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Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon

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On 5/8/2023 at 7:28 PM, Doug said:


Interesting to think about the basis for Jehovah's timing of things.  Could it be that he's allowing things to go right to the edge of self-destruction before he calls it ?  In that case, perhaps there would be a maximum number saved as people see "the handwriting on the wall" and turn to God while there's still time?

Furthermore, it would leave no doubt as to the only solution to mankind's problems is God's government?  Case closed.


Sorry to reply late to this post but it interested me because of something my daughter said recently.


She was reading 2 Peter 3:9 regarding Jehovah not wanting any to be destroyed but wanting all to be saved and she pointed out that the verse before is the one that says "one day with Jehovah is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day".


So she said if you put the 2 verses together its saying Jehovah is waiting thousands of years because he doesn't desire any to be destroyed.


She said in the same way that Jehovah said "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" after they had died because they were alive to him, he was also the God of Bro. Russell, Bro. Letts, you and me - who were as alive to him as Abraham and Isaac due to his ability to see the future.


If he'd bought Armageddon earlier these faithful ones could not have been saved...because they would have never existed as they would never have been born.


So she theorised that the day that he has chosen has to be with saving as many as possible in mind - which ties in with your idea of bringing it when humanity is on the verge of self extinction (something that this generation of kids are taught at school as reality anyway) That way every possible deserving human can be saved...as they would have all been born, and by virtue of having existed they would have the chance of being saved if they were deserving.


Interesting thoughts from a youngun, eh. Certainly set my mind whirring 🤔

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54 minutes ago, Tia said:

experiences such as yours concerning our young ones and their expressing themselves


Matt 21:16 and said to him: “Do you hear what these are saying?” Jesus said to them: “Yes. Did you never read this, ‘Out of the mouth of children and infants, you have brought forth praise’?”


Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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8 hours ago, Frances Bennett said:


Sorry to reply late to this post but it interested me because of something my daughter said recently


She said in the same way that Jehovah said "I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob" after they had died because they were alive to him, he was also the God of Bro. Russell, Bro. Letts, you and me - who were as alive to him as Abraham and Isaac due to his ability to see the future.


If he'd bought Armageddon earlier these faithful ones could not have been saved...because they would have never existed as they would never have been born.


Interesting thoughts from a youngun, eh. Certainly set my mind whirring 🤔


Better late than never!!!!!    And it's a gem. ❤️  Perhaps you can tell us how young is your daughter?


From w09 10/15 pp. 26-28  "Jehovah wants us "to grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth" of the truth (Eph. 3:18). No Christian, therefore, should be content with a mere superficial understanding. On the contrary, each of us should be eager to deepen our understanding of Bible truths".


When Adam and Eve rebelled, Jehovah was going to see that justice was done for the "yet to be conceived children" of the couple.  Not even conceived, yet Jehovah viewed Adam's reproductive power as lives that should not be denied.

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3 minutes ago, Doug said:


Better late than never!!!!!    And it's a gem. ❤️  Perhaps you can tell us how young is your daughter?


From w09 10/15 pp. 26-28  "Jehovah wants us "to grasp mentally with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth" of the truth (Eph. 3:18). No Christian, therefore, should be content with a mere superficial understanding. On the contrary, each of us should be eager to deepen our understanding of Bible truths".


When Adam and Eve rebelled, Jehovah was going to see that justice was done for the "yet to be conceived children" of the couple.  Not even conceived, yet Jehovah viewed Adam's reproductive power as lives that should not be denied.




My daughter can't really be classed in the 'children and infant' group, she's a teenager, but none the less I think the reasoning is excellent.


Set us pondering on several other scriptural points like:


Matthew 24:22 - "In fact, unless those days were cut short, no flesh would be saved"


Also, when Jehovah has stepped in with problems with human civilisation in the past, was it to ensure that we didn't come to possible extinction too rapidly because of Satanic intervention? 


For example with his stepping in at Babel he said at Genesis 11:5 "Now there is nothing that they may have in mind to do that will be impossible for them" - so would we have got to this current mess sooner? (Our current mess features Babylon the Great after all - so we got there in the end!)


And with the flood, the materialised Demons and their Nephilim offspring had fully corrupted humanity,  without intervention where would we have been in a few short years? How could Jehovah allow Satan to impact on things in that way?


So many things in the bible look different through this lens 🤔



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1 minute ago, New World Explorer said:

As much I love all the comments made on this topic 🥰

But could we please stick to the title of the thread. 

I will love you for it! :wave:


Sorry I thought we were discussing why Jehovah has chosen to wait as long as he has before bringing Armageddon? Is that not on topic? 🤔

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20 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:


Sorry I thought we were discussing why Jehovah has chosen to wait as long as he has before bringing Armageddon? Is that not on topic? 🤔


Wait, I think I get it, the title is only half of it...its where the thread is posted that's relevant - "Secular News in the mainstream media" - so we've wobbled off that bit of the picture???


Sorry new to posting really 🤦‍♀️

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41 minutes ago, Frances Bennett said:


Sorry I thought we were discussing why Jehovah has chosen to wait as long as he has before bringing Armageddon? Is that not on topic? 🤔

Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon :wave:

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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5 minutes ago, New World Explorer said:

Peace and Security, Great Tribulation, Armageddon :wave:


No need to shout 🤣🤣🤣


I think the post I replied to was saying with all of these news stories (on this thread) saying we're basically on the brink of extinction, is that relevant in when Jehovah  chooses to bring Armageddon* (*key word in the title of the thread 😜


It really wasn't that far off topic.


But cattle prod duly responded to 💙

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I'm not familiar with Express , but this is what they are reporting:


Putin and Zelensky 'agree major summit to discuss plan to END war in Ukraine".


"The Russian and Ukrainian presidents have both agreed to hold separate meetings with a delegation of African heads of state to discuss a possible plan to end the war in Ukraine".


"The South African president also said leaders of Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda and Egypt are planning to join him on the high-profile diplomatic mission".


I find this interesting, because in our Watchtower we see an illustration of world leaders saying 'Peace and Security' and among the leaders are African diplomats in their native attire.

So, I ask myself, Just how accurate is that illustration anyway?!!!!!  

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5 hours ago, Keep Fighting said:

Você acha que eles virão com mais tópicos: Paz e Segurança, Grande Tribulação, Armagedom. Espero que sim. 😀

Would be wonderful 😀

3 hours ago, Doug said:

Não estou familiarizado com o Express , mas é isso que eles estão relatando:


Putin e Zelensky 'concordam em uma grande cúpula para discutir o plano para ACABAR com a guerra na Ucrânia'.


"Os presidentes russo e ucraniano concordaram em realizar reuniões separadas com uma delegação de chefes de estado africanos para discutir um possível plano para acabar com a guerra na Ucrânia".


"O presidente sul-africano também disse que os líderes da Zâmbia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda e Egito planejam se juntar a ele na missão diplomática de alto nível".


Acho isso interessante porque em nossa Sentinela vemos uma ilustração de líderes mundiais dizendo 'Paz e Segurança' e entre os líderes estão diplomatas africanos em seus trajes nativos.

Então, eu me pergunto: quão precisa é essa ilustração?!!!!!  

Do you have any links?

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5 hours ago, Doug said:

I'm not familiar with Express , but this is what they are reporting:


Putin and Zelensky 'agree major summit to discuss plan to END war in Ukraine".


"The Russian and Ukrainian presidents have both agreed to hold separate meetings with a delegation of African heads of state to discuss a possible plan to end the war in Ukraine".


"The South African president also said leaders of Zambia, Senegal, Congo, Uganda and Egypt are planning to join him on the high-profile diplomatic mission".


I find this interesting, because in our Watchtower we see an illustration of world leaders saying 'Peace and Security' and among the leaders are African diplomats in their native attire.

So, I ask myself, Just how accurate is that illustration anyway?!!!!!  

Chinese , Africans, Arab leaders are there with two white leaders sitting infront. I remember the WT illustration



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Here are two illustrations showing world leaders (from different ethnic backgrounds) proclaiming "Peace and security!"





Edited by 80snewwave

"Any Day Now" 》 PS ~ GT ~ A-Day

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13 hours ago, 80snewwave said:

Here are two illustrations showing world leaders (from different ethnic backgrounds) proclaiming "Peace and security!"





Thank you.. Thats what Im talking about arab , africa  are involved in it... I know they represent  their continents . This just means that  its a special cry of peace and security 

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Ukraine’s foreign minister told a top Chinese envoy at talks in Kyiv on Wednesday that Kyiv would not accept any proposals to end the war with Russia that involved it losing territory or freezing the conflict, the Ukrainian foreign ministry said.


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23 hours ago, 80snewwave said:

Here are two illustrations showing world leaders (from different ethnic backgrounds) proclaiming "Peace and security!"






Thanks, Raul.   The first one is the one I had in mind.  It looks like the actual leaders in charge now.  Xi Jinping standing on the right.  US / UK seated at the table.  Etc.


The second one is interesting as it prominently includes the clergy of Babylon the Great.  Interesting  .   .   .

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On 5/18/2023 at 4:36 PM, JennyM said:

Theyve been talking about peace for years. Im losing my patience. But Jehovah set the timetable for everything 

russia is in the center if they are the king of the north.  now they are in a weakened state many neighboring countries of Russia want to be part of Europe not Russia they want to make sure they can live in peace they don't want to live in fear that someone will attack them we do not yet know how the prophecies of the Bible will be fulfilled in this regard.

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