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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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Lets hope its quick transition.


Usa still has the top military as far as the standing goes... Atleast the navy and airforce i believe. 


Usa still arent out of being the world reserve currancy if i understand it correctly.


Usa still have chops in influance on the world scene.


But the trend is losing number one status for sure.  Speaks as a lumb first then transitions to a dragon.... Are we there yet?


Anguish of nations not knowing the way out.  Are we there yet?


Goats are manifesting. Never been more stable anti christian sentiment in the world not religious based.


Some think another civil war in america.  Which is dumb.


Jehovah said he would cut it short or no flesh would survive.  Make a thread debating that one.

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3 hours ago, Percy said:

I often think of Luke 21 where it says '26 People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.'


Literally, global boiling will make our ocean more boisterous and change our air profile to more disastrous to all aircrafts. It sounds like all air space and ocean are now fearsome to all air flyers and seamen🤣

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Even if economies “collapse”, they can still “function” in some respect. Wasn’t that the case in the Great Depression?


What it did was drag all economies down along with the USA. So, all economies will be affected if the US fails, even China. Because the world is now a global economy, any faltering in one of the big players will definitely affect other countries (even, for example, as Greece did, which had the propensity to drag down the euro without the bail out assistance).


My point is, even with terrible economies, countries like Argentina have still managed. But with the difference in the GT will be the massive pain and anguish it will cause to everyone, rich and poor. It will make the desperation of the wealthy who jumped off buildings when they lost everything back in the Great Depression look like a picnic.


Revelation 6:15-17 gives a graphic description of people in extreme hopelessness, abject terror and abandonment, as Hosea 10:8 also describes. There will be no where for them to hide, as their institutions crumble before them. But something of those institutions is still “alive”, as the “wild beast was caught along with it the false prophet” and both “hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur “.


So maybe we don’t need to see a total collapse for the huge effects of the anguish to be felt, right until these political and commercial entities are destroyed. When this all kicks off, there will be no chance of a bailout or recovery as there has been in past depressions, and they will know it.

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57 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

Even if economies “collapse”, they can still “function” in some respect. Wasn’t that the case in the Great Depression?


What it did was drag all economies down along with the USA. So, all economies will be affected if the US fails, even China. Because the world is now a global economy, any faltering in one of the big players will definitely affect other countries (even, for example, as Greece did, which had the propensity to drag down the euro without the bail out assistance).


My point is, even with terrible economies, countries like Argentina have still managed. But with the difference in the GT will be the massive pain and anguish it will cause to everyone, rich and poor. It will make the desperation of the wealthy who jumped off buildings when they lost everything back in the Great Depression look like a picnic.


Revelation 6:15-17 gives a graphic description of people in extreme hopelessness, abject terror and abandonment, as Hosea 10:8 also describes. There will be no where for them to hide, as their institutions crumble before them. But something of those institutions is still “alive”, as the “wild beast was caught along with it the false prophet” and both “hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur “.


So maybe we don’t need to see a total collapse for the huge effects of the anguish to be felt, right until these political and commercial entities are destroyed. When this all kicks off, there will be no chance of a bailout or recovery as there has been in past depressions, and they will know it.


Only the unity and love among JW will keep us safe. 

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15 hours ago, Percy said:

I often think of Luke 21 where it says '26 People will become faint out of fear and expectation of the things coming upon the inhabited earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.'


Rev 07:16 "They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down on them nor any scorching heat," 


this prophecy in 1800, 1900, even 1970 would not make sense to those brothers who live in cold countries. Today, it's already starting to affect them

Edited by Sete


(Be careful! The above comment came from a suspicious source, a 20 year old. There's a risk that he is being: Idiot, reckless or stupid)

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19 minutes ago, Dustparticle said:



Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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3 minutes ago, Dages said:

Trois phases.

La première phase dure 6 semaines, la seconde devrait également pouvoir durer 40 jours. Nous pourrions donc passer à la phase 3 (reconstruction) début septembre:)


If only voice of David voice of prophet! 🤍


... Unless you're talking about the future of France, aren't you my very dear brother David ?😁






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5 minutes ago, Dolce vita said:

If only voice of David voice of prophet! 🤍


... Unless you're talking about the future of France, aren't you my very dear brother David ?😁

I'm just describing the peace plan for Gaza.


But that's true that France news are currently and are going to be very entertaining for some weeks :D


Edited by Dages
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13 minutes ago, Dages said:

Je décris simplement le plan de paix pour Gaza.


Mais c'est vrai que l'actualité de France est actuellement et va être très divertissante pendant quelques semaines:D


Let's say all that is very risky but as far as we are concerned, we don't look to the right or to the left, we just look up, where there are no limits to the futur, where the only risk incurred is eternal happiness.

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I just shake my head when I read the Google alerts I have for UN news.


What I envision when I see these headlines:




What comes to mind...     







What comes to mind...





Nobody has to DRIVE me crazy.5a5e0e53285e2_Nogrinning.gif.d89ec5b2e7a22c9f5ca954867b135e7b.gif  I'm close enough to WALK. 5a5e0e77dc7a9_YESGrinning.gif.e5056e95328247b6b6b3ba90ddccae77.gif


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I wonder if the cry of peace and security would come from the middle east.  The irony of it being from ancient times up until now Israel has always been at war with its neighbors.  (Assyria, Syria, Egypt, etc.)


What comes to  mind right now is when in Matthew 27:25 "At that all the people said in answer:  "let his blood come upon us and upon our children."


It did  in 70CE and it is still happening till this day.  This cry of peace and security must come because the scriptures prophesied it would.  We just don't know what form it will take.  But, I must say that the nations at war are the kings of the north.  North korea is picking a fight with south korea.  Middle east is a hot bed, Russia is relentless, Africa is also in a war of their own and working closely with the middle east.  Haiti is deplorable.  Something has to give soon.


I can see Jehovah pulling the plug on this insanity soon.

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The world situation is like playing chess with these world powers. But no matter what their next move is, Jehovah will see to it his will will take place regarding timing of events, perhaps even maneouvering certain eccentric individuals to take center stage. Just as what Ezekiel prophesied about Jehovah‘s putting hooks in the jaws of Gog of Magog, literally forcing Gog to act according to his timetable - and never too early or too late. God will enable events to let them take place and to fulfill Bible prophecy, beginning with the cry of P&S. So despite Satan‘s attempts to disrupt everything, Jehovah‘s will regarding the nations will take place.



**rr chap. 17 p. 187 par. 18 “I Am Against You, O Gog” ***
18 Jehovah’s guiding hand. (Read Ezekiel 38:4, 16.) Notice what Jehovah says to Gog: “I will . . . put hooks in your jaws” and, “I will bring you against my land.” Do those words mean that Jehovah will force the nations to attack his own worshippers? Of course not! He would never cause evil to befall his people. (Job 34:12) But Jehovah knows his enemies—that they will hate pure worshippers and will not be able to resist an opportunity to try to wipe them out. (1 John 3:13) As if putting hooks in Gog’s jaws and leading him along, Jehovah will guide matters so that events will unfold according to His will and timetable. At some point following the destruction of Babylon the Great, Jehovah may in some way lure the nations into carrying out what is already in their hearts. Jehovah will thus set the stage for the attack that leads to Armageddon, earth’s greatest war. Then he will deliver his people, magnify his sovereignty, and sanctify his holy name.—Ezek. 38:23.


Gratitude vs. gratuitous  Phil.2:5

Read the Bible daily 💎

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I personally don’t believe the cry of peace and security will have anything to do with the Middle East. That’s something that mainly affects people living there. It makes more sense to me that it will be something that will grab the attention of the whole world. Something related to what people all over the globe are interested in, since the prophecy was recorded for true worshippers all around the world. 

There’s countries in the world where people are dealing with crucial issues like starvation and peace in the Middle East is the last thing on the people’s minds and certainly wouldn’t catch them off guard like 1 Thessalonians 5 describes if they heard it.

Edited by Cushi

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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