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Aliens vs True Worship??

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11 minutes ago, carlos said:

Yet that doesn't mean the universe will remain that way forever. As you say, perfect humans might spread in the universe later. Or Jehovah might create other intelligent creatures. Who knows? With everlasting life ahead the future is full of possibilities. 

Rev 21:5 "All things new" 

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Angels are pretty intelligent extra-terrestrial life… We know they exist, and that they have a place in Jehovah’s family. We know there are demons. Extremely unpleasant extra-terrestrial life. All of them are paying attention to us, here, on earth.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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On 12/27/2021 at 2:30 PM, New World Explorer said:

Some interesting points we were presented in the past


Talk - David Schafer Survive the Great Day Rev 16:16 

In his talk he mentions inspired unclean expressions

Please note this in 2.32min

Then Peace and Security is mentioned in 3.17min- 3.40min 


What is noteworthy that Peace and Security pronouncement could be associated with unclean expressions, and SIGNS that originate with demons. 


I can’t believe this talk was from 4 years ago already…..!I remember thinking at the time what a pointed and timely morning worship.. all the more so now

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Aliens vs. True Worship sounds like a movie title 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I remember, at 16 years old, having a heated discussion with a young unbaptised sister...

She said online she couldn't understand people who believed in the existence of alien life, so I told her it was the same as her believing in Jehovah's existence, it's about people's faith where it's focused. But she was more angry and annoyed I seemed to use Jehovah as a comparison to alien life.

I said "Alien only means 'foreign' in modern parlance so in that sense it's not entirely improper to make a comparison like that to illustrate a point, but Jehovah is certainly not fictional."... unfortunately she still didn't get the point I was making and was very arrogant and irritated. She never was that spiritual and never stayed in the truth.

Very sad, I always wonder if I can rephrase certain things in my 16 year old self from years back to change things. But people are people I guess. Sorry for the sad story, not feeling the best today 😱

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1 hour ago, Jay D said:

She said online she couldn't understand people who believed in the existence of alien life, so I told her it was the same as her believing in Jehovah's existence, it's about people's faith where it's focused. But she was more angry and annoyed I seemed to use Jehovah as a comparison to alien life.

I only remember one magazine ever discussing alien life, and it was the April 8, 1990 Awake. One of the articles in that magazine made exactly the same comparison:


*** g90 4/8 p. 9 Extraterrestrials—Finding the Answer ***
According to the Bible, extraterrestrial life not only exists but exists in abundance. It is more complex, more interesting, and more believable than anything that evolutionists, science-fiction writers, and moviemakers have dreamed up. After all, an extraterrestrial is simply a being who originates outside this earth and its atmosphere.
Scientists wonder if there might be life-forms beyond our ability to detect. The Bible assures us that such beings do indeed exist. But they are not the products of evolution. Like all life in the universe, in whatever form, they came from the Source of life, Jehovah God. He is a spirit Being, and he has created myriads of other spirit beings of different types: angels, cherubs, and seraphs. They perform different work and functions in his intricate heavenly organization.—Psalm 104:4; Hebrews 12:22; Revelation 19:14.


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8 hours ago, carlos said:

I only remember one magazine ever discussing alien life, and it was the April 8, 1990 Awake. One of the articles in that magazine made exactly the same comparison:


Then I must have been relying on holy spirit because I'm sure I read that article before 😱


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  • 2 months later...


Giant 'Sky Eye' telescope may have picked up alien signals, Chinese researchers say


Chinese researchers found a signal that could be from alien civilizations, the country's science ministry is reporting.


                    I told you to stop making so much noise !!!



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Human trash discovered on Mars — but NASA’s explanation leaves unanswered questions

A piece of human trash has been found on Mars and as embarrassing as that sounds, at least it’s not a cigarette butt. NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover announced the “surprise” find Wednesday, June 15, and shared photos showing what appears to be a square of aluminum foil snagged between rocks. Scientists believe they know what it is, but they’re still debating how it got there.


              I told you to take that trash to the "cloud" !




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  • 1 month later...

Being old now, many of my recollections are more vague than I like. That said, and speaking of intelligent (non-Angelic) extraterrestrial life, my poor memory supplies something to the effect that if such life existed as Jehovah’s creation, surely they would also come within the scope of Satan’s challenge. Yet there does not appear to be any discontinuity in Satan’s focus on the Earth. Any creation of beings, even if not in the form of bipedal humans would by the nature of their creator be beautiful. They would also seem such to the angels who had relations with women here and they would need to try their overall tactics there too.


So personally, no, I’m not imagining any other current intelligent Aliens somewhere on the other side of the universe. But I do certainly see a universe of trillions of planets praising our great God for his love and wonderful works. After that universe is filled…who knows the wonders and knowledge we will see and gain?  There is room for a lot of speculative conversation in this topic. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 10:20 AM, Jay D said:

But she was more angry and annoyed I seemed to use Jehovah as a comparison to alien life.

I heard stories of a brother going to the door and telling the householder that "he has a message from out of this world' or "from outer space", then he would quote some scriptures from the Bible.

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5 hours ago, Pabo said:

I heard stories of a brother going to the door and telling the householder that "he has a message from out of this world' or "from outer space", then he would quote some scriptures from the Bible.

That message would be well received in Roswell, New Mexico LOL 🤣


Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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4 hours ago, New World Explorer said:

That message would be well received in Roswell, New Mexico LOL 🤣


"I looked at the heavens and saw a bright flashing light, as if there was lightning. Then what appears to be, as if a star was falling out of the heavens. Then there was a great noise, as of a loud thunder clap overhead, for which I heard ringing in my ears for some time afterward.

When the falling star went into the horizon, there happened to be a great big cloud, as if a gigantic fiery mushroom appeared, and it went as high into the heavens itself." - 2nd Revelations 3:1-3

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