubles the combinations, until you get to a point that creation is undeniable, how does "evolution" know anything? It has no brain, no power, no intelligence. But even the smartest believe Satan's lies. One variable off and live could not exist, but Jehovah is PERFECT in his ways. The evidence of Jehovah is undeniable.


Math taught me that there's a Creator, no doubt about it. Jehovah's Creation is undeniable, there is no room for error.


Praise be to Jah, Jehovah for all his creative works! It stands as testimony to his Greatness! We await the "real life", not this corrupt joke of a system run by Satan, who is selfish and only cares about himself. Jehovah will undo his works, and we wait for that time, because it will be soon!

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I remember an article, not by the Slave but by a scientist, that used maths as a proof of the existence of a Creator. He wondered why the universe can be perfectly explained and understood by means of mathematical formulas. I mean, if the universe appeared by chance it didn't need to be logical or to make sense. Natural laws didn't need to be consistent. And yet we find everything that happens in the universe can be perfectly defined with a formula and can be understood by humans. Of course, many things we don't understand yet because we lack information, but we are confident that as we learn more everything will keep making sense. That points heavily to an intelligent Creator who made things with a purpose.

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Maths made me believe without a doubt, he's creative works are fantastic! Scientists see the world as it is, without considering Jehovah, but if you spend enough time, you KNOW that it is impossible for life to have evolved. It's a joke, and can be proved mathematically incorrect.

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I never thought of it that way. But YES, math proves the universe was created by a highly intelligent God; mathematically, it could NOT have come about by accident!

30 minutes ago, bradsmithsite said:

But even the smartest believe Satan's lies.

I like that statement. It is not because people are stupid that they don't believe in God, although some have mistakenly concluded that from a Bible verse. They don't believe because they are smart. Behind the existence of God lies an uncompromising fact that we are accountable for our choices and actions, and the "smart" can see that fact. But they don't believe in God simply because they don't want to. Accountability drives them away from that belief.

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Yes, the "smart" are in denial. They think their ways are good and correct, but the miss the absolute fact that Jehovah has DESIGNED everything. We are absolutely accountable to our Creator, even those who are too stupid to believe in his existence.

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There are other numbers and sequences and systems that show Jehovah's enlightened engineering abilities.


All circular items use PI (3.1415+)

The spiral seashell and the Fibonacci sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...)  where the 2 consecutive numbers are added together (2+3=5 next 3+5=8 and so on).

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Jehovah's glory is evident in daily things that we see, but we don't comprehend. Praise Jehovah for he's glorious ways. We don't love him because of his undeniable power and strength, but by his ways. He is soft and kind to those who love him. Jesus loves Jehovah's ways. Jehovah can handle pride, power and those things, but it corrupts men, but yet he is kind and humble. Jehovah showed us his closest Son, Jesus, and we see Jehovah through him. He never took honor for himself, instead, he directed it to Jehovah, because he can handle it, and we serve Jehovah not because we are forced, but by his undeserved love and kindness and loyal love.

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Regarding calculations, it really impressed me when I read a book explaining how scientists use the predictable patterns of orbits, rotation of planets, etc, to figure out how and when to launch to the moon and come back. Reading about the reliability in certain celestial phenomena almost made it seem easy. It's really a matter of just understanding how to work out the math.

Edited by M.J.
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I like Math as well, Their is some very interesting information from Veritasium. They talk about a logistic map and how it connects to fluid convection, neuron firing, the Mandelbrot set and so much more. I find this to be very interesting even though they may say something about evolution due to the relation to population sets. But at the end of the day the population still needs to have a starting point. You can't start a population with nothing. IDK I thought it was cool. So many connections to the same math equation just shows that Jehovah created everything and that math and physics that are created all work on everything. Even when you build a video game you have to use math to control how everything in that digital world works...what numbers are most commonly used...(0, 1, 2, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 34) Why because it's easier to program gravity to work with simple numbers. Its just way easier to program and less numbers to use. Plus if humans can build machines to simulate forces we see on earth in a digital environment. Why wouldn't that same math work for Jehovah, He made math 😂 we just noticed its existence and assigned variables to them...For all we know there could be a whole other way to do math...Maybe there is a reason or mathematical reason why...For all we know maybe its like computer quantum logic "This is a relatively New Math Computer Calculation "where the number can be 0 & 1 at the same time .🤣 Maybe thats why our stuff breaks down into decimals. Jehovah casually designed all numbers to be in two places at once...He really does like "3 & 4". I just know it strengthens my faith that much more.

Mandekbrot .gif

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Food for thought, interesting Zack.




The Bible’s answer

Numbers in the Bible can often be taken literally, but they are sometimes used as symbols. The context usually indicates whether a particular number is used as a symbol. Consider these examples of the symbolic meaning of numbers in the Bible:

  • 1 Unity. For instance, Jesus prayed to God that his followers “may all be one, just as you, Father, are in union with me and I am in union with you.”—John 17:21; Matthew 19:6.

  • 2 In a legal setting, two witnesses verify the truth of a matter. (Deuteronomy 17:6) Similarly, the repetition of a vision or a statement confirms the matter as sure and true. For example, when Joseph interpreted a dream given to Pharaoh of Egypt, he said: “The fact that the dream was repeated to Pharaoh twice means that the thing is firmly established on the part of the true God.” (Genesis 41:32) In prophecy, “two horns” can represent dual rulership, as the prophet Daniel was told regarding the Medo-Persian Empire.—Daniel 8:20, 21; Revelation 13:11.

  • 3 Just as three witnesses would firmly prove a matter to be true, a threefold repetition seems to establish it firmly or emphasize it.—Ezekiel 21:27; Acts 10:9-16; Revelation 4:8; 8:13.

  • 4 This can represent completeness in form or function, as in the expression “the four corners of the earth.”—Revelation 7:1; 21:16; Isaiah 11:12.

  • 6 Being one less than seven, which often represents completeness, six can stand for something incomplete or imperfect or something associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1; Revelation 13:18.

  • 7 This number is often used to represent the idea of completeness. For instance, the Israelites were commanded by God to march around Jericho on seven successive days and to march around seven times on the seventh day. (Joshua 6:15) The Bible contains many similar examples of such a use of the number seven. (Leviticus 4:6; 25:8; 26:18; Psalm 119:164; Revelation 1:20; 13:1; 17:10) When Jesus told Peter that he should forgive his brother “not, Up to seven times, but, Up to seventy-seven times,” the repetition of “seven” conveyed the thought of “without limit.”—Matthew 18:21, 22.

  • 10 This number can stand for the entirety or aggregate of something.—Exodus 34:28; Luke 19:13; Revelation 2:10.

  • 12 This number seems to represent a complete, divine arrangement. For example, the vision of heaven given to the apostle John included a city with “twelve foundation stones, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles.” (Revelation 21:14; Genesis 49:28) Multiples of 12 can have a similar meaning.—Revelation 4:4; 7:4-8.

  • 40 Several judgment or punishment periods were linked with the number 40.—Genesis 7:4; Ezekiel 29:11, 12.

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One thing I can humbly say I don't get is(cause I know nothing about science) how scientists believe that one day the first version of universe came into existence from nothingness. 

I mean, they explain such and such got mixed up and burst into existence but shouldn't there first be some essential material to begin with?

For example, for the first protein to exist that continued to be evolved into us now, shouldn't there first be other forms like..atom, particle.. or I don't know what they are, but who/what created them in the beginning? 

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Nothing produces nothing, but an intelligent careful design produces wonders, Jehovah's thoughts are higher than man's thoughts. I was ready to end my life, but Jehovah told me through his word that it would hurt my mother, and then I realized, it would be selfish. Jehovah proved that His thoughts were higher than mine. Jehovah has always been, he is and will always be, even Satan didn't dispute that, so of course Jehovah knows more than us. We will never understand Jehovah's ways completely, but what we CAN rely on, is listening to him is BEST for us. Look at Jehovah's son Jesus, he's a wonderful person, but he learnt all those things from Jehovah Almighty, Abba, Father.


What was Satan (Lucifer) thinking? How could you beat a Harbinger who can see hundreds of thousands of years in the future at his own game. Jehovah has written a law, that he himself obeys, over billions of years, he's perfected his law, that he himself abides by. In His righteousness he defeated Satan, and will undo his works. He gave his son to nullify our inherited sin, so that people that come to Jehovah can enjoy a new Eden and others to rule over the Earth, but both promises are exceptional.


Revelation 21:4. All tears will be wiped out.

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51 minutes ago, VisualizeUrParadise said:

One thing I can humbly say I don't get is(cause I know nothing about science) how scientists believe that one day the first version of universe came into existence from nothingness. 

I mean, they explain such and such got mixed up and burst into existence but shouldn't there first be some essential material to begin with?

For example, for the first protein to exist that continued to be evolved into us now, shouldn't there first be other forms like..atom, particle.. or I don't know what they are, but who/what created them in the beginning? 

Timothy, the Hebrew word for"create",( bara), literally has the meaning of bringing something into existence from nothing. So the opening words of the Bible " In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" are speaking of an extraordinary and miraculous event, the creation of the universe from , not some base essential materials, but from nothing. 

And in any case, if you presuppose the existence of some base material, where did that come from? It only pushes the same question further back. But the opening statement of the Bible is very clear. Jehovah brought everything into existence from nothing.

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1 hour ago, Ludwika said:

Jehovah brought everything into existence from nothing.

I've always thought Jehovah used his energy to create physical matter.


One example of converting energy to organic compounds: Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.

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I've always thought Jehovah used his energy to create physical matter.
One example of converting energy to organic compounds: Photosynthesis, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.
Yes that's right. We find the biblical version of Einstein's theory in Isaiah 40:26. The material universe came into being because of Jehovah's "vast dynamic energy and his awe inspiring power".
The point is too that since mathematics are being discussed here, we see a great mind behind creation. And where there's a mind, there's a person. Einstein himself said " everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe. A spirit vastly superior to that of man."
The Bible told us this thousands of years ago.

Sent from my CPH2021 using Tapatalk

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Maths is not my strong point, but I found that video in post 9 absolutely fascinating, and I will be thinking about maths in nature for a long time to come.


So all around us, Jehovah’s creation runs like a formula, but for us he’s given an amazing brain and conscience to live forever enjoying and marvelling at it all.


Thanks @Nemo! And thanks @bradsmithsite for starting this interesting topic. Good 👍 first post, and welcome to the forum!

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10 hours ago, VisualizeUrParadise said:

One thing I can humbly say I don't get is(cause I know nothing about science) how scientists believe that one day the first version of universe came into existence from nothingness. 

I mean, they explain such and such got mixed up and burst into existence but shouldn't there first be some essential material to begin with?

For example, for the first protein to exist that continued to be evolved into us now, shouldn't there first be other forms like..atom, particle.. or I don't know what they are, but who/what created them in the beginning? 

It’s “big brain time”, this may be a bit crazy 😜 but I’ll try to explain it as best as I can. Jehovah has and will always be...It’s quantum mechanics at play. Remember we are 3D creatures living in a 4D environment.


1D is a line or a dot : 

2D is a shape, a plane something with length and a width [] we see it as a flat surface but it’s very thin since it’s only 1 mm thick. Think of a picture or a texture in a video game. Or one piece of paper. If you lived in this world life would be horrible since you really couldn’t see anything in front of you.


3D is us objects with all sides but adds depth. So say a cube, it can hold a volume have weight and can be interactive by other 3D creatures. As a 3D creature we can see 1, 2, 3. We can see the effects of #4 but it’s really difficult to imagine in a physical environment.


4D is Time. Where the item is was and will be. Time effects gravity, time is something we can keep track of. Time is something we can’t control. Most likely will not control. If you live in 4D you can literally be in two places at once. See and interact with 1-4 but when 3D creatures see a 4D creature some strange effects would happen.


1 it would be very difficult to comprehend. You may have to describe it by using common things you have seen.


2 completed control of all 3D objects 


3 would be able to build and destroy anything 

4 can be observed in space as black holes and subsequent dark / anti matter - or what might actually be 4D Space or the stuff the universe floats in like a bubble. 

I know it’s a lot to take in but it just shows us Jehovah’s vast Dynamic Power. His ability to control and create. His great love in letting us learn about him. So now it’s time for some scriptures and references  so it makes sense. Key point to remember if your a 4D creature you can control all known physical laws including time, meaning going forward and backwards in time. We all know how crazy paradox’s are. But Jehovah being the creator of everything would not have to worry about that. 




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1 hour ago, Nemo said:

I didn’t want to explain them all 😂 just the first 4

If we consider 3D dimensions + the dimension of Time as the 4 basic dimensions, as Jehovah's people, we know for an absolute fact that God lives in another dimension outside of those 4 (or including then in his 5th dimension).  And who am I to say God only has just one additional dimension.  I know he has one but He may have a dozen....😎

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And there is the sequence of the number 3, as written by the writer, Genius Turner: 


"Afterward, the 3 elements of the universe (dark energy, dark matter and normal matter) blasted into existence, along with the triplets — space, time and matter. … 

Afterward, space sliced into 3-dimensions . . . time chopped into 3 phases . . . and matter minced into 3 states.

Of course, for every spec of matter that arose, it found its equal and opposite reaction in antimatter. It was not until such binary opposition found its synthesis in that all-important “and one” — thus resulting in 3 entities — could the newborn Universe have started its long-awaited growth spurt.

Afterward, the 3 generations of quarks and 3 generations of leptons arose, to say nothing of the 3 types of color change. As for those quarks, 3 made their home in a proton and 3 quarks in a neutron. Indeed, the 3 main parts of an atom — neutrons, protons and electrons — ensued!

With the expansion of the Universe, 3 main types of galaxies emerged. Of course, contained within these galaxies were stars and planets, the result of which is 3 forms of massive objects (galaxies, stars and planets).

Amid such formation, Newton’s 3 laws of motion were at hand. Far into the future, at some distant galaxy known as the 3rd rock from the sun, 3 forms of natural laws would take effect. The stage was set for the 3-body problem indeed."


It doesn't seem to me that evolved life or chance — like the so-called scientists claim — follows such an orderly sequence, as shown above. It simply is absurd. 

Edited by GodlyDevotion
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So, though physicists and mathematicians know such complex formulas to explain the world around us, (and what a great brain to figure that all out! 😜) they are missing the whole point of it. Jehovah gave us the brain to figure it out and explain it. Maths is the language he used, and humans know just the fringes of his ways. I can’t wait to understand all this one day.


1Cor 3:18-20  Let no one deceive himself: If anyone among you thinks he is wise in this system of things, let him become a fool, so that he may become wise.  19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God, for it is written: “He catches the wise in their own cunning.”  20 And again: “Jehovah knows that the reasonings of the wise men are futile.”

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