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Why we need strong faith now.

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Hello friends,

For many years I was under the impression that the 144,000 will all be taken to heaven before the great tribulation break out. But to my surprise, I found out through the November broadcast that some of the remnants will still be here with us when the great tribulation starts. Jehovah is getting us equipped for things to soon come. Since we have learned that some of the remnants are still going to be here at that time, as always, it is not time to slack in our service to Jehovah. And not only that, the last assembly that we had last weekend is helping us se the important of Strengthening  our faith now. Why do we need to do so? It is because we must have strong faith in order to go through some of the trials and tribulations that we are going through now, and those that is heading our way. Strong faith will help us get closer to the end of this present system of things. Yes, we need strong faith. We can see what ours sisters and brothers are going through in other parts of the world, we all will go through some form of persecution, so we must have strong faith. Hebrews 10:39 brings out that we need faith to preserve our lives. When Paul spoke about shrinking back, remember friends, he is not speaking of a normal fear, we all can get fearful at times, but he is speaking about slacking our course of serving Jehovah,. The fear to stop serving Jehovah when things get rough. With strong faith we will not take in consideration such action. No matter what we go through, or are going to go through in the future, we will not turn to the things behind. With strong faith it will allow us to press on through current persecution as well as any other ones that may come in the future. Strong faith have us to know that Jehovah knows what we are going through and he will help us. Our faith will be tested so we need strong faith to get through trials. And since we have learned that some of the remnants will still be here when the great tribulation starts, we must press on with our integrity and not think that we have time to strengthen our faith later, we need to strengthen our faith now if we are to make it through Jehovah's final war- Armageddon. We have to make it through the great tribulation first. Also remember that having faith - strong faith, depends on the saving of our lives. And as the world become more unstable, our faith will be tested. When that time comes it will be too late to evaluate whether you have strong faith or not. So brothers and sisters, if you are lacking faith, ask Jehovah for it, he gives it to us freely if we ask. We show such faith by persistence. By repeatedly asking, we reveal that we really need what we are asking for and that we truly believe that Jehovah can grant it. (Mark 11:24)

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6 hours ago, Bro. Perry said:

Hello friends,

For many years I was under the impression that the 144,000 will all be taken to heaven before the great tribulation break out. 

The subject of the anointed Christians has had a long road of discussion.  For many years, we entertained the possibility that some anointed might remain on earth AFTER Armageddon.  That was clarified in 2013.


*** w13 7/15 p. 5 “Tell Us, When Will These Things Be?” ***

Paragraph 8: One of the events mentioned in these verses is the ‘gathering of the chosen ones.’ (Matt. 24:31) Hence, it appears that all anointed ones who still remain on earth after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed will at some point be raised to heaven before the outbreak of the battle of Armageddon. This adjusts what was stated on this subject in “Questions From Readers” in The Watchtower of August 15, 1990, page 30.


*** w90 8/15 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***


Will some anointed Christians survive the “great tribulation” to live on earth in the new world before being taken to heaven?

Other Biblical accounts have also been viewed as suggesting that some of the anointed might live into the new world. For example, Jeremiah survived the destruction of Jerusalem; “the man” with the secretary’s inkhorn remained to see the executional work before he went back to give his report.—Ezekiel 9:4, 8, 11.

Comments about the possibility that some of the anointed might survive into the new world are made with good intentions and in the light of Biblical precedents for trying to understand prophecies or patterns that could have later parallels. … This discussion again offered the possibility that the remnant might survive God’s great war and for a while “continue to be as a refreshing ‘dew’ to the ‘great crowd’ of ‘other sheep.’”


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Its been wonderful to see how we have been introduced to the helpers over the last decade or so.


I feel we know them as much as the Governing Body. Although, I suppose we don't know the hope that each of them has, its clear were are being helped to trust these brothers and rely on them so we feel cared and looked after even when the Governing Body are in heaven. (Keep an eye on the Annual Meeting when it is released for more information on this - no spoilers I promise!!😉)


Its a clear indication of how close things are and how we will be cared for all the way through as long as we stick close to Jehovah and his organization!

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I am glad that Brother Hess brought that to my attention his post on the remnants that I spoke about. however, I was not aware of the watchtower that you have quoted here, I am sure that there may be many friends that was shocked to learn that some of the 144,000 will be here when the Great Tribulation will start. And I am sure that a lot of newly friends who was raised in the truth was taught the same and  probably was not aware of it as well. Throughout the years Jehovah has corrected a lot of misinformation that we were taught as growing up in the truth. I do not know if you remember when the subject "New Things Learned" was taught to the Witnesses back in the day, a lot of stuff was taught to us back then that the Witnesses had to correct, and a lot of corrections was made. But your information it is good to know. I was just mentioning what I had recently seen on JW broadcasting. You mentioned the 1990 Watchtower, pg.. 30. Although raised in the truth, I didn't come back until 2014, so to me it was new news to me, and maybe an eye opening for others that were raised in the truth, but had strayed away and came back later in the years. There will be many of times that someone may quote something that is new to them. It is good to have friends like yourself who can shed some light on some of the subjects discussed. Keep up the good work and continue to share the research.

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Please be aware that1990 is too far back  because of Jehovah teaching us new things. Not saying that all of the information is incorrect, just saying that after a brief discussion with the elders we need to focus on newly updated information when posting here. There will be no remnants remaining on earth after Armageddon, they will all be taken to heaven and come back to fight with our King Jesus. And what a joy that it will be!


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58 minutes ago, Bro. Perry said:

Please be aware that1990 is too far back  because of Jehovah teaching us new things. Not saying that all of the information is incorrect, just saying that after a brief discussion with the elders we need to focus on newly updated information when posting here. There will be no remnants remaining on earth after Armageddon, they will all be taken to heaven and come back to fight with our King Jesus. And what a joy that it will be!


I think @jwhess was only quoting that 1990 watchtower to show what we used to believe. The updated viewpoint is further up in his comment-from the watchtower in 2013. If you look that watchtower up (and it’s quoted in the comment above) it clearly states ‘this adjusts what was stated in the questions from readers in 1990’.

I remember it from the article quoted above in 2013 “tell us, what will these things be?” It’s such an excellent watchtower, I really recommend studying it as you could have missed it if you returned after it was released. And from the purple Kingdom Rules book, chapter 21. Particularly paragraph 15 and 16. I often go over those articles as they are so faith strengthening.



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10 hours ago, Bro. Perry said:

Please be aware that1990 is too far back  because of Jehovah teaching us new things. Not saying that all of the information is incorrect, just saying that after a brief discussion with the elders we need to focus on newly updated information when posting here. There will be no remnants remaining on earth after Armageddon, they will all be taken to heaven and come back to fight with our King Jesus. And what a joy that it will be!


As Sr. Louisa said, the 1990 Watchtower is a reference to a previous thought.  You yourself cited what you personally believed in a "previous thought"  I wanted everyone to remember (or learn for the first time) what we all believed a little while ago.


The Watchtower I referenced was only 2013.  They. the Watchtower editors, were the ones that cited the 1990 Watchtower...not me.  So that reference was made by our organization to show the clarification in 2013.


As a side point about publication ages, we still cite some from the 1980s and 1990s even on our videos on JW Broadcasting.  The Insight Books, the Proclaimers book, the All Scripture book, the Revelation Climax book, the Daniel book and so on are in that category.  I know we have to be careful in their use but they are all there is currently.

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On 11/10/2021 at 11:38 AM, Bro. Perry said:

For many years I was under the impression that the 144,000 will all be taken to heaven before the great tribulation break out. But to my surprise, I found out through the November broadcast that some of the remnants will still be here with us when the great tribulation starts.

The W18.01 16 #15 states: 
15 One day the Memorial will be observed for the last time. How do we know? In his first inspired letter to the Corinthians, Paul wrote to anointed Christians that by commemorating Jesus’ death each year, they “keep proclaiming the death of the Lord, until he comes.” (1 Cor. 11:26) The word “comes” here refers to the same event as the “coming” that Jesus mentioned in his prophecy about the time of the end. Regarding the great tribulation just ahead of us, he said: “The sign of the Son of man will appear in heaven, and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief, and they will see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And [Jesus] will send out his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity.” (Matt. 24:29-31) This ‘gathering of chosen ones’ refers to the time when all anointed Christians who still remain on earth will receive their heavenly reward. It will happen after the initial part of the great tribulation has passed but before the battle of Armageddon. Then all of the 144,000 will share with Jesus in conquering the kings of the earth. (Rev. 17:12-14) The last Memorial that is observed prior to this gathering of the anointed to heaven will be the final one, for Jesus will have ‘come.’

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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